Damn you, i15...
You have a German background?
That seems appropriate, here. >.>
As for the name, well, it means enchantress/wizardress, but it's been a long time since I've had any german, so my "sounds fine to me" doesnt' mean much, I suppose
the only German i know is rammstien and i don't look into what those song's mean, those folk's are somewhat messed up
i always use the Google translator for all my foreign language needs and it seldom lets me down.... OK sometimes it does, but as i am in the blissful ignorance of not knowing i get to run around with a character with a cool foreign sounding name!
I find myself with the same degree of altitis
Green weasel the original and my main hero.
Grim weasel the Evil or praetorian version
There is also Wire Weasel but i havent got screenshots of him and he's the robot version.
War weasel who is.... well i guess he's just the scrapper version of the weasel
and rest assured. as soon as i finish commenting in here and city of heroes loads there will be a soviet or nazi weasel aswell
Don't know about the word 'Zauberin' (My German is very limited "Nein, ze ist am Sontag, gerschlossen." is all I really know) so I have to use Babel Fish for my translations, and it doesn't recognize Zauberin. However, Flamme-Hexe (Flame Witch) it knows. So... I think it's okay?
But here's a question I pose to anyone with some knowledge of the German language (I have a German background and I know nothing), does Flamme Zauberin sound correct?
[/ QUOTE ]
No, doesn't sound right. Zauberin = Enchantress is correct, but 'Flamme' would have to be in plural to sound right. So I'd go with (Die) Flammen Zauberin
<Edit> "Zauberin der Flammen" would work too.
Don't forget evil Flame Enchantress clones too! And not the normal altitis ones, the evil genetic mad scientist spawned ones. Gray Huntress has six of those...
Oh, and Cimeroran Enchantress, too. Oh, and the XY version, Flame Enchanter.
If my memory serves me right, you need the name to be one word, Flammenzauberin.
Can also go with Zauberin der Flammen or Zauberin von Flammen as suggested above.
I think Zauberin der Flammen sounds best.
Edit: I had to go find this song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLgLO7Glmtc
Subway to Sally - Herrin des Feuers (Lady of Fire)
Now she has a theme song too.
Violence has its own economy. Therefore, be thoughtful and precise in your investment.
If my memory serves me right, you need the name to be one word, Flammenzauberin.
Can also go with Zauberin der Flammen or Zauberin von Flammen as suggested above.
I think Zauberin der Flammen sounds best.
[/ QUOTE ]
Flammen Zauberin or Flammenzauberin both work (it is a name after all, so there is some freedom there), you are right though, Flammenzauberin would be correct. Zauberin von Flammen makes no sense though, unless Flammen is simply its own name, like "von Soandso".
Hehe, haven't spoken Deutsch in eight years.
Getting rusty.
Violence has its own economy. Therefore, be thoughtful and precise in your investment.
Thanks for the translation help! When I get home tonight I'll have to remake her as Flammen Zauberin, I think I like that one best. :P
Gray... you are bad for me, missy!!
If my memory serves me right, you need the name to be one word, Flammenzauberin.
Can also go with Zauberin der Flammen or Zauberin von Flammen as suggested above.
I think Zauberin der Flammen sounds best.
Edit: I had to go find this song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLgLO7Glmtc
Subway to Sally - Herrin des Feuers (Lady of Fire)
Now she has a theme song too.
[/ QUOTE ]
This thread has suddenly made me self-conscious about my own Germannic villainess. >.>
But that's a very slick look, Flame!
This thread has suddenly made me self-conscious about my own Germannic villainess. >.>
But that's a very slick look, Flame!
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks so much! Glad to finally have something I could use the science pack for...
hmmmm, wonder if I should give my main Hochroter Drache a Nazi costume, these are my current ones
and I am aware my name is probably filled with errors, cause I don't speak german and the toon is too far established to really change the name -.-'
hmmmm, wonder if I should give my main Hochroter Drache a Nazi costume, these are my current ones
[/ QUOTE ]
We need about 14 additional costume slots...
Well I've been remaking some binds on this character and I guess I could use another language check...
Von was ich vom Wunsch mich geschmeckt habe = From what I've tasted of desire (?)
my altered version of normal Flame's afk chat bind.
And would anyone be able to translate the exclamation 'Ready!'? Unfortunately I don't think a dictionary would work perfectly for me if I don't know the correct use of the word as an exclamation... if I'm even making sense.
Bereit for ready. The other is too complex for my limited German skillz.
Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Bereit for ready. The other is too complex for my limited German skillz.
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks! I just found a german translation for the Robert Frost Poem line... but I'm always a double-checker. (and making sure I even have the right line)
Well I've been remaking some binds on this character and I guess I could use another language check...
Von was ich vom Wunsch mich geschmeckt habe = From what I've tasted of desire (?)
my altered version of normal Flame's afk chat bind.
And would anyone be able to translate the exclamation 'Ready!'? Unfortunately I don't think a dictionary would work perfectly for me if I don't know the correct use of the word as an exclamation... if I'm even making sense.
[/ QUOTE ]
'Ready!' = "Bereit!", as mentioned above, "Ich bin bereit" (I am ready!)
Von was ich vom Wunsch mich geschmeckt habe = *snicker* That makes no sense whatsoever, does sound funny though
From what I've tasted of desire (?) = "Was ich vom Verlangen geschmeckt habe" or "Was ich von meinem Verlangen geschmeckt habe" (from what I've tasted of my desire) has a better ring to it.
Desire in this context = Verlangen.
That is more or less directly translated, however, I might find a better translation if I had a bit more context.
Funny thing about German, as an English speaker you can occasionally understand a few words the German speaker is saying. I understand the two languages are actually pretty closely related.
The best comics are still 10�!
My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!

WARNING: I bold names.

Bereit for ready. The other is too complex for my limited German skillz.
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks! I just found a german translation for the Robert Frost Poem line... but I'm always a double-checker. (and making sure I even have the right line)
[/ QUOTE ]
Note to self: read the whole thread
Given the context of the poem, it is translated as "Nach dem, was ich von Lust gekostet".
That does sound ok'ish, and makes sense, so you probably want to use that instead. My translation above is more or less direct, and without the context of the whole poem it is taken from:
Feuer und Eis
So mancher sagt, die Welt vergeht in Feuer,
so mancher sagt in Eis.
Nach dem, was ich von Lust gekostet,
halt ich´s mit denen, die das Feuer vorziehen.
Doch müsste ich zweimal untergehen,
kenn ich den Hass wohl gut genug,
zu wissen, dass für die Zerstörung Eis
auch bestens ist
und sicher reicht.
Robert Frost
<Edit> Though 'gekostet' does work better then my 'geschmeckt' (both mean the same), I still would have translated desire as 'Verlangen' not 'Lust'
The poem is translated in spirit of course, to make it sound nice, and be true to the meaning, and not every single word translated as in the english version.
Then again, I really don't know much about poetry, in either language
I understand the two languages are actually pretty closely related.
[/ QUOTE ]
Sort of.
English is a Germanic language. Which means that it shares roots with modern day German. However, English has stolen, adopted, kidnapped, and borrowed so many words from other languages that it is now rather far away from German. Still, like you said, there are words that sounds close enough that you can see the relation.
@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters
Einige sagen, da die Welt im Feuer beendet, sagen einige im Eis. Von was ich vom Wunsch mich geschmeckt habe, mit denen halten, die Feuer bevorzugen. Aber, wenn es zweimal umkommen mute, denke ich, ich wei, da genug von Ha, das fr Zerstrung Eis zu sagen auch gro ist und gengen wrde.
Was the translation of the Poem I found. But as we all know anyone can write anything they want on the intrawebs, and you seem to have a pretty nice grasp of the language so I think I will stick with:
Nach dem, was ich von Lust gekostet
Einige sagen, da die Welt im Feuer beendet, sagen einige im Eis. Von was ich vom Wunsch mich geschmeckt habe, mit denen halten, die Feuer bevorzugen. Aber, wenn es zweimal umkommen mute, denke ich, ich wei, da genug von Ha, das fr Zerstrung Eis zu sagen auch gro ist und gengen wrde.
[/ QUOTE ]
That is a horrible gibberish and makes very little sense
The translation I posted above I found several times, and it does read ok.
I am german by the way
Einige sagen, da die Welt im Feuer beendet, sagen einige im Eis. Von was ich vom Wunsch mich geschmeckt habe, mit denen halten, die Feuer bevorzugen. Aber, wenn es zweimal umkommen mute, denke ich, ich wei, da genug von Ha, das fr Zerstrung Eis zu sagen auch gro ist und gengen wrde.
[/ QUOTE ]
That is a horrible gibberish and makes very little sense
The translation I posted above I found several times, and it does read ok.
I am german by the way
[/ QUOTE ]
okay I suppose that would explain the firm grasp of the language..
thanks for all the help!
... and your not helping my altitis one bit!
So my usual buddies and I ran the new TF for the first time. Well, when we entered the mission that takes you to the axis earth... I immediately thought to myself:
"Axis Earth...
Axis... Flame...
oh [censored]."
Well, my love of creating alternate versions of my main kicked in, and I created Flamme Zauberin! A general for the Amerika Korps and fire/fire brute. (sorry the screenie is dark, I was too lazy to do something else for the time being)
Peacebringer Flame: check
Praetorian Flame: check
Brainwashed Arachnos Flame: check
Robot Flame: check
Axis Earth Flame: *sigh* ...check
But here's a question I pose to anyone with some knowledge of the German language (I have a German background and I know nothing), does Flamme Zauberin sound correct?