Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) � Augmenting Peacebringers � The Umbra Illuminati
On a side note, Xenite, if I don't have a numpad (I use a laptop to play), how would you suggest I set up those macros you posted in that other thread?

@Amarlex in game, on the Virtue server.
You can pick any set of 3 keys. H, J, K for example could work. H for Human-form, J for the Nova (cause it jerks around while flying ) and K for Dwarf because, you know... a Dwarven Knight and all that...
Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) � Augmenting Peacebringers � The Umbra Illuminati
Huh, didn't think of that. Thanks!

@Amarlex in game, on the Virtue server.
No problemo although, as far as I'm concerned, Kheldians and Masterminds are the only ATs' I'd actually buy a USB NUMPAD miniboard for my laptop (if I ever had a laptop capable of playing CoX in the first place)
Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) � Augmenting Peacebringers � The Umbra Illuminati
I use E for Nova and R for Dwarf on my laptop because of their close proximity to W. For dropping back into human form I use the first four function keys - different one depending on which power I activate after dropping form.
Q gets used to drop into human for a fifth power choice on my warshade. My peacebringer? Angelic fly emote.
The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies
As there are many ways to build and play Kheldians, there are many ways to layout the keyboard for their usage.... but I think what most of us will agree on is that binds are quite important!
Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) � Augmenting Peacebringers � The Umbra Illuminati
Thanks for the link! I was able to use the info in combination with another post to get what I needed. My WS is still my fav toon to play. He's been 50 for some time now but I'm working on Merits, Badges, & IO's now.
Thanks for the link! I was able to use the info in combination with another post to get what I needed. My WS is still my fav toon to play. He's been 50 for some time now but I'm working on Merits, Badges, & IO's now.
[/ QUOTE ]
Keep up the good work, it pays well in the end!
Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) � Augmenting Peacebringers � The Umbra Illuminati
Im sure it does, but damn it's expensive. So so many powers!!!!
I will post here because its more or less about my question. I pulled the bind for dropping forms and putting up shining shield off of the guides page but cannot make it work. I am trying to operate it as a macro so here is what I typed.
/macro human "powexec_toggle_off bright nova$$powexec_toggle_off white dwarf$$powexec_name shining shield".
I also tried powexec_toggle_on shining shield
The macro will drop either form but will not light up the shield, any suggestions?
when I was creating my binds lately I had a problem where I had to replace the quote marks. Not sure if that's your problem or not but it's worth a try. Just manually delete and retype them. Other than that it looks fine to me, but I'm not expert.
/macro human "powexec_toggle_off bright nova$$powexec_toggle_off white dwarf$$powexec_name shining shield".
[/ QUOTE ]
That looks right to me. Try it as a bind (/bind <key> "powex....) and see if that works, though it shouldn't make a difference.
/macro human "powexec_toggle_off bright nova$$powexec_toggle_off white dwarf$$powexec_toggle_on shining shield".
If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.
Strangely enough it is functioning as a bind now. No amount of fussing, cursing, or retyping would make it work as a macro. Thanks for the pointers guys.
I'm clicking on the link and it will not load. Perhaps someone could help me with a quick one since the forums will no longer allow you to search for a specific word. I'm trying to set up a macro where whatever form I'm in, if I press a travel power it will switch me to human form and turn on that power. I have my travel powers binded to the following keys: Human fly = Alt, Combat Jump = z, Super Speed = x, and Super Jump = c. If someone could help me with a bind/macro for just one of these, hopefully I could figure out the rest on my own. Thanks very much for any help.
I'm clicking on the link and it will not load.
![]() |
/bind alt "powexec_toggle_off bright nova$$powexec_toggle_off white dwarf$$powexec_toggle_on fly"
and repeat for each key/power combination.
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
that is exactly what I needed, thank you very much.
One last question if thats ok. How would I setup a bind that would transform me to dwarf and use the dwarf heal right away? I have change to dwarf binded to key e. This way I could change to dwarf, auto heal, then press say alt to change to human and auto toggle on fly. Thanks again.
Originally Posted by Warhamster
One last question if thats ok. How would I setup a bind that would transform me to dwarf and use the dwarf heal right away? I have change to dwarf binded to key e. This way I could change to dwarf, auto heal, then press say alt to change to human and auto toggle on fly. Thanks again.
/bind <KEY> "powexec_toggle_off bright nova$$powexec_toggle_on white dwarf$$powexec_name <whatever the heal is called>
That 'should' do the trick.
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Thank you for trying to help on this Darkstar but none of the binds you posted worked. I found the bind guide on the forums and even tried modifying and still nothing. No luck I'm afraid.
There is a bug with binds and macros at the moment where you put a space and the server reads   (Which is html code for space in case you dont know) and thus the binds dont work.
The way I use mine is to have all the binds in a text file, and have the game read that file to pick up all the binds.
I can't remember how or what files I use at the moment, but I will post them up later on if I get a chance and you can do it that way.
Or: I could have just been completely wrong on the formatting, not sure yet.
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Right then I have had a look at my binds and realised I missed the closing " from those binds - not sure if you would have picked that up or not, so it would be:
/bind <KEY> "powexec_toggle_off bright nova$$powexec_toggle_on white dwarf$$powexec_name <whatever the heal is called>"
However the way I have mine is that I have 3 text files saved in the location E:\binds\ they are called human.txt, dwarf.txt and nova.txt - the names give you a clue what they are used for
The first thing I would do is put this line in each file:
p "bind_load_file E:\Binds\<filename>.txt"
That means that when pressing the <p> key it would reload the bind file (You can use any key, not necessarily p), and let me do fast modifications and reload the files without messing about too much.
Then I would get into human form and type:
/bindloadfile e:\binds\human.txt
Then I could edit the human binds all I want and just press <p> to refresh.
In my case all my files have the same start, they have a bind to find Quantums etc:
t "target_custom_next enemy alive quantum$$target_custom_next enemy alive void$$target_custom_next enemy alive cyst"
A bind to inform the team:
y "team $Target spotted!"
And a bind to give gratz on a level:
g "team Congratulations!"
This is where each file then starts to differ.
In human form I have a line to switch me to dwarf, and a line for nova:
x "powexec_toggleon Black Dwarf$$bind SHIFT+LBUTTON powexec_name Black Dwarf Step$$goto_tray 3$$bind_load_file_silent e:\binds\dwarf.txt"
c "powexec_toggleon Dark Nova$$goto_tray 4$$bind_load_file_silent e:\binds\nova.txt"
The <x> key toggles on Black Dwarf, binds teleport to shift + left click, and swaps my main tray to show tray 3 meaning I can use the number keys for my dwarf powers. It also loads my Dwarf bind file.
The <c> key toggles me into Nova, and sets my Nova tray to be the primary tray, and loads my Nova binds.
In your case you could add the following line:
<key> "powexec_toggleon white dwarf$$powexec_name <whatever the heal is called>"
You wouldn't need to bother with the part about Nova because if you we in Nova form you would be using the Nova specific binds, which would be different.
I hope that makes sense to you, and I will make my next post show just what is in each file, with modifications for what you want.
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
y "team $Target spotted!" t "target_custom_next enemy alive quantum$$target_custom_next enemy alive void$$target_custom_next enemy alive cyst" p "bind_load_file E:\Binds\Human.txt" g "team Congratulations!" x "powexec_toggleon White Dwarf$$bind SHIFT+LBUTTON powexec_name White Dwarf Step$$goto_tray 3$$bind_load_file_silent e:\binds\dwarf.txt" c "powexec_toggleon Bright Nova$$goto_tray 4$$bind_load_file_silent e:\binds\nova.txt" alt "powexec_name fly" <key> "powexec_toggleon White Dwarf$$powexec_name White Dwarf Sublimation" |
y "team $Target spotted!" t "target_custom_next enemy alive quantum$$target_custom_next enemy alive void$$target_custom_next enemy alive cyst" p "bind_load_file E:\Binds\Nova.txt" g "team Congratulations!" z "powexec_toggleoff Bright Nova$$goto_tray 1$$bind_load_file_silent e:\binds\human.txt" x "powexec_toggleoff Bright Nova$$powexec_toggleon White Dwarf$$bind SHIFT+LBUTTON powexec_name White Dwarf Step$$goto_tray 3$$bind_load_file_silent e:\binds\dwarf.txt" alt "powexec_toggleoff Bright Nova$$powexec_name fly" <key> "powexec_toggleoff Bright Nova$$powexec_toggleon White Dwarf$$powexec_name White Dwarf Sublimation" |
y "team $Target spotted!" t "target_custom_next enemy alive quantum$$target_custom_next enemy alive void$$target_custom_next enemy alive cyst" p "bind_load_file E:\Binds\Dwarf.txt" g "team Congratulations!" z "powexec_toggleoff White Dwarf$$goto_tray 1$$bind_load_file e:\binds\human.txt" x "powexec_toggleoff White Dwarf$$powexec_toggleon Bright Nova$$goto_tray 4$$bind_load_file e:\binds\nova.txt" alt "powexec_toggleoff White Dwarf$$powexec_name fly" <key> "powexec_name White Dwarf Sublimation" |
You might also want to swap the tray numbers because mine ended up being a bit randomly selected.
Note: Whichever key you pick to use the White Dwarf heal can be the same on all files, it will just use a different command to do the same function depending which form you are in. I even kept the key working in Dwarf form just because it might end up coming naturally to press that key and there you might as well have it work all the time.
Disclaimer: These were Warshade binds so I might still have a Warshade power name in there somewhere, though I did try to swap them all.
I hope if you do that it helps, and it should get around the annoying space bug that may be making your binds fail.
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
I don't have it in front of me right now, so I can't list the exact code, but I bound (binded?) ALT+Q to Human, ALT+W to Nova, and ALT+E to Dwarf. My fingers never leave the WASD home keys (except the one pressing the key, obviously) and I never accidentally change forms or hit the wrong key. I have found it extremely fast and it's easy to remember since left to right is the order in which you get the form--Human then Nova then Dwarf. Each bind also changes the power tray and the human and dwarf binds change my travel power key ("T" on all my toons) to their respective travel powers.
xfire: zanthyna
Guide to Teaming With Docs!
No matter how many levels I gain, the Lag Monster is always red to me.
Anybody know a macro for changing from human to one of the other forms? I had these a long time ago on my WS. The other day I removed one by accident & don't remember the text string. Any help would be appreciated!