Poll: Who would be interested in a PvP League?
The Plyx is in.
..umm,thats me btw
I hear my Claws/SR will at least be able to handle PvP so I'd be in.
Not much of a PvPer but if it's fun instead all about "i pwn you" i could participate!
Not much of a PvPer but if it's fun instead all about "i pwn you" i could participate!
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FUN and the chance to make munneh! PVP IOs FTW!!!
Are we talking a league for PvP fun or PvP IO farming? Oooops i said the "f" word..
well any time you pvp you have a chance to get a pvp recipe.
Just PvP fun for overall. The main goal is to get people that don't usually PvP, to PvP in teams, so that those teams would also learn chemistry and tactics and just really..overall fun.
I know everyone keeps saying LoLPvP and everyone is afraid of the "zomg i pwnz u" stuff, but in essence, PvPing is pretty fun in the sense that you're not fighting an A.I, but another person per say.
Just the overall appreciation and destroying the stigma that it has of being "lolPvP" and "zomg, *** PWNZ Joo."
Plus, having an organized season of PvP just for kicks.
People might be surprised at how good they might be in PvP as well.
Sign me up
Pinnacle: Hold my beer. Watch this!
Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.
MA arc #117314!! Try it nao!!
Ive been doing a very small amount of pvp recently, and its been pretty fun so far. I know like 8 people that will be interested in this also.

Token Fire Blaster of "Love The Turtles" and Green Lantern Uber-fan.
I like the idea of it being teams. As long as there is a role for support AT's I would be interested. I really like the idea Ninja is using is his current PvP tournament of non-repeating AT's. Some of us don't like playing scrappers.
Are we talking a league for PvP fun or PvP IO farming? Oooops i said the "f" word..
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We are talking about a PvP League. Each team would have to sign up pre season. Teams will be made of 3 people per team. The Teams would have to pick a name for themselfs as well which would be carried through the entire season.
The Teams would be made up of a players global name, so in a event a player could choose any toon assoicated with that global. this not only makes the league more diverse, but also allows for stratagies to be formed for the next weeks event.
Right now is to find an intreset of players. if we get enough people to form atleast 6 teams (18 people0 then I can actually start making the matches on a calander and having you guys pick your teams.
So to re-cap, this is not a farming group, its a league where people meet once a week (propesed is sunday nights at 8pm EST) to fight other teams in the league. After the 15 week season a prize will be awarded to the winners (thinking about 300 mill for the winning team).
any questions please post or send a tell to @jkwervo or @ Ninjavampyre
I like the idea of it being teams. As long as there is a role for support AT's I would be interested. I really like the idea Ninja is using is his current PvP tournament of non-repeating AT's. Some of us don't like playing scrappers.
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yes it would be no repeating AT's on your team. Again it would be teams attached to globals, so if your team wants to switch rolls or tactics they can. just no 3 scrapper teams.
Since you told me to reply... even though I'm on vacation... in a hotel room... on a laptop... yes, I would be interested in joining the PvP league. Please let me know what the details are and what days. Weekends would be best for me for PvP tounaments. I'd like to support this

Count me in
Might wanna look into Infinity or Freedom's pentad ladder.
A problem that a number of teams will run into is that 3 people can't always make every match every week.
I know that opening a roster up to more than the max team size means more people to sub in, but you also have to remember that multiple players means fewer people that have practiced together and are in sync.
I wish it will and have interest in it myself.
I hope that, with enough interest, there will be a discussion of rules and limitations as well.
well 3 people was the base for an arguement sake to see who all is interested in it. once we get more hard #'s of people we can see many people per team is reasonable.
Yeah,I think everything is open to discussion right now.Or atleast I hope so.
Like I said, I'd be down.
Yeah I'd be interested.
Question: I run 2 accounts, JD&JD2, with toons spread across them both. A limitation on globals would kinda gimp my toon selection options. Can exceptions be made in advance for folks with multiple accounts?
"If a system can be exploited, it will be exploited. And if a developer thinks their system cannot be exploited, it'll be exploited like a new actress in her first porn movie." Sanya Weather MMORPG Examiner
I'd be interested as long as the teams aren't too big. Five people is about my limit. I think the number three that's being thrown around right now is good.
mk, Im here.
Everyone is better than me in pvp, which is why I don't do the competition things. I'll vote yes, but you might not see me there. I'm more of a Zone kind of player.
ill be in...mabey it will teach me to be more efficient pvp'r
Basically, it'll be set up as a season. It's going to be teams, and depending on the number of people wanting in on it, it'll be a minimum of 3 man teams. Wins, Losses, might even get gold titles, etc. This is outside of the PvPEC, this is strictly being put together by me and NinjaVampyre.
We're working out the details, so that everything will be cohesive. The question now, I suppose, is how many of you would be interested?