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  1. TheTenth

    Oil slick + fire

    I'm building a Fire/Trick arrow troller (now lvl 16), and I have some questions about Oil slick.
    1) will it ignite more than one time? like there are 3 fire powers used at the same moment, will damage increase?
    edit : after first answer, I'll add : if there's 3 fire attacks coming, the first doesn't ignite, can the second then the third still ignite or is it a hit or miss?
    2) when it ignites will the debuff and knockdown effects last? (logically if oil burns mobs won't slip on it)
    3) what's the base duration? when the guys are aflame, does it last longer or just part time oil, part time flame?
    4) does it have a slow effect? (seems it takes slow enhancements but never seen slow effect in descritions)
  2. TheTenth

    I'm back!

    back too after about 1 year absence, and yes AE changes lots of things, I got a plant thermal to lvl 50 in 15 days !!! I don't think it's that good for the fun of the game. After lvl 30 it becomes hard to find a non AE team as it's so easy to get to lvl 50 fast with AE.
  3. I haven't played since march 2008, and I have some lvl 50s that would like to do some Hamidon runs, but I don't know if people still do some - and if it's possible at all do kill the beast.
    Maybe we can use this thread to program some runs. (I need to know the time in advance as I'm French and have a huge time gap)
  4. I'll try again today at 5.15 pm France time, so about 11.15 am USA time I guess
    looking for people to do :
    - lvl 34-43 respec
    - lvl 44-50 respec
  5. been 4 days I can't find a respec team, help!!!
    online for about 30 minutes or I'll try tomorrow
  6. I'm now lvl 46 plant/thermal troller (done too many AE missions these days, couldn't really control what missions / TFs I wanted to do), and I couldn't find much people to do the 34-43 respec TF. I'm French so I'm looking at 5.30 pm to 9.30 pm that should be around 11.30 am to 3.30 pm for USA.
    Hope to find some people tonight.
  7. Doea someone remeber the command (bind?) you use to know how many times your character died?
  8. i'm really a beginner with binds. I only want to use them to say a few words to my team in frequent occasions. So does :
    /bind F5 /t "ouch it hurts" work, for example?
  9. some definitions from the dictionary :
    tactics : 1)The military science that deals with securing objectives set by strategy, especially the technique of deploying and directing troops, ships, and aircraft in effective maneuvers against an enemy: Tactics is a required course at all military academies.
    (used with a pl. verb) Maneuvers used against an enemy: Guerrilla tactics were employed during most of the war.
    2) A procedure or set of maneuvers engaged in to achieve an end, an aim, or a goal.
    Strategy : The science and art of using all the forces of a nation to execute approved plans as effectively as possible during peace or war.
    The science and art of military command as applied to the overall planning and conduct of large-scale combat operations.
    A plan of action resulting from strategy or intended to accomplish a specific goal. See Synonyms at plan.
    The art or skill of using stratagems in endeavors such as politics and business.

    These two words apply to military techniques implying units and not single adversaries.
    At best 2) of tactics implies only theory and habits of a person to reach their goal and not the ongoing fight by itself who is just, as I said a series of actions and reactions that excludes any time to analyse the "tactics or strategy" of the opponent like a general would do on a battle lasting days, weeks or more.
  10. TheTenth

    XP and I5

    This post does not sound rude, it is plain stupid. I am not a true hard gamer and I enjoy playing, if you enjoy dying and slow levelling, that's your problem but it's certainly not a rule for everyone. Your "first real death with debt" theory is just un-intelligent : now your first real death will have more sense, since you'll have to wait so much longer to experience it (2 or 3 hours?).
    And wait 5 "grueling" levels until that first debt : are you trying to insult people who enjoy gaming? It means that players who have played so efficiently that they didn't die until level 10 are in fact bad players because they didn't die as often as you and your pals? I sincerely hope for you this post was just a proof os your bad humor and not serious one second, or you just confounded "hero" with "heroin" and your judgment was clouded in some way.
    You think that this community is not "made up of real men and women"? Now you are really insulting our intelligence! First you judge people you don't even know, then you should inquire about the word "masochism", as you most certainly suffer from it : if you like losing your time so much and your entire life is video gaming I pity you soooo much and am proud to have nothing in common with you.
    Let Statesman do his job trying to balance the game and make it more enjoyable for the "normal" players.
    I hope I won't become as angry against life as you are and you'll learn what the word "respect" means.
    I hope other people will react to this shocking behavior.
  11. TheTenth

    XP and I5

    there can be deaths when you have several people in the group that think intellegent to be tenacious or unyielding and forget to tell that to other people who are 1 or 2 levels below them, that really kills !
  12. TheTenth

    XP and I5

    Debt hardly a penalty? Ever played a blaster? You usually die 1 or 2 times a session until lvl 20!!! So Xp runs very slow ...
  13. There is no strategy or tactics in One on One, there is just people using their powers to the best and knowing in which order they are best against a particular opponent. The obvious problem is that you should be able to do a special PvP respec because most of the time you fight against huge numbers of mobs and not only one very tough adversary.
    I don't think we can call PvP problems "bugs" (who are technical problems occuring hazardly) but are balancing powers and powaer sets problems really. And maybe they can't be solved at all : a held opponent will do nothing but die helplessly and a blaster will still die after being hit by 3 or 4 blows.