Mr E-Man's MoLRSF Thread

akarah the hunter



Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
Glad you're at least partially back Paragon

Nope, we did not get the badge. I was first death =(. Followed by several team wipes in the final mission. We finally gave up after we were unable to take down *any* of the Heroes in the final mission.
Ouch, that stinks. I was planning on bringing my Sonic/Rad Corr since there was basically zero debuff in the sign-up list.... Instead I played that other game for the first time in a year (and leveled up like 4 times).

Update: apparently I've been suspended on the beta server now too. Whoever was GMing yesterday needs to have a talked to....



Originally Posted by Paragon View Post
Update: apparently I've been suspended on the beta server now too. Whoever was GMing yesterday needs to have a talked to....
It's most likely just a side-effect of the test/beta servers being behind by "up to 48 hours". When you create or reactivate an account, it can take up to 48 hours before you are allowed access to the test/beta servers. Even though your suspension has now been reversed, the test/beta server hasn't received word of it yet. You still had access to Beta during your suspension for the same reason. I'm sure you'll be back up and running in no-time.

So what did they accuse you of to begin with anyway? Either way, it's nice to see they turned it back on before Monday.



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
It's most likely just a side-effect of the test/beta servers being behind by "up to 48 hours". When you create or reactivate an account, it can take up to 48 hours before you are allowed access to the test/beta servers. Even though your suspension has now been reversed, the test/beta server hasn't received word of it yet. You still had access to Beta during your suspension for the same reason. I'm sure you'll be back up and running in no-time.

So what did they accuse you of to begin with anyway? Either way, it's nice to see they turned it back on before Monday.
Supposedly someone else was using my account, but that's hard to believe since my account was instantly disabled the moment I logged out. I have no clue what reasoning they actually had for suspending me, not that they technically need one (the EULA says they can close an account on a whim). It's not like I'm a griefer, RMTer, AE/bug exploiter, or anything. The only thing I can think of is my router randomly changed its IP address without my knowledge, which the game read as a different person playing on my account and flagged it for suspension. Or someone in the chain of command didn't get the memo that a single person can hold multiple accounts in City of and decided @Infi was hacking @Paragon since they both use the same IP address to access the server.



Glad you are back Paragon!

That was a very rough run - I really hate not being able to complete a TF/SF.

So what does everyone think? One more go before moving on to greener pastures?

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
That was a very rough run - I really hate not being able to complete a TF/SF.

So what does everyone think? One more go before moving on to greener pastures?
I hate to say "die", but I'm willing to suspend effort on this 'til after Thanksgiving. Give us a two week break to do something else so we don't feel like a 40 lb box of fail.

I do want to kick this one in the jimmy, but if we wanna guarantee the Master win, we might want to bring more complementary AT builds to the team.

Going on record in saying that I already have this badge on my mains, so if you'd rather fill it with someone who can bring more to the team, I'll step aside. No worries in that regard. I DO like doing the runs for my alts, but they're alts. Badging is Srs Bsns(tm). I'll give up the seat if it means a win for our side.



The only "Master of" I still currently need is MoSTF on my Dominator. Unless i19 goes Live tomorrow, then I'll need the new Mo's as well, but those work differently than the current Mo's. You only need to get all the side task badges and the TF completion badge for MoApex and MoTinMage, but getting those badges is actually more difficult than surviving an onslaught of 8 level 53/54 Heroes. That said, I'm up for whatever.



I may or may not be around this weekend, so I've got no opinion on this one. I have a Fortunata who could probably help on this one, but I'm still pretty green on her control and confuse powers, so I probably wouldn't want to be the main person trying to occupy the Heroes.

If there's other types of support you're interested in for future runs, I've got rads, a storm, a dark, and an emp that I can convert to Vigilante if need be.

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Quoting another great hero...

"Never give up! Never surrender!"

This is the only Master badge that I have left to collect and I only have one badge hound. I'm down for any attempt.



Well, this is the only thing (besides the RV Heroes, and i19 stuff) that I need on MB, but I'm still willing to bring another toon if it helps everybody else get the badge.

As for what to do next, Tabby is only missing the MoLGTF still and I've got about 60 EoEs sitting in my base, so I'm certainly ready for one of those again too... but with the new stuff around the corner, it'll probably have to take a back seat for a little while longer.

In short.. I'm up for anything. lol



Originally Posted by U_S_C_I View Post
This is the only Master badge that I have left to collect and I only have one badge hound. I'm down for any attempt.

Suggesting this for Customs' sakes, but it really applies to anyone whose primary badgers are in need. How about tweaking the format for these, when a member is in viable "need" of a badge, where the rest of the team brings their A-game toons to the field to help the brother in need?

I roll my alts because they're generally useful, but if someone's been stuck because they missed the badge rush when it first came out, I'd vote to turn it into a "one for all, all for one" mentality to get the job done for that user.

If anything, it would ramp up our success rate. If we did five Master runs with our A-list toons, to get one person each time the badge, wouldn't that be more successful if we did it ten times with our alt list toons, trying to get the badge, and running amuck of it every time?



A Mr E-Man Production

Featuring Dark Willow or Neon Widow

Mission: Master of Lord Recluse's Strike Force – The Future of Freedom
Contact: Lord Recluse
Location: Grandville

Date & Time: Saturday, November 20 @ 10:30PM Eastern / 7:30PM Pacific

Level Range: 45-50

Combatants: Longbow, Malta Operatives, Freedom Phalanx, Vindicators

Arch-Villain(s)/Hero(es): Agent Crimson, Kronos Class Titan, The Slinger, Back Alley Brawler (x2), Numina (x2), Manticore (x2), Sister Psyche (x2), Mynx, Luminary, Swan, Valkyrie, Malaise, Ms Liberty, Positron, Synapse, Citadel, Statesman

Current Team Roster:

1: Dark Willow: Grav/Psi Dominator or Neon Widow: Widow
2: Dyrnwyn: Rad/Rad Defender
3: Shadowrush: MA/SR Scrapper
4: Raven Roth: Grav/FF Controller
5: Paragon: TBA (Blaster)
6: MB: TBA
7: Customs: Inv/EM Tank
8: Black Jerusalem: Traps/DP Defender


Luna: TBA

Strike Force Info & Stats:

  • This Strike Force requires an 8-person team to start & I will set it to No Temp Powers (which includes Veteran Reward Powers) & 0 Defeats
  • 6 missions (1 talk to)
  • Badge(s): Servant of Recluse, Master/Mistress of Olympus, Annihilator, Master of Lord Recluse's Strike Force for No Deaths/No Temp Powers (no guarantees of course :smirk: ) plus progress towards the Monkeywrencher badge for Zeus Titans among others
  • Merit Reward: 25
  • This Strike Force (by necessity) will probably be limited to just one team.
Mr E-Man’s MoLRSF Mission Notes:
  • Stick together, listen to instructions & do not be afraid to offer your opinion on strategy!
  • First Mission: We have been bypassing the majority of this mission just taking out the objectives & fighting groups when necessary. Just play smart & do not over aggro. The Scientist location can be ascertained by checking the number of red objective points in each door (3 yes / 2 no). Often the glowies can be stealthed. The ambushes & leading the scientist to the glowie has been removed from the SF. Clear the left side to Crimson - Pets on passive to avoid Hero aggro until we are set.
  • Second Mission: In the water to the Khronos Titan. Clear around the nearby mobs & take out the Titan. Clear the mob in front of the door. Stealth & TP to the end area if possible, if not stick together & clear. Clear the two areas before opening up the door. After aggroing the Slinger, try to clear the surrounding mobs before taking him down to make it less hectic for when he spawns his bots.
  • Fourth Mission: After talking to Grillo (Third Mission), move to the base of the Atlas Statue. We may need to clear some nearby mobs first. Pull to the front foot of the statue (furthest from the Heroes). Pull/Kill order: Numina, Sister Psyche, Manticore, BABs subject to pulling circumstances.
  • Fifth Mission: Clear to the Vindicator door, while the rest of the team sets up back down the hall, someone stealthy should open the door. Pull/Kill order: Malaise, Swan, Luminary, Mynx, Valkyrie (x2) subject to pulling circumstances. Clear to the glowie. Set-up & wait for the ambush (we usually go back to the main hall by the large room). Clear to Ms Liberty. Use the rifle on her & take her down.
  • Sixth Mission: Clear to the right side of the Atlas Statue (to avoid any cross agro). Stay together & keep buffs/debuffs running. From this side, Pull/Kill order: Numina, Synapse. Clear to the left side of the Atlas Statue. From this side, Pull/Kill order: Sister Psyche, Manticore. From here, we can determine which side to pull from next & which hero to pull. Of course this is all subject to pulling circumstances. Apparently if Statesman is mentally undressing Numina, it will result in an “All-Pull” situation. If this occurs, we will determine a strategy - perhaps logging out to reset the mission & hoping for a better distribution of the heroes. Conversely, we my try the sleep & pull method if we have the right team make-up.
  • This is still a work in progress…so please chime in with ideas!
Come & join in the fun and while you are at it show Statesman what you really think of him! Sign-up here or send a global to @Mr E-Man

Red Tomax Guide: The Future of Freedom Strike Force
Paragon Wiki: The Future of Freedom Strike Force

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Sign me up E. I still need this badge. Gonna use my main, Dyrnwyn - rad/rad defender



Hey E. I'd like to join for another try. Shadowrush still doesn't have the MoLRSF badge as well. One of only two Mo badges he still doesn't have (the other being the Barracuda). My main character will be up, running and prepared for a Saturday run.



Raven Roth would like to join as well if there are any open slots left. Magic Controller - Grav/FF



Sign me up as TBA. I'll probably bring a Blaster, but can switch to something else if necessary. Note that my Empath, Widow, and Fire Tanker are currently running with several powers without any enhancements at all, so I probably can't bring them along. >.>



I'm in again. Toon to be determined by the team.



Me, too.

Invul/EM/Awesome tank.



Count me in.

Black Jerusalem - Traps/DP Defender



I am going to be online, if there's an Alt position open I'd like to get in on it with CP. I know it's WAY late to be signing up, but I got in early tonight and thought I'd try. =D

No worries as always if I can't =D I will try it eventually.

Freedom Horde! Join the Ranks!



Delayed After-Action Report:

It was a pretty good run - we did have to do a restart as we had a quick death in the second mission on our first attempt.

I say pretty good, but we failed at the Master of... portion of the night.

In the last mission, we had an all-pull situation - we managed to get Numina down but while fighting the other AVs, I was tagged & dropped for our first death. Another quick death follow mine almost immediately - we wound up with 11 defeats, completing the SF in 1 hr 43 mins.

We had a shot, but couldn't take it home.

Next Saturday will be a different Master of... run - taking a break from Recluse for a bit. I am debating on which one to run, but I should have the post up by tomorrow.

Thanks for joining everyone & thanks for sticking it out even though we had all of the Heroes on top of us.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



A Mr E-Man Production

Featuring Dark Willow or Neon Widow

Mission: Master of Lord Recluse's Strike Force – The Future of Freedom
Contact: Lord Recluse
Location: Grandville

Date & Time: Saturday, February 26 @ 10:30PM Eastern / 7:30PM Pacific

Level Range: 45-50

Combatants: Longbow, Malta Operatives, Freedom Phalanx, Vindicators

Arch-Villain(s)/Hero(es): Agent Crimson, Kronos Class Titan, The Slinger, Back Alley Brawler (x2), Numina (x2), Manticore (x2), Sister Psyche (x2), Mynx, Luminary, Swan, Valkyrie, Malaise, Ms Liberty, Positron, Synapse, Citadel, Statesman

Current Team Roster:

1: Dark Willow: Grav/Psi Dominator or Neon Widow: Widow
2: Captain Power: Eng/Eng Blaster
3: Master-Blade: Kat/Reg Scrapper
4: Rev: Warshade (tentative)
5: Zanzibar Crocker: Grav/Elec Dominator
6: Lightning Demon: ???/??? Corruptor
7: Toxsyn: Fire/Rad Controller
8: Biggreenogre: TBA


Lady Nocturne: Fortunata
USCI: Inv/EM Tank
Turg: TBA
Takeo: Cold/Ice Defender
Marvel: TBA
Paragon: TBA
Doctor Kumquat: Arch/EM Blaster
Supernumiphone: TBA (Team 2 Leader)
Crayhal: TBA
Torq: TBA

Strike Force Info & Stats:

  • This Strike Force requires an 8-person team to start & I will set it to No Temp Powers (which includes Veteran Reward Powers) & 0 Defeats
  • 6 missions (1 talk to)
  • Badge(s): Servant of Recluse, Master/Mistress of Olympus, Annihilator, Master of Lord Recluse's Strike Force for No Deaths/No Temp Powers (no guarantees of course :smirk: ) plus progress towards the Monkeywrencher badge for Zeus Titans among others
  • Merit Reward: 25
  • This Strike Force (by necessity) will probably be limited to just one team.
Mr E-Man’s MoLRSF Mission Notes:
  • Stick together, listen to instructions & do not be afraid to offer your opinion on strategy!
  • First Mission: We have been bypassing the majority of this mission just taking out the objectives & fighting groups when necessary. Just play smart & do not over aggro. The Scientist location can be ascertained by checking the number of red objective points in each door (3 yes / 2 no). Often the glowies can be stealthed. The ambushes & leading the scientist to the glowie has been removed from the SF. Clear the left side to Crimson - Pets on passive to avoid Hero aggro until we are set.
  • Second Mission: In the water to the Khronos Titan. Clear around the nearby mobs & take out the Titan. Clear the mob in front of the door. Stealth & TP to the end area if possible, if not stick together & clear. Clear the two areas before opening up the door. After aggroing the Slinger, try to clear the surrounding mobs before taking him down to make it less hectic for when he spawns his bots.
  • Fourth Mission: After talking to Grillo (Third Mission), move to the base of the Atlas Statue. We may need to clear some nearby mobs first. Pull to the front foot of the statue (furthest from the Heroes). Pull/Kill order: Numina, Sister Psyche, Manticore, BABs subject to pulling circumstances.
  • Fifth Mission: Clear to the Vindicator door, while the rest of the team sets up back down the hall, someone stealthy should open the door. Pull/Kill order: Malaise, Swan, Luminary, Mynx, Valkyrie (x2) subject to pulling circumstances. Clear to the glowie. Set-up & wait for the ambush (we usually go back to the main hall by the large room). Clear to Ms Liberty. Use the rifle on her & take her down.
  • Sixth Mission: Clear to the right side of the Atlas Statue (to avoid any cross agro). Stay together & keep buffs/debuffs running. From this side, Pull/Kill order: Numina, Synapse. Clear to the left side of the Atlas Statue. From this side, Pull/Kill order: Sister Psyche, Manticore. From here, we can determine which side to pull from next & which hero to pull. Of course this is all subject to pulling circumstances. Apparently if Statesman is mentally undressing Numina, it will result in an “All-Pull” situation. If this occurs, we will determine a strategy - perhaps logging out to reset the mission & hoping for a better distribution of the heroes. Conversely, we my try the sleep & pull method if we have the right team make-up.
  • This is still a work in progress…so please chime in with ideas!
Come & join in the fun and while you are at it show Statesman what you really think of him! Sign-up here or send a global to @Mr E-Man

Red Tomax Guide: The Future of Freedom Strike Force
Paragon Wiki: The Future of Freedom Strike Force

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



I'm in with Captain Power Nrg/Nrg Blaster. =D

Freedom Horde! Join the Ranks!



I'm definitely in for this one. Thanks for hosting it again. It's the only badge (besides Partner and Vets) that MB can still get. I've been really lazy about it. I think he's only attempted it once. Tabby on the other hand has succeeded at it 3 times by now. lol

At 50+1, this should be a breeze