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  1. I will join up @diotrophes.

    Psy blaster
    Emp troller
    Rad/Psy fender
    Earth/fire Dom
    Psy/poison core

    Up to whoever wants me.
  2. TX everyone for showing up for 3v3 tournie. I will be hosting another tournie next month. My son was playing my blaster in tournie while I hosted so I was able to work with him and teach him some stuff. Smalls tx for taking him on your team. We will have to plan in the future what to do when someone DC'S in a 3v3 tournie.

    Esp tx to everyone for being patient with me on my first tournie.
  3. I think captains can prob handle that when teams play each other.
  4. Diotrophes

    The masque

    I am looking for "The Masque". Someone please email me with their global to @diotrophes
  5. Does anyone know "THE MASQUE" global. I am trying to reach him/her.
  6. I can move the tournie to either 5pm or 6pm pst

    Jump on my vent any time.

    no password
  7. Does anyone think that TK is op for a 3v3 tournament? I know it was banned in leagues. We can discuss this before tournie
  8. We will be picking teams by serpentine draft and we will basically be running a round robin tournament.
  9. No one will be able to bring their own team. Instead captains will be able to choose players from a lineup.

    Example: Lets say captains are , Psycho Jas, Barrier, Diotrophes, and Heater.

    Psycho would get first choice, then barrier, dio, and heater out of the line up of players wanting to play. After each captain picks we go through lineup again to pick from remaining players who did not get picked first round.

    This is also why we need more captains in this tournie.
  10. Diotrophes

    FFA PvP Fridays

    Hello all good to see some pvp Fridays going on and hope its good fun for all. I am hosting a pvp tournament on Freedom at the end of the month and you can check out the details on the pvp forums. I am :

    1. Inviting you all to come and join us for the day

    2. Looking for some support for the winners with some donated influence, good IO's, and

    Thank you so much if your able to donate any of these items listed above. If
    you need a receipt for you donation for your taxes at the end of the year I would be
    glad to provide you with one.

  11. It will be 3 per roster. Each captain will get to choose 2 other ppl from a kickball line up
  12. I have had in game tells that destiny could be op even w/o incan. I dont care either way. We can take a vote and go from there
  13. I am going to be hosting a 3v3 PvP tournie on the Freedom server. Teams will be picked the same way we do kickballs. Please sign up @Global and indicate if you would like to be a Captain. Each winner will receive 1 billion each at this time(TYVM to all who donated influence) and I will help each winner lvl a new toon to lvl 50 a fast way. This will be a Round Robin 3v3 Tournament.

    I encourage everyone to be on ventrilo for this event.
    Ventirlo Server: V88.DARKSTARLLC.COM
    Port Number: 3863
    No Password:

    Order of captains choosing teams will be determined by random.org / 4th paragraph down using / list randomizer

    Teams will be chosen by serpentine draft.

    1. Team that wins the most rounds will win.
    2. If a tie the team with most kills at end of tournie will win.
    3. If there is still a tie then teams will fight to determine winners.

    If you can help with IO's or Influence I would aprreciate it. Tx all GLHF

    All Incarnates (except Lore and Incan)

    No Dark Control due to broke holds atm.

    If you are able to donate Influence or some good IO's pls let me know. I would like the winners to get a nice prize. As of right now I have 1 Bill for each member of the winning team


    @blind invite
    @energy torch (captain)
    @dillinger (captain)
    @Psycho Jas (captain)
    @Smallzies (captain)
    @Tyrannosaurus tiger
    @star heat
    @Heavenly Perverse
    @Artic Keeper
    @blind invite
    @Crazy Nictus
    @detroit hustle
    @dark victory
    @Legend Guard
    @sikotics (captain)
  14. Well we could have ppl sign up by global and then after teams are picked by globals the 3 could work out who brings what AT. But then they would have to stick with that toon the whole tournie. Or we could have ppl sign up a toon and have to play that the whole tournie. Either way is fine with me. We can let players vote on this aspect of the tournie.
  15. Looks like I have about 2bill inf donated so far for prizes and I am going to be contacting Zwillinger to see if we can get anything from dev side.

    For this first tournie I am going to stick with lottery system but I will host a variety of diff tournies in the future. All player names will be thrown into a hat and randomly be put on teams for this tournie. Once you are on a team you will stay on that team through out the whole tournie and every team will play atleast 2 matches due to double elimination. Please post any concerns and comments you would like to communicate before I post tournie sign up thread early/mid May.

    Please post what powers and incarnates you would prefer to not have in this tournie:

    Dark Control Troller hold is broke.
  16. No not tomorrow. Be around the end of May sometime probably. This will be on freedom and I will connect with some of the regular pvpers and come up with the details fo this possible tournie. This is a post to see if there would be interest atm.
  17. I am thinking about hosting my firt PvP tournie. I thought it would be fun to make it a lottery tournie so that teams would not be stacked with only good players and we might have some variety. Sunday would be the best day for me to host this and if it is a success then I would be open to more in the future. I would like this to be a free event with no entry fee and I am looking for some people to help with prizes for the winners. If you are interested in this tournie or would like to help in anyway please contact me in game @diotrophes or on boards.
  18. I am going to drop off this team. I realize that I prob cant be picked up by anyone else for this league. Maybe I can get on a team next league that has more committment to practicing and competing.
  19. I need globals and practice times communicated to me if possible. tx
  20. What are your global handles/recognizable names?
    @Diotrophes @Diotrophes2
    What server do you primarily play on?
    What server do you prmarily PvP on?
    What toons do you have to offer for 8v8 PvP?
    Psy/Em Blaster(Psychotic Behavior), Elec/Regen Stalker(Reklats)
    Which of these toons is on Freedom?
    If any, what toons would you be willing to transfer to Freedom for a league?
    What do you consider your primary/optimal role in a team setting?
    What do you consider your favorite role in a team setting?
    Would you be willing to make a new toon and level it to 50?
    Would you be willing to respec into a new build for a league?
    Briefly describe your experience in PvP.
    I am a zonee mostly and have played KB on freedom and champion
  21. Diotrophes


    Anyone got a ff build lying around that I could look at. I have never played ff but have this mm laying around so want to play with it. even if it ends up being failure. tx all