Just made and leveled a bane and....




Dear lord this is the most fun i've had since I've first STARTED PLAYING!

I open fire on a group, placate and crowd control and I see anything that isn't at least a +4 LT take a dirtnap.

It's just plain fun to play this odd hybridized shock troop. But I admit, I am flat out ignoring the medicore volley/blast mace AOES, (light damage on my AOE? you kidding?) and I'm on the fence about poisonous ray.



I love the Bane, the NW might be "better" in the defensive and attacking sense, but Banes are so much funnier to play. Knock downs, neat toys, and whats better than whacking someone in the face with a freaking mace?

And ignore the mace blasts(unless you are going for concept) and get Poisonous Ray. It's an excellent attack that does Toxic. Use Venom Grenade(which debuffs a mobs resistance -40 to toxic, which is awesome), Surveillance, and Build up and you can put some nasty hurt on a boss with just that, let alone Shatter.



Ah good to hear, and silly question...if I go the mace patron pool, will it make me take a different mace out/cause redraw? Cause it'd suck to have to juggle three different redraws instead of just swapping from a gun to a mace.

I ask because I like the idea of replacing bash with the blast, and having another summon and a more effective web grenade type ability. The AOE I'll probably skip even though it does moderate instead of light.. Then again, I could probably just get the fighting pool instead and have something I'd actually use



The BS patron mace will not cause redraw. It used to, then they change it.

I skipped the Fighting pool on my Bane, it wasn't worth IMO, and I had other powers I needed. It's alright, with softcapped defense and moderate resists to S/L, you will be rather tough to kill.

If you can squeeze it in that is, SoA build are generally tight, unless you go pure Wolf.



Ah cool, thankya for the info reguarding mace, and yeah alot of people asked me why I didn't level my widow before I leveled my bane, and all I had to say was this.

I have a mace, that shoots frickin' poison lasers, and I can rambo people, vanish, then tap them on the shoulder for 800+ damage.

(Opinion Alert for the ahead comment!)
I'm pretty sure I'm having more fun than if I were a psychic claw scrapper =D



Gotta agree...despite the lower defensive values, I had a lot more fun on my Bane (and its second "huntsman" build) than I ever did on my Widow.



Gotta agree...despite the lower defensive values, I had a lot more fun on my Bane (and its second "huntsman" build) than I ever did on my Widow.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm the exact opposite, because of my first 50 villain. I had a stalker, and when I got my Bane to 50 first I thought "Wow, this has been fun story-wise, but wasn't I just playing a stalker?". After that I rolled a Night Widow and had much more fun with my superior tanking and stalking skills.



its all good my highest is a crab atm and its soo fun to play ,,, blaster power...tanking...pets out the yin yang... its fun to play and thats what matters.. like my keld i luv shifting to diffrent form all the time its just so fun



I took my Crab to level 30 and really enjoyed him (on teams). Playing solo, he just ticked off a LOT of dangerous enemies all at the same time, who then did their best to send me to the hospital. I used my Dual Build to try out a Bane and haven't looked back. My Bane is loads of fun and can really put the hurt on some foes. I'm concentrating now on boosting Def as much as possible, and enjoying it thoroughly!

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



daemodand speaks the truth. you'll like P-ray ticking on a boss debuffed to -80% toxic res.

Grimmloch, Tactically Delicious, Ugly Frankie, Operative Tracker, CryoFurnace, Professional Help, Silver Sphinx, Aries Knight, Tachyon Aegis, Jade Sphinx
Currently building:
Any one of half a dozen alts!



It's really funny when the -res Achilles Heel proc in PR stacks with Surveillance and VG. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, its epic.

I smacked a boss with that combo for somewhere around 650+ damage the other day. With just PR. It felt good.