DA or AE better for making money?
It would probably depend on which you can make faster - AE tix, or DA drops.
I'd guess the AE tickets spent on lots of bronze rolls would probably be more lucrative
over an extended time, but I'll be interested to see the Goat's thoughts on it.
Personally, I'd also expect the AE to be more work and less fun than DA, but that's just me.
I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.
I know zilch about DA. However, running one MA boss farm will cap you at 1500 tickets easily. That's enough for 20 bronze rolls. Last night I scored a big bunch of crapola, and that should still net me 10-20m profit. Hit any good ones, like the lucky Obliteration 4-way I got the other night, and you'll be rolling in inf before you know it.
MA crushes DA (and everything else) for generating drops.
Also MA has destroyed the value of rare salvage, which formed the backbone of my DA profits. Absent that, you're left with pretty good value for commons (which you can fill up on a lot faster in MA), good prices for uncommons (which I used to delete), a pittance for generic recipes and the unpredictability of IO recipe drops.
Given that one okay solo farm run in MA will fill up your recipe inventory, while back in the day a DA run would net me two or three at most, advantage: MA.
Tickets concentrate drops by allowing you to focus on the stuff that makes you the most $$$ while in the 'real' game you're stuck with whatever comes along. Greater efficiency = greater profit.
DA is more efficient than regular mission play, but MA is yards more efficient than DA.
Which is pretty hilarious, considering the dev's daydream that we not use it for farming.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
DA is more efficient than regular mission play, but MA is yards more efficient than DA.
Which is pretty hilarious, considering the dev's daydream that we not use it for farming.
[/ QUOTE ]
You know, I had this revelation a little while ago that I keep thinking about posting, but the other threads on MA farming are too depressing, so I'll say it here where no one will care.
The canon explanation for the MA is that it's a combat simulator. Of course people are going to ruthlessly farm it - RP almost demands it, particularly villainside.
And of course I had to write a story with that as the theme, which turned out to be Power Progression.
And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines
DA is more efficient than regular mission play, but MA is yards more efficient than DA.
Which is pretty hilarious, considering the dev's daydream that we not use it for farming.
[/ QUOTE ]
You know, I had this revelation a little while ago that I keep thinking about posting, but the other threads on MA farming are too depressing, so I'll say it here where no one will care.
The canon explanation for the MA is that it's a combat simulator. Of course people are going to ruthlessly farm it - RP almost demands it, particularly villainside.
And of course I had to write a story with that as the theme, which turned out to be Power Progression.
[/ QUOTE ]
I've never understood, from a RP perspective, how a simulator gives equal experience and especially equal influence/infamy as a real mission.
But those other MA threads are like all the Jerry Springer and wannabe shows. All the same. Not worth watching.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
My revelation re: MA...
I went back to doing "real" missions last weekend for the first time in ages. I forgot how much fun a real story and some varied terrain can be. I also forgot how much INSANELY faster you level in MA. I mean it was weird for me to play for a few hours and not level my L21 scrapper ONCE. The same amount of time spent in MA would have had him at least 2 levels. Sad sauce.
Were you only running farms? My own experience is that SFMAs are slower than regular PvE due to the lack of patrol XP (and to some extent the lack of mission and arc bonuses, but mostly it's the patrol XP).
And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines
Were you only running farms? My own experience is that SFMAs are slower than regular PvE due to the lack of patrol XP (and to some extent the lack of mission and arc bonuses, but mostly it's the patrol XP).
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah I meant compared to the farms. I was farming mainly to get 1 char up to 50 for Kheldians and to try out different power combinations. Doesn't take much farming to get a new char to the 20's where you get a good idea of how they play.
I found that the slower XP progression in regular MA (non-farm) was offset by the lack of need to run around all over the frickin place between missions. But like I said, getting out of the AE building was a breath of fresh air, just slooooooow progression.
Have the best of both worlds. Set up MA missions using Banished pantheon. Use that untill you can run boss missions with bosses that are vulnerable to fire.
Dark Astoria, once in a while, is a LOT OF FUN.
I don't know how efficient it was in terms of XP, drops, etc. but nothing beats it for Zombies Per Minute.
BOOOM ! FWOOOSH! Ah ha ha hah...
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
I was just looking at Nethergoat's sig and wondered what I16 will add to it.
Dark Astoria, once in a while, is a LOT OF FUN.
I don't know how efficient it was in terms of XP, drops, etc. but nothing beats it for Zombies Per Minute.
BOOOM ! FWOOOSH! Ah ha ha hah...
[/ QUOTE ]
This is wisdom.
And the reason I have my fire blaster oro-parked in Moth Cemetary. =D
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
Dark Astoria, once in a while, is a LOT OF FUN.
I don't know how efficient it was in terms of XP, drops, etc. but nothing beats it for Zombies Per Minute.
BOOOM ! FWOOOSH! Ah ha ha hah...
[/ QUOTE ]
This is wisdom.
And the reason I have my fire blaster oro-parked in Moth Cemetary. =D
[/ QUOTE ]
I have a fire/shield scrapper at 22 right now. Anyone care to describe where to go/what to boom for this "fun" you speak of?
Head to Dark Astoria, just off Talos Island. Run into the first group of zombies you see, obliterate them, then repeat.
be warned, zombie bowling is addictive. before you know it, it will be 4 hours later.
119088 - Outcasts Overcharged. Heroic.
DA is more efficient than regular mission play, but MA is yards more efficient than DA.
Which is pretty hilarious, considering the dev's daydream that we not use it for farming.
[/ QUOTE ]
You know, I had this revelation a little while ago that I keep thinking about posting, but the other threads on MA farming are too depressing, so I'll say it here where no one will care.
The canon explanation for the MA is that it's a combat simulator. Of course people are going to ruthlessly farm it - RP almost demands it, particularly villainside.
And of course I had to write a story with that as the theme, which turned out to be Power Progression.
[/ QUOTE ]
I've never understood, from a RP perspective, how a simulator gives equal experience and especially equal influence/infamy as a real mission.
But those other MA threads are like all the Jerry Springer and wannabe shows. All the same. Not worth watching.
[/ QUOTE ]
Experience wise, this simulator is unreal. It's a perfect simulation of reality in the CoX world. So whatever the heck "xp" is supposed to be in the CoX world I can see it giving that out easily. There is literally NO difference in what you experience in the CoX AE vs. the CoX "real world."
Infamy... heh. I suppose Aeon is somehow making large donation and fighting for good/evil on our behalf then giving us the results? I got nothing... lol
Edit: Maybe the AE missions are televised somehow? It's not like INF is MONEY. Maybe the guy down at the Magic Store was like "Hey, I love that guy on MISSION ARC xxxx show, next time he's here I'll give him those Pauldrons of Stamina recovery..."
Were you only running farms? My own experience is that SFMAs are slower than regular PvE due to the lack of patrol XP (and to some extent the lack of mission and arc bonuses, but mostly it's the patrol XP).
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah I meant compared to the farms. I was farming mainly to get 1 char up to 50 for Kheldians and to try out different power combinations. Doesn't take much farming to get a new char to the 20's where you get a good idea of how they play.
I found that the slower XP progression in regular MA (non-farm) was offset by the lack of need to run around all over the frickin place between missions. But like I said, getting out of the AE building was a breath of fresh air, just slooooooow progression.
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh good lord, don't make excuses for "farming" or powerleveling. It comes off like a bad penthouse letter. "I don't do this but a friend wanted me to ask..." Farming is just farming, it's certainly isn't against ToS or EULA or whatever the fun term of the moment is.
Head to Dark Astoria, just off Talos Island. Run into the first group of zombies you see, obliterate them, then repeat.
be warned, zombie bowling is addictive. before you know it, it will be 4 hours later.
[/ QUOTE ]
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
One other thing about Dark Astoria: You're wiping out SO MANY green/blue/whitecons that you can take a whole bunch of inspirations whenever you feel like it, and you'll refill in the next two minutes.
For getting salvage and whatnot, it doesn't matter what you beat down as long as it's green-con or better. There have been claims that "Barely grey" badguys will give you salvage and recipes but the conventional wisdom is that this is an urban legend. I blew up a couple hundred -3 minions once and didn't get anything for it, which doesn't DISPROVE it but does strongly suggest that it's false.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
I have a lvl 22 fire/sd scrap that is fully capable of making the rounds in Dark Astoria for arcane salvage. I plan to do this or just run some AE for tickets in order to produce some income while playing. In the opinion of all you ebil marketeers, which would be a better way of generating some income? Thanks in advance.