Oil slick + fire
1. no, it'll only light once per use
2. I see some guys still fall down, don't know if that is intended or not.
3. Base duration I *believe* is 30 seconds, generally it's a good idea to stall before lighting, and I've heard lighting resets the duration (Though in this case you may lose the knockdown during the burning)
4. It slows the enemies a bit, but generally, they are falling over, so it isn't the most prominent effect, glue arrow serves the slow much better.
I'm building a Fire/Trick arrow troller (now lvl 16), and I have some questions about Oil slick.
1) will it ignite more than one time? like there are 3 fire powers used at the same moment, will damage increase?
edit : after first answer, I'll add : if there's 3 fire attacks coming, the first doesn't ignite, can the second then the third still ignite or is it a hit or miss?
2) when it ignites will the debuff and knockdown effects last? (logically if oil burns mobs won't slip on it)
3) what's the base duration? when the guys are aflame, does it last longer or just part time oil, part time flame?
4) does it have a slow effect? (seems it takes slow enhancements but never seen slow effect in descritions)
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1. no, it can only ignite once
2. you have a 5% chance to miss, so, yes, you can still ignite, if it fails to ignite, however, it won't ignite at all.
3. it has 2 base durations, 30 seconds of knockdown/slow/-def, 10 seconds of damage, they are independent, if you immediately ignite it, you'll still have the other debuffs after the fire goes out
4. yes, the enemies are slowed (note: no -rech, just -runspeed/jump/fly)
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
I think you underestimate our fools, sir.
Why /duel is a bad idea
To clarify the answer to #1, when you shoot Oil Slick Arrow, you get a "foe" named "Oil Slick" that you have to hit with a fire/Energy power to light the slick. If you attack and miss, then you can take another shot at it. If you attack and hit but the slick doesn't ignite, then the "Oil Slick" goes away and you have lost your chance of igniting the slick.
And one other thing. The slick has a bug with controller pets . . . when the slick lights, controller pets will run out of the area of fire. For pets that have ranged attacks, they can continue to attack foes inside the fire area from outside. Fire Imps, however, have no ranged attacks, so they will run out of the area and just wait unless there are other foes outside of the fire area to attack.
LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control
3. it has 2 base durations, 30 seconds of knockdown/slow/-def, 10 seconds of damage, they are independent, if you immediately ignite it, you'll still have the other debuffs after the fire goes out
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It's 15 seconds of Fire, not 10.
EDIT: And here's a big rundown of what OSA does and how it works.
When using Oil Slick Arrow (OSA), you will be given a targeting reticule. Select where you want to fire; the targeting rings will turn red if the targeted area is invalid.
After you have fired OSA, it will summon two pseudopets. One will be Oil Slick Oil, the second will be Oil Slick Target. These are behind the scenes names, so don't worry if you don't actually see them.
Oil Slick Oil is the large black patch. It has an auto-hit -DEF, -RunSpeed and chance for Knockdown. It has a duration of 30s.
Oil Slick Target is the targetable, enemy conning... thing. It has 10,000% RES to all damage types except for Energy and Fire. ONLY Energy or Fire damage can defeat OST. It has a duration of 30s. After 30s, it will despawn along with the OSO.
If/when OST is defeated, it summons a third pseudopet: Oil Slick Burn. By various means, OST sometimes does not summon OSB. This can be due to a variety of reasons which, to this day, still causes Castle great deals of frustration.
Oil Slick Burn is the huge patch of fire. It deals Fire damage every .2s for 15s. NOTE: If you defeat OST at the 29s mark, OSB will still run the full 15s.
Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the Repeat Offenders
Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize

And one other thing. The slick has a bug with controller pets . . . when the slick lights, controller pets will run out of the area of fire. For pets that have ranged attacks, they can continue to attack foes inside the fire area from outside. Fire Imps, however, have no ranged attacks, so they will run out of the area and just wait unless there are other foes outside of the fire area to attack.
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Last Night my imps did not run out of the fire, and they did fight while oil slick was ignited.....maybe it was a bug....I don't have too many trick arrow players to test with.

Freedom Bound!!!
And one other thing. The slick has a bug with controller pets . . . when the slick lights, controller pets will run out of the area of fire. For pets that have ranged attacks, they can continue to attack foes inside the fire area from outside. Fire Imps, however, have no ranged attacks, so they will run out of the area and just wait unless there are other foes outside of the fire area to attack.
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Last Night my imps did not run out of the fire, and they did fight while oil slick was ignited.....maybe it was a bug....I don't have too many trick arrow players to test with.
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This bug was "fixed" a while back, but, like with many things associated with Oil Slick, it has a tendency to reappear from time to time.
Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the Repeat Offenders
Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize

And one other thing. The slick has a bug with controller pets . . . when the slick lights, controller pets will run out of the area of fire. For pets that have ranged attacks, they can continue to attack foes inside the fire area from outside. Fire Imps, however, have no ranged attacks, so they will run out of the area and just wait unless there are other foes outside of the fire area to attack.
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Last Night my imps did not run out of the fire, and they did fight while oil slick was ignited.....maybe it was a bug....I don't have too many trick arrow players to test with.
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This bug was "fixed" a while back, but, like with many things associated with Oil Slick, it has a tendency to reappear from time to time.
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It was somewhat fixed, but not really. It used to be that the pets would run away and head for the hills, and even when they came back, they would never enter the area that had been the burn area. Now they will run away, stay out of the burn area, and then will re-enter the area after OSA expires. I find it kind of amusing that on my Ill/TA, Phantom Army, which are invulnerable to anything other than Hamidon, will run away from the burn patch.
Why that one set of imps didn't run I can't say, but I know that my pets on my ill/TA were still affected last time I played that character.
LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control
Oil slick is currently bugged within the AE.
I went into an AE mission on my earth/TA controller, and could not target it, as it was showing as friendly. I have sent a ticket to support about this issue. But I suggest anyone else who experiences it do the same.
FYI - link to another post here -> Re: Oil Slick bugged in MA missions
As Luminara mentioned "Destructible objects in MA missions are conning friendly until aggroed. It's an MA bug, not an OSA bug. "
Originally Posted by Forbin_Project
I was thrilled with the Science pack cuz I finally got payback on the creepy guy that kept trying to ERP with my tween heroine, by hitting the costume change and turning into a 10' tall monstrous escaped prisoner and telling him, "You gots a real purty mouf, now bendover and squeal like a pig fo yo daddy, cuz you my little puppy now!" Haven't seen him since.
I'm building a Fire/Trick arrow troller (now lvl 16), and I have some questions about Oil slick.
1) will it ignite more than one time? like there are 3 fire powers used at the same moment, will damage increase?
edit : after first answer, I'll add : if there's 3 fire attacks coming, the first doesn't ignite, can the second then the third still ignite or is it a hit or miss?
2) when it ignites will the debuff and knockdown effects last? (logically if oil burns mobs won't slip on it)
3) what's the base duration? when the guys are aflame, does it last longer or just part time oil, part time flame?
4) does it have a slow effect? (seems it takes slow enhancements but never seen slow effect in descritions)
Freedom :
Fission Lass 50 Illusion/radiation controller
Gaea's Wrath 50 Earth/Empathy controller
Khalan the confessor 26 psy/mental blaster
Dusk Tempest 50 Dark / electricity defender
Aish the geomancer 36 Plant/thermal controller