New Scrapper
Please feel free to just post stories of your past deeds with other scrappers, I love listening and anecdotes to help clarify your points.
SR is great except you really need to take the first 8 powers, also when you get all the bad guys to surround you, with SR they get dicouraged and run away since it has no taunt aura. Think about Elec/willpower
The more people I meet, the more I'm beginning to root for the zombies.
I'd say go for shields, /willpower would get you the survivability, but it is a couch potato secondary (I've seen afk /willpowers get ambushed and attacked for 5-10 mins and be fine)
With shields you'll get a couple of things, that damage buff is as incredible as you'd imagine, possibly moreso (and the -damage on enemies gives a little mitigation too). You'll also get shield charge, shield charge is a ridiculously heavy hitter AND you have a second AoE of the same nature in Lightning Rod. I've seen what good elec/shields brutes do and it's godly powerful against 8 man spawns.
The mitigation from shields is mid range, it's easy to push your values to 30% def at least, at that point you'll feel relatively safe between that, shield bashes knockdown, and the resistances/true grit/OWtS. Positioning your self relative the team to give them grant cover, or to get phalanx fighting, or to get max AAO gives you the active feel.
What you wind up with is an offensive powerhouse with 2 telesplosions, with adequate defenses and interesting utility. due to shield charge/lighting rod it really has unique character.
"Fascinating. I'm not bored at all, I swear." -Kikuchiyo
I was looking at an electric/invul build last week focusing on soft capping typed defenses. I was more then impressed with what was possible. /invul is also kind of an under played set I think.
/Shield adds mitigation and damage, so that's an obvious option also... but it's very common these days for the same reasons.
I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.
If AV solo'n is as important to you as you said in the last paragraph of the OP.
Elec/ might not be the way to go then.
I do have an elec/shield brute at 40 right now and its hella fun.
/rgn sounds interesting if you like clickies. And with MoG's change its the perfect tool to take an alpha. Id imagine alternating LR/MoG and youd survive most alpha strikes.
My favorite combo is Faceplant/DebtCap with the TeamWipe Ancillary
Wow, and thanks for all the replies.
Never really thought much about the /SR and taunt auras, that's a very good point I wouldn't have thought of myself.
I have decided on not one but two scrappers, one being the Elec/Shield that sounds awesome, the second being a Kat/Sr for concept reasons. If either of these don't pan out then the secondary is being switched into Regen for the same reason that I don't use willpower (no matter how much I love it) it needs a clicky primary or gets boring.
AV Soloing is very important to me as I hate limitations on what my character can do.
Before it's mentioned I know with Kat and a little slotting I can get all my defenses beyond soft cap slotting and it seems a bit one trick pony. This above Elec will probably be switched out.
If possible, all the guides are outdated. COuld I get a first hand account of what to expect to feel from each of those three secondaries?
Start squishy... when it comes together etc.
Of the 3, regen is the easiest to level up, but it takes a lot of attention and is very 'clicky', but is good right out of the box, and on the plus side, gives you lots of endurance with quick recovery. But of the three, it's the weakest top-end secondary because it's the hardest to soft-cap defensively, especially if you're not pairing it with one of the sword primaries. In terms of av's, defense is the name of the game, and regen hasn't got much until you start adding pool powers and IO's.
Shields is second to regen in leveling up, but it's the best top end secondary of the three, though it's very, very expensive to IO up and make it the top dog. It's also best for your aoe concept in that it gives you a nice dmg bonus that scales up with more bad guys around you and gives you an awesome aoe attack in shield charge. But you need to softcap defenses for it to be truly the best of the 3, and like I said, that can be pricey.
SR is a pain in the *** to level up, imo. Pretty much all you get from the set is defense, and it's pretty low and incomplete until you hit your mid thirties, and you need most of the powers to complete your defenses. BUT, once you get all your defenses up, it's really, really easy to softcap with IO's, and once you're soft capped, you're quasi-invincible. It's behind SD in terms of best top end secondary, but it's way easier to get SR to av survivability mode than it is for a SD.
On a side note, you say you like clicky secondaries, but keep in mind, a scrapper is all about doing damage and attacking. Any time you spend using a defensive power is time wasted that could be used in attacking and doing damage (unless the 'defensive power' is shield charge which is actually another attack...).
Alright this is a tall order to ask of all of you, but I've been trying to figure it out by myself for days.
I'm going to make a Scrapper who loves AoE. Is just King, yet won't go Fire/ or Spines/ so Elec/ it is (Claws and Kat/ are a bit played out for me to really get into).
However the secondary is where I get stuck. /Regen seems really cool and with Elec/ I wouldn't have any redraw. Yet it's a middle of the road secondary, great out of the box but I love my Alphas too.
/Elec obviously fits the concept, yet it's a resistance based set, you will die, it just takes time.
/SR is just the puppy I brought home and love. I have no problem with it blooming later in the build, it's just fun to wade into a group of folks without a care in the world.
/Shields. a match made in heaven. Surrounded by people giving me +hundreds% of extra damage on an AoE based set seems crazy good.
Now for the limitors. I don't have INF, and I am willing to work to get there.
I understand you can softcap defense of /shields but that takes effort and you have to get to that point first. I don't have the inf to just pump him up easily as I go. I have nothing against Faceplanting, but still.
/SR is just the kind of defense isn't it? What are the detractors? (Save END problems). Does it have any real weaknesses or is having /sr a weakness because it makes the build so tight?
/Elec I don't think will make me feel like the King I want it to, but I haven't done a resistance based set. How do they handle against higher level spawns?
/Regen seems awesome and I love the concept, but like I said I love taking Alphas and laughing.
The basic key to what I want is:
I love clicky builds, they make me laugh.
The game from 1 to 50 is a journey.
I want to be able to solo large large groups of baddies by myself all the while being force to consciously play, not just hitting the same four buttons over while watching a TV show.
Must be able to safely solo AVs, hopefully multiple AVs at once.
If you have a different primary suggestion feel free to suggest, I'm just not a /fire fan.