The LaserJesus arc thread




Post your comments and feedback regarding any of my story arcs here.

#51357: Rise of the Drakule

Length: 2 missions
Tags: Ideal for teams, Custom Characters, Comedy
Morality: Neutral

A humor arc that is mainly a parody of vampire movies, video games, and anything else I felt like lampooning at the time. An ancient vampire has arisen, and turning goth kids into his dark army. Doctor Von Heksung has asked for your help. Ridiculousness ensues.

Tagged Ideal for Teams mainly due to the presence of EBs and AVs. If you can solo EBs, feel free to take this mission on solo.

#84543: Return of the Revenge of the Son of Drakule Part 2: First Blood

Length: 3 missions
Tags: Ideal for Team, Custom Characters, Comedy
Morality: Neutral

Like any good bad horror movie franchise, Rise of the Drakule has sequels. Goth subculture and the number of Goth kids are increasing at an alarming rate, and Doctor Von Heksung thinks something sinister is behind it. Once again, it is up to you to save the world from annoying leather clad vampires, and face the technological abomination of nature behind it all!

#257242: Drakule Armageddon 5: This Time, It's Personal!

Length: 4 missions
Tags: Ideal for Teams, Custom Characters, Comedy
Morality: Neutral

Following the events of Return of the Revenge of the Son of Drakule Part 2: First Blood, Drakule again threatens to rise and destroy the world... through you! Again you must team up with Doctor Von Heksung and fight not only Drakule, but the very order sworn to killing him!

#340316: Drakule vs. The Werewolf Bikers From Hell

Length: 3 missions
Tags: Challenging, Ideal for Teams, Comedy
Morality: Neutral

The fourth arc in the Drakule series, the now freelance Doctor Von Heksung has been investigating reports of a werewolf biker gang in the city. He asks you for your help yet again, and leads you into another ridiculous adventure.

#177930: Fighting Freedom

Length: 5 missions
Tags: Solo Friendly, Custom Characters, Drama
Morailty: Villainous

A band of young mutants have banded together to try and throw off the criminal rule in the Rogue Isles. Proving too resourceful for Arachnos to handle conventionally, you have been asked to flush out their leaders and crush them. For compensation, of course.

The last mission of this arc contains an Elite Boss, who you have help with. Should still be soloable by most characters, however.

#257226: 'Tis Nobler in the Mind

Length: 5 missions
Tags: Solo Friendly, Complex Mechanics, Drama
Morality: Heroic

A secretive intelligence officer named Mr. Rutherford has contacted you with information of an Arachnos-developed mind control device. Likely allies become unlikely foes as you unravel the complex web of deception.

Very heavy on the reading. Make sure to read all the clues, otherwise you won't get all of the plot. The last mission may be problematic for some characters, but you are given help. Also, you might think that some of the NPCs you face are AV class. Rest assured, they're bosses. The fourth mission may bug out and have one of the NPCs not spawn. If that's the case, restart the mission and it *should* work.

#379065: Holding Down the Fort

Length: 4 missions
Tags: Challenging, Solo Friendly, Canon Related
Morality: Heroic

The arc I made for Dr. Aeon's second architect challenge. After Lord Recluse uses his Web device to steal the powers of the Freedom Phalanx, the call was put out to the powerful heroes of Paragon City to deal with the threat he now poses. Meanwhile, back in Paragon, only the rookie heroes and the police are left to deal with the chaos that ensues when all the villain groups of the city decide to capitalize on its weakened state.

#384776: Made To Wave the Flag

Length: 5 missions
Tags: Solo Friendly, Drama, Horror
Morality: Heroic

Trapped inside of a Malta facility, you and 4 other heroes must fight against all odds to escape a madman's grasp. A story about duty, loyalty, and what one must sacrifice for the two.

This arc assumes that the player character is a human(oid) character with superpowers. The arc description doesn't state it explicitly, but Malta is the main enemy you'll fight in this arc.



Drakule Armageddon 5: This Time, It's Personal!

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So parts 3 and 4 have pre-emptively been retconned out of existence?



Drakule Armageddon 5: This Time, It's Personal!

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So parts 3 and 4 have pre-emptively been retconned out of existence?

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Those two were made by a different director and writer team, and are considered by most fans of the Drakule series to be non-canon due to Drakule's portrayal as a hero.



Forgot to update this earlier when I did it, but I've changed the custom minions in the last mission of 'Tis Nobler in the Mind to Standard Assault Rifle and Standard Regen to get rid of that annoying Shuriken spam.



Wht are the level ranges, and could i use the Drakule trilogy for my review thread?



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Wht are the level ranges, and could i use the Drakule trilogy for my review thread?


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The first two Drakule arcs have a 25-54 level range, and the third has a 40-54. "Tis Nobler in the Mind is 40-54, and Fighting Freedom is 21-30.

If you want to use the Drakule trilogy for your review thread, I have no problem. Just make sure to use a character that can solo EBs.



Coloumb2 from the Pro Payne thread informed me that apparently the Dark Ring Mistress I had in the last mission of Drakule Armageddon 5: This Time, It's Personal! did not auto-level down past 45. I've switched it out with a Death Mage and made the carnies that spawn with it into CoT.



I enjoyed Rise of Drakule. While the EBs are there, it's relatively balanced and makes sense for the power combinations. The only thing I'd note is that while he's deadly up close, Drakule can be handled if you can keep your distance.



Range is definitely Drakule's weakness in the first two arcs. In the third arc his primary has a couple more ranged attacks.



I'm having a horrible time with this auto-level down thing. It's like it doesn't even work. The level range for 'Tis Nobler in the Mind has been changed from 45-54, as one of the bosses refuses to level down past 45, and the only other option in that group is a freaking robot, which would not work at all for the story.



Yeah, the mobs will only be lowered to their lowest available level, or raised higher then their highest. If there is no suitable boss to use in the level range you want, you are stuck with either using a custom mob or changing your level range. Can't even change to use a Lt., since standard Lt. will not show up to be picked for a boss encounter.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



Originally Posted by Justice_Blues View Post
Yeah, the mobs will only be lowered to their lowest available level, or raised higher then their highest. If there is no suitable boss to use in the level range you want, you are stuck with either using a custom mob or changing your level range. Can't even change to use a Lt., since standard Lt. will not show up to be picked for a boss encounter.
The main problem I have with it is the fact that when I first made the arc, the boss did level down to 40 when I tested it out with a lower level character. For some reason, it doesn't anymore.



Originally Posted by LaserJesus

#51357: Rise of the Drakule

Length: 2 missions
Tags: Ideal for teams, Custom Characters, Comedy
Morality: Neutral

A humor arc that is mainly a parody of vampire movies, video games, and anything else I felt like lampooning at the time. An ancient vampire has arisen, and turning goth kids into his dark army. Doctor Von Heksung has asked for your help. Ridiculousness ensues.

Tagged Ideal for Teams mainly due to the presence of EBs and AVs. If you can solo EBs, feel free to take this mission on solo.
Played as a level 24 fire/fire blaster on heroic - freshly slotted with shiny new SOs. My contact today is Van Helsing... I mean Von Heksung who is sending me off to kill Dracula, I mean Drakule (and that's the last I'll do of that, I promise). But first, I need to go to one of their blood raves and find out where his actual lair is first. The minions are all nicely goth looking vampys, and a nicely done Spektyr with dark armor and a bright white fire aura. I'm also destroying cauldrons full of hemoblood... man, that's an awful lot of blood? At the end, I find Ashton... Ku-sorry, I promised. A ninja dude that thinks this vampire party is totally awesome. Luckily, he knows where Drakule hangs, and tells me after a few third degree burns.


And when I make it to Drakule's place, I once again find Ashton, newly vamp-er-ized. Van Heksung also mentioned that in order to fully kill Drakule, I also have to kill his three wives. They aren't as strong as Ashton or Drakule, but they're no pushovers either. The map is a pretty straightforward one as well, mostly a straight line with nice blood spatters on the wall around the door just before the final room with Drakule. And Drakule himself is pretty tough as well, knocking me out a couple times before I have to pick up a few lucks to survive those first few hits. Once I do that, he goes down pretty quickly to my flames of doooooom.

Gothy vampy minions

All in all, pretty fun, some nice situational humor which is nice, though not laugh out loud funny. If I suggested anything, I would pick some different names for the brides to have some sort of joke in there, unless there is a joke that I just didn't pick up. I recognized Mina, and guessed the other two might be actual names of Dracula's brides in some movie or other.

Vamp lieutenant



Thanks for the playthrough. The other two brides are from Bram Stoker's Dracula. I wanted to use a Castlevania reference for another one, but in the end decided that would leave more people scratching their heads than the Twilight and classsic Bram Stoker references. Plus, I have more Castlevania references in the other two, so it's no big deal.



I changed one of the Elite Bosses at the end of 'Tis Nobler in the mind to remove Call Enforcers. I've decided having them makes him just a bit too annoying, considering how the encounter is set up.



Changed the level range of Return of the Revenge of the Son of Drakule Part 2: First Blood's level range to 40-50, since Dethe decided it would be awesome if all of his lower level minions like level 25 spectral demons would spawn with him when you try to play it at high levels.

Changed the final boss of 'Tis Nobler in the Mind to no longer have Phantasm, as I realized it could probably make things a bit too confusing when you fight him, especially if you fight him with a team, or are set to have things spawn as a team. Also, by the way, playing 'Tis Nobler in the Mind at more than x2 teammates while solo is probably not a good idea. The peculiarities of the custom group, where I have the lieutenants and boss stronger to compensate for weak minions, mean that when a lot of them show up, things can go really bad for you.

Also tightened up a lot of text and added idle animations to a lot of bosses in Fighting Freedom. Apparently, I hadn't done that when I15 went live.



More edits.

Small typo fixes in some of my arcs, reworked some dialogue/clues etc. to read better.

'Tis Nobler in the Mind: Recolored one of the standard NPCs to fit better with the story, added animations to some bosses that didn't have any.

Drakule (All): Changed some descriptions of major NPCs to include more humor.



New arc: #340316 - Drakule vs. The Werewolf Bikers From Hell

Realizing that I went three whole arcs without poking fun at the whole Vampires versus Werewolves thing, I decided to rectify that situation. Teaming is strongly recommended for this arc. Some of the enemies are pretty powerful, there are archvillains, and the mechanics for the first mission work better with a team. I just published it, so any feedback would be great, even if the arc has very little room for edits.



Thanks to that annoying bug where missions publish under your character's name instead of your global name, I'm republishing all of my missions as Laser Jesus. So essentially, searching @LaserJesus will no longer work, but searching Laser Jesus will.



I also switched all enemies in the Drakule arcs who had confuse to mass confusion. The recharge time is longer, so it should be less of a hassle.



All Drakule arcs now carry the Lazarus Seal of Approval!



I ran the Rise of the Drakule arc with the MA triumph team on Sunday. I found it very well done. As a two story arc, its pretty much pure parody, with very little story.

The great customs and cute humor encouraged me to run arc #2, with the fabulous name Return of the Revenge of the Son of Drakule Part 2: First Blood. Its rare for a sequel to deliver, and even rarer for it to be better than the original.

This arc took the simple parody of the first one and elevated it to a much better level. I laughed, I cried, I committed stabbity death (Re-death? Whatever). For a moment, during the last mission, I was very disappointed that I wasn't warned not to get any Hemoblood on me. But the return to contact text after the mission made me realize that there was a better way!

I will be checking out the other Drakule arcs and look forward to the fun.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



I ran through the first one with the MA SG on Sunday and really enjoyed it. If I can tear myself away from creating my own arcs (I'm about three ideas behind production right now :P), I really must play the rest of these; the werewolf one sounds really appealing to me for some reason...



Thanks for the kind words regarding Drakule! I agree, the second one is much better than the first. In fact, I think they get progressively better as the sequels pile on. I think it mainly has to do with the voice and tone of the humor being refined as time goes on.



Edited the first post to list Drakule vs. the Werewolf Bikers From Hell and Holding Down the Fort, my newest arc.

Any constructive feedback on Holding Down the Fort is appreciated, especially on how the challenge is for low level characters. I tested it with a level 8 Brute (the only character I had in that range) and was able to beat it, though it was a challenge. However, considering the nature of the arc, I wanted it to be a challenge. However, I don't want it to be cruel or unfair.

As always, if you see typos I'd be happy if you pointed them out, and any general feedback on the writing and missions is more than welcome.