Builds you miss
Kin/Sonic and my Sonic/Sonic used for 8v8's. Had some fun times on test server with those 2.
I kind of miss my Stone/Elec Brute and lolAR/Dev Blaster. I still haven't had the heart to dig out my Rad/Psi more than once since I13 but I'm reinvesting in him (though it's still disheartening to know that between DR and base resists, most of my attacks won't be doing more than 100-150 damage before factoring in the -res).
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
My Rad/Psi and my Son/Son blue side, my energy cold I miss....
I really miss my first ever 50 Ill/Kin. Actually, I just miss being a Kin. I have I think 8 Kins that are now doing nothing, sitting on the shelf, probably never to be played again. I miss my Rad/Psy (which I am actually getting to play again), and my Fire/Em which probably has somewhere around 200 hours of PvPing, either on Test, in 2v2s, and in RV.
22 50's in Bio
RIP PX, GMW, and the game that used to be fun.
Still playing for reasons unknown.
Kittens give Morbo gas.
I had a level 50 "STOP CRYING ABOUT OLD PVP" that was pretty fun.
Heh, the only reason I'd even consider a Kin in post-I13 PvP would be for ID to frustrate the droners.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
The two I missed the most with the onset of i13 was my rad psy and my mind fire. Thanks to i14/i15 changes they are back. Now I would have to say my fort and fire/em. The fire em because its on my second account I canceled because of i13. Honorable mention to my ta psy. I never played it enough anyways, but man he was an awesome zone dewsh.
Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.

I still play the same toons I always played, pretty much. But some I play noticeably less.
My fire/rad troller used to be a he's just average. Same with fire/em. But most of all, I miss my fort. Was my most fun toon for a couple total garbage.
I miss my rad/son defender. Sure I've seen some play post-I13 but it just isn't the same. It is currently collecting dust cause after I brought it out once since i13 I just couldn't put it through that.
Oddly enough I loved playing healers and buffers and debuffers, but now I'm forced to play straight damage dealers. Sigh
Illusion Rad Troller and Fire EM tank. The troller is at least useful for PVE crap.
@Ra Ra

I miss my Emp/Psi Defender and my Ice/Thermal Corr. I always prefered playing support but now I have to play for damage or get farmed so the Corr got deleted and the Emp sits.
one of my favorites while it was good had to have been my em/elec brute
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feeling nostalgic, i started thinking about some builds i will never pvp on again that are just rotting at 50.
one of my favorites while it was good had to have been my em/elec brute, i would regularly take on a hero with a heavy in RV and come out on top and if i wanted to i could pop a bunch of enrage and 2 shot anyone. i also had a kinda funky build with tp foe and web envelope so i would trap people in the pools under atlas in RV for fun.
what were your favorites? why? what builds nowadays get you close to the feeling your old loves gave?
p.s. try to keep it positive, there are plenty of other threads for dev hate and lolpvp malice.