Screenshot fail




Well, I finally remembered to hit the print screen key while fighting some AVs so that I could officially join the club... And the screenshots didn't show up in my folder.

Anyway, just soloed Hro'dtohz and Nemesis with no insps and no temps on my Fire/Shield. I didn't fight them together, although I probably could have. They're the first ones I've faced since getting all my accolades, so now it's time for me to go back and see if I can beat the other 10 that I've beat using a few greens without using any insps. Wish me luck.

@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters



It's ok. We still believe you. A lot of my first screenshots had no UI turned on, because until I checked my screenshot folder after killing 10 or 15 AVs, I didn't even know screenshots defaulted to having no UI. But after getting screenshots that count, I feel as though I don't really need to go back and get proper screenshots for those no-UI fights.

Anyway, don't shoot your foot over it. We'll take your word.

Good luck with the rest of them



Isn't in ctrl-printscreen?



It's ok. We still believe you. A lot of my first screenshots had no UI turned on, because until I checked my screenshot folder after killing 10 or 15 AVs, I didn't even know screenshots defaulted to having no UI. But after getting screenshots that count, I feel as though I don't really need to go back and get proper screenshots for those no-UI fights.

[/ QUOTE ]

What *IS* the key for proper UI screenshot? I knew a while ago, but I forgot, and it's driving me nuts.



There is no default key for a UI screenshot AFAIK. You have to enable the UI with /screenshotui 1 before hitting printscreen. You can set up your own key to do that if you want, but there's nothing there by default.



THAT's the word. I kept trying 'screenshot 1' 'uiscreen 1' 'ui 1' and failing. Thanks!



Yeah it's Ctrl+Print Screen. I killed Positron on my DM/SD and forgot to hit Ctrl with it. Oh well at least I got his dead body laying there.



Yeah, I turned on the /screenshotui 1 first, and then hit printscreen a bunch of times during the fights. And then afterwards, there were no new images in my screenshot folder. No clue why.

@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters



Printscreen just stores an image on your clipboard. What I do is create a keybind to take screenshots. The exact code is:

<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>/bind p screenshot</pre><hr />
You can substitute any key for p, but that will get the images saved in your folder. Oh, and do make sure you do the /screenshotui 1 first. It seems like the default is 0 so you'll take the image, but without any of the extra stuff like your powertrays etc.



Printscreen just stores an image on your clipboard.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, the default binding for printscreen is to take a screenshot. Would you like to see the thousands of screenshots that I have taken using printscreen in the past? I've got a few I've even taken on the same character that I soloed the AVs with. So I know that the default bind was in place. There should be no reason for it to have not worked.

@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters



I don't know what's going wrong. I only know that it works just fine for me by resetting the bind to p. Reset the bind to printscreen for all I care. Situations like this is why I always check my folder before I fight rather than just assume its working.




The default behavior in CoH is actually different from "normal" Windows behavior: when you're in the game, hitting "PrtScrn" (or whatever other key you might bind it to) does save a screenshot to the folder on your system.

If you're in any other screen (Character Creator/Editor, Enhancement Management, etc.), then it follows the normal Windows behavior of putting it in the clipboard, requiring you to take extra steps to save it.

(I don't have any experience with the game on Mac, so I don't know how it may differ there.)