Recluse Victory Zone Patrol - Tue Jun 16th
I'll make sure to have some people from both sides of DATA there to add to the fun! I will more then likly be on red side, unless blue is badly out numbered.
Dang, sounds like its gonna be a schweet event! I'm gonna be camping next week so no can do but def good luck!
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
I'd suggest the arachnos get more spiders in the zone, but I don't think they can fit anymore.
"Look how many pages of crap are in this thread already!" -r0y to all threads on these forums.
Good stuff. These zone activities get more interesting when there's a bit of cat-and-mouse activity going on.
I was on a RV pickup team with Mighty Isis last night, and we defeated several AVs despite villains getting involved. At least a couple of people on our team earned the Justiciar badge, and we ended up "winning" the zone for blue-side.
Aye -- very good times! For the very first time ever, I think we actually played RV like the Dev's intended! While an 8 man team can take down an AV, it was much quicker with the 3 heavies helping out -- it allowed four heroes to concentrate on an AV while the other four kept the villains off our backs.
I don't know the level of pvp experience your usual zone teams have, Johnny, but I'd stress to them that zones are free-fire zones -- anything can and will happen. As long as they keep in mind that they're likely to face villain resistance, AV hunts can pretty fun!
Our teams tend to have a mix of those that are familiar with PvP zones, versus those that are (say) aware Recluse's Victory and have never really ventured there. Regardless, even the new people really enjoy the challenge of a team working together.
We generally start off with a rundown of the team priorities, and explain to new people what they can expect, with emphasis that defeats can happen though not to let that be a discouragement.
Thanks everyone that participated! Looks like we had a lot of people having fun, with heroes and villains of varying skill levels. We even had Slax come in and attempt to self destruct, which was kind of funny.
We recruited two teams, with Belle and I coordinating. As it turns out, Vixen couldn't make it because she became engaged over the weekend. That sort of rearranged her schedule, so to speak.
I need to check with Icy and Vixen what they want to do next Tuesday. There was a suggestion of a Giant Monster hunt. I'll make a post when we know for sure.
We even had Slax come in and attempt to self destruct, which was kind of funny.
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Wait, are you saying Slax TRIED to self-destruct and FAILED? That's.... sad.
That's almost like throwing yourself at the ground and missing.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Ironblade: That's almost like throwing yourself at the ground and missing.
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Actually, that's what Arthur Dent accidentally did in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series (I believe it was the third book, "Life, the Universe and Everything").
Dent was on an alien world being chased by some threat or other, when he tripped and began to fall towards some rather rough terrain. However, at that very moment, he noticed that nearby a set of his matching luggage, which had gone missing at Heathrow Airport years ago. So astonished was he to suddenly discover his missing luggage on another world whilst being chased by terrors in hot pursuit, that he completely put the fact out of his mind that he was falling. In so doing, he missed the ground completely and found that he could continue to fly, provided that he was able to continue a certain nonchalant attitude towards the ground below.
Well, twas a fun night. I'm sorry I couldn't provide more of a threat, but 1v.... however many heroes you had in your blob was not exactly the most encouraging odds. So I ran around attacking the pillboxes you already took instead. ^.^ Still was fun to see the zone hopping. I finally bit the bullet and started buying IOs to make my second build a PvP oriented one, so maybe next time I can be a bit more of a credible threat (and once the dom buffs go through, you'd better watch out!). Good times, all in all.
Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!
I haven't seen any patch notes on the signature AVs or Heroes but I recall them to be extremely overpowering with the i13 NPC mez system having to have 2 teams and all heavies to put up a fight.
The other day Positron jumped on a SS/WP, DM/Elec Brute, and me on a EM/Regen Stalker and oddly destroyed him without any buffs/debuffs/heals/no heavies. I think their regen was nerfed as he didn't put up much of a fight.
Anyone notice this or have any insight on any word or any unheard changes to the signature heroes/archvillains?
It would be interesting to have a villain team working on pillboxes because that would introduce more strategy in terms of "winning the zone." Not only would the teams need to coordinate well; there would be a need to adjust their overall strategy according to the other team's progress (i.e., which pillbox is the most vulnerable, can we slow the other team down, where is the other team likely to go next, and so on...).
I haven't seen any patch notes on the signature AVs or Heroes but I recall them to be extremely overpowering with the i13 NPC mez system having to have 2 teams and all heavies to put up a fight.
The other day Positron jumped on a SS/WP, DM/Elec Brute, and me on a EM/Regen Stalker and oddly destroyed him without any buffs/debuffs/heals/no heavies. I think their regen was nerfed as he didn't put up much of a fight.
Anyone notice this or have any insight on any word or any unheard changes to the signature heroes/archvillains?
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No changes I've currently seen, but yes, their regen appears to be slightly off.
It would be interesting to have a villain team working on pillboxes because that would introduce more strategy in terms of "winning the zone." Not only would the teams need to coordinate well; there would be a need to adjust their overall strategy according to the other team's progress (i.e., which pillbox is the most vulnerable, can we slow the other team down, where is the other team likely to go next, and so on...).
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also the reinforcment spawns would be a lot of fun, and aid at the same time.
Restoring Atlas Past!
Tuesday June 16th 8:30pm EST (7:30pm CST) (5:30pm PST)
Meet in Recluse's Victory at the Longbow base
Team Lead is Taxibot Vixen ( @Taxibot Vixen )
This is a Recluse's Victory activity, which pits Good versus Evil for control of a potential future for Primal Earth. This future is determined by the capture and control of several Temporal Anchors, each defended by a pillbox. The Paragon Taxi Service is organizing teams to restore the timeline, and to prevent Arachnos from advancing their war machine. Whether or not you are a taxi, assist us in deterring the Arachnos forces!
<ul type="square">[*]Minimum level is 40, with everyone at an effective level of 50. In addition to getting badges for defeating AVs, we will collect exploration badges whilst we're there.
[*]The entrance to Recluse's Victory is through Atlas Park. If you've never been there before, then rest assured that our teams are organized and we will give you guidance.
[*]Make sure you arrive early because we are starting at the designated time. If you post your toon name in this thread, then we'll know you're coming and be able to locate you quickly (you're effectively reserving your spot).[/list]