Invincible Eden Trial - Sat Jun 27th
ParagonWiki indicates that this trial requires a leader in the range of 39-41, otherwise the trial will not start. If this is still the case, then we will need someone in the appropriate range.
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It is.
Sign me up for team two. I'll bring Ironblade unless we need something else.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
I'm not sure if Delila Hazard will be level 39 by Saturday, but I'll bring someone to the trial if not Delila.
Please sign up Yeti Prince (level 39 ice/em blaster) for team 1.

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.
Brother Glacier (lvl 41 Cold/Ice defender) for team one please.
Sign up for team two - bringing Unknown Warrior (lvl 35)(hoping to get to lvl 39), if I cant get it up I will bring Doctor A Science Jr., Tanker Lvl 39
Founder of Life and Death Brigade
Infinity and Exalted
"Doc has a sexy voice" - L'amara
Please sign me up for team 2, not sure which toon I'll bring but someone who will compliment the team.
Put me down for Team One. Not sure who I'll be bringing yet.
Behind The Veiled Mask
Arc# 526759
Please add Doctor Whatshisname (lvl 45 Sonic/MM/Ele Blaster)and Steele Blue (lvl 50 NRG/NRG Blaster) to one of the teams!
Thank you.
-->Infinity Server<--

Taxibot Icy (lvl 39) will take part in the Eden Trial. Delila Hazard wants the day off.
Hi, Please sign up Insinerate, level 50 fire/fire blaster for either team.
(updating the roster)
Freedom Phalanx is entrusting us with some of the most serious tasks imaginable. This time our adventures are drawing us to the edges of civilization, where the Devouring Earth have been gradually adapting Paragon into their own version of eden. The Devouring Earth seek to bend nature to their will, and several heroes with strong ties to nature have been captured. Unless we free them soon, they will be transformed into servants of the Devouring Earth.
Saturday June 27th 1:00pm EST (12 noon CST) (10:00am PST)
Meet at the Woodsman in Eden
The range requirement is 39-41, with those above exemplared down to 41 automatically
Team One (Invincible):
1. Johnny Taxibot (team lead) - lvl 50 Elec/Energy blaster
2. Ullikummis >> Yeti Prince (lvl 39 ice/em blaster)
3. hilker >> Brother Glacier (lvl 41 Cold/Ice defender)
4. Scheol >> (toon to be decided)
5. Mystery_Inc >> Insinerate (lvl 50 fire/fire blaster)
6. NightWarrior >> Summer Serenade (lvl 39 Sonic/Fire blaster) -or- a lvl 50 of some kind
Team Two (Invincible):
1. Taxi Dermy (team lead) - lvl 39 warshade -or- Countess Natasha (lvl 45 plant/storm controller)
2. Ironblade - lvl 50 BS scrapper
3. mscats >> Taxibot Icy (Ice Blast/Ice Manipulation blaster)
4. Doctor_A_Science >> Unknown Warrior (lvl 39 scrapper) or Doctor A Science Jr. (lvl 39 tanker)
5. Gillian_Boardman >> (toon to be decided)
6. Cthulhu_Thom >> DoctorWhatshisname (lvl 44 Sonic/Mental/Electric blaster)
7. Steele Blue - lvl 50 NRG/NRG Blaster (pair with Cthulhu)
Overflow/Team Three (difficulty per team confidence):
1. (team lead) - to be announced
- This is a task force challenge series, where both teams will seek a reasonably high difficulty level, depending upon the team composition.
- We do not generally speed run these adventures, though we do seek to make good time and enjoy being in the story.
- For team composition, the suggestion is to have 1-2 tankers, and 2-3 blasters for AoE crowd control. However, we will not blindly attempt a difficulty that is beyond the team makeup. When unsure, we begin at Tenacious and gradually increase the difficulty.
- For Teams Two and Three, it is asked that there be a tanker for each team to provide good aggro management.
- If you don't know where the Woodsman is, then wait by a base portal. The Taxibot base has an Eden teleporter, which drops you right next to the Woodsman.
- ParagonWiki indicates that this trial requires a leader in the range of 39-41, otherwise the trial will not start. This being the case, then each team needs someone in the appropriate range to start us off.
1.5 levels to get Dermy to 39 by Saturday. If not, I'll bring Countess Natasha, 45 plant/storm controller.
Sign up Nightwarrior for a spot on team one but Im undecided what toon I will bring. Either a 39 blaster if I have her at 39 by Sat or a 50 of some kind.

For those that have never tried the Eden Trial before, then signing up for these teams is a good idea. There are rather surreal aspects to the story, and we're not speed running.
Looks like I'll be there with Aneris. Just hit 39
Behind The Veiled Mask
Arc# 526759
Even though we had a false start and some graphics issues for some (the arch villain wall kept disappearing) we managed to pull together as a team and succeed in today's trial. My thanks to the ever-so-experienced Green Gravitic for the guidance and tactical advice, and also to Akarie and Pyrhiccup for filling in at the last minute. Everyone did a great job in their respective roles.
From left to right in the photo:
Taxibot Icy, Gillian Boardman, Doctor Whatshisname, Akarie, Taxi Dermy, Woodsman, fire imps, Doctor A Science Jr., little devil, Green Gravitic, and Pyrhiccup.
I remember Pyrhiccup; she visited our base after our Badge Tour on Friday. That's quite thoughtful.
For team photos, Team One doesn't have one this week. We kinda defeated the Titan and started heading out before remembering.
Even though we had a false start and some graphics issues for some (the arch villain wall kept disappearing) we managed to pull together as a team and succeed in today's trial. My thanks to the ever-so-experienced Green Gravitic for the guidance and tactical advice, and also to Akarie and Pyrhiccup for filling in at the last minute. Everyone did a great job in their respective roles.
From left to right in the photo:
Taxibot Icy, Gillian Boardman, Doctor Whatshisname, Akarie, Taxi Dermy, Woodsman, fire imps, Doctor A Science Jr., little devil, Green Gravitic, and Pyrhiccup.
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Too bad no one took a picture of me hitting the Quarry's Cr*tch...That would have been a interesting picture....
Founder of Life and Death Brigade
Infinity and Exalted
"Doc has a sexy voice" - L'amara
You're too funny :P
I am funny?? No one ever said that to me before..
Founder of Life and Death Brigade
Infinity and Exalted
"Doc has a sexy voice" - L'amara
How about variations? Anyone ever tell you that you look funny, or smell funny?
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
yeah.. A lot of people have said that i am a geek and a nerd..
Founder of Life and Death Brigade
Infinity and Exalted
"Doc has a sexy voice" - L'amara
Geeks and nerds are not automatically funny. You are, but not everyone.
Glad you're coming next saturday! Bring new jokes.
Freedom Phalanx is entrusting us with some of the most serious tasks imaginable. This time our adventures are drawing us to the edges of civilization, where the Devouring Earth have been gradually adapting Paragon into their own version of eden. The Devouring Earth seek to bend nature to their will, and several heroes with strong ties to nature have been captured. Unless we free them soon, they will be transformed into servants of the Devouring Earth.
Saturday June 27th 1:00pm EST (12 noon CST) (10:00am PST)
Meet at the Woodsman in Eden
The range requirement is 39-41, with those above exemplared down to 41 automatically
Team One (Invincible):
1. Johnny Taxibot (team lead) - lvl 50 Elec/Energy blaster
2. Ullikummis >> Yeti Prince (lvl 39 ice/em blaster)
3. hilker >> Brother Glacier (lvl 41 Cold/Ice defender)
4. Scheol >> (toon to be decided)
Team Two (Invincible):
1. Taxi Dermy (team lead) - lvl 39 warshade
2. Ironblade - lvl 50 BS scrapper
3. mscats >> (toon to be decided) - perhaps Delilah Hazard (lvl 39 assault/device blaster)
4. Doctor_A_Science >> Unknown Warrior (lvl 39 scrapper) or Doctor A Science Jr. (lvl 39 tanker)
5. Gillian_Boardman >> (toon to be decided)
6. Cthulhu_Thom >> DoctorWhatshisname (lvl 44 Sonic/Mental/Electric blaster)
7. Steele Blue - lvl 50 NRG/NRG Blaster (pair with Cthulhu)
Overflow/Team Three (difficulty per team confidence):
1. (team lead) - to be announced