Low Level Redside Hell ...




IIRC the bank farm (first mish from second contact) is the closest thing there is to the sewers redside.

Or you can go into AE and shout "PL MEH!"



Or something designed to help me get past lvl 2 ...

It just seems like a massive inequality that I can power-level to atleast what level 10 in the blueside sewers and have to fight my booty off to get to lvl 2 in redville ...

/nerdrage powerdown ....

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My experience, prior to the advent of Patrol XP, has been thus.

Tutorial, come out at level 2.

Do Kalinda first arc. You should be just over halfway to level 3 after bringing in Operative Burke. You should ding level 3 during the second mission. You should be three quarters through level 3 when you finish the Defeat all Infected mission. The arc completion bonus for this mission should ding you to level four. The next three missions should level you to five (you should ding level 5 with either the mission or arc completion for Defeating Syrus).

If you have taken the Burke route, you should ding level 4 in the egg chamber. The arc completion bonus will take you halfway to level 5. Burke will have two more missions after this, which will take you halfway to level 6.

At this point, you can either do Mongoose / Creed, or skip them and go straight to Port Oakes.

Mongoose is more neutral / mercenary, and Creed has you do some fairly evil stuff (all in the name of Science, of course, which makes it all better ).

I do suggest doing all of the starting contact's missions so that you can get straight to the cape and aura missions at level 20 and 30. If you leave one of the arcs unfinished, you will need to complete it first. If you don't get their phone numbers, you will need to do a significant amount of Zone swapping in order to get your cape or aura. (IIRC, Cape takes you from Sharkhead to Port Oakes, and Aura takes you from Sharkhead to Cap. Adding Mercy into the mix is a massive PITA).

[/ QUOTE ]

What I like to do with Kalinda's Arc is reach level 3 and get the 'Defeat all Infected' mission. Since I have Mission Transporter from Mac Edition to get to the mission door, that way I don't have a long run ahead of me. When I finish the mission, I find a mob outside, jump in the middle and use Self Destruct from Cyborg Booster Pack, after I am dead, I 'go to hospital' and I am back close to Kalinda to get next mission.



I'd recommend doing Kalinda's arc.

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Ditto. And I normally go around the fort a couple of circuits to gain a level or two.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



My normal routine for a low level redisder

Breakout, to level 2
Few mins down on the beach, to level 3.

Run Kalindas arc, Street sweeping anything close, Dropping the Contaminated mission on the farside of the map. That gets me to 5 or so. Then Port Oakes and 3 papers + safeguard.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



My normal routine for a low level redisder

Breakout, to level 2
Few mins down on the beach, to level 3.

Run Kalindas arc, Street sweeping anything close, Dropping the Contaminated mission on the farside of the map. That gets me to 5 or so. Then Port Oakes and 3 papers + safeguard.

[/ QUOTE ]
That's my normal routine also, only I actually run the Infected mission and don't start the second arc, leave from the mission door across the island to get the Cesspool and Snake Charmer badges on the way to The Next Big Thing and the Lorekeeper plaque. Then to Port Oakes, the second Lorekeeper plaque behind the ferry, and off to the broker. This frees up the mission drop for the Kidnap Vanessa Verandi mission in Billie Heck's 7 merit arc.

And yes, the Mission Teleporter is a wonderful thing for this process.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



My normal routine for a low level redisder

Breakout, to level 2
Few mins down on the beach, to level 3.

Run Kalindas arc, Street sweeping anything close, Dropping the Contaminated mission on the farside of the map. That gets me to 5 or so. Then Port Oakes and 3 papers + safeguard.

[/ QUOTE ]

Pretty similar here except I usually follow the Burke arc. His missions usually get me to about lv 5 or so then its a street sweep over to the PO ferry and out to the first broker missions.

I dislike Mercy. I do whatever I can to get off that island as soon as possible.

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/~jwbullfrog until I come up with a better solution.