looking for 34-43 respec




I'm now lvl 46 plant/thermal troller (done too many AE missions these days, couldn't really control what missions / TFs I wanted to do), and I couldn't find much people to do the 34-43 respec TF. I'm French so I'm looking at 5.30 pm to 9.30 pm that should be around 11.30 am to 3.30 pm for USA.
Hope to find some people tonight.

Freedom :
Fission Lass 50 Illusion/radiation controller
Gaea's Wrath 50 Earth/Empathy controller
Khalan the confessor 26 psy/mental blaster
Dusk Tempest 50 Dark / electricity defender
Aish the geomancer 36 Plant/thermal controller



Send me a tell @NJCASH; if I'm sitting down at the time, will go at it with you.

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-




I'll help you out if im on