DB Question




I look at the buffs for the DB attacks as they show up, but when I finish a combo (in this example Empower) all I see is the +dmg from Blinding Feint. Where can I find detailed information about this? What are the effects and how long do they last?



Right here.

The basic buff is 10% +tohit and 37.5% +dam. The combo portion is 3.3% +tohit and 12.5% +dam. The combo benefits are all listed under the combo ending power with the post script of "If Dual Blades ***** Mode **" on the effect entry.



Thank you so much. I had been searching for that for a while.



I saw a post over in the Brute forums about an attack chain leading off with Blinding Fient. Lemme see if I can find it.

Noght 50 Scrapper Broadsword/Invulnerability
Fire Umbra 50 Brute Dark Melee/Fire Aura
Impulse Cry 50 Blaster Sonic/Energy
Internist 50 Mastermind Poison/Thugs
Ice Omega 50 Corrupter Ice/Radiation
Prickly Heat 50 Dominator Plant/Fire
Champion Server



I saw a post over in the Brute forums about an attack chain leading off with Blinding Fient. Lemme see if I can find it.

[/ QUOTE ]

BF>AttackVitals is probably the attack string in question. It doesn't really do much with Empower though, but that's partially because Empower isn't a particularly incredible combo.



I saw a post over in the Brute forums about an attack chain leading off with Blinding Fient. Lemme see if I can find it.

[/ QUOTE ]

BF>AttackVitals is probably the attack string in question. It doesn't really do much with Empower though, but that's partially because Empower isn't a particularly incredible combo.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, this is the one. Isn't this the combo used by the Patron Saint of Dual Blades?
/e Bow
Praise Be to Shred Monkey
/e Rise

Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?

Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?



I saw a post over in the Brute forums about an attack chain leading off with Blinding Fient. Lemme see if I can find it.

[/ QUOTE ]

BF>AttackVitals is probably the attack string in question. It doesn't really do much with Empower though, but that's partially because Empower isn't a particularly incredible combo.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, this is the one. Isn't this the combo used by the Patron Saint of Dual Blades?
/e Bow
Praise Be to Shred Monkey
/e Rise

[/ QUOTE ]

I believe he uses a shorter one actually (BF>Ablating>Power>Sweeping), but it's impossible/really hard to get to solo without the extra 20% +recharge from Quickness in SR. You could feasibly do it with DB/Elec as well. The main reasons he avoids the Attack Vitals combo, iirc, is that Vengeful slice is atrocious for DPA.



Ah, got it. Haven't seen him around lately. Just when I started my DB toon to. Phooey. Ok, I'm gettin delirious, off to bed now.

Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?

Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?



Shred Monkey uses Blinding Feint -> Ablating Strike -> Sweeping Strike -> Ablating Strike. To run it gapless requires +314% recharge, but it'll still do amazing things at +279% recharge (two ticks of delay in the chain). I wouldn't bother below that, as the Achilles' Heel stacking starts dropping off.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



Shred Monkey uses Blinding Feint -> Ablating Strike -> Sweeping Strike -> Ablating Strike. To run it gapless requires +314% recharge, but it'll still do amazing things at +279% recharge (two ticks of delay in the chain). I wouldn't bother below that, as the Achilles' Heel stacking starts dropping off.

[/ QUOTE ]

Good god, i'd like to see that build, it's all I can do to get it up to around 271 recharge in mids


38 FF/Sonic Def
35 Ill/Storm
35 DM/Regen
1 pan of fresh brownies/gallon of milk



Ok scratch that, I got it to 282.5 but still, that's kinda far from 314 haha


38 FF/Sonic Def
35 Ill/Storm
35 DM/Regen
1 pan of fresh brownies/gallon of milk



Here's 300.6. That plus a base empowerment buff would get you gapless with that chain. You'd be better off with a single-tick gap before each Ablating Strike and the Hecatomb set in Ablating Strike, though.

Also, I believe Shred Monkey was running it with a single tick of gap WITH the base empowerment buff, though I don't remember for sure. And he fit in Aid Self.

<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy &amp; Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DAA5945B4F1A4114C7678515E42A22A27841BC23B8E25BD 5D6A61669B462A9189|
|FDA921547A06E80B098686A9BF6BD4FBD3EF5ADD78FD0F4A9 1FACA1E73298A67DEC|
|46FFBF9933E7CCFCF78C6BFE3CEB13E2F94DA1056E5BA66D9 78AE596D96CCA96E74|
|096ABF586D5A85C7837731BB78A1BC522A84B0811EBE694F2 D292D2C89E995669D3|
|328FA51DBF5ACACA1359B7A5513CC3D9BE3CB1E4B9B443DBF 5AA6CC97ADBE80E3C8|
|546C3328A4D298F7D34CCD5DA7569DB7E35A954DBB57A2548 B35D0967B4EC6AAD19|
|D96AD6CA46D66C9D626E296FDA6DD9BA18067349F87D822EE 9E9C00F3C228F118D2|
|2BAF0C06045F478194182D3CF08108623843DA8D25495C655 BD5CD5CBE96E4E77F3|
|1E035C750FAA1C5CA539DC309817333A610A5674B5A2A7042 67B18CF60C545063BB|
|A6BAE0743BE0546921058240CA708B153AABA84AA3E7E4FBD EF88F72B13629230F6|
|98314F55133F0161A14395975D08EF1225B820E457C6FC3BE 43570482FA3C14A908|
|F700677689BFEBB8C5DC2409E90DC2338203DA4360A456130 2E263760E67208272C|
|855533C3DCCC416EE6203773889B39C4CD4C7333F7A12AA2C C46D8AC1B4251B551F|
|415BFD97BC2CC6BC2DC1BC65BC63BC27DA81A51CE46F85692 7C2B03B032AA8E184D|
|D01121088DAB23C6D9D6045B9E64CB936C39C15E13EC350C5 5715515FF48A726BE1|
|2E63F313E1316BF1096BE110EA06A4A554DF121D37CC834EF 3ECD67CD04FEECCB0B|
|A89A55573FBBCABBDFE09BB84E585E63AC33E82BB87408B1A 02E7321CB5EB618DB8|
|4951CE30EE129A4A7547A2A4DA1F4125B3718CB9C9E21E0FF 0643F5D1F825F0EE0B|
|10CAA85086FFD2C79C7F7F9BBBFF440A4EF5B14244A348DC7 9F5FDFED7F3DDD7DDA|
|76FDF037A805200D10E71F400E5214E1FE1C8C4D1114A19A7 9D1FBEAED3E03534B4|
|8AB286B28EF212935C5E102F8A0FC58F124009A2F4A384518 65062281F503ABF01A|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------|</pre><hr />

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



My quick attempt. Slower, but has Aid Self.

<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy &amp; Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DAA5935B4F1A4114C767657105965BF1825714B188E82AE 9556DD344D1D656948|
|AF5A15529C2A8249B85B09868DA34ED7B9F7A7DEA0769FAD4 4F46CF652469FAD80D|
|FC7FCC99F9CF3933872D5CE64D21DE3F125A68DDAEB86EB95 46D559A4DD9F2EFCBE|
|AB9D3B01B6757C210428C5C4F940BD296D2CA5F54ECF29A5D A94937D19DCACB53E9|
|B8D22A5DE0684F9EDAF252BAD12DE75CB6A4D3B6AE7F98C54 6C3B636EB6D47BA6E5|
|00DCECEDB75E78C470559AB57EB8EF4D3A8D494B216DD68D6 ABD65AA376552E54DC|
|B66C5DC5A1AC0C7CDF607DF474BCE225202D6EBE621C328E0 8E9634699504097A65|
|C7E0D4337020C933018648408130380B8786B2813B8B4748F 1039D133CBC8104273|
|84489690FA0D88891D7079542E0FE7D23997CEB97A3997C9B 9CC3061175C5E76695|
|E4EDFDBAFE1B6EF60C6A03A3A5EE3B5C050DF09A34AF0D718 9290CA128AE0F2F17E|
|C2C7212F84022A1458A09001A1A0CA1A3C801FE322F454C35 33C8799B09A09733D1|
|1AE47839928DF8A1E7D46278F6F13260B8C1D426E97D007CB 63EA3A629F7AF0ACFD|
|9F195F08535F19DF08A9EF843D700DA85A07B8560F8486544 54343546BBC038FF80|
|013C3AA4DC3CB94746485B14A187B409878C82053094CA36A B7513EDF189F6FDCC0|
|AD39F5788A52EB104AA83324B8A593DCD2296E699A5B3AC72 D9DE7FDF6C19554AE2|
|4BBA6D935CDAEE9BF5DFC4748806B465DEFCC0685329B8CC7 8C27ECDA22943C42CC|
|AA6A67B9CF2F2094553B6417E8CCF316616191B1C4C8110E6 0B9A5965BB728B4789|
|B71877197FB798F9084FA96D4C52D71C21C634CEFBE9AF0C1 4BDEFE2752D4BBAF94|
|D02892D0BBAFE67F3D3FCDEB5CBE3D3FE83E4A11E500E510E 508E518A5827282524|
|5E9FCEABAC3F7B1A06594159455948FB8C8088004504C9420 4A08258C124189A10C|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------|</pre><hr />



Wow, both really nice builds Ill have to work towards. Both of these are really good bulds since I was debating how to go about loosening up the build a bit. Playing DB/SR from the beginning has quite a few problems, above being very tight.



Yes, yes it does. Not entirely sure how to improve on that. You could potentially sneak the Regenerative Tissue - +Regeneration into Aid Other, I suppose.

Now, one question I've been kicking around; how would such a crazy single-target build fare in team play? For instance, say we go with either Werner's or Laevateinn's build. In team play, I would think that AoE's win the day, what with the larger spawns and all. Would Sweeping Strike be enough of an AoE threat to really be of use? Or would making some compromises and grabbing One Thousand Cuts or Typhoon's Edge be more of use? Or, to go a different route, picking up Vengeful Slice and using Attack Vitals religiously?

How do such amazing single-target damage dealing builds fare in team play? (And by the way, if you can in any way improve on the above builds, I would think that a worthy challenge to y'all out there! Great stuff!)



306.3 With Aid Self and softcapped. Empty spot in tough is for PvP uinque and PvP proc for Sweeping Strike. Best I could do.

Totally stumped on how shred got these numbers before the pvp stuff came out.

<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy &amp; Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DAA5935B4F1A4114C767857515161011EF141515105DB5B 7546DD3C4DA2655162|
|9581F5A956C6154128284C544D3A669DFFBD4EB533F48D3A7 7EACDE42CF65204DFA|
|D84DF6FF9B3933FF39676667ED8B2D538857778516BC57735 CB7542C379D4643367|
|5DB39A99685218418EFC44AB6AC49696D9D3BB5D266CDA948 37DE1DDA92C7B2EE4A|
|AB788EBD823CAEC90BE9861FD64F6553D65B56A7E1CB9F9DD 5AC6243CA8A49CD07D|
|5565DBA6E803AB6AC54CBD5BA0CA8A193D356B57E12BEDFA8 96ADCDB3CA65C976DC|
|966C5E8E425969789F637DF4B4A14EC0AAB031A45148173E0 D43BD7E42D06484080|
|341C27480F0C250267069991E0CF52419298237CD5820F47E 0344440E5C1E95CBC3|
|B90638D720E71AE45CA39C6B9673ED824B6797A647B98A21C 24B1831A88EB66E3C0|
|12445DF53C601C177C838229825C20CB8FAD57AFD193A0493 A1C3889F47847F8942|
|0684026A72609F936F6BB8CC231809A991109795E6B262301 256A71C9EA665E206E|
|E9F771ED9A1594359864D18CE3176F90026C8D507AEA83AAF E85B3AC9F43BC2D27B|
|C607C2EA47C62742015C236A1723BC8BD7101A53E9C7EED0A CF135C63A617283719|
|B70A50D8F28826942659FE00D26BF432F26D23F080B3F19BF 18BF099A814A2E6F6C|
|9B97DB61640953362347F0C0F4B83AC538561D135394DD0B0 3332AFB0CDF9504DF9|
|504DF9504DF8E597557A2E4DD03D79C72CDB16B9E5DF3EC9A E71B96645792B755F4|
|0891521F2CC557E13184326A1B99452A757189613196F90BA C10F661BAA5A65B572|
|9B47C8D719D71833FD14D421ECA5C510957F8864C7AFFFA35 E904B2FF44F2DEEE5F|
|27348AC4BDDDBFF7BF9E2F66679DFE820F740F250FA2ED63E B00E510BB47D872B0F|
|50CA58CDDF657B35369E81616B486B28EB281F20627197E10 3F8A89124009A28450|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------|</pre><hr />



Yes, yes it does. Not entirely sure how to improve on that. You could potentially sneak the Regenerative Tissue - +Regeneration into Aid Other, I suppose.

Now, one question I've been kicking around; how would such a crazy single-target build fare in team play? For instance, say we go with either Werner's or Laevateinn's build. In team play, I would think that AoE's win the day, what with the larger spawns and all. Would Sweeping Strike be enough of an AoE threat to really be of use? Or would making some compromises and grabbing One Thousand Cuts or Typhoon's Edge be more of use? Or, to go a different route, picking up Vengeful Slice and using Attack Vitals religiously?

How do such amazing single-target damage dealing builds fare in team play? (And by the way, if you can in any way improve on the above builds, I would think that a worthy challenge to y'all out there! Great stuff!)

[/ QUOTE ]

Regular team play, not so good. Task forces they help make short work out of most AVs but they tend to not shine so much on the way. Killing 1 thing at a time is very slow going when you are always changing targets. On the plus side you are always busy.



Running on pickup groups all the time, I never felt like it was slow. Alternate builds with 1KC and Typhoon always felt slower - imho these powers require foes to be in close range to be efficient, and on the teams I'm on it just doesn't happen often enough. Add to that there's often other sources of AoE damage, and it's never been worth the trouble for me.

On the other hand, there's always room for ST damage on bosses, EBs and AVs, and even the occasional specific target you want to take down ASAP (surgeons, comm officers, sappers, radiologists, the list goes on).

That being said, I tend to believe players undervalue ST damage and overvalue AoE damage, so take my advice with a grain of salt.



How do such amazing single-target damage dealing builds fare in team play?

[/ QUOTE ]
Although AoE probably rules the day on teams, I believe Shred Monkey reported great success while teaming. I imagine that he got good at positioning for Sweeping Strike.

Another possibility for a more team-oriented DPS build would involve swapping some slotting around and chaining Blinding Feint -&gt; Sweeping Strike -&gt; Ablating Strike. Put the Gladiator proc in Sweeping Strike. I'm showing that at about 5% lower DPS at the levels of recharge we're talking about, BUT you do Sweeping Strike more often, and it has a triple stack of Blinding Feint on it. Also, it tops out at 355% recharge, which is to say that when speed boosted, it'll do better DPS than the other chain on top of the better AoE.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



306.3 With Aid Self and softcapped. Empty spot in tough is for PvP uinque and PvP proc for Sweeping Strike. Best I could do.

[/ QUOTE ]
While it's fun trying to eliminate the gap, again, I'm not sure I'd bother getting closer and closer in practice. You knocked an extra 0.02 seconds off the gap by slotting five Kismets in Lucky, for instance. Looking at the build more holistically, I really think there would be better things to do with those slots.

Still, you HAVE indeed eliminated the gap if we include the base empowerment buff. That IS pretty awesome. Nice job.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



My main goal was to remain at the soft cap and at least 300% recharge and include aid self and conserve power. Not an easy or cheep task but it can be done.