My first commission ... I just have to say ... Wow

Dark Ether



I decided I wanted my favorite toon, Star Spangled Shield, commissioned and contacted PlayWorkArt. He did an awesome job. I love it.

131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )



He did indeed! Congratulations!



I admired this one over on DA, indeed a very nice piece.




"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Cool start to your collection.



Very nice, congrats.

SI Radio has many DJs and listeners whom hold City of Heroes close to their hearts. We will be supporting many efforts to keep CoH ALIVE!!



Congrats! Looks like an excellent beginning to a collection.



nice! can't go wrong with starting out with PlayWorkArt for a commission. I like the angle on the shield, details on it and the costume are well done.

@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!



He is an excellent find on DA. Amazing work.

FireBrandi - Champions lvl 50 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster - Tier 4 Alpha
Kim Paler - lvl 50 Crab Spider - Tier 3 Alpha

My DA page



Can anyone suggest an artist who does more 3d realistic work, who is taking commissions?

131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )



Good stuff!