Questioning the MMO Trinity?




Defenders would like to have a work with you about poor inherents.

I like the idea of increasing self-buff numbers, make Build Up more useful and I'm happy.



Originally Posted by Boxcars View Post
Exaggerate much? Just taking a quick look at the Tanker board and I see at least 6 active threads about ways to change tankers. J_B certainly posted in these threads, but didn't start them:

Gauntlet 2.0 by Starsman
Let Tankers be Tankers by Kruunch
So How about this then by EmporerSteele
A long and excessively complicated tanker fix by SpittingTrashcan
How many new players have to complain by Kruunch
Tackling tanker stacking and end efficiency by Sarrate

No one - not even J_B is suggesting that tankers should do more damage than scrappers. As long as scrappers do more damage, they will be relevant. (Personally, I think Brutes have a better chance of rendering scrappers irrelevant than tankers.)
If you actually read those threads.... most of them are about something OTHER than an increase in damage. Most of them are about endurance, or stacking both of which are probably reasonable problems to solve for tankers. One is about the agro cap.

The only major thread that is currently active about a damage increase (Gauntlet 2.0) was one where Starsman suggested a small increase to damage for gauntlet (as a flavor/concept effect if I'm not mistaken however he can correct me) and J_B entered the thread saying that it wasn't nearly ENOUGH damage and proceeded to turn it into a flame fest of off track posts where he tried to justify his ideas.

I don't believe it is an exaggeration to state that virtually every thread that is presented involving damage or concept changes to tankers turns into a J_B troll-fest about how he's right and everyone else is wrong.

Take this thread as an example, and virtually every other one he's ever posted in. It's actually the ultimate irony because he's become the main force standing in the way of any of his ideas being heard, or implemented. I would be SHOCKED if a dev actually listened to a word he said since it would set a precedent that whining, trolling, and in general being a nuisance is the way to get the ear of a dev on the forums.



Originally Posted by Alabaster12 View Post
Most of them are about endurance
Tankers only have endurance problems because they expend the same endurnace per attack as everyone, but the damage they deal per attack is less.

Improving Tanker damage would improve their endurnace efficiency. That's a fact.

or stacking both of which are probably reasonable problems to solve for tankers.
There are a number of people in both this and Starsman's thread who've indicated they think improving Tanker offensive capabilities would improve their stacking for teams.

The only major thread that is currently active about a damage increase (Gauntlet 2.0) was one where Starsman suggested a small increase to damage for gauntlet (as a flavor/concept effect if I'm not mistaken however he can correct me) and J_B entered the thread saying that it wasn't nearly ENOUGH damage and proceeded to turn it into a flame fest of off track posts where he tried to justify his ideas.
Starsman was advocating an almost imperceptable increase in damage tied to a slightly unwieldly mechanic. I pointed out the flaws in his proposal, especially from a conceptual standpoint, which was his stated purpose for said proposal. I offered him both encourangement to further develop the idea and suggestions on directions he could go with it.

I don't believe it is an exaggeration to state that virtually every thread that is presented involving damage or concept changes to tankers turns into a J_B troll-fest
You're correct, many people turn out to troll me. You included, on occasion.




Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I hate the fact that I can't make quote pyramids as easily!

Aside from the lack of matching set themes between ATs, why WOULD it be too late to do something like that? Think of it in terms of the classic multi-class option from the old games, only without any of the penalties. What do I mean? Let's call it Dual AT. Everyone should have them!

Let's take something that has analogues everywhere - Fire. At creation, you pick not just one, but two ATs, let's say a primary and a secondary AT. The only difference between them is which one you start as in Outbreak/Breakout. After that point, you can switch your ATs the same way you switch builds. Maybe even in real time as Kheldians switch forms.

Back to Fire. For the sake of killing stuff, you opted to be a Fiery Melee/Fiery Aura Scrapper. You have largely damage and self-protection, perfect for when you're by yourself or when you don't have to worry about other people. You just go out and burn stuff. However, you also picked a Fire Control/Thermal Radiation Controller. That's largely control and support, perfect for when you want to be helpful on a team that has other people shooting up the place.

Oh, but what if you didn't pick Fire/Fire? What if you picked Fire/Ice? For the sake of argument, let's say Ice Armour were ported over to Scrappers and you made a Fiery Melee/Ice Armour Scrapper. What would your controller mode be? Well a Fire Control/Ice Domination Controller, keeping to the old ATs. Same setup - Scrapper for solo or offensive teaming, Controller for supportive teaming or masochistic soloing.

Obviously, there are a LOT of problems with this, but I don't believe balance and technology are the biggest ones. On the contrary, I believe corresponding sets, or rather the lack thereof and extrapolated need to make a matching set for everything would be a far greater challenge. I don't want to see a Rad/Rad Defender turn into a Katana/SR Scrapper, but what does Katana correspond to, anyway? Archery? Devices?

There's certainly room to multi-class, it's just a question of what should be allowed and what new powersets need to be made to account for that. Elements are easy. It's weapons that aren't as straight-forward.

This is good food for thought.

Let's have a look at what you're saying here. You believe that a superhero shouldn't be boxed in to just one 'archetype'. That anyone who can wield a katana can also at least shoot a crossbow; there's no reason you can't learn both, after all. Or that a Fire/Fire tank should be able to throw fire bolts at his enemies, and that a Fire blaster should be able to conjure up some sort of firewall to protect him from bullets. I agree completely.

Let's take a step back. What we're doing is applying superhero logic to the class system. In comic books, a man who controls an element of nature isn't boxed in to a melee fighter, tank, or damage dealer. Iceman can throw deadly blasts of ice at his enemies, AND coat himself in an ice sheath. Jumping to something completely different, in Heroes you have a man who controls heat and radiation; he can weaken, burn, and protect himself. You also have someone who controlled Ice, with the ability to freeze people; who also learned how to use Ice to defend.

This is all good thinking. I've thought for a long while that superheroes always surpassed the class origins that they're given in CoH. You propose that we let people change archetypes so that they can fulfil different roles.

Now... forgive me, but this sounds an awful lot like Champions Online.

Here, you have frameworks that grant you powers. Fire is a framework; within this framework you have powers that deal damage, mitigate damage, and do all kinds of Fiery stuff. Frameworks are completely independent of your tanking, scrapping, or blasting ability. You can then choose different starting stats to gear you towards the role of your choice (constitution for tanks, etc) without boxing yourself in. You can equip various bits of gear to boost these stats. Finally, you have the Roles system; I'm not clear on it one bit, but I recall reading that there are four roles. Balanced, Offensive, Defensive, and Support. Each role changes your mitigation, damage, and buffing, while also influencing a passive slot (and I have no idea what that does -_-...). You can set roles for each build you have, along with different powers in your power tray. Defensive weakens your attacks, boosts your health, and affects taunting in some way. I imagine Offensive and Support are the same.

Now, let's compare what CO does with what you propose.

In CoH, you would have a class system that allows you to change classes and powers to do different things. This is a system of choice built upon a system of boxed classes. In CO, you have Roles that are applied to frameworks; this is a system of boxed classes built upon a system of choice. Two violently opposed systems both converging at the same goal. Which do you think is the more refined?

Yes. Food for thought.

Necrobond - 50 BS/Inv Scrapper made in I1
Rickar - 50 Bots/FF Mastermind
Anti-Muon - 42 Warshade
Ivory Sicarius - 45 Crab Spider

Aber ja, nat�rlich Hans nass ist, er steht unter einem Wasserfall.



The thing is, it's just too late in this game's life to implement massive changes like the ones suggested in here. Buffs, nerfs and tweaks attract enough pandemonium, imagine the outcry if they really messed with the status quo.

Champions Online seems to be an interesting experiment into a free-form system, but it's a different game that was developed that way from the start. There's really no comparison when it comes to each system.



Frankly, I wasn't going of Champions Online at all (I don't know enough about it) but rather off a video I saw from DC Universe Online, where the Narrator talks about how a power in offensive mode shoots lightning whereas the same power in defensive mode does pretty much a carbon copy of Tesla Cage. I also don't want to get into discussions about what City of Heroes would be like with a free-choice points system. That ship has sailed. I mean, it's fun to think about it, but here I want to keep to something that is at least remotely realistic.

One of the things I have always hated about traditional MMO balance is that every class is designed with at least a few things that the class expressly CANNOT do. I guess that's part of the course for designing around a teaming structure, but it is individually limiting to a high extent. Looking at our game, however, we already have an out - Dual Builds. Originally designed to alleviate the problem of needing a specific build for PvP that's different from what's best for PvP, the expanded system was marketed as a way to, among other things, have a solo build and a team build. I mean that's not all it's designed to do, but it's still a possibility. We can, theoretically, build on that and allow different builds to actually be of different ATs. It's just a question of what is allowed.

Now, I want to say something right here - that's a direct AT-for-AT swap. No picking and choosing of primaries and secondaries out of a unipool of powersets like you can in the Architect. One of the overriding priorities of my train of thought is to propose an addition that does NOT break any balancing points anywhere in the game, or at the very least which damages as few as possible. Free power selection has proven to not work in this game and ATs were designed around both limiting raw power and reducing the the ability to gimp. That's not a structure I want to mess with, not least of all because I want to work WITH the system, rather than trying to overhaul it.

Look at it this way: you have a Fire/Fire Scrapper called Flame Dude and a Fire/Fire controller called FIame Dude. Functionally, the difference between having just one Flame Dude who can visit a trainer and switch between Scrapper and Controller is almost completely identical to having both a Scrapper and a Controller and logging out of one and into the other. Granted, with two characters, you have to level up to 50 twice as many times as for one character with two builds, but look at it from a different perspective.

I have a Dark/Dark Scrapper I made before I4. When Dark Melee and Dark Armour were ported over to Brutes, I didn't make one. Why bother? I already have the exact same combination. I made a Fire/Fire Brute at some point in I9 or I10. When Fiery Melee and Fiery Aura were ported over to Scrappers, I saw no reason to make one. I already had that combination. Well, suppose my Fiery Melee/Fiery Aura Brute doubled up as a Fire Control/Fiery Assault Dominator? Then I would very much jump at the chance to make a new Fiery Melee/ Fiery Aura Scrapper and I would dual-class him as a Fire Blast/Fire Manipulation Blaster. This adds one extra step of variety, which in turn means we can make more things with the tools we already have without resorting to duplicates.

Granted, this is a kludge. The system was never designed to even consider this kind of multi-classing in the way a points system would, where you pick ability themes and then pick what you do with these abilities afterwards. Perhaps, from a conceptual standpoint, such a points system would be superior, but I'm not confident it will be quite as straightforward as a class system. But that's besides the point. We already HAVE a class system. The point is to find a way to branch out without having to go NGE.

I believe such a system of dual-classing would be good for the game. As I said, it would add more variety and, being that you have your extra class from level 1, should allow people to get familiar with their alter ego. What's more, that ought to put an end to the debates about making non-solo-proficient classes more solo-proficient, because those who want to solo will always have a second class to play when they're not on a team. This might actually allow for team-centric classes to become even more team-centric when there's an out.

I also understand that this is tantamount to an AT respec, and I know how the community views those. I don't believe this is as much a problem, however, as this isn't a respec, it's part of the same character. It's done once at character creation and cannot be altered again. Granted, if this were allowed, for existing level 50s it WILL be the next best thing to an AT respec, but they will not abandon their old AT and will not be able to change their minds. There's also the potential problem of messing with player character balance, but since this only really switches from one stable state to another, it shouldn't present such a problem. Provided we either time this AT switchover to once every 15 minutes or even to having to visit the trainer to do it, such that people aren't switching around all the time, then I don't see it as a meaningful problem.

It doesn't help Tankers feel more like the tanks of comic books and it doesn't solve my problem with make-pretend threat, but what it does is it gives us more flexibility to adapt to situations and it just makes it so you can pick your strengths and your weaknesses so you're never in a position of wishing to just log out and play another AT.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Tankers only have endurance problems because they expend the same endurnace per attack as everyone, but the damage they deal per attack is less.
Solo... maybe, but I don't think it would matter that much in teams, and I see tankers all the time complaining about end problems even in groups. Whatever buff you would give to tankers damage wouldn't make that much of a difference in the fight time of an 8 person group in order to change their end THAT much. Unless you're talking about massive damage buffs... which you claim not to be.

Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Improving Tanker damage would improve their endurnace efficiency. That's a fact.
No one ever said it would have no effect on end. But it isn't the only solution, and just because you want it doesn't mean it should be implemented. That isn't a good enough reason.

Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
There are a number of people in both this and Starsman's thread who've indicated they think improving Tanker offensive capabilities would improve their stacking for teams.
And even more of them (I would argue even the large majority of them) present questions/holes for your little theory to which you selectively quote them (ignoring very major points) and effectively say nothing more than "I'm right and your wrong, move along kidd-o" in a very demeaning way.

Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Starsman was advocating an almost imperceptable increase in damage tied to a slightly unwieldly mechanic. I pointed out the flaws in his proposal, especially from a conceptual standpoint, which was his stated purpose for said proposal. I offered him both encourangement to further develop the idea and suggestions on directions he could go with it.
You mean you told him to come back when he was worthy of your time, and then suggested your ideas over his turning it into a flame war. Or are you going to deny that tank-omination came up in that same thread.... again.

Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
You're correct, many people turn out to troll me. You included, on occasion.
You incite people responding to you the way they do by being rude, demeaning, and in general having a "my way or the highway" attitude. You make no concessions, have zero understanding for others opinions, and give no justification for your ideas besides "it's the way I want it and I'm right". Then you throw on a tin-foil hat and somehow think that the devs are plotting against tankers as if you were somehow living a comic in real life.

If you seriously can't see that you have become the biggest hurdle to any idea you might possibly have getting heard or implemented then I don't know what to say. It's your response and demeanor that gets you completely ignored, combine that with your insane, bordering on conspiracy theory, rants it's a wonder anyone at all doesn't have you blocked completely.

Either that or they are like me and enjoy reading the dra-mah.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Frankly, I wasn't going of Champions Online at all (I don't know enough about it) but rather off a video I saw from DC Universe Online, where the Narrator talks about how a power in offensive mode shoots lightning whereas the same power in defensive mode does pretty much a carbon copy of Tesla Cage. I also don't want to get into discussions about what City of Heroes would be like with a free-choice points system. That ship has sailed. I mean, it's fun to think about it, but here I want to keep to something that is at least remotely realistic.

One of the things I have always hated about traditional MMO balance is that every class is designed with at least a few things that the class expressly CANNOT do. I guess that's part of the course for designing around a teaming structure, but it is individually limiting to a high extent. Looking at our game, however, we already have an out - Dual Builds. Originally designed to alleviate the problem of needing a specific build for PvP that's different from what's best for PvP, the expanded system was marketed as a way to, among other things, have a solo build and a team build. I mean that's not all it's designed to do, but it's still a possibility. We can, theoretically, build on that and allow different builds to actually be of different ATs. It's just a question of what is allowed.

Now, I want to say something right here - that's a direct AT-for-AT swap. No picking and choosing of primaries and secondaries out of a unipool of powersets like you can in the Architect. One of the overriding priorities of my train of thought is to propose an addition that does NOT break any balancing points anywhere in the game, or at the very least which damages as few as possible. Free power selection has proven to not work in this game and ATs were designed around both limiting raw power and reducing the the ability to gimp. That's not a structure I want to mess with, not least of all because I want to work WITH the system, rather than trying to overhaul it.

Look at it this way: you have a Fire/Fire Scrapper called Flame Dude and a Fire/Fire controller called FIame Dude. Functionally, the difference between having just one Flame Dude who can visit a trainer and switch between Scrapper and Controller is almost completely identical to having both a Scrapper and a Controller and logging out of one and into the other. Granted, with two characters, you have to level up to 50 twice as many times as for one character with two builds, but look at it from a different perspective.

I have a Dark/Dark Scrapper I made before I4. When Dark Melee and Dark Armour were ported over to Brutes, I didn't make one. Why bother? I already have the exact same combination. I made a Fire/Fire Brute at some point in I9 or I10. When Fiery Melee and Fiery Aura were ported over to Scrappers, I saw no reason to make one. I already had that combination. Well, suppose my Fiery Melee/Fiery Aura Brute doubled up as a Fire Control/Fiery Assault Dominator? Then I would very much jump at the chance to make a new Fiery Melee/ Fiery Aura Scrapper and I would dual-class him as a Fire Blast/Fire Manipulation Blaster. This adds one extra step of variety, which in turn means we can make more things with the tools we already have without resorting to duplicates.

Granted, this is a kludge. The system was never designed to even consider this kind of multi-classing in the way a points system would, where you pick ability themes and then pick what you do with these abilities afterwards. Perhaps, from a conceptual standpoint, such a points system would be superior, but I'm not confident it will be quite as straightforward as a class system. But that's besides the point. We already HAVE a class system. The point is to find a way to branch out without having to go NGE.

I believe such a system of dual-classing would be good for the game. As I said, it would add more variety and, being that you have your extra class from level 1, should allow people to get familiar with their alter ego. What's more, that ought to put an end to the debates about making non-solo-proficient classes more solo-proficient, because those who want to solo will always have a second class to play when they're not on a team. This might actually allow for team-centric classes to become even more team-centric when there's an out.

I also understand that this is tantamount to an AT respec, and I know how the community views those. I don't believe this is as much a problem, however, as this isn't a respec, it's part of the same character. It's done once at character creation and cannot be altered again. Granted, if this were allowed, for existing level 50s it WILL be the next best thing to an AT respec, but they will not abandon their old AT and will not be able to change their minds. There's also the potential problem of messing with player character balance, but since this only really switches from one stable state to another, it shouldn't present such a problem. Provided we either time this AT switchover to once every 15 minutes or even to having to visit the trainer to do it, such that people aren't switching around all the time, then I don't see it as a meaningful problem.

It doesn't help Tankers feel more like the tanks of comic books and it doesn't solve my problem with make-pretend threat, but what it does is it gives us more flexibility to adapt to situations and it just makes it so you can pick your strengths and your weaknesses so you're never in a position of wishing to just log out and play another AT.
The problem is, you have to build around team balance. if you dont, then everyone can do everything alone and teaming becomes a pointless gesture.

This is actually one of the complaints I've heard about champions from some friends. Theres almost zero motivating factor to EVER bother teaming because you can solo everything.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



Originally Posted by Cavatina View Post
The problem is, you have to build around team balance. if you dont, then everyone can do everything alone and teaming becomes a pointless gesture.
This is actually one of the complaints I've heard about champions from some friends. Theres almost zero motivating factor to EVER bother teaming because you can solo everything.
Did you actually read what I wrote? What "team balance" issues are there if you allow a player to go to a Trainer and switch to exactly one other AT with the same theme of powers, which had exactly one alternate build? How can a player "do everything" when the restrictions on the AT system still remain firmly in place. A Tanker can't Blast and a Blaster can't Tank. But the Tanker CAN transform into a Blaster at a trainer once every half an hour or so.

You speak as if I suggested we do what Champions does and just open all powers from all sets to everybody, something I specifically stated I was both against and considered impossible to implement in this game as it is now besides.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I think the 'problem'. if you want to look at it that way is more basic, more fundamental:

- In order for people to be motivated to team for tactical reasons, there have to be tactical rewards for teaming and tactical penalties for not teaming. In other words, there has to be content labeled and designed for balanced teams wherein NOT having a balanced team is suicide, and the rewards have to be commensurate,

- Once you have the above, then the boards immediately explode into whinefests about 'forced teaming', because then people want to get the new or extra shineys without frustrating multiple defeats, and also without changing their builds, teammates or tactics.

- That said, I would be fully in favor of new tougher and more (oruniquely) rewarding 'team missions' sort of like the higher end S/TFs we have now, just with it fully acknowledged that any complaints about not being able to beat it with the average PUG will be met with hearty laughter by the devs

A it currently is, 90% of this game is solo friendly, and that's fine. You should be able to solo to the cap...but there should be more content for those who enjoy building and running a well-oiled machine of a team as well.

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Did you actually read what I wrote? What "team balance" issues are there if you allow a player to go to a Trainer and switch to exactly one other AT with the same theme of powers, which had exactly one alternate build? How can a player "do everything" when the restrictions on the AT system still remain firmly in place. A Tanker can't Blast and a Blaster can't Tank. But the Tanker CAN transform into a Blaster at a trainer once every half an hour or so.
But does that mean that only certain AT's and power combinations would be allowed to dual-AT?
Fire/Fire Blaster to Fire/Fire Tanker
Stone/Stone Tanker to Earth/Nothing Controller
Spines/Dark Armor Scrapper to Nothing/Nothing Defender
And so on.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
But does that mean that only certain AT's and power combinations would be allowed to dual-AT?
Fire/Fire Blaster to Fire/Fire Tanker
Stone/Stone Tanker to Earth/Nothing Controller
Spines/Dark Armor Scrapper to Nothing/Nothing Defender
And so on.
And again, read what I wrote. Yes, there is that problem. That is THE problem, and it's one that has neither a clear-cut solution, nor indeed an easy solution even if one existed. I will accept that because that is the main caveat that I based this whole thought experiment on. So, yes, you have a point. Exactly as I said in the very same post, or perhaps the one before.

What I will not accept in good faith, however, is the notion that this presents some kind of extreme balancing problem. Balance is made based on what you bring to the fight. Since you CANNOT bring both ATs to the fight, only one at a time needs to be balanced, and... Well, one AT at a time is how the game is balanced now.

Again, this takes the concept of at least somewhat dynamic team roles and offers a solution that is just a simple and just as labour-intensive as something like power customization - make a matching pair between all the powersets of all the game's ATs, which undoubtedly means making new ones, which in turn means a whole lot of work. Of that there is no doubt. But just at the same time, dynamic team roles as a concept is something that, at least to me, represents a step forward in MMO design, and this longshot is about the only way I can see something even remotely like that retrofitted in an MMO this old without having to take it apart first.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.