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  1. Ex_Pro_CA_Player

    Dead PvP

    Stop playing this game. Go get drunk or high.
  2. Ex_Pro_CA_Player

    Arena 2v2 help

    Kamansheeye and I played with those vAs peoples wdup. I only liked kamansheeye because he had the chidori on the hand thingy so I could say chidori really fast and it sounded cool.
  3. This game is bad and Im pretty sure all of you are too. Kay Kay Kay
  4. Super secret special investigations unit member has returned but only on the forums because I am busy with a super secret mission involving a cannon to destroy Frost Elf Downs Symdromes internets. I hate that girl mostly because it looks like her parents were a giraffe and a horse so it is basically a fcked up child which is Frost Elf Downs. I have full confidence in Silit recruiting for this Special Team that we started. Good Luck and I hate you all except Silit and some other people that are cool