Thursday 's Good Morning thread waits for Friday




*crawls out from under the couch and stretches*

Man did I oversleep today. Well, no harm no foul. Except one of the first things I did after waking up was break my glasses. *grumble*

Least I was planning on going to Wal-mart today anyway and they'll fix it for free. I wasn't even being rough on them or anything, just cheap frames... Keep breaking off the left arm.

SG Mate: Cien, what the hell is this Rookery thing?
RadDidIt: (interjecting) Dude. It's the Rookery.
SG Mate: Yeah, but what IS it?
RadDidIt: Silliness Incarnate.



Moring Ferny, every strike you roll you have to scream, THIS ONE IS FOR THE ROOKERY!

Morning Tech

*Quietly he sneaks up and... give the Neko a big sackperson cuddle.*

Heroes : Angrem (50 Stone tank), Exo Inferis (50 Fire blaster), Exo Proteus (50 ill/emp), IceVengance (50 cold defender)
Villains : AtomBomb (50 Rad/Kin corruptor), Aleks (50 SS/Inv brute), StoneLethal (50 EM/Stone brute), Davroz (50 Bots/Dark mastermind)



*waves* Good morning everyone who came in after me.



*finds the signup sheet for footrubs, and writes down her name and Emmi's*

Don't say I'm out of touch with this rampant chaos your reality

Evilly Yours, Fey Bot/Trap MM



No snugs?

Heroes : Angrem (50 Stone tank), Exo Inferis (50 Fire blaster), Exo Proteus (50 ill/emp), IceVengance (50 cold defender)
Villains : AtomBomb (50 Rad/Kin corruptor), Aleks (50 SS/Inv brute), StoneLethal (50 EM/Stone brute), Davroz (50 Bots/Dark mastermind)



Morning all!! Scifi channel!! Its on again!! Two days of...Land of the Lost!!! ( and Will Ferrell stay away from my Land of the Lost, dammit!! )

-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now



Morning Pogo

Heroes : Angrem (50 Stone tank), Exo Inferis (50 Fire blaster), Exo Proteus (50 ill/emp), IceVengance (50 cold defender)
Villains : AtomBomb (50 Rad/Kin corruptor), Aleks (50 SS/Inv brute), StoneLethal (50 EM/Stone brute), Davroz (50 Bots/Dark mastermind)



sowwies Fed, I'm not in the greatest of moods today is all.

*hugs Fed*



Morning fed, and morning to all!! coffee and pamcakes please!!

(plops down in his MCTDFBBC and sets the mega-sized tv to the Land of the Lost marathon)

-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now



Morning Pogo. Had fun running with you guys last night. Looking forward to doing it again next week.



Hope your day improves Em.

Heroes : Angrem (50 Stone tank), Exo Inferis (50 Fire blaster), Exo Proteus (50 ill/emp), IceVengance (50 cold defender)
Villains : AtomBomb (50 Rad/Kin corruptor), Aleks (50 SS/Inv brute), StoneLethal (50 EM/Stone brute), Davroz (50 Bots/Dark mastermind)



*refreshes Em's cup of coffee*



Morning Pogo. Had fun running with you guys last night. Looking forward to doing it again next week.

[/ QUOTE ]

was much fun indeed! next week will be better!

-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now



oh, why thank you Bay



Why Fedor likes being a Sackperson

Feel better soon Emmi, in the meantime, footrub!

Don't say I'm out of touch with this rampant chaos your reality

Evilly Yours, Fey Bot/Trap MM



*wanders in, grabs a cup of Earl Grey and settles in a FBBC to watch the goings on*

Hey all. While the boss is away, I shall surf forums! Yay!!



Well that's not the ONLY reason Fey...

Heroes : Angrem (50 Stone tank), Exo Inferis (50 Fire blaster), Exo Proteus (50 ill/emp), IceVengance (50 cold defender)
Villains : AtomBomb (50 Rad/Kin corruptor), Aleks (50 SS/Inv brute), StoneLethal (50 EM/Stone brute), Davroz (50 Bots/Dark mastermind)



Bill killed Bill!!

-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now



Back from lunch. Still in a crappy mood. Hiyas everyone.



Back hurts horribly. Just horribly. Added to a day yesterday during which I had an emotional breakdown at work...*sigh* I'm ready to go home and watch the Wings beat the piss out of Criesby and the Penguins.



Moring Ferny, every strike you roll you have to scream, THIS ONE IS FOR THE ROOKERY!

[/ QUOTE ]

I'll probably just play beer frames with the 6 year-olds. I am a Pinni Native after all... :P

Ctrl - Awesome is all mine, baby!

He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire. - Sir Winston Churchill
Write a wise saying and your name will live forever. - Anonymous



/e gives Emmi feathery hugs.

/e gives a cinnibon.

If that won't help out I also have ice cream.

Viv, let me point you towards the latest in bean bag technology, the MFFBBC, that's right , the Magic Fingers Flying Bean Bag Chair.

Designed to draw you into a world of blissful pain free backs while allows short commutes to work or the nearest hockey game.

Take it for a test spin and don't forget to try the heater option too!

Hope you feel better for real though.

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall



Sorry to see so many having bad days/weeks. But the week is almost over!

Heroes : Angrem (50 Stone tank), Exo Inferis (50 Fire blaster), Exo Proteus (50 ill/emp), IceVengance (50 cold defender)
Villains : AtomBomb (50 Rad/Kin corruptor), Aleks (50 SS/Inv brute), StoneLethal (50 EM/Stone brute), Davroz (50 Bots/Dark mastermind)