Buffs for WS powers?




Awhile back, DM got buffs to a couple of powers. I noticed when Soul Drain and Siphon Life got buffed that Sunless Mire and Essence Drain didn't. They're basically the same powers except the WS versions are a bit weaker (although SM does cap higher while SD is front-loaded).

Does anyone else think that the human WS version (and/or the dwarf version) of the DM powers should've been buffed? Or am I jumping the gun and asking for a buff that would be unbalancing?



Considering that Sunless Mire has almost twice the radius of Soul Drain...I wouldn't get my hopes up for a buff there. As for Essence Drain...I don't use it, and I doubt they could buff it enough for me to consider taking it. Stygian Circle is my heal, tyvm



I'd be really happy if they reordered the secondary powers a bit. Say, swapping Orbiting Death with Stygian Circle.

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From the stats I looked at in-game, they both have a 15ft radius. And Siphon Life got a damage buff, so I would've expected the same for Essence Drain.



Hmmm..maybe that was one of the buffs to Soul Drain then, cuz I thought it was only an 8' radius.



I don't expect Dwarf Mire to be changed as far as buffing goes. It used to be just like Sunless Mire, but it was changed to the current shorter recharge and shorter duration form for two reasons: one, Black Dwarf effectively had no AOE attacks with which to maintain aggro (White Dwarf had the Flare), and two, it put a severe dent in the ability of Warshades to double-mire. You can still do it, but if you try going Nova, you'll lose most of the Dwarf Mire's duration during the shapeshift animation.

We traded a second Soul Drain for a PBAOE Follow Up. I'd call that a good deal.




So, Sunless Mire -> Dwarf Mire -> Nova isn't really worthwhile?




So, Sunless Mire -> Dwarf Mire -> Nova isn't really worthwhile?

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To expand on this: bind a key to untoggle either form and then fire off Quasar.

I have binds that drop me to human form and fire off the following:
Sunless Mire
Stygian Circle

I have even noticed that I can drop from Dwarf and fire any of these off before a mezz attack takes affect.




So, Sunless Mire -> Dwarf Mire -> Nova isn't really worthwhile?

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To expand on this: bind a key to untoggle either form and then fire off Quasar.

[/ QUOTE ]
I just have a bind to untoggle, my chain is usually something along the lines of Mire->Mire->Whack-a-Mole...er, Dwarf Smite->detoggle->Gravity Well->Unchain Essence->Quasar (if any survivors).

The Smite is there mostly so the front-loaded damage of GW will kill the mob while both Mires are up - if I've got enough of a buff from the Mires to do that anyway I'll just skip it. Quasar is usually getting hit just as the Dwarf Mire is expiring but still gets the buff since it was triggered before it wore off and Unchain doesn't scatter the bodies like Quasar does making Stygian a bit easier to get a good placement on.

For Hasten, I just leave it on auto in a visible tray so I can see when it recharges (same tray I have Stygian, Sunless Mire, Unchain Essence, and Extracted Essence in, for the same reason - I tend to use those as they recharge).

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



For Hasten, I just leave it on auto in a visible tray so I can see when it recharges (same tray I have Stygian, Sunless Mire, Unchain Essence, and Extracted Essence in, for the same reason - I tend to use those as they recharge).

[/ QUOTE ]
As do I, and it works like a charm.

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Originally Posted by Wrax_01 View Post
Awhile back, DM got buffs to a couple of powers. I noticed when Soul Drain and Siphon Life got buffed that Sunless Mire and Essence Drain didn't. They're basically the same powers except the WS versions are a bit weaker (although SM does cap higher while SD is front-loaded).

Does anyone else think that the human WS version (and/or the dwarf version) of the DM powers should've been buffed? Or am I jumping the gun and asking for a buff that would be unbalancing?
It's not that it'd be unbalancing per se - the epic threshold on warshades and peacebringers coupled with their other concerns tends to keep them from being too overpowered in a game about being overpowered.

I think the thing is, the changes to Dark Melee were made to improve the performance of a set that was, overall in need of help. Dark Melee's toolbox effect made it interesting and different, but the only real place it had in the big boy leagues was extreme recharge builds. By front-loading Midnight Grasp, Soul Drain, and upping the damage on Siphon Life, the set was made more immediately powerful and reduced its problems in non-extreme situations.

Warshades, on the other hand, don't really have the same powers. Dwarf Siphon Life is not really supposed to be an attack, as can be noted by comparison to its buddy, the White Dwarf (3 attacks and a heal). Therefore, that you can attack and keep up the DPS while healing yourself is more of a pleasant coincidence than an explicit design goal.

Something else to note - Soul Drain's buff values are very different, and its tohit buff is enhanceable (which allows for fun things like Gaussian procs). No such luck in Sunless Mire.

The powers are superficially similar, but Warshades don't have the same problems or limited options than Dark Melee did. So I don't expect these powers to get buffed.

(Don't get me wrong... Scrapper Siphon Life on my black Dwarf would make me so very happy.)



Originally Posted by Raithnor_Mal View Post
I'd be really happy if they reordered the secondary powers a bit. Say, swapping Orbiting Death with Stygian Circle.
I would be happy if they actually buffed Orbiting Death. Currently it costs significantly more than any other damage aura and does the lowest amount of damage of all damage auras.



I was kinda hoping we would be able to color our Dwarfs and Novas in i16. I have yet to see a dev post concerning this, but I doubt they will allow it, for whatever reason.

I want my black Nova of death!



Originally Posted by Turbo_Ski View Post
I would be happy if they actually buffed Orbiting Death. Currently it costs significantly more than any other damage aura and does the lowest amount of damage of all damage auras.
Doesn't it also have a greater radius than any other damage aura?

This is not to say it wouldn't be more useful with an 8ft radius. (It would certainly draw less aggro) But we know the devs include the radius of an AoE in calculating its damage to End cost ratio.



Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
Doesn't it also have a greater radius than any other damage aura?

This is not to say it wouldn't be more useful with an 8ft radius. (It would certainly draw less aggro) But we know the devs include the radius of an AoE in calculating its damage to End cost ratio.
Radius doesn't matter much as much as when OD was first made back in Issue 3. Issue 5 put AoE target caps in which makes the radius rather insignificant for balancing. Anyway the damage value is the lowest amongst auras, it has no secondary effects, and it's endurance cost (0.78/s) was just copy and pasted from blaster secondary auras which lack damage shields and other toggles (which is why armor set auras have a 0.52/sec cost instead).



I'd rather they left Warshades alone - after I13 I've been very wary of the devs saying they are "looking at" a particular power, powerset, or archetype.

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"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
I'd rather they left Warshades alone - after I13 I've been very wary of the devs saying they are "looking at" a particular power, powerset, or archetype.
Bah, there is plenty of obvious areas for improvement amongst kheld powers.



There's also plenty of not-so-obvious ways they could completely **** them over - kind of like PvP.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
There's also plenty of not-so-obvious ways they could completely **** them over - kind of like PvP.
One could easily argue that PvP was already ****ed into ground before they ever changed it. Lot's of Night/Day arguments to be made in that category.