14 -
Wow, and thanks for all the replies.
Never really thought much about the /SR and taunt auras, that's a very good point I wouldn't have thought of myself.
I have decided on not one but two scrappers, one being the Elec/Shield that sounds awesome, the second being a Kat/Sr for concept reasons. If either of these don't pan out then the secondary is being switched into Regen for the same reason that I don't use willpower (no matter how much I love it) it needs a clicky primary or gets boring.
AV Soloing is very important to me as I hate limitations on what my character can do.
Before it's mentioned I know with Kat and a little slotting I can get all my defenses beyond soft cap slotting and it seems a bit one trick pony. This above Elec will probably be switched out.
If possible, all the guides are outdated. COuld I get a first hand account of what to expect to feel from each of those three secondaries?
Start squishy... when it comes together etc. -
Please feel free to just post stories of your past deeds with other scrappers, I love listening and anecdotes to help clarify your points.
Alright this is a tall order to ask of all of you, but I've been trying to figure it out by myself for days.
I'm going to make a Scrapper who loves AoE. Is just King, yet won't go Fire/ or Spines/ so Elec/ it is (Claws and Kat/ are a bit played out for me to really get into).
However the secondary is where I get stuck. /Regen seems really cool and with Elec/ I wouldn't have any redraw. Yet it's a middle of the road secondary, great out of the box but I love my Alphas too.
/Elec obviously fits the concept, yet it's a resistance based set, you will die, it just takes time.
/SR is just the puppy I brought home and love. I have no problem with it blooming later in the build, it's just fun to wade into a group of folks without a care in the world.
/Shields. a match made in heaven. Surrounded by people giving me +hundreds% of extra damage on an AoE based set seems crazy good.
Now for the limitors. I don't have INF, and I am willing to work to get there.
I understand you can softcap defense of /shields but that takes effort and you have to get to that point first. I don't have the inf to just pump him up easily as I go. I have nothing against Faceplanting, but still.
/SR is just the kind of defense isn't it? What are the detractors? (Save END problems). Does it have any real weaknesses or is having /sr a weakness because it makes the build so tight?
/Elec I don't think will make me feel like the King I want it to, but I haven't done a resistance based set. How do they handle against higher level spawns?
/Regen seems awesome and I love the concept, but like I said I love taking Alphas and laughing.
The basic key to what I want is:
I love clicky builds, they make me laugh.
The game from 1 to 50 is a journey.
I want to be able to solo large large groups of baddies by myself all the while being force to consciously play, not just hitting the same four buttons over while watching a TV show.
Must be able to safely solo AVs, hopefully multiple AVs at once.
If you have a different primary suggestion feel free to suggest, I'm just not a /fire fan. -
Wow, both really nice builds Ill have to work towards. Both of these are really good bulds since I was debating how to go about loosening up the build a bit. Playing DB/SR from the beginning has quite a few problems, above being very tight.
Thanks for the quick replies, Ill check out the guide and I appreciate the feedback.
Honestly I want to be mostly AOE if that helps you guys out... my friend already has a fire/fire at 50 so i wanted to mix things up, so If I did fire/ i would have to switch the secondary.
Not a fan of Blapping truth be told. -
I've read most of he guides in the forums but I figured I should check with people with real live blaster experience. I want to feel like a monster. I'm not particularly interested in AV soling, but I want to see everything fall before me in short order. I love the ride by the seat of your pants action Blasting gives you and I was wondering if anyone can point me in the direction of something that could accomplish this.
...if Possible prehaps without fire/ -
Thank you so much. I had been searching for that for a while.
I look at the buffs for the DB attacks as they show up, but when I finish a combo (in this example Empower) all I see is the +dmg from Blinding Feint. Where can I find detailed information about this? What are the effects and how long do they last?
A little bit, just got back in, thanks for noticing.
Short but sweet, seriously why change it to a 10% chance of mag 2 disorientate vs the 100% mag 1.
Also speed up recharge on cobra strike or increase damage and the set as a whole would be much improved. -
How about Gravity controllers? what are theier limitations and how do they stack up?
Oh and as a side note I'm a soloer at heart with minor group ambitions.
What's the FoTM and how are Illusion controllers holding up? There hasnt been a guide about them since I9 from the looks of it.
What ae people enjoying these days and what kind of advice can you give to a newcomer to the Trolling profession?