Imperious TF - Tuesday 21st




How long does this usually take by the way? Think I saw it was only 4 missions but worth 28 merits or so. I really don't care, I just think last night's Positron made me paranoid haha.

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A speed run can go for as little as 20-30 minutes. A kill lots of stuff run is 2ish hours.

Most Freedom Horde runs are around an hourish.

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



That's what I would've guessed. Fine by me, thanks.


"You know Joe, When Matt and his brother Mark Hughes were growing up they would pound each other behind the barn." - Mike Goldberg



Yo I would like to join in as well I can bring ether my 37 EB/Thermal coruptor or my 50 merk/traps if at all possible I would like to bring the corrupter Hopefully I'll be able to finish this one I crahsed during the posi TF last night and coden't get back on

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



If it's okay with you fox, I'd like to swap out my MM (Hatake Ayane) for a Dom. It's only level 37, so if you'd rather have highbies I understand.



Ill check in to see if theres any room:
Muir lv49 sonic/pain

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Idk where we're meeting, but I just parked myself in Cimerora. Heading out to eat but should be back by 9 central.


"You know Joe, When Matt and his brother Mark Hughes were growing up they would pound each other behind the barn." - Mike Goldberg



Thanks for running this last night Whitefox.

My team was:

Gabriel Keats: Fire/Rad Corr
Cold Satisfaction: Ice/Dark Corr
Plutonium Quake: Earth/Kin Controller
General Gintoki: WP/SS Tank
Childe: Dark/Dark Corr
Ninpir Zombot: Psi Dom
Muir Rioghain: Sonic/Pain Corr
Herelus: DM/Shield Scrapper

Since half the team was non 50's and there expressly for XP, we decided to take the middle ground approach and clear to the objectives.

We finished in 1:05:43 with 14 deaths.

Thanks everyone for a great team


46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Was definitely fun, that ITF run. I've only done one other prior and I much prefer the way this run went.

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Did you do a speed run that other time? I hate speed runs. So unfun. But that's just me

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Glad everyone had fun. Hope everyone that signed up & made it got on a team. If not, it wasn't for lack of trying. We had an awesome team! I forgot to get a screen of the results. Hopefully someone else did.



I find speed running things like ITF on my scrapper to be the most fun I've had playing this game over the past year, usually because with the people I run with, I find myself zipping ahead of the team trying to solo the cysts on a def based toon (51s still get me down for now). I also like causing lag with my shield charge when we herd up the towers. After I finished my scrapper's build, there isn't much I like doing "slow" on him.

Now, if I'm running ITF for the sole reason of getting XP for the toon I'm on, I'll mellow out and run at the team's pace. If we want to take out the cysts with the ambush, and everything around it, fine by me. That's just more inf in my coffers.



Was definitely fun, that ITF run. I've only done one other prior and I much prefer the way this run went.

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Did you do a speed run that other time? I hate speed runs. So unfun. But that's just me

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They didn't explicitly say that it was a speed run. However, either they were on Vent, or knew exactly where to go for each cyst, etc.
Basically, it was really, really evident during the cyst run that everyone OTHER than myself had a stealth option. As soon as we were on that map, it was a seven-way split.

Explorer: 93%. Achiever: 40%. Socializer: 40%. Killer 33%.
Current Heroes and Villains (altitis holding at 50 currents)
To all the devs, past, present, (and may there be) future: /salute
To NCSoft: Understand that you reap what you plant, and you cannot gain what you throw away.



Was definitely fun, that ITF run. I've only done one other prior and I much prefer the way this run went.

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Did you do a speed run that other time? I hate speed runs. So unfun. But that's just me

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They didn't explicitly say that it was a speed run. However, either they were on Vent, or knew exactly where to go for each cyst, etc.
Basically, it was really, really evident during the cyst run that everyone OTHER than myself had a stealth option. As soon as we were on that map, it was a seven-way split.

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Ugh, yeah speed runners. That map is evil when people split up.

Like you said, either they were all on Vent, or they were all regular speed runners, and had probably ran with each other before.

I've been on both options. It gets way too ugly when the team splits if people are not all on the same page. Especially if they are not all 50's.

I tend to use that TF as an XP gainer, because I have lots of money on my toons, and I'm not really into maxing out my toons with IO's, so farming it for merits and money doesn't really appeal to me. So I usually bring someone that can gain XP to it. Which means, I'm usually squishy as heck

I learned early on that I'm not a fan of Speed ITF's, so I only join ITF's if I'm leading, or on a team that I know will stick together and not go crazy (Freedom Horders!).


46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



I learned early on that I'm not a fan of Speed ITF's, so I only join ITF's if I'm leading, or on a team that I know will stick together and not go crazy (Freedom Horders!).


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I have become of the same opinion. :-S

Explorer: 93%. Achiever: 40%. Socializer: 40%. Killer 33%.
Current Heroes and Villains (altitis holding at 50 currents)
To all the devs, past, present, (and may there be) future: /salute
To NCSoft: Understand that you reap what you plant, and you cannot gain what you throw away.



Glad everyone had fun. Hope everyone that signed up & made it got on a team. If not, it wasn't for lack of trying. We had an awesome team! I forgot to get a screen of the results. Hopefully someone else did.

[/ QUOTE ]Thanks for setting this up Fox. I had a blast. I'm looking forward to doing an ITF again. I think my tank is going to be parked there for the duration ...



I find speed running things like ITF on my scrapper to be the most fun I've had playing this game over the past year, usually because with the people I run with, I find myself zipping ahead of the team trying to solo the cysts on a def based toon (51s still get me down for now). I also like causing lag with my shield charge when we herd up the towers. After I finished my scrapper's build, there isn't much I like doing "slow" on him.

Now, if I'm running ITF for the sole reason of getting XP for the toon I'm on, I'll mellow out and run at the team's pace. If we want to take out the cysts with the ambush, and everything around it, fine by me. That's just more inf in my coffers.

[/ QUOTE ] I've literally done the ITF 100s of times on Tabby. In my opinion, Speed ITF is kinda like MoSTF. It only works with a little practice, patience and everybody fully paying attention to direction. lol

I find the speed runs only work when everybody is 100% on the same page. You get one person that doesn't keep up, and somebody else tries to go back and save them, or kill the unnecessary ambush.. then half the team ends up staying back, and the other half is moving forward. There usually ends up not being enough support to efficiently speed through anymore, and it turns out you were better off bulldozing the map together.

If everybody runs forward together, the ambush wont continue to follow, and if the tank runs forward and agros the groups inbetween cysts, the squishy teammates can easily make it past. But many times, they are too scared to try, or see the taunt as an opportunity to attack, and when the tank moves on to the grab the agro from the cyst mob, the squishy ends up dying.

With a few regular focused people, we would still end up with 40 minute times, but I can imagine it isn't any fun for the people sitting back getting killed cause they zigged when they should have zagged. lol

With a full team of regulars, all focused on specific goals, that's when you get sub30 times. After playing together several times and learning how each other plays, you end up getting closer and closer to 20 minutes. Players can split up with a designated path to follow on the map so we're saving the girls or killing the cysts twice as fast (for example).

"Crazy Kitty" isn't for everybody. lol For me, Speed ITF is pretty much a thing of the past. I still find them fun and exciting (when they work), but since ITF isn't as popular as it used to be, It's harder to get an ideal team, so I find it much better to play through the whole mission "as intended" instead. I even ramp it up to invincible sometimes, just for an extra challenge. Then I stick around and clear the final map too.

BTW, I plan on running ITF on Master-Blade several times during Double XP weekend to work toward the inf badges. The times are not scheduled due to many other events going on that I'll be joining, so just stay tuned to the channels. lol



I find speed running things like ITF on my scrapper to be the most fun I've had playing this game over the past year, usually because with the people I run with, I find myself zipping ahead of the team trying to solo the cysts on a def based toon (51s still get me down for now). I also like causing lag with my shield charge when we herd up the towers. After I finished my scrapper's build, there isn't much I like doing "slow" on him.

Now, if I'm running ITF for the sole reason of getting XP for the toon I'm on, I'll mellow out and run at the team's pace. If we want to take out the cysts with the ambush, and everything around it, fine by me. That's just more inf in my coffers.

[/ QUOTE ] I've literally done the ITF 100s of times on Tabby. In my opinion, Speed ITF is kinda like MoSTF. It only works with a little practice, patience and everybody fully paying attention to direction. lol

I find the speed runs only work when everybody is 100% on the same page. You get one person that doesn't keep up, and somebody else tries to go back and save them, or kill the unnecessary ambush.. then half the team ends up staying back, and the other half is moving forward. There usually ends up not being enough support to efficiently speed through anymore, and it turns out you were better off bulldozing the map together.

If everybody runs forward together, the ambush wont continue to follow, and if the tank runs forward and agros the groups inbetween cysts, the squishy teammates can easily make it past. But many times, they are too scared to try, or see the taunt as an opportunity to attack, and when the tank moves on to the grab the agro from the cyst mob, the squishy ends up dying.

With a few regular focused people, we would still end up with 40 minute times, but I can imagine it isn't any fun for the people sitting back getting killed cause they zigged when they should have zagged. lol

With a full team of regulars, all focused on specific goals, that's when you get sub30 times. After playing together several times and learning how each other plays, you end up getting closer and closer to 20 minutes. Players can split up with a designated path to follow on the map so we're saving the girls or killing the cysts twice as fast (for example).

For me, Speed ITF is pretty much a thing of the past. Since ITF isn't as popular as it used to be, It's harder to get an ideal team, so I find it much better to play through the whole mission "as intended" instead. I even ramp it up to invincible sometimes, just for an extra challenge. Then I stick around and clear the final map too.

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MB ... you want to teach me your special ITF trick sometime? How about Thursday night? I can bring my fire/kin for that one so we don't have 2 tanks.



Flu: Have you ever watched MB break Romy as well? If not, definately have him show you that trick as well. I've heard it doesn't work all the time now, but when it does, it really makes things a lot easier without the stupid nictus in the way.


46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Flu: Have you ever watched MB break Romy as well? If not, definately have him show you that trick as well. I've heard it doesn't work all the time now, but when it does, it really makes things a lot easier without the stupid nictus in the way.


[/ QUOTE ] LOL ... Twice, but watching as a newbie defender (whooo pretty colors) and watching as someone who was the tank (last night) are two entirely different persepctives...



Yeah well, even with MB on Vent with us last night and doing the ITF before, I managed to screw that trick up for us last night. (leadership-fail)...



Flu: Have you ever watched MB break Romy as well? If not, definately have him show you that trick as well. I've heard it doesn't work all the time now, but when it does, it really makes things a lot easier without the stupid nictus in the way.


[/ QUOTE ] It works 100% of the time (when you do it right ) If somebody casts IR on you, you have to slow yourself down going toward the cutscene, or you'll end up too close during the scene, and the "real Rom" will already be spawned when you get there. That's probably what happens to the people who say it doesn't work. Either that or they are too slow getting to the platform.

I was trying to explain it a little to Flu, Fox and a few others last night on Vent, but there was a lot going on, so I didn't get to explain it fully, so I'll write it out here also. (and also show you in-game sometime of course.)

What I do:
* I get the team gathered on the at the bottom of the hill in front of Rom's area, being sure not to get close enough to set off the cutscene. (not necessary, but it makes it easier for the team to engage the foes once the action begins).
* somebody moves forward. Anybody. Me, or any other member of the team sets off the cutscene. (like I said above, having Inertia Reduction (and sometimes SB or SS) can cause you to move too fast and your location will be too close to Rom's platform and the trick will not work, so move slow if possible)
* I usually set off a bunch of chat binds to be part of the cutscene. (It's just for fun. lol)
* IMMEDIATELY after the cutscene, I SJ from my position to Rom's platform. (I can usually see the "cutscene Rom" disappearing as I'm approaching)
* I attack or taunt one of the side mobs and the "real Rom" instantly spawns.
* The "damage has been done." At this point, I pull Rom to the team and his Nictus wont leave the steps of that platform. Be sure to keep him in direct Line of Sight of the Nictus though, or he wont rez each time to kill them off. (So far I have not found any limit to the range of his Rez, as long as it's in LoS of the Nictus)

Sometimes, I "break" Rom while the rest of team is still killing the first ambush, and then I go back and join the team. Once he is "broken" with the method above, A blaster (or any other brave soul) can easily pull him off the platform without his nictus.

It may looks long and complicated, but it's really easy. anybody can do it on any type of character. Even if you are squishy and die after you "break" him, the "damage has been done" and he stays "broken" for the duration of the mission. If the cutscene has ended and nobody has gone near the platform yet.. you missed your chance and there is no way to redo it other than resetting the mission by having everybody log off. By that point, it's not worth messing with because Rom is fairly easy anyway. The trick is just for fun and to make killing him a little easier/faster. It might be worth resetting if the team cannot seem to handle him though.

Flu (and whoever is interested), we'll set up a group and I'll show you soon.

PS- There is a second part to the trick. You can also TP to Rom's platform to make it work. If you TP to his platform BEFORE the cutscene starts, it will force the "cutscene Rom" to stay there, and the "real Rom" will still spawn normally and break when the cutscene ends.

The "cutscene Rom" can still be killed but he does not move or attack. He's good for a little fun, extra points, and even a photo opportunity for the team. rofl



Good to know MB. We had a few ITF regulars on my team last night and they were claiming it didn't work 100% of the time anymore. I asked General Gintoki to try it anyway, and it did work.


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I was the one that broke Romy - Gen sent me a tell saying he didn't have a travel power.

I dropped Tar Patch & Freezing Rain - Romy spawned & ran away - I took no damage.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd