Tankers and PVP?
They decided to remove all status protection from PvP, and left it as status resistance. This means there's nothing stopping you from getting held, stunned, etc, just that said effects won't last as long.
"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict
Also, your defensive toggles will not drop.
Dark Bard, Zoobait, Debacle
Por vezes d� vontade...
speak american godamnit
Also, your defensive toggles will not drop.
[/ QUOTE ]
Your avatar is awesome but you don't know what you're talking about.
It should be said that I had never done much PVP before. I had done about 5 minutes with my Defender, before I decided it was too squishy. In PVE I felt I did okay with Dark/Dark, but in PVP I got completely destroyed, since I lacked status resists.
Now I finally got a tanker to the point where I could take it for a spin in PVP. Fire/Fire. Lots of IOs. Yet it didn't take many seconds before I found myself being Held, for the first time in more than 40 levels!
After that it just became worse. Lost most of my health to a an assassination from a stalker. After that I found myself inflicted with more status conditions, in particular immobilize.
So what I'm asking is: Why doesn't my status protection work? And is there room for a tanker in PVP, to me it seems like dead weight, the damage being the lowest of the melee classes and protection just doesn't seem to work at all. Or if they do, they are much lower than in PVE.
[/ QUOTE ]It's not you, attribute this to one of the silly, highly controversial changes the devs made with out thinking it through. Anyone can hold anyone through anything. They made doms and trollers useless they play like cheap corupter/blaster knockoffs even WP tanks/brutes can be held off one application even running strength of will. Also Breafrees won't help you, the devs we're under the impression that just because holds may last a few seconds at a time that this was a good change. But since they don't pvp, all they did was make player spikes work waaaay better. Devs if you read this i'll let you in on one of the gripes, even though the hold may last 2sec, how long (especially since we all build for damage and hp now) how long do you think it takes to set up a spike? I built a new toon and got on a team one day and had over 120rep by the end of my session all from spikes.
They said this change was for ppl like you, the casual player that might want to pvp, but you are yet another casual player that think these changes are silly. It's another thread from a guy coming back from i8 wondering why pvp is so different from pve. And why things like flurry is the strongest attack in the game. And if they believed in these changes so strongly, why not unilaterally bring them to pve. Well it's waaay more pve'rs than pvp'rs and the flames would be to hot about these harsh non useful changes. The pvp player base even came up with a consensus a while back in the form of a wish list. But instead of using it to help mold the new pvp, they wen't oof to left field, they not only didn't bring new folk in, but they lost folk.
But now what happens is, it kinda reminds me of arena ladders someone calls out the target, chase them, try to get a hold in, spike them, then move on to next target. Also support toons like your defender you mentioned are kinda useless now just fyi ...Enjoy
Pray they give us a arena option for i12 style pvp, with mez protection instead of the resist sillyness.
The funny thing is, even though you seem like one of the whiners that got the changes made in the first place, you're probably still bad..------Macskull on Crop_of_shaolin
And is there room for a tanker in PVP?
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Yes, but you need the right build, and fire/fire is not. The primary is perfect, but the secondary is bad. It's an AoE-based secondary, and that doesn't work well in PvP.
Fire/SS is currently the undisputed best.
Also, your defensive toggles will not drop.
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Your avatar is awesome but you don't know what you're talking about.
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I believe he was continuing Reiaku's comment
And is there room for a tanker in PVP?
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Yes, but you need the right build, and fire/fire is not. The primary is perfect, but the secondary is bad. It's an AoE-based secondary, and that doesn't work well in PvP.
Fire/SS is currently the undisputed best.
[/ QUOTE ]
i beg to differ. My fire/fire does a pretyty good job, and when his build gets done it will be almost unstopable.
And it still wouldn't be as good as a /ss tank. Just the way things are right now.
Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.

And it still wouldn't be as good as a /ss tank. Just the way things are right now.
[/ QUOTE ]
understandable. just saying that fire isnt that bad of a secondary. But yeah compared to ss it's not number 1..
So what do you mean by player spikes?
Coordinated attacks in unison to make sure they target can not heal back the incoming damage.
Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.

Usually called in a countdown so dmg dealers can all fire at the same time providing the smallest healing window for the support/player using insps.
/redundant off.
Fire is a great armor set. More so with tough if puts out some great numbers and has a +Damage power as well as a great self heal. The lack of a tier 9 is so so. I like fire more for the scrappers. If you look at the numbers invulnerably actually has equal numbers to all sets out of the tier 9 and actually has a tier 9. Along with a solid +HP and Heal power. Not as good as Healing Flames but still good. But it also makes for a tighter build because you need to take the auto powers. With fire you can get away with just taking the 2 armors and healing flames. (Fiery embrace is very important but not needed for survival.)
And is there room for a tanker in PVP?
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Yes, but you need the right build, and fire/fire is not. The primary is perfect, but the secondary is bad. It's an AoE-based secondary, and that doesn't work well in PvP.
Fire/SS is currently the undisputed best.
[/ QUOTE ]
i beg to differ. My fire/fire does a pretty good job, and when his build gets done it will be almost unstoppable.
[/ QUOTE ]Pretty good I'll grant that, but almost unstoppable I'm having a spot of trouble with. Let's look at the different aspects of pvp and see, if you do lol fight club with no fury or crits fire just ain't performing past sirens. If your talking about straight up running down foes as they kite fire melee tanks/brutes just don't have the gimmick in the attacks to melt someone down. Now lets assume you'll be fighting fotm builds here meaning all the stalkers are going to be regen, brutes ss/fire (going to wreck you) And those who are on the fence with their builds i still can't see the fire almost unstoppable.
No hold, no immob, no stun, no knock up/knock back, just raw damage. I just don't see it I'm sorry. Fire armor is sexy but fire melee tanker serviceable yes unstoppable not so much. Even with a free run on any IO you want in the game in the attacks like we do on test i can't see the tanker version being unstoppable, EM ain't even unstoppable anymore and that has a stun component and more damage.
Sorry to be so disagreeable this morning it's early, maybe I'm missing something if i think of it I'll recant my concerns.
The funny thing is, even though you seem like one of the whiners that got the changes made in the first place, you're probably still bad..------Macskull on Crop_of_shaolin
i beg to differ. My fire/fire does a pretyty good job, and when his build gets done it will be almost unstopable.
[/ QUOTE ]
I understand you have a connection with your toon, but you're being silly here.
Brute and scrapper fire is actually very good, because they get 1 extra really good attack. With tanker /fire, you basically have GFS and incinerate, and that's it. That means you're worthless anywhere except high level PvP. A /fire tank in sirens call is truly laughable. How are you going to kill people? Fire sword and fire breath? Compare that to SS, which can dominate in any zone.
Also, /fire has another HUGE weakness. Right now about 90% of tankers and brutes are fire armor. Maybe more. Against all of them, your fire damage will do NOTHING. I love when I run into a fire/fire brute on my fire/ss tank. It means a 100% chance of victory for me. Doesn't matter how good the other player is. He has no possible way of killing me.
Your right about fighting fire against fire. There always a counter to something. No matter what. I wouldn't fight any kind of fir (blast, melee) against a fire tank.
I also don't do low end pvp but evry now and then and that's very rare. I like fighting at full power and hate to see powers blacked out. But sirens can be fun on some toons. But majority (like 95%) you'll catch me in rv. Once I finish him though any of y'all are welcome to try a fight with him.
pool power attacks...
Even with a free run on any IO you want in the game in the attacks like we do on test
[/ QUOTE ]
what do u mean by this?
Organized SG's on test server have basically unlimited amounts of any enhancement they want, so they can slot any toon any way they want for maximum effectiveness.
It should be said that I had never done much PVP before. I had done about 5 minutes with my Defender, before I decided it was too squishy. In PVE I felt I did okay with Dark/Dark, but in PVP I got completely destroyed, since I lacked status resists.
Now I finally got a tanker to the point where I could take it for a spin in PVP. Fire/Fire. Lots of IOs. Yet it didn't take many seconds before I found myself being Held, for the first time in more than 40 levels!
After that it just became worse. Lost most of my health to a an assassination from a stalker. After that I found myself inflicted with more status conditions, in particular immobilize.
So what I'm asking is: Why doesn't my status protection work? And is there room for a tanker in PVP, to me it seems like dead weight, the damage being the lowest of the melee classes and protection just doesn't seem to work at all. Or if they do, they are much lower than in PVE.