Bail Excuses
I have to go outside now....
Ya right, like there is an outside. shesh
Too funny!
I like mine the best...
Just say AFK....
Disappear into the abyss for couple hours
If we're gonna do our's:
Just got a call from Niagara Power, and they are gonna cut....
Well it wasn't an "excuse" so much as truth but one of the weirder ones was my own,
"AFK breaking up a fight between my snail and urchin."
I swear to god, I dropped 5 minutes before the end of a TF where the main AV is about to fight us, as the main Damage Dealer because I had to go to the county jail.
Try explaining that one to your team.
Sure, it sounds bad, but I have to pay money to them so I can get hours for community service. Sounds illegal, doesn't it? It should be, but they claim that the money goes to the people supervising us... which are not actually receiving the money.
i told some one that i was quitting b/c they bored me....but it was more of a fact than excuse
one of my next side projects is i'm going to roll a toon, possibly a PB on Freedom, and do nothing but get in AE missions and "magically" have to go afk. I'm going to level all the way to 50 in this manner.
Leader of the NITES of DARKNESS VG
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In another thread like this, someone had heard "AFK - cat's on fire."
That has to be the best one yet.
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one of my next side projects is i'm going to roll a toon, possibly a PB on Freedom, and do nothing but get in AE missions and "magically" have to go afk. I'm going to level all the way to 50 in this manner.
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Well it wasn't an "excuse" so much as truth but one of the weirder ones was my own,
"AFK breaking up a fight between my snail and urchin."
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OMG i totally remember the snail urchin fight!
My best bail excuse: I was on a PuG doing AV missions and told them i had to go cause two SG mates needed to get to 50 that night cause they were having a baby the next day.
It was true too, Dan and Veronica Pizazz both hit 50 rescuing Statesman from Tyrant that night, and the next day Veronica was induced and they had a baby
..."afk baby"
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The cool thing for me, is that is now a legitimate excuse. I am slowly figuring out how to play the game with just one hand, cause I am holding the baby with the other.
Back on topic, best reason I ever bailed was my car was getting towed out of my assigned space in the complex. Granted there is always the semi-annual screw-up from my cable provider. Which usually gets a post here on the forums.
Proud member of the Hard Liquor party
Unofficial leader of PAAS (Paragon Association for the Advancement of Stoners)
I once joined a pug "speed itf" which consisted of the team on invince, and the tank had his alt door sitting for whatever reason, leaving me and 6 others, 2 tanks, 2 scrappers and 2 blasters. 2 of whom were level 45 and staying out of every fight, sometimes just going randomly afk. One of the blasters, who shall remain nameless was chatting in pinnbadges instead of helping. So after we completed the first mission in about an hour, i was in the hospital and wouldn't you know it...i accidently clicked an ouroboros portal and was dropped from the team. The tank, completely oblivious to the epic suck of his team, which consisted of "bring whatever u want, because building a team is too difiicult for my little brain" actually offered to quit the tf and reform for me. I politely declined.
Leader of the NITES of DARKNESS VG
Join my fan club today!
Well it wasn't an "excuse" so much as truth but one of the weirder ones was my own,
"AFK breaking up a fight between my snail and urchin."
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OMG i totally remember the snail urchin fight!
My best bail excuse: I was on a PuG doing AV missions and told them i had to go cause two SG mates needed to get to 50 that night cause they were having a baby the next day.
It was true too, Dan and Veronica Pizazz both hit 50 rescuing Statesman from Tyrant that night, and the next day Veronica was induced and they had a baby
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Aawww I remember this, Tree and I were there too!
I miss Dan and V
In another thread like this, someone had heard "AFK - cat's on fire."
That has to be the best one yet.
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They probably heard it from me. I've used it. True story. I have 2 deaf cats - one with long hair and one with short hair. The long haired one decided to get up on the end table near the computer where I had some candles lit. He walks past them, flicking his tail back and forth, and lit it on fire. Then he stands there, looking at me, oblivious to the fact that his tail is now engulfed in flame, and even more oblivious to my screaming at him in panic while frantically typing "AFK - cat's on fire" during a TF (I think it was a Posi).
Long story short - he's fine. No permanent damage other than his tail didn't look so pretty for a few weeks and a smell that lingered in the house (and my nose) for longer than I would have liked it to.
MA Arcs:
"Bloodlines" - 40810
"Bloodlines: Part 2" - 176139
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In another thread like this, someone had heard "AFK - cat's on fire."
That has to be the best one yet.
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They probably heard it from me. I've used it. True story. I have 2 deaf cats - one with long hair and one with short hair. The long haired one decided to get up on the end table near the computer where I had some candles lit. He walks past them, flicking his tail back and forth, and lit it on fire. Then he stands there, looking at me, oblivious to the fact that his tail is now engulfed in flame, and even more oblivious to my screaming at him in panic while frantically typing "AFK - cat's on fire" during a TF (I think it was a Posi).
Long story short - he's fine. No permanent damage other than his tail didn't look so pretty for a few weeks and a smell that lingered in the house (and my nose) for longer than I would have liked it to.
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You typed afk?
I would have just taken care of the cat right away :O Emergency afk
Actually, I wouldn't have. I hate cats. My dog on the other hand...
In another thread like this, someone had heard "AFK - cat's on fire."
That has to be the best one yet.
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They probably heard it from me. I've used it. True story. I have 2 deaf cats - one with long hair and one with short hair. The long haired one decided to get up on the end table near the computer where I had some candles lit. He walks past them, flicking his tail back and forth, and lit it on fire. Then he stands there, looking at me, oblivious to the fact that his tail is now engulfed in flame, and even more oblivious to my screaming at him in panic while frantically typing "AFK - cat's on fire" during a TF (I think it was a Posi).
Long story short - he's fine. No permanent damage other than his tail didn't look so pretty for a few weeks and a smell that lingered in the house (and my nose) for longer than I would have liked it to.
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You typed afk?
I would have just taken care of the cat right away :O Emergency afk
Actually, I wouldn't have. I hate cats. My dog on the other hand...
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I think afk = another fiery kitty.
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Gotta go, wife needs mini me.
Pinnacle: Hold my beer. Watch this!
Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.
MA arc #117314!! Try it nao!!
..."afk baby"
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Hey... it's a completely legitimate excuse! Hrmph!

Culled from a similar post on our SG forums.
1. 'I need to find somewhere else to live'
We were street-sweeping in Boomtown (This was Issue #1), a large 8 man group. One of the members goes AFK, whilst the rest of us continue to fight on. Suddenly he comes back...
Player: Sorry guys I gotta go...
Player: I beat up my sister, and now I'm being kicked out of the house and need to find somewhere else to live. Seeya guys.
Us: Err... okay. Bye.
This was followed by someone telling us that they needed to pick up a cake. *blinks*
2. 'The CD has finished burning...'
So we're on test, Issue #2 has just come on board, and with it comes the new respec trial. I manage to get on a team, a team that is struggling somewhat, and one of our members is struggling with his pc due to performance problems...
Player: Ah, maybe it was just that I'm burning a CD at the same time.
Us: Yeah that might do it.
Player: I'm burning my MILF pr0n collection on CD.
Us: ....
Player: And now its finished! Great! I'm off to go and watch it now, bye!
Us: ....
It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba
1. 'I need to find somewhere else to live'
We were street-sweeping in Boomtown (This was Issue #1), a large 8 man group. One of the members goes AFK, whilst the rest of us continue to fight on. Suddenly he comes back...
Player: Sorry guys I gotta go...
Player: I beat up my sister, and now I'm being kicked out of the house and need to find somewhere else to live. Seeya guys.
Us: Err... okay. Bye.
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Not in this game, but I did have to drop out of an instanced quest on Guild Wars because the local cops couldn't tell the difference between the vase in my window and a bong.
I, like the rest of you, have heard some great bail excuses. But this has to be a topper:
[Team] NAME_AND_ADDRESS WITH_HELD: hey I just called the cops, and my wife is screaming at him while I bail here. Thanks for the run guys.
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What is the best bail excuse you ever heard?