Back after a year away from COX...
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Welcome back!
* common salvage costing an arm and a leg, thanks to bleep-heads trying to manipulate the market.
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No ebil marketeering is necessary to explain the price increase.
AE missions don't generate salvage. AE missions are really popular. Supply of common salvage plummeted, The price of common salvage went up as a result.
Welcome back K!
Ehhhh....I am not bright enough to address any of your concerns or....ehhh...stuff.
But! Welcome back regardless, and no idiocy is not contagious.
Welcome back.
Dark melee is much improved.
Cold defenders are ridiculously good.
Very few market changes are manipulations of the marketers, so much as manipulations of the devs (i.e. supply changes due, directly or indirectly, to code changes)
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
I tried casting the Cold Domination's 2 defense shields on a teammate, when I was under the effects of Power Buildup. But, the defense values of those shields were no better than without Power Buildup.
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No, PB doesn't effect the Cold Shields because they have a dam res component.
I tried casting the Cold Domination's 2 defense shields on a teammate, when I was under the effects of Power Buildup. But, the defense values of those shields were no better than without Power Buildup.
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No, PB doesn't effect the Cold Shields because they have an enhanceable dam res component.
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FF shields have a RES component, but since it's flagged to ignore buffs, PBU will work on them.
Cold shields' RES component accepts buffs so the entire power will ignore PBU.
Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the Repeat Offenders
Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize

If cities seem like ghost towns, try joining one of the popular badge or social channels on your favorite server. Lots of teaming through there.
Most people are also in missions or AE so try using the /search tool to tag up with people.
Welcome back!
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
I tried casting the Cold Domination's 2 defense shields on a teammate, when I was under the effects of Power Buildup. But, the defense values of those shields were no better than without Power Buildup.
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No, PB doesn't effect the Cold Shields because they have an enhanceable dam res component.
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FF shields have a RES component, but since it's flagged to ignore buffs, PBU will work on them.
Cold shields' RES component accepts buffs so the entire power will ignore PBU.
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To be fair he DID specify a "dam res" component, which is what breaks the PB. FF shields have a debuff res component, no dam res
On the other hand, Scorpion Shield has an unenhanceable res component and PB still doesn't affect it, because it's dam res
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Welcome back!
* common salvage costing an arm and a leg, thanks to bleep-heads trying to manipulate the market.
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No ebil marketeering is necessary to explain the price increase.
AE missions don't generate salvage. AE missions are really popular. Supply of common salvage plummeted, The price of common salvage went up as a result.
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Of course, you can get random drops of common salvage for a mere 8 tickets. I've been cleaning up.
I can understand how a game can become boring to gamers who only see the game aspect of it, as opposed to also being a place for people to meet, interact, talk, and meet old friends they can't meet physically due to distance, ect. As an old-school RPGer, it's always sad to see people claim 'this game is boring'.
That is why the AM system is possibly one of the most important additions to CoX. This allows players who have ideas for new content never seen before to introduce new scenerios and challenges to those who have 'seen it all', and keep the game constantly injected with something new to try.
I generally don't think the 'Rumble House' scenerios will hold your attention long (they resemble 'grind' too much), but if you also find the scenerios that have the spark of creativity that AM allows, I think you'll keep playing quite a while. I think that's why you see so many people in the AE Corp buildings at the moment...alot of them are veteran gamers who have something new to see.
It's not always about min-maxing your character...sometimes, it's also about finding out the story and how it turns out today, and tomorrow.
Hope you'll find enough to keep you in the game!
Those who think Truth is relative haven't had a Tank land on their car.
I tried casting the Cold Domination's 2 defense shields on a teammate, when I was under the effects of Power Buildup. But, the defense values of those shields were no better than without Power Buildup.
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No, PB doesn't effect the Cold Shields because they have an enhanceable dam res component.
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FF shields have a RES component, but since it's flagged to ignore buffs, PBU will work on them.
Cold shields' RES component accepts buffs so the entire power will ignore PBU.
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To be fair he DID specify a "dam res" component, which is what breaks the PB. FF shields have a debuff res component, no dam res
On the other hand, Scorpion Shield has an unenhanceable res component and PB still doesn't affect it, because it's dam res
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Deflection Shield
* DEF(Smashing, Lethal, Melee) +15% for 240s [Non-resistable]
Effect does not stack from same caster
* RES(Toxic) +40% for 240s [Ignores Enhancements & Buffs] [Non-resistable]
Effect does not stack from same caster
[/ QUOTE ]
Scorpion Shield
* DEF(Smashing, Lethal) +13.5% for 0.75s If NOT on a PvP map
Effect does not stack from same caster
* RES(Toxic) +17.5% for 0.75s If NOT on a PvP map
Effect does not stack from same caster
* DEF(Energy) +9% for 0.75s If NOT on a PvP map
Effect does not stack from same caster
* DEF(All Types) +13.5% for 0.75s If on a PvP map
Effect does not stack from same caster
* RES(Toxic) +27.5% for 0.75s If on a PvP map
Effect does not stack from same caster
* SmashingElusivity, LethalElusivity, ColdElusivity, FireElusivity, PsionicElusivity, EnergyElusivity, NegativeElusivity +10% for 0.75s If on a PvP map
Effect does not stack from same caster
[/ QUOTE ]
Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the Repeat Offenders
Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize

Welcome back
1 point, i disagree that cold dom > storm summoning
Those two sets are quite different, its apples and oranges
Just my 2 cents
Crime of Fashion Level 50 Rad/Rad Corrupter
My Toons
My Rad/Rad Corrupters Guide
Mindscape - Reworking
Welcome back
1 point, i disagree that cold dom > storm summoning
Those two sets are quite different, its apples and oranges
Just my 2 cents
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Nothing to really add to the thread topic at hand, but I do agree with CoF here. Cold Domination and Storm Summoning are two very different sets that happen to share a couple of powers. Arctic Fog and Sleet are pretty much Steamy Mist and Freezing Rain, but that's where the similarity ends. Each set does something different for the group and I don't think either one could be claimed as being better than the other in all cases.
Main Hero : Annilixxion -- Lv50 Blaster
Main Villain : Menkaura -- Lv41 Mastermind
"You will bend to my will, with or without your precious sanity." --Dragon Mage
I first started playing in Issue 1, and stopped playing at about Issue 11. I loved COH (less so COV), but after having gotten my 13th level 50 character, I was starting to get bored.
To entertain myself, I started making intentionally gimpy builds, challenging myself by trying to make such builds viable.
As an example, I tried making a truly normal human character. Since normal humans do not have glowing hands, auras, shoot light beams from their hands, or can fly or super jump or teleport around, I avoided any powers that seemed superhuman... not just avoided using, but avoided in being forced to even take said powers.
Hence, I made a MA/Regen scrapper, that had no Integration, no Heals, no Build-Up, no travel powers, etc. etc. It was fun and challenging, trying to fight and survive using such a character, and I did find fulfillment in making the character successful, without needing to ever respec.
But, as more of my friends left COX for other games or real life, I found myself too losing interest and eventually left.
I returned for Issue 14, since I got to play a bit for free due to the 5th anniversary. I think the year away helped. COX felt a bit more fresh and fun for me again.
A friend of mine make an AE mission that sort of stress-tests melee toons. (Imagine a map of all hammer/shotgun wielded level 52 bosses)
I took my level 50 Dark/Dark tank (about 70% S/L resist, about 10% melee/range/aoe defense) and dived into a mob of about 7 of these bosses. Moments later, I was a bloody pulp on the sidewalk. I loved it ! A challenge!
Examining the IO set bonuses available, I eventually gave my dark tank more defense (now about 40% melee, about 25% to range/aoe). And now, I am able to gather up over a dozen of those bosses about me without much risk.
I am finding myself loving AE alot, if only for being able to use these insanely boss-filled missions to stress test my character builds.
Oh yeah, on my dark tank, I was invited to a pick-up team to help a guy complete his mission. The mission was normal... filled with minions, lieutenants, and the occasional boss. Because I had refined my tank to be able to cope with the stress-test, all boss mission, this guy's normal mission was terrifyingly easy.
COMMENTS ON ISSUE 14 (or what came after Issue 11)
* AE, if only for being able to fight in maps filled with several Lord Recluses pounding on me at the same time.
* being able to get recipes and salvage by turning in tickets and merits.
* dark armor available to tanks (decent resistance to pretty much every damage type, good resistance to s/l, great resist to psi). I think it is probably the best well-rounded resistance set available to tanks.
* Zephyr IO set. Pondering making my "The Traveler" character concept... a toon with all the travel powers.
* Shield Defense set. Though, admittedly, at times, I think of it as SR-lite.
* Dark melee's Siphon Life. I always used to skip it because it was a weak heal and weak damage. But now, it is like the 2nd best single-target attack of the entire set.
* common salvage costing an arm and a leg, thanks to bleep-heads trying to manipulate the market.
* cold domination seeming to be way better than storm summoning.
* city zones looking like ghost towns, since everyone seems to be in AE all the time. Though, admittedly, I think something similar happened when Oroborous first arrived too... everyone was there instead of in the city.
I tried casting the Cold Domination's 2 defense shields on a teammate, when I was under the effects of Power Buildup. But, the defense values of those shields were no better than without Power Buildup.
I know that, at least with Power Boost, I can make Empathy's Fortitude defense values increase. I thought Power Buildup was also supposed to have this effect.
Anyways, I am enjoying Issue 14 so far, and I am eager to see my Brute and Mastermind on the Blue side.
Mid's Designer is so cool.