Fire Melee Attack Chain
Whats the best chain for fire melee, FS-Cremate-GFS-Scorch?
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It is close but Incarcerate gives a higher dps with enough recharge in the attack chain. According to the forum gurus I can only tell you by feel
I have a gap in my chain I can still solo av's with my shield due to the 40+% in damage buff; but on test I went to Scorch due to the slight gap and my dps went up and I took down Marauder faster than I ever have today so I am going to respec him on live.
So the build can determine that as well
Langar Thurs-Katana/SR 50; Hejtmane-DM/DA 50
Rogue Spear-Spines/DA 50; Hypnosis-Ill/Rad 50
Sir Thomas Theroux-DM/SR 50; Melted Copper-Fire/Shield 50
Byzantine Warrior-DB/ELA 50;Blade Tempo-50 DB/EA
So would Incinerate-GFS-Cremate-FS be better?
Incinerate > GFS > Cremate is the best but only slightly and it needs a lot of recharge to run gapless. Incinerate > GFS > Cremate > FS is only ~5% worse but only needs 1/3 the global recharge.
I always thought Scorch was better than FS? Is that not the case?
I always thought Scorch was better than FS? Is that not the case?
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Well lets see
Damage with 97%=228.4
DPS of FS= 228.4/1.584=144.2
So FS is 144.2DPS
Damage with 97%=150
DPS for Scorch=150/1.188=126.26
So Scorch is 126.26 DPS
So FS is the better DPS attack.
Since best chain doesn't specifically imply highest DPS, I'll suggest Incinerate -> Scorch -> Cremate -> Scorch.
Compared to Incinerate -> Greater Fire Sword -> Cremate -> Fire Sword, it does 6.5% lower DPS, but uses 11% less EPS, which is a reasonable trade off for long fights. Recharge is similar, at +145% vs. +134%. The main advantage, though, is that it only requires three attacks instead of four, freeing up slots and a power choice for other aspects of your build.
Oh, and for fun, compared to Fire Sword -> Cremate -> Greater Fire Sword -> Scorch:
1% higher DPS
12.5% lower EPS
69% lower recharge required
1 less attack
So it's a win in every way.
To answer the but I thought we just proved that Fire Sword has better DPS reply, it does, and you can indeed swap Scorch for Fire Sword and chain Incinerate -> Fire Sword -> Cremate -> Fire Sword. However, you'll then burn 6.5% more endurance for only 3% more DPS, plus it will take +250% recharge instead of +145% recharge. So I wouldn't recommend it.
Anyway, if it were my build, I'd probably run either Incinerate -> Scorch -> Cremate -> Scorch or the top DPS chain, already mentioned by Norse, Incinerate -> Greater Fire Sword -> Cremate. It would all depend on how much recharge and recovery I was packing into the build.
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks
Since best chain doesn't specifically imply highest DPS, I'll suggest Incinerate -> Scorch -> Cremate -> Scorch.
Compared to Incinerate -> Greater Fire Sword -> Cremate -> Fire Sword, it does 6.5% lower DPS, but uses 11% less EPS, which is a reasonable trade off for long fights. Recharge is similar, at +145% vs. +134%. The main advantage, though, is that it only requires three attacks instead of four, freeing up slots and a power choice for other aspects of your build.
Oh, and for fun, compared to Fire Sword -> Cremate -> Greater Fire Sword -> Scorch:
1% higher DPS
12.5% lower EPS
69% lower recharge required
1 less attack
So it's a win in every way.
To answer the but I thought we just proved that Fire Sword has better DPS reply, it does, and you can indeed swap Scorch for Fire Sword and chain Incinerate -> Fire Sword -> Cremate -> Fire Sword. However, you'll then burn 6.5% more endurance for only 3% more DPS, plus it will take +250% recharge instead of +145% recharge. So I wouldn't recommend it.
Anyway, if it were my build, I'd probably run either Incinerate -> Scorch -> Cremate -> Scorch or the top DPS chain, already mentioned by Norse, Incinerate -> Greater Fire Sword -> Cremate. It would all depend on how much recharge and recovery I was packing into the build.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well I am just doomed not to be as efficient no way I am giving up Firesword in my build that is my favorite Fire attack along FCS gerr I will just have to be in efficient I do not have quite enough recharge to run GFS >FS >Cremate >Incinerate >FS gapless so I went to scorch on test and did my Marauder fight I smoked him faster than the last time by dumping Incinerate for scorch so out of the attacks I have because no way I give up GFS or FS out of my build so if I have GFS; FS; Cremate and scorch what is the best chain in that build I will see if I can pull it off I only got to test one chain due to having to work last nigh from 10pm-4am plus travel time
Langar Thurs-Katana/SR 50; Hejtmane-DM/DA 50
Rogue Spear-Spines/DA 50; Hypnosis-Ill/Rad 50
Sir Thomas Theroux-DM/SR 50; Melted Copper-Fire/Shield 50
Byzantine Warrior-DB/ELA 50;Blade Tempo-50 DB/EA
Do not know the numbers but for fun I was running scorch >fire sword >scorch >cremate type chain I was hammering away at marauder before he got a couple lucky hits my endurance bar never ever moved and I had him at 1/2 health before he got back to back lucky hits
Just found that interesting
Langar Thurs-Katana/SR 50; Hejtmane-DM/DA 50
Rogue Spear-Spines/DA 50; Hypnosis-Ill/Rad 50
Sir Thomas Theroux-DM/SR 50; Melted Copper-Fire/Shield 50
Byzantine Warrior-DB/ELA 50;Blade Tempo-50 DB/EA
Incinerate has amazing DPS and DPE, so I'm not sure how you smoked Marauder faster without it. Might be down to slotting or something.
Can you run the Incinerate -> Greater Fire Sword -> Cremate -> Fire Sword chain? It's a very good one if you can handle the endurance and don't have the recharge for something better, and half your attacks are swords.
Do not know the numbers but for fun I was running scorch >fire sword >scorch >cremate type chain I was hammering away at marauder before he got a couple lucky hits my endurance bar never ever moved
[/ QUOTE ]
Worse DPS than any of the chains we've been discussing, worse EPS than Incinerate -> Scorch -> Cremate -> Scorch.
With your endurance bar never moving using that, you may be able to handle the endurance for Incinerate -> Greater Fire Sword -> Cremate -> Fire Sword (0.32 EPS higher before taking endurance reduction into account). It's like running one more toggle.
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks
Incinerate has amazing DPS and DPE, so I'm not sure how you smoked Marauder faster without it. Might be down to slotting or something.
Can you run the Incinerate -> Greater Fire Sword -> Cremate -> Fire Sword chain? It's a very good one if you can handle the endurance and don't have the recharge for something better, and half your attacks are swords.
Do not know the numbers but for fun I was running scorch >fire sword >scorch >cremate type chain I was hammering away at marauder before he got a couple lucky hits my endurance bar never ever moved
[/ QUOTE ]
Worse DPS than any of the chains we've been discussing, worse EPS than Incinerate -> Scorch -> Cremate -> Scorch.
With your endurance bar never moving using that, you may be able to handle the endurance for Incinerate -> Greater Fire Sword -> Cremate -> Fire Sword (0.32 EPS higher before taking endurance reduction into account). It's like running one more toggle.
[/ QUOTE ]
I am testing my issue has been global recharge or a lack of enough without losing my softcap and aidself.
I am testing different attack chain builds I took him down faster using gfs in the scorch build the last one was more for fun I knew that do less damage I was just testing a theory if I could damage him enough using nothing but scorch fire sword and cremate.
Endurance has not been the issue I was relooking at my entire chain since I was able to bump my fire sword by recharge a little here recently. I am still still one purple short from another 10% recharge now instead of two and my previous fights with the AV's had a gap due to recharge why I was looking at scorch over incinerate to have a gapless chain I will re-test the chain since I did bump up my fire sword attack a little
Langar Thurs-Katana/SR 50; Hejtmane-DM/DA 50
Rogue Spear-Spines/DA 50; Hypnosis-Ill/Rad 50
Sir Thomas Theroux-DM/SR 50; Melted Copper-Fire/Shield 50
Byzantine Warrior-DB/ELA 50;Blade Tempo-50 DB/EA
This is one of my older builds that contains aid self. Defense is slightly under softcap for aoe (44.6%). Has enough recharge to run Incinerate -> GFS -> Cremate -> FS. Only uses one purple set so it isn't too expensive either.
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DAA5934953134118867B32130792494264095B0C2018426 480938A5558A548954|
|A100D72501643D224A37192CAE420370F6A95CBC9F5E4CDF5 2758FE13F59F088CDF|
|D289C5D9A9E47DBA7BBEE5ED9E99DCC3454B8847178416BD5 42D78DE76BED828D4E|
|BB2115A93C58A5BABD6CA7BD64AADE1C991A56AE181F44C21 C4602B683B27AB52DA|
|4B8E6CECF138D5BEB52877A5EB493B5F7164B5D49AC6AFB81 5D9906ED36E0DACD55|
|AAD6A2FCB42DD71CB3C59729AAEF4BC889A942B4DB8C5B39C 2C3945C795F1CB75A7|
|685FAC95A06FC16B42FF7E309681FF637448971F14BB80B43 8562658154297C3B84|
|7387E9F108A0034CAD2442F0CE644E00CCC0C219E98EA0E14 D436293A709BEB6E70|
|DD2DAE7487D0BF4D0843419D0B06742E68A8824C5D581012E 4103D988041524CDFA|
|2C8991B84B93CE12918309501F36300973A3E313E13425F18 5F09C3DF0811A8DEA9|
|61795F74CE73E73E2813E68E46F827850DFE229CF8CD60A72 35D84048447B87120C|
|2E1510E8F727814EEC6548FD8A8C0A520E4C4B985884FD392 094BDDBC14EC5EA7CA|
|3DBCCF1EDE67FF550D8F2C7385CF6081D00159BD2AABF73DB 5EB7BC578C7CEDFF27|
|6DF10C65F1362E028A1DA277833CFA0D0803ABE813FBCCD7D C2C903C621C3E74242|
|473C87AC2195357497F6315E229C928C1D4691901EA5A7AE9 9689DDB277DB8C40B5|
|849A93AA934751899646408A3538C2C83EBC4611B632A6B0C 3D2745669F7140983A|
|64F80CF49C143AF49A50EFDCC4023FF2F411EA22093193CAE 124394CC14A56F5CA5|
|EA7B33F7D8D9163ACF0735926CC0CD1860DC8B2D50763F341 CFA8F73B0F6666D56B|
|339BA5E8B9231836DA9F28FCD0C3B2D1FEFCE0ADA5935835D A9F9DD0D8E8BFB4FFB|
|ABE5BAD669D3743A06B28AB20DA3A8E36503671BA85A302CA 0E4E8B38F27F582D17|
|B1B368E81CCA3CCA79949718648641C228164A04258A1243E 942E946E9431944F98|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------|</pre><hr />
This is one of my older builds that contains aid self. Defense is slightly under softcap for aoe (44.6%). Has enough recharge to run Incinerate -> GFS -> Cremate -> FS. Only uses one purple set so it isn't too expensive either.
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DAA5934953134118867B32130792494264095B0C2018426 480938A5558A548954|
|A100D72501643D224A37192CAE420370F6A95CBC9F5E4CDF5 2758FE13F59F088CDF|
|D289C5D9A9E47DBA7BBEE5ED9E99DCC3454B8847178416BD5 42D78DE76BED828D4E|
|BB2115A93C58A5BABD6CA7BD64AADE1C991A56AE181F44C21 C4602B683B27AB52DA|
|4B8E6CECF138D5BEB52877A5EB493B5F7164B5D49AC6AFB81 5D9906ED36E0DACD55|
|AAD6A2FCB42DD71CB3C59729AAEF4BC889A942B4DB8C5B39C 2C3945C795F1CB75A7|
|685FAC95A06FC16B42FF7E309681FF637448971F14BB80B43 8562658154297C3B84|
|7387E9F108A0034CAD2442F0CE644E00CCC0C219E98EA0E14 D436293A709BEB6E70|
|DD2DAE7487D0BF4D0843419D0B06742E68A8824C5D581012E 4103D988041524CDFA|
|2C8991B84B93CE12918309501F36300973A3E313E13425F18 5F09C3DF0811A8DEA9|
|61795F74CE73E73E2813E68E46F827850DFE229CF8CD60A72 35D84048447B87120C|
|2E1510E8F727814EEC6548FD8A8C0A520E4C4B985884FD392 094BDDBC14EC5EA7CA|
|3DBCCF1EDE67FF550D8F2C7385CF6081D00159BD2AABF73DB 5EB7BC578C7CEDFF27|
|6DF10C65F1362E028A1DA277833CFA0D0803ABE813FBCCD7D C2C903C621C3E74242|
|473C87AC2195357497F6315E229C928C1D4691901EA5A7AE9 9689DDB277DB8C40B5|
|849A93AA934751899646408A3538C2C83EBC4611B632A6B0C 3D2745669F7140983A|
|64F80CF49C143AF49A50EFDCC4023FF2F411EA22093193CAE 124394CC14A56F5CA5|
|EA7B33F7D8D9163ACF0735926CC0CD1860DC8B2D50763F341 CFA8F73B0F6666D56B|
|339BA5E8B9231836DA9F28FCD0C3B2D1FEFCE0ADA5935835D A9F9DD0D8E8BFB4FFB|
|ABE5BAD669D3743A06B28AB20DA3A8E36503671BA85A302CA 0E4E8B38F27F582D17|
|B1B368E81CCA3CCA79949718648641C228164A04258A1243E 942E946E9431944F98|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------|</pre><hr />
[/ QUOTE ]
i want nothing to do with tough weave in this build yes I know it is a sacrifice I have chosen to be different
Langar Thurs-Katana/SR 50; Hejtmane-DM/DA 50
Rogue Spear-Spines/DA 50; Hypnosis-Ill/Rad 50
Sir Thomas Theroux-DM/SR 50; Melted Copper-Fire/Shield 50
Byzantine Warrior-DB/ELA 50;Blade Tempo-50 DB/EA
This is the build I will be going with on my Fire/SD, no purps & got 53% recharge. Does use 3 LotGs though & 2 Oblit sets. Wouldn't call it cheap, but not exactly expensive either. Doesn't have Hasten, but grapped Tough/Weave & Aid Self.
So im pretty sure it can run the Incin>GFS>Cremate>FS chain.
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DAA5934973124114C77B6008066658CC42362489594D428 27A703958A549AC548|
|5AA94581E348B043A304A110A38E8C92D5AE572723D7973FD 0896DF44FD262EF8DE|
|FB375C3C3A05FF5FF7EBF75EFFA767267B6BD951EAEE39654 52E54F28DC64EAE50C|
|FD76ABA1EC8E64B5E4105955243EDD84E5657B44EAF7ABA7E 1BE354676959EFE96A|
|43A773654F578AED697CAD5AD6755D6DA6DB0367637FBF925 ED7F99A572D61B2EA3|
|5ABBAD1706592D545AFE055B56B964AE52625C6576A5E217D 7EBF48FBE61B4DDA7F|
|808CCDD2FF801DCAD50AA8AB8469E5BB066C0AEC2D605BD0B 52308B9044BAA7CAA8|
|F0619D5D52B3814133C0C9A756A6BED295929094265C01338 37809B8230B5F59BB6|
|7EB48DA06D046D1D4A089884C09AC556FA57048B0942523DA 27D8366DFE03B1FD7C|
|4DE0B0E7F003E0A7A3F019F05FD54D28DB656F73784BE0BBA 68258C15156ED1A512|
|1471B183CF456E0CB9533F04414A889A92E815B8A782B8654 9283E86D3A0AC1E640|
|57A9E4BE1C01BE0B560E805F05230F24AE052A33ED3BB6F4E 1A25A951027E54421C|
|3EA1C8A03983C1EB9274A40868A02018DB154CE0495854358 C2A7BF88ED81E79209|
|8BA07DC174C1F08FC949E84133BB924A1B113828993826319 E0B8E029A5A78CA714|
|3C8DC2CC285C8C1A4F303A0D4F71BADD715335FE534EE0E82 FE037F04730D1122C2|
|83FC3A6BD26CDD14E8661DA11CCBA400888C0615490A3DA19 738E3338DA14359A33|
|DBCFE5246B3E0B5C94976E7E58F2160CF0263EA6AAB4A94AC 3F4224C2FC26606DE3|
|3F09E81E928DDEA9279B24B78F547ECCEA7493F7EB2EBFF44 36ECCE77A62C89A4EC|
|CEA7F95FD717A7DDA7FB5288F432CB06897585479B2C5B3CD DE6519E6597A7051EB|
|5BE3A6DA7D1536CE834CB1996B32CCF3829182609B3382C2E 4B8425CA1263E961E9|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------|</pre><hr />
The Only Token Black Guy
So im pretty sure it can run the Incin>GFS>Cremate>FS chain.
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It can.
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks
i want nothing to do with tough weave in this build yes I know it is a sacrifice I have chosen to be different
[/ QUOTE ]
You will be very different but that's not a sacrifice I'd make. For one thing your S/L resists will be terrible (11-12%) and to cover the defense loss from not taking weave you'd probably end up needing either Maneuvers, which is even more of a strain on your endurance, or the pvp 3% defense IO which is hugely expensive on a secondary set that already needs to spend a lot to reach the top levels of performance that it's capable of.
i want nothing to do with tough weave in this build yes I know it is a sacrifice I have chosen to be different
[/ QUOTE ]
You will be very different but that's not a sacrifice I'd make. For one thing your S/L resists will be terrible (11-12%) and to cover the defense loss from not taking weave you'd probably end up needing either Maneuvers, which is even more of a strain on your endurance, or the pvp 3% defense IO which is hugely expensive on a secondary set that already needs to spend a lot to reach the top levels of performance that it's capable of.
[/ QUOTE ]
yes I understand all that I taken at 6 AV's with the build I have maneuvers and assault. I currently looking at ways to tweak it to make it a little better I forgot about the enzymes when I built the thing but I think i found away to make it work my overall global recharge will still be 25% but I can boost cremate or incinerate by 20% for that attack by going with a Mako set over TOD and improve the acc of the power I boost my S/l from 12 to 17% range I give up about 60 hp and a little regen not enough to matter
Current build and yes I have a concept around this guy and his build
| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DAA593596F125114C7EF0C500ACC30504A69A16CB50B4B9 DB65113AD0FD5B636D|
|194A4B1A60FDA2508B76594506430D1371FD444ED835FC037 D78F60FC26EA37D116|
|CF7221313E3A81FFEFDE33F76C73662A4FD60D219EAD082DB CD6ACBAEEC176AD536|
|DB765C757A91E3935E1174224FBB6838A6C4A696F38B2F394 D7D9C1AD7579285BAE|
|B4B71B8E6CD6FBDBE8CD56437664AB6BF717C6D6F171D3DE9 4D5B6D33AE2CD86D36|
|D49D7B5FA77EAB2E3369CB649FB8AAC3B35A725A337DA4ECD 5E3DAE43E6AADB850A|
|C6A1B422FC9F638D74F57CA2A80BB124F412C15B260CCD321 EC0917931EC1082264|
|0535E0958A4C5F019ECE64450D7083DDA191AED0C0FE1855F 39819776970EE8F708|
|DE5D42788FB14F881C700CC8E551B93C17344C1F59248C5C6 42C11462F31A6A9C23|
|1C8E5632FDDF75D27D30FC242CA83188203DC7B4FF80BE463 42A6009BF4C032C02B|
|4486E811B36A1F823321554D284819A7430C83306B32C2847 98B90804CA68A6CFE5|
|54DF127C10F072C0EAB593BE493B9450FED15DC89AA8716FD 458793BF19A784C933|
|468F9011D4DD3078C554FBB1B77467FC8491A35EC3504E1CA 703EDC7F364B2C0946|
|01F91381538D4D7106642259FE089E57862399E588E2796E7 89E579622FC12BA5BC|
|52EF296BFE03E1DC47C627C667C2F4174214BCD29CDE938E5 0EF73A38C382346780|
|3E7B22A7AF6902A2F1E311A8412BFA3257E634B0F0923E035 A59A9BE27EA3D0EF8C|
|0A34D326D3FC23468770DE6574198F0919085450EF4D2145A 62C98CA2A50994D0B2|
|B54EBC275C2D235C62A638DB00D83B25520BB4C5E11A86851 9916E3F4164C7A07DF|
|27FCE0129BFF58B6BC83EF4A6864C97A07DFE77F5D5F8D7E9 CC0ED20E81D942D106|
|D0757BB287BB8DDC7551557F7516AB8ED7D33FA955A97B1A0 2B28CB2857514EF090|
|3F04124231504C94308A85124189A18CA12451DEA1F4FE00A 817F356|
My next planned build
| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DAA593596F524114C7E7B2140A172EB794D215A4B6B46C1 71A4DD4FA50ADB589A|
|624444C1FB44B10A6E52AA184CB83BEF9A0262E4FAE4FBEB9 7E04E33751BF89563C|
|CB40627CF406FEBF59CE3973E6CC4CF9EE862EC4FD35A1852 FB56A8EB35FAD776B9|
|D8EEC7ACBB543BB2E7C4288E9C1D87E59B6A4B4366DD9BDC7 EDE4706A431EC8B623|
|AD6AD396ADC6A06B5E69376557B67BD6A0A1578E8E5AD696A C75ECF6217736ED5E5|
|B3A8E319869C8AED3B43B21EA9765C3AEDB6D695EEED8756B FDA8012BD79C1E6430|
|09A965E0FF0073A4AFEF156997102BC29525787284910CE33 698E485DF260442004|
|D79C5A13127FC67A0E7718B404C238B12413FCD384578E853 5EE0A61D502417C7F5|
|3409610E1F3E2444EE107458CCAD1673672950C4228C15193 9C2789E51204CC05A5|
|EF6727BBFB968E83B61E107A138E3468C801DD7A02F7C7DF8 4408D61B654FD7E82A|
|EF2AA198560C824D906DB4A0DAF982621CC28538A22BF4D7C A195ED90706867236B|
|629DBC455C092780C33A62A90F9938CA77F318E09B3BF197D 4242D016FCE0155505|
|8A3EA799C9178C9784F42BC66B42FE0D210C39C6348D361E4 B51A50D188A7320113|
|F1678AC4F20F694CA68EA86C0244FDC64EC307609A93DC63E E11178CD28AF9977B4|
|5CEA3DE1E407C647C6273E91CF0413BCE6D491CD45A82E4BE 30C9311253C05BBA48|
|A9EE46B94E11B93E16B94E56B94E5BB95E56B34065EF36A73 F374D0266C7751C559|
|E46AE7B9DA79AE7681AB5DE06A17B8DA0988B3AC2ECC32C54 9C2484EC5C9D148718|
|D8EB37881B07291B1CED820542198A5C25839BEEF904F490D 95F819CD7A86CF137E|
|187AEB9F918A67F8AA84C6097986CFF3BFBE2FFA20CEE8B50 0E875940A88B68DAD1|
|D945DECEE61AB86AD5B2875ECF6BFEA834C8DB398D0399455 94F328CFD0C8170409|
|A2E8282194308A81124189A24CA04CA3BC45E9FF011EC106A B|
Langar Thurs-Katana/SR 50; Hejtmane-DM/DA 50
Rogue Spear-Spines/DA 50; Hypnosis-Ill/Rad 50
Sir Thomas Theroux-DM/SR 50; Melted Copper-Fire/Shield 50
Byzantine Warrior-DB/ELA 50;Blade Tempo-50 DB/EA
You don't have enough recharge in either of those to run Incinerate -> GFS -> Cremate -> FS which I assume your shooting for.
What you need:
Incinerate needs 72% recharge in it
GFS needs 133% recharge in it
Cremate needs 34% recharge in it
FS needs 0% recharge in it.
Right now you have:
Incinerate has 68%
GFS has 88%
Cremate has 88%
FS has 71%
This is using the second build you posted by the way.
If I do recall correctly the highest dps chain is Incinerate -> GFS -> Cremate. I don't know the numbers on it though, anyone care to comment?
Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread
If I do recall correctly the highest dps chain is Incinerate -> GFS -> Cremate. I don't know the numbers on it though, anyone care to comment?
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Incinerate needs 146%
GFS needs 237%
Cremate needs 88%
Since best chain doesn't specifically imply highest DPS, I'll suggest Incinerate -> Scorch -> Cremate -> Scorch.
Compared to Incinerate -> Greater Fire Sword -> Cremate -> Fire Sword, it does 6.5% lower DPS, but uses 11% less EPS, which is a reasonable trade off for long fights. Recharge is similar, at +145% vs. +134%. The main advantage, though, is that it only requires three attacks instead of four, freeing up slots and a power choice for other aspects of your build.
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So, silly question here... to chain that three-attack chain together, you need to have a total of 134% recharge in each power (enhancement + global)?
So, silly question here... to chain that three-attack chain together, you need to have a total of 134% recharge in each power (enhancement + global)?
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If your talking about the Incinerate -> Scorch -> Cremate -> Scorch.
Incinerate will need 145%
Cremate will need 89%
Scorch will need 74%
that would be enhancement + global recharge need. so take Incinerate you can get 90% enhancement recharge then you only 55% Global.
rooughly with the way i had that chain back when i did use it...i had incin with 80%rech with 77.5global was fun chain but also with pretty much the same rech you get to use gfs>incin>cremate>fs which imo is a funner and cooler chain to use.
use gfs>incin>cremate>fs which imo is a funner and cooler chain to use.
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Same here, I really like that chain a lot. I like the look of all the attacks and it is fun to see all of the attacks back to back
I'm not a big numbers guy, but I do have a high level FM/SR, and its worth mentioning that GFS is a REAL End hog.
I got to 33, was all "hey cool, I can run GFS-In-FS-Crem" and then quickly realised that just because I 'could' really meant that I really shoulldn't have, and should have put some more End-Reduction in in first.
Don't get me wrong, it's a beautiful chain, and I love my FM/SR (and am about to do the praetorian AV run with her) all I'm saying is that making sure there is enough Blue to go the distance is a bigger factor for this than any other set.
It was my experience anyway, and if i serve no other purpose in life, let it be to be a warning to others.
Whats the best chain for fire melee, FS-Cremate-GFS-Scorch?