Problems I have had reaching 50 on a PB




Last night I finally got I'Exile to Level 50.

He came into existence back in May 2005. It has been 4 years getting my Peacebringer to 50.

By comparison, my Crab Soldier Gecarcinus came into existence back in June 2008. He hit 50 by January of this year.

The problems I had with working on my Epic Kheldian build:
1) Added difficulties of Voids and Quants. Throwing these guys (and the occasional exploding Cyst) into door missions made it that much harder to solo missions, and more often than not I had problems finding teams. Without teammates I'Exile faced a lot of wipeouts. I noticed Villain Epics didn't get special enemies that could cause 3/4ths damage on them with a single shot. No other AT has this problem.
2) Difficulties with Enhancement slotting due to Nova and Dwarf forms. Take Nova and you have to slot 4 additional attacks: Take Dwarf and you have 5 additional powers. Take both and you really have to gimp yourself with regards to making either form feasible.
And the whole point of a Kheld build is the ability to shift into other forms: Nova and Dwarf may be choices and you could avoid getting them, but that would defeat the purpose of those powers being on your build in the first place. You'd be better off building a Blaster or Scrapper anyway if you ignore them.
And it's hard to ignore either form: Nova gives you decent damage dealing; Dwarf gives you psuedo Tankage survival and aggro control. You could roll with a Dual-Form (Nova/Human or Dwarf/Human), but you're still adding powersets that will require more enhancement slotting than normal. That hurts building your Human Form into any effective capability. And this is even with Invention Enhancements or Hami-Os to share slots with multiple boosts.
3) The inability to select Teleport pool. While the Warshade gets Teleport and Recall Friend inherent, Peacebringers are unable to aid teammates in need of a TP if and when needed. While this is a minor quibble, again compare this situation with the Villain Epics who don't get any common pools locked off. Blocking Flight and Teleport from the Hero Epics is unduly nerfing the PBs and WSs. This is nothing compared to:
4) Having NO Epic Power Pools at the 41-50 range. This is again in comparison to Villain Epics, who get to add Patron Epic powers that can provide additional variety to a high-level build. At 41 for my Peacebringer, I have to go back either to Primary or Secondary powersets I didn't want the first (or second or third or fifth or ninth) time around. Or look at additional common power pools that I might not have gotten yet. Nothing that could for example give my Kheld additional powers that could mimic Controllers some more (whereas most primary and secondary powers mimic Blasters and Scrappers).
I had, long time ago, argued that the Game Devs could create three Epic Pools for the 41-50 levels: one for each available Form (Human, Nova, or Dwarf) so that people who prefer one form over another could boost that form's performance with specific powersets. Got into a few heated arguments over that. I've come to think perhaps of maybe two Kheld Epic pools: a Defensive and an Active. Defensive Epics could have 6 possible powers to choose (2 Human, 2 Nova, 2 Dwarf) that could supplement your Kheld to act more Tank-ish or Defender-ish (giving a team heal aura to a Nova or Human form, for example; a Stun PbAoE attack for Dwarf for another). Active Epics could also provide 6 powers that could supplement your Kheld to act more Controller-ish or Scrapper-ish (a ranged Group Stun/Hold attack for a Nova, Mass Confusion aura for a Human, a coned melee attack for Dwarf, stuff like that).
The point is by Level 41, without the Epic pools to add more variety, you're stuck with adding powers you didn't want early on in your gameplay, which doesn't make you feel like you're earning any additional powers you want. Ergo, you lose interest in playing.

There were earlier arguments about the difficulties of the Kheldian build, but that was fixed with recent Issues where the inherent team-up boosts are now permanently active regardless of Form, which helps. There were also arguments regarding the limited additional storyarcs the Epic builds got to supplement their gameplay: personally I have no qualms about storyarcs, my problems were mostly with the Voids and Quants thrown into my Kheld's path gimping my funzorz.
Otherwise, the four complaints I've listed above explain why and how it took me 4 years to level up what ought to have been an AT that I could have leveled in 7 months. If only...

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However, my experience was quite different.

Taking both my Kheldians to Lv50, (Warshade first then a Peacebringer) was actually easier and took less time than my first Controller took to get to Lv50.

Actually, I found my Kheldians a lot more fun than my SoA's so much so that I've started an AKSG (all Kheldian SG) and quite frankly left the SoA's behind gathering dust.

As they say... YMMV.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



I actually enjoyed leveling my Kheld - took me about 3 months to get a PB to 50. However, you do have some valid issues which I will give my 2 cents worth on

1) Disagree with you on Qs and Vs. They're easily handled these days, and their presence adds a bit of 'specialness' to PBs. Cysts need to go from regular missions. End of story. They should only appear in special arcs (Kheldian arcs, and ITF, etc).

2) even though I don't like the forms, I agree with you. I don't see why the forms are treated as seperate characters anyway. To save on slot starvation, I think similiar powers should share slots between the forms.

Example: Luminous Detonation and Bright Nova Detonation. If you have it 5-slotted in Human form, then it's also 5-slotted in Nova.

Gleaming Bolt = Bright Nova Bolt
Gleaming Blast = Bright Nova Blast
and so on...

Furthermore, you should have to select the specific power to have it in a form. There's no reason Nova should start with 4 ranged attacks right off the bat. You want Bright Nova Scatter, then you better pick and slot Proton Scatter.

Nearly every form power has a corresponding Human power, save Teleport (and maybe it wouldn't be so bad if Human had a teleport power, completing the matches)

The powers would behave exactly as they do currently when in a particular form. This would certainly help with slotting - it's even make the forms more tempting for me, because I wouldn't have to forego so much Human Slotting.

3) Agreed. Not being able to access Teleport and Fly poos is a bit silly. So what if you accidently pick a redundant power. Be careful - and also that's what respecs are for.

4) Agreed to an extent - it wouldn't really hurt anything. But you could argue that Kheldians already have access to Epic pools in their base powers. They have so many powers that can do so many different things, they can 'round out' their weak spots within their own powersets. I think my slot sharing point would go along way in 'rounding out' the AT.

My addition: since Khelds are slightly underpar when soloing (by design), I wish it were more obviously true that a Kheldian will be the most powerful AT when on a full team. On full teams, I do often feel I'm the most powerful overall, but I want the rest of the team to clearly know it. Not wonder if I am - but to Know I Am haha. I want Stars, when building teams and the team is almost full, to eagerly wish for a Kheld to join, knowing the buffed up power they will be getting.



My addition: since Khelds are slightly underpar when soloing (by design), I wish it were more obviously true that a Kheldian will be the most powerful AT when on a full team. On full teams, I do often feel I'm the most powerful overall, but I want the rest of the team to clearly know it. Not wonder if I am - but to Know I Am haha. I want Stars, when building teams and the team is almost full, to eagerly wish for a Kheld to join, knowing the buffed up power they will be getting.

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I've soloed most of my time with my Kheldians and I only felt underpar when facing Elite Bosses or A/V's but as far as I understand, those enemies are designed to encourage (if not require) teaming, so I saw no problems there.

When I do team with my Kheldians (on mixed teams, i.e. not a an all-Kheldian-team), I hear quite a few people say: "You handle your PB/WS so well it makes me want my own", and that's all the recognition I need.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



I only said *slightly* underpar, LX I have no trouble at all soloing with mine (I even handle most EBs fairly easily), but I'm not going to say they solo as well as my scrappers and brutes (but they're not as far off as some might think either...). But we know that Khelds are designed to be on teams for maximum effectiveness.

And yes, I've had people compliment my PB as well, but I've just as often had the feeling of being 'tolerated' just so the team can be maxed out. I've seen teams specifically looking for Tankers, Controllers etc - I've never, ever seen a team looking for Kheldians. I simply wish there was a reason they would... Not a big wish, but it's there.



I only said *slightly* underpar, LX I have no trouble at all soloing with mine (I even handle most EBs fairly easily), but I'm not going to say they solo as well as my scrappers and brutes (but they're not as far off as some might think either...). But we know that Khelds are designed to be on teams for maximum effectiveness.

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True, you did say 'slightly', and the EB's that actually gave me trouble weren't that many, but still, comparing Kheldians to Tankers/Scrappers/Brutes in my opinion is what gives Kheldians the bad rep. I've never liked melee-centric characters, so I had no problems adapting to and enjoying my Kheldians once I gave up on my notions that I could play Kheldians without any regards to maintaining DPS.

And yes, I've had people compliment my PB as well, but I've just as often had the feeling of being 'tolerated' just so the team can be maxed out. I've seen teams specifically looking for Tankers, Controllers etc - I've never, ever seen a team looking for Kheldians. I simply wish there was a reason they would... Not a big wish, but it's there.

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You know what they say, "be careful what you wish for". I only say that because truthfully, NOT having a particular "role" on a team, allows me the freedom to take whatever role I want whenever I want it if I see the team requires it. This freedom, I've never found in any of the other AT's. I'd gladly have that than a more specialized "role" only a Kheldian can do, because lets face it, all the "roles" are already taken anyway.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



And yes, I've had people compliment my PB as well, but I've just as often had the feeling of being 'tolerated' just so the team can be maxed out. I've seen teams specifically looking for Tankers, Controllers etc - I've never, ever seen a team looking for Kheldians. I simply wish there was a reason they would... Not a big wish, but it's there.

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Same goes for VEATs as well, if you're there to fill the gaps, great! But no loss if you aren't.

Don't get me started on Masterminds though!



...You know what they say, "be careful what you wish for". I only say that because truthfully, NOT having a particular "role" on a team, allows me the freedom to take whatever role I want whenever I want it if I see the team requires it. This freedom, I've never found in any of the other AT's. I'd gladly have that than a more specialized "role" only a Kheldian can do, because lets face it, all the "roles" are already taken anyway.

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I hear you, and I do enjoy more or less doing whatever I want when on teams. I take Alpha Strikes, and also Attack AoE from Range, all in Human Form, in the same mish

Roles??? I don't want my Kheld to have roles. I want her to transcend roles, to be the best at all roles, all at the same time...Mwahahaha... *Sheesh* is that asking too much?



You know what, I, too, have never heard anyone looking for a Kheldian.

I play on Virtue server and I usually do one ITF on Sunday. I've been doing it 3 weeks in a row now (trying to get 250 merits for my damn Miracle unique!!).

I am a well invested Widow (both Fortunata and Night Widow). I constantly hear people asking for SoA or SoA in the same sentence as "supporter". I feel I am uber strong.

I have not teamed with enough PB/WS. It seems WS is strong 'cause I can see those dark minions shooting and that aoe soul drained power.

I also have not seen enough Hero Epics in the new zone. I wonder why? I've seen tons SoA. But it's on Virtue. Other servers may vary.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



I also have not seen enough Hero Epics in the new zone. I wonder why? I've seen tons SoA. But it's on Virtue. Other servers may vary.

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This is probably due to the fact that are just more SoAs than Khelds. HEATs have had to shake a long history of bad rap whereas VEATs were the toast of the game from the moment they came on the scene. Fortunately the playing field is beginning to level out and people are realizing that those of us who stood by our Khelds aren't crazy after all.



Had wonderful PB moment last night on an ITF. It is just wonderful to stand in the middle of a big spawn buffed to the tentacles tanking, trolling, blasting, scrapping and healing others as needed. Nothing can compare.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



I want her to transcend roles, to be the best at all roles, all at the same time...Mwahahaha... *Sheesh* is that asking too much?

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In all seriousness, in a Single Player RPG, nope... in an MMO, yes.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Had wonderful PB moment last night on an ITF. It is just wonderful to stand in the middle of a big spawn buffed to the tentacles tanking, trolling, blasting, scrapping and healing others as needed. Nothing can compare.

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Astonishing... did you get.... PB-locked?!

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



I think so.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



TC, I agree with you on most of the issues you posted about your PB (except for maybe access to the TP pool, its not required in my experience). The only thing you didn't mention in your problem list is knockback. My PB is 44 and my WS is 50, and both of them have problems with KB (PB far more than WS).

My scrapping attack chain normally consists of Incandecent Strike (wonderful knockdown), radiant strike (bad knockback), and solar flare (horrible knockback).

I honestly don't know what the devs were thinking when they put that massive KB on those abilities. Solar flare does excellent damage, but the KB is counter-productive to your team (especially if you have a kin with FS). The KB is even counter-productive to me when I'm soloing, because I have to chase the baddies down after they fly 50 yards. Why not have solar flare knockdown like SS foot stomp?



argued that the Game Devs could create three Epic Pools for the 41-50 levels: one for each available Form (Human, Nova, or Dwarf)

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Sounds pretty sweet to me. I never had the problems you had soloing, whether that's better reactions, build, or strategy... but it has always seemed weird that in most PB/WS builds I come up with now, pool powers are my best choices 41-49 (or at least 44, 47, and 49)... whereas one of my favorite things in the game is leveling through the 40s while adding Ancillary powers.



i wish they would come come up with a proc IO that changes KB to just doesnt make sense for the devs to say they want to encourage teaming while at the same time developing powers thar other teamates of the PB are going to hate imho