Mid week on a TARDIS Rookery




Ok, so Doctor Whats-his-name and his derelicts are doing what with the cybersex guys??

*is confuzzled*



Don't be badmouthing the Time Lords Emgro, they are wise beyond any silly continuum.

Heroes : Angrem (50 Stone tank), Exo Inferis (50 Fire blaster), Exo Proteus (50 ill/emp), IceVengance (50 cold defender)
Villains : AtomBomb (50 Rad/Kin corruptor), Aleks (50 SS/Inv brute), StoneLethal (50 EM/Stone brute), Davroz (50 Bots/Dark mastermind)



Stands in a field looming over a lone police call box. After a moment places a hand on the roof and shakes it gently. Looking dejected he circles it once, and then sits in front of the door facing it.

Don' matter how big it is inside if yeh can't fit through the door.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



*Waves to M_I from the Rookery which sits next to the blue call box.*

We sort of linked the TARDIS to the Rookery and moved the controls in here M I. Just come in through the big garage door.

Heroes : Angrem (50 Stone tank), Exo Inferis (50 Fire blaster), Exo Proteus (50 ill/emp), IceVengance (50 cold defender)
Villains : AtomBomb (50 Rad/Kin corruptor), Aleks (50 SS/Inv brute), StoneLethal (50 EM/Stone brute), Davroz (50 Bots/Dark mastermind)



*looks about the (mostly) empty plains* And I joke about people that can't find me in a crowd.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



*turns MI around to show him where everyone is gathered*

We were behind you, silly.

SG Mate: Cien, what the hell is this Rookery thing?
RadDidIt: (interjecting) Dude. It's the Rookery.
SG Mate: Yeah, but what IS it?
RadDidIt: Silliness Incarnate.



Ok, so ... the TARDIS thingie is a phone booth?

(still trying to figure this out, sorry)



Ok, so ... the TARDIS thingie is a phone booth?

(still trying to figure this out, sorry)

[/ QUOTE ]It looks like one of England's special phone booths that are mainly used to call the police (at least on the outside).

Google image search

Inside it's "much bigger than is seems" (oft repeated line) and is how Doctor Who gets around.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



Ok, so ... the TARDIS thingie is a phone booth?

(still trying to figure this out, sorry)

[/ QUOTE ]

TARDIS stands for Time And Relative Dimension In Space. It is a space ship used by Time Lords, a race of people that use said ships to travel in space and time. On of it's many technological advances is the ability to cram massive amounts of space within a relative small dimension; why translates to "it's bigger on the inside."

The Doctor, from Doctor Who, had a chameleon circuit installed on the outer hull of his ship, so it would disguise it's self like an object in the area. While visiting London in 1950's, it disguised the ship to look like a Police Box used by London Police at that time. The circuit got stuck and his ship has looked like a wooden police box ever since.

Incidentally, my favorite part of every new Doctor Who series is the expression on a person face when they first walk into the TARDIS.

SI Radio has many DJs and listeners whom hold City of Heroes close to their hearts. We will be supporting many efforts to keep CoH ALIVE!!



Kewl, so its a phone booth. And it can travel thru time and space. Like Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure!

Now I understand what it is

Still not too keen on Doctor Who, tho.



/sits in a corner of the rookery peddling illegal cake mix.



*hops in a cardboard tank and makes pew pew mew mew noises*

SG Mate: Cien, what the hell is this Rookery thing?
RadDidIt: (interjecting) Dude. It's the Rookery.
SG Mate: Yeah, but what IS it?
RadDidIt: Silliness Incarnate.



*hops in another cardboard tank and opens fire on Neko, aiming for the treadz*



Oh no! Now my fake cardboard tank is immobilized!

of course, it was before too...

SG Mate: Cien, what the hell is this Rookery thing?
RadDidIt: (interjecting) Dude. It's the Rookery.
SG Mate: Yeah, but what IS it?
RadDidIt: Silliness Incarnate.



Illegal cake mix?

Heroes : Angrem (50 Stone tank), Exo Inferis (50 Fire blaster), Exo Proteus (50 ill/emp), IceVengance (50 cold defender)
Villains : AtomBomb (50 Rad/Kin corruptor), Aleks (50 SS/Inv brute), StoneLethal (50 EM/Stone brute), Davroz (50 Bots/Dark mastermind)



Illegal cake mix?

[/ QUOTE ]

It's the best kind @_@