I have some questions about tanker sets
Im just the opposite. I cannot stand Rage. I still took it, I just don't like it. Its just not fun. Of all my 50 tanks, my /SS is my least favorite because of rage. I know, Im weird that way
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I tried to understand, but I used some objectivity when reading. I have a Granite/SS and took rage for the -dmg of GA, I never have a problem popping Rage and going to work on enemies. The weaken debuff lasts for ten seconds. If you cant handle the wait then, tanking is not for you. Lets not forget you can perma Rage, which keeps me running Rage all mission long. Don't get confused, just because its not called Build up, it does the same thing for a longer period. Thats like saying you hate hitting hard for more than ten seconds.
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Yes I know all about perma rage and how to live through the debuff, I had it and used it even way back when you were affecting only self with it.
Its just the feel of it..for a lack of a better explanation. Its the the animation..the glow....the "i better wait 5 seconds before charging in so I can hit hard". I just dont like it.
I even took hand clap just so it'd give me something to use when rage was down that I knew didnt do damage anyway...I just cannot get into a good rhythm with a /SS tank.
But I have no problem waiting for Aim + BU on a blaster before firing. It seems those penalties just feel less of an obstacle for me to overcome. I can still hit hard with a blaster w/o Aim+BU, maybe thats it. But an SS tank out of rage just feels like girl fighting to me (sorry to any ladies I offended, just trying to make a point).
Founder of A.G.O.N.Y. Supergroup on Victory
Member of Thought Sanctum VG on Victory
Member of St0rm Batallion SG on Guardian
I would recommend invul/fire. I'm running one now and he's a lot of fun. dive into a big group and get the invinc +def bonus then AoE the buggers.
We don' need no stinkin' signatures!
Only level 32, so I can't say how well this scales, but I am feeling pretty insane on my SD/DM. Here's what I do:
1) Enter mission on invulnerable, preferably against melee-oriented enemies.
2) Grab about 10 enemies from 3-5 spawns.
3) Get them all arranged around me and then Soul Drain for about 50 damage each.
4) Shield Charge for 250+ damage each. This usually kills or nearly kills minions and leaves lieutenants under 50%.
5) Finish off the remaining mobs with shadow punch/smite/siphon while Shield Charge recharges.
6) Kill 2-3 more spawns with just an initial shield charge.
7) Soul Drain should be recharged, go to step 1.
This works well in PUG's too where I find that, with buffs and depending on team mix, I can be a real damage power house on top of tanking. It also helps that it's easy to get your enemies grouped quickly and your shield charge can take the heat off of the initial alpha strike.
Caveat: this is my first character so I don't know how it feels compared to other builds. I just know that compared to other players in my PUG's I feel pretty damn powerful. I have Shield Charge fully slotted with Multistrike (which was quite affordable) but I haven't been able to slot up Soul Drain yet. I hear I'm about to get a lot of damage with Midnight Grasp too so I'm hoping that the momentum will keep going and I'll still feel this uber at 50.
You're doing it wrong if it costs you "billions". Both in building it and playing the market.
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My purpled-out build says otherwise.
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Wow, you found room for purples?
I have just finished* painstakingly slotting out my Inv/SS Tanker for typed defense. (*Finished subject to the caveat that he's 48 so he has 1 power and 4 more slots [counting the default in that power] to go, and I also am still waiting on two bids to come in that will boost his +regen. The defense part's all done though.)
I feel like I had no room for purples, because purples don't have typed defense bonuses. Pretty much all my powers have sets for typed defense bonuses (and through careful planning, still pretty good enhancement values). My utility powers are either one-slotted or in the case of Dull Pain, can't be purpled.
I do have room for the Hecatomb proc in Jab, but I might stick another end reducer in there instead. that's just one IO though, not a set.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding -- are you purpling AND soft-capping? I'm not being sarcastic, I'm feeling like I must have missed something.
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I operate under a totally different design philosophy than most Invulnerability Tanks. My first post was more sarcasm than anything - I'm aware that most Invulnerability upgrades focus purely on the Defense cap and don't cost even a fraction of what I went for. I am more well-rounded with my upgrades, with a strong emphasis on procs in my attacks. After all, what's dead can't hurt you anymore.
Most folks can't stand the idea of Invulnerability not being at the Smashing/Lethal cap at Resistance or Defense and put alot of their focus on either of those categories through powers and IOs. I'm perfectly fine without them - with this build, I have successfully Tanked everything short of Hamidon in this game with little issue thanks to the use of accolades, utilities, inspirations (where needed), etc. - all which are readily available. My thoughts are that if something can handle 95% of the situations in the game without buffs of any kind, it's solid enough to put some emphasis elsewhere.
| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DAA594DB4E134118C7677BB0B4DD52B09C0B3D40A194C34 2118D80870BC1A46A2|
|3DACA95DA943AB61B365BD25D8CBDF30130D12BAF54C097D0 78E52BA8F1800F53BF|
|C3107BEF26FBFFCDEC7EA7F966768BCF3775215E5C179A7EC 3AA3A4EA55CB5F7642|
|B5496B586DDB49AF5B65E6A5BFB8DD46DDBAC37DC801022C1 26954DF954DA8E340A|
|F6B303CB96ADEAAE69996E3BAE5E17A525A5513AD88771C96 D49BBEE36FA0B7643C|
|2D035CE06E1ED66D3326E5A185CE7B1E9DAD271223429CA27 66CDB46544BD022BD3|
|AEC7B6F6CD9AB10539EBED4AB1EAB8B2D51E81CA72707F0D8 268708B8E474CC2202|
|B4209422649580809757584B8EB11222FBE818FA67C3436F6 B0AB274DF80E065E65|
|E02D6AE8E32B31CA040382FA39A8DF3F21F0D139850A60428 4F668A63B1E9CF5B60|
|131F103C20638AC37C0797B386F0FE71D9B222C41F4A02A39 E850C921D889B04A18|
|9EA147FA1CA16F96309E2324E609537B544518BC22ECE5894 C5145BDA7ECF587E00|
|783285724A26CF00B32F753773ADEFE415AEDF901461F618E 2BCA8770495C516C97|
|5C076A0C4918CA92DD508190E64E0420E12027F40F3EA0782 3055EFB8E8606895B8|
|C6B846C8642F580D7307BF9860F29DEC84B5EF66B5EEF2BC6 1B6E02988FAAFE8DC6|
|29C20A541BE755F9E21FC82AF59E7144C81D13E6DE119201C CCE8D9BE02D4FDD23A|
|4F91CFC842E25D50949F21EA6F9BCE579637F83C1A43298E4 3666B88D990455B40A|
|154DABFE4DAF51D6990DC63AE30A217B95C1FD3BF20A31CB5 EBED993EECA7347DD0|
|B58E0C51D83F9BC4A32BFCC6F16188B84458391677CA1737A 025E86F2322ED09BA5|
|15C62AE3121F818B8C8F74D84E61C5CBAAEBCBC3B47DE3BEA E6FAF0397B8D3FD244|
|8EEDB3EF501C3238D8C72FF8CFEEBFAA49FFD1B82F7F12F50 46D906D17670F410E5|
|114E1FE3A88AA35D941A4E3B9FF5B32AA297B1A0359475940 D9443340AE0371946D|
That's the build information to date(which, aside from Proc IO levels - which have no bearing - is a perfect duplicate of my build to date including IO Set levels). I already have a mildly-upgraded PvP IO-friendly build I put together from scratch since Mids Hero Designer isn't up-to-date yet that I'm saving up around 1.5 Billion for.
Please note I'm not here to argue the validity of this build or seek feedback, I just wanted to clarify the purples question.
Raid Leader of Task Force Vendetta "Steel 70", who defeated the first nine Drop Ships in the Second Rikti War.
70 Heroes, 9 Drop Ships, 7 Minutes. The Aliens never knew what hit them.
Now soloing: GM-Class enemy Adamaster, with a Tanker!
Mind if I ask why you'd skip them?
Tremor I can sort of understand. It has one of the slowest animations and has a lower base damage than some, but it's still an AoE and it has a nice 15ft radius. Not having any AoEs is a real drag. (SS was getting tedious to me pre-38. To be fair, my SM is Fiery Aura, so I had Blazing Aura to supplement it.)
Fault boggles me, though. It's hands down the best control power Tankers have access to. I'd go so far as to say that Fault is a defining power of Stone Melee. I can't imagine ever skipping it.
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I use Taunt and (said AoE taunt aura here), when I Tank so its not an issue of aoe. I've played an Invul/enrg, and a Fire/dark, way before I tried SM, I find through my experience Fault and Tremor aren't needed in my case. I just don't NEED them. I have tried them and while fun at early levels, once you get to the point where blaster and scrappers are shredding through mobs (past 32), holding a mob in place for five seconds isn't really noticed when their all dead.
YMMV do I need to post this?, obviously skipping them hasnt hampered my tanking ability. Just posting that their not really needed in the long run. And while yes they do have their place in SM builds, they aren't "go to" powers in my builds. Fun visuals to watch, but to me, their only useful when you don't have a single scrapper or blaster to do dmg on said mob.
"If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything"
"You're like Giraffe's, the way you look down on me, with your vegetarian scorn."
Only level 32, so I can't say how well this scales, but I am feeling pretty insane on my SD/DM. Here's what I do:
1) Enter mission on invulnerable, preferably against melee-oriented enemies.
2) Grab about 10 enemies from 3-5 spawns.
3) Get them all arranged around me and then Soul Drain for about 50 damage each.
4) Shield Charge for 250+ damage each. This usually kills or nearly kills minions and leaves lieutenants under 50%.
5) Finish off the remaining mobs with shadow punch/smite/siphon while Shield Charge recharges.
6) Kill 2-3 more spawns with just an initial shield charge.
7) Soul Drain should be recharged, go to step 1.
This works well in PUG's too where I find that, with buffs and depending on team mix, I can be a real damage power house on top of tanking. It also helps that it's easy to get your enemies grouped quickly and your shield charge can take the heat off of the initial alpha strike.
Caveat: this is my first character so I don't know how it feels compared to other builds. I just know that compared to other players in my PUG's I feel pretty damn powerful. I have Shield Charge fully slotted with Multistrike (which was quite affordable) but I haven't been able to slot up Soul Drain yet. I hear I'm about to get a lot of damage with Midnight Grasp too so I'm hoping that the momentum will keep going and I'll still feel this uber at 50.
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I just got my SD/DM to 50 and it only gets better.
I've been with groups where they wipe on a spawn only to sit there and watch me solo them down in record time.
Probably one of the best Tanker builds I've worked since the original Burn Tankers (and SD/DM trumps that because you're much tougher).
Lastly, we have Stone melee. Anyone can tell you, its powerful. Slow and usually full of heart felt misses. But never the less, it shines when its accurate. Deadly in the higher levels, but Fault and Tremor always make me reconsider picking it, or at the very least, make me skip them. Either way, its a slow build up for Stone M.
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Mind if I ask why you'd skip them?
Tremor I can sort of understand. It has one of the slowest animations and has a lower base damage than some, but it's still an AoE and it has a nice 15ft radius. Not having any AoEs is a real drag. (SS was getting tedious to me pre-38. To be fair, my SM is Fiery Aura, so I had Blazing Aura to supplement it.)
Fault boggles me, though. It's hands down the best control power Tankers have access to. I'd go so far as to say that Fault is a defining power of Stone Melee. I can't imagine ever skipping it.
Just my opinion, of course, but I feel both powers have their place in SM builds.