quick question on server friends




Ok, here's a question I hope someone can answer. I have a certain person "stalking" one of my toons. I know they have me on their server friends list, because every time I log that toon in, they immediately send me a tell. This person is really starting to annoy me, and I've repeatedly asked them to leave me alone.
Short of /petitioning them, is there any other way to get them to leave me alone? I'd rather not /petition anyone and have any disciplanary actions taken against them. I just want them to leave me alone.

So here is my question: What if I change my toon's name? Will that toon stay on their server friends list under the new name?



Yeah, but my thing is that I don't even want them to know when I log this toon in. And I am not wanting to delete said toon, as he is lvl 35 now and I don't have a lvl 50 yet.



If a tree falls in the forest and nobody hears then does it make a sound?

If you can't see the persons tells, or broadcast, or any other channel message then what does it matter that they know you are online? Unless they track you down and jump up and down in front of you while using various emotes to pantomime what they want to say.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



1. hide but that hides you from everyone
2. ignore, they know you are on but cannot send you a tell. I am not sure why you would care if they know you are on if they cannot say anything to you
3. petition though odds are you may simply be told to /ignore them unless they are saying something bad to you

Changing your name won't help. And deleting won't help in the long run if they have your global which is gotten very easily. They will just wait until they run across your new character and see that it is you by putting some number of stars on a player rating on you.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Would paying for a name change ($10, I think) slide around the Friends list? Not fair to make you pay for others annoying you, but it might solve the problem.

Similar with a server transfer.

Also, keep chat logs of harassing behavior, as they are useful when you /petition.

A /ignore or /gignore (global ignore) will pretty much prevent them from contacting you, but will not remove them from you from their friend's list.

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Name changes don't get you off lists. The list entry changes.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Ah, thats what I was looking for. Thanks for the speedy replies everyone. Looks like I'll just have to ignore them and hope they lose interest.



Just because you are on their server friends list does not mean they can tell where you are. If you /gignore them they can send you tells all day, but cannot find you unless they actually see you somewhere.

You won't see their local or broadcast chat either

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Just because you are on their server friends list does not mean they can tell where you are. If you /gignore them they can send you tells all day, but cannot find you unless they actually see you somewhere.

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Of course if they see the name on their friend list, they can just do a search on the name and it will tell them what zone the person is in. Of course hiding, which was already suggested, gets around that.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Ya there is actually a bunch of different hide options. 1 for SG, global friends, server friends and some others you just click who you wish to hide from.



If you haven't already done so, you may want to consider adding a Player Note about them with a 1-star, along with enabling the display of the star rating in Options, so you can have the opportunity to spot him before he spots you if you're passing through a populated area, like the Tram or the Market.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



3. petition though odds are you may simply be told to /ignore them unless they are saying something bad to you

[/ QUOTE ]

Pretty sure the person would get a temp- or (less likely if it's a first offense) perma-ban.

NCSoft takes cyberstalking and harassment seriously (which is what the OP's "buddy" is doing.)

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



I've seen the hide options in my global friends list, and I use them. Only thing I notice is it doesn't hide from global chat channels.

I like all these suggestions, and already started implementing a couple of them last night. (/gignore and all my hide options)



I have no one on my server friends list that I actually have as a friend. The individual character name is useless as far as getting together with the person as he/she could be on another character. I find the global list much more useful. So, if there is a player I want to ignore and don't want him/her to know I am on line, would putting that person on my server friends list then set up to hide my server friends work? I'd know when that person is online, but I'd be hidden from him/her. I rely on my global friends anyway. I don't think you can get on anyone's global list unless you click "yes" at the prompt.



1. hide but that hides you from everyone
2. ignore, they know you are on but cannot send you a tell. I am not sure why you would care if they know you are on if they cannot say anything to you
3. petition though odds are you may simply be told to /ignore them unless they are saying something bad to you

Changing your name won't help. And deleting won't help in the long run if they have your global which is gotten very easily. They will just wait until they run across your new character and see that it is you by putting some number of stars on a player rating on you.

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Actually. . .since there has been the /hide revamp I do believe you can hide JUST from server friends, so. . .unless they did a /search and saw you, you'd be good.



Put him on global ignore.

Don't bother going into hide.
If you hide from friends, there are real server friends that you will miss out on.

With him on global ignore, he won't be able to harrass you directly.
And if he is stupid enough to harrass you on global chat, he will only end up getting reported. (The only players I ever report for global chat for abuse, are the ones doing the actual abusing, swearing, griefing and annoyances.)

Jerks like this prey on those who respond the way they want.
By ignoring him, eventually he will move on & work on annoying someone else. And eventually he will get reported for harrassment.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project
I was thrilled with the Science pack cuz I finally got payback on the creepy guy that kept trying to ERP with my tween heroine, by hitting the costume change and turning into a 10' tall monstrous escaped prisoner and telling him, "You gots a real purty mouf, now bendover and squeal like a pig fo yo daddy, cuz you my little puppy now!" Haven't seen him since.



I've seen the hide options in my global friends list, and I use them. Only thing I notice is it doesn't hide from global chat channels.

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Actually, it does. It just SEEMS like it doesn't. If you're on full hide and look at your SG window, it doesn't display you. If you're on full hide and look at a global channel list, you WILL see your own name - but no one else will.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



I've seen the hide options in my global friends list, and I use them. Only thing I notice is it doesn't hide from global chat channels.

[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, it does. It just SEEMS like it doesn't. If you're on full hide and look at your SG window, it doesn't display you. If you're on full hide and look at a global channel list, you WILL see your own name - but no one else will.

[/ QUOTE ]

Aahhh I see ... Thank you for that! I've used many of the suggestions you all have given me, and I'm happy to say that I haven't been contacted by the person I mentioned in my OP since I posted that. Thanks again for all your advice everyone



Hire a Catgirl to scratch his eyes out....



just sayin'



Hire a Catgirl to scratch his eyes out....



just sayin'

[/ QUOTE ]

I like catgirls.



We have a new definition for them. Go read this thread where Duck_Dim_Sum says:
Damn you, inspiration!

*goes off to write an arc filled with armored gun-toting busty catgirl nurses called "Combat Application Tourniquet"*

[/ QUOTE ]

I guess it should be C.A.T.girls.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



We have a new definition for them. Go read this thread where Duck_Dim_Sum says:
Damn you, inspiration!

*goes off to write an arc filled with armored gun-toting busty catgirl nurses called "Combat Application Tourniquet"*

[/ QUOTE ]

I guess it should be C.A.T.girls.

[/ QUOTE ]




Heh yeah, maybe them kind of catgirls would be unappetizing ...

That is funny though