Ship Raid 5/31 8pm est




Nightshift/Shifted Night will be hosting our normal bi-weekly Ship Raid on May 31st!

Teams will begin forming around 8pm est, at Point Du Hoc (near the asunder badge) You may want to get there a little early, we've been filling the zone lately :3

As usual, we would prefer that team leaders be willing and able to log into our vent server for quicker instructions, and if need be, explanations. So please do not be offended if we ask you to not lead a team. However, we do try to work with people, and we only really ask teams leaders to step down when we anticipate a problem somewhere.

ALL teams will be assigned a number (1-7). That number corresponds to a grate number as seen on this diagram. If all goes well, each team will get credit for *2* bombs, so don't cut and run after the GM goes down!

As per the norm with our raids, PLEASE be sure you can see request channel. Though instructions are commonly repeated in both request and broadcast, things still are lost in broadcast due to all the chatter.

RWZ is a hazard zone with a minimum of lvl 35. If you're not 35, I'm sorry, but I *can't* help you. Please see post 2 for a small FAQ.

IF you manage to get into the zone LATE, and do not join one of the teams that are already formed, you are welcome to ninja a bomb. HOWEVER. Do me a favor, look at that diagram. Please do not ninja a bomb that is marked with a number.

I'll stop rambling now. I'll see you there!




NightShift/Shifted Night Ship Raid FAQ

1: I'm not lvl 35 yet, can you PL me so I can join the raid?
No no no no no no no no no no. I can't say it enough. It is not my responsibility to PL you. I don't like PLing, and the most I ever do it is to help friends get a level or two to get to travel power or stamina or something. It's RARE, and chances are, you're not on my list. Sorry. I give a week's notice on the raid. It's your responsibility to get your char high enough, or bring a different char.

2: I was invited to a team but it kicked me right off again!
Always assume a raid team is mixed. It's very rare you'll get one that is all one faction. That being said, you have to be in the zone to get on a team. If you exit the zone for whatever reason, the GAME will kick you from your team, not your team leader.

3: Why can't we just grab the grates one at a time like every other raid?
Because 'Shift Raids are run with badgers in mind. We've structured our raids to get maximum badge credit. We want all teams to hit the grates at once so that we can assure there is more thann enough time for all teams to hit a second bomb.

4: I was asked to disband my team.. that's not fair, why can't I lead?
We always try to be fair, however if we're anticipating a problem, we're trying to be fair to those on your team to make sure they get instructions as quickly as possible. We will not always ask you to disband, however there are times when we will insist the team leaders be on our vent server for quick instructions. If you can't get onto vent, that is the likely reason you were asked to disband (or simply pass lead to someone else). Again, we only do this when we anticipate a problem and want to make sure instructions are given in the easiest, fastest manner.

5: Why so many rules anyhow?
Again, max badge credit. I don't know about any of you, but I have a lot of alts. The less raids I actually *have* to go to, the more TFs and other things I could be doing. If you feel the rules are unnecessary, then please, don't come to the raid and ruin it for everyone else. There are plenty of other Victory Ship Raids that are run. If you don't like the rules but are still willing to follow, then you're still welcome to join. Just please don't ruin things for others.

6: Well I can run a raid myself! I don't need yours!
No, you don't need ours. Please do run your own. We encourage anyone who is interested to run their own raids. We don't hold the monopoly on them, and we only run them bi-weekly. That's once every two weeks. Please, feel free to step up after one of ours and assemble those willing to stay for round two, if you'd like. We only ever run one round, so if you step up for round two, part of the work is done for you!

7: I had a char sitting on a team while I was using my other account on another team.. why was my second account kicked off the team!?
Dual boxers.. yeah, I've done it myself when I'm soloing. I don't do it on teams, and I don't condone mooching a ship raid. Bottom line is, we try to be tolerant. We let people bring their lows, and we accommodate them. We let people dual box... if there isn't a manned char who doesn't have a team. If the zone is full, people only trickle in as others leave. So say a mission team (or someone soloing) leaves the zone and someone else gets in to join the raid. All teams are full. Them forming another team is pointless, because it will take too long for them to build said team of others trickling in. In this case (as has happened for the last 2-3 raids we've run) anyone who seems to just be base sitting up to this point will be kicked so this new person can join in.

8: I brought my brand new shiny 35. Why can't I get on a team?!
Again, we try to accommodate everyone we can, however we can't predict how many people will be bringing lows vs 50s. 50s are ideal for Raids, and we prefer that people bring them.. however we don't discriminate against anyone 35+. The issue comes in when we can't find you a mentor. We want people to be able to bring whatever char they want, but there are times when we just can't accommodate everyone. Your best bet? Get there early and secure your place on a team.

9: It's 8pm est and the zone is full already!
Ah yeah.. we've been filling early lately. People are getting wise to the 'get there early' thing.. so much so that I've had to start putting it in the raid post itself. If you can, don't leave getting there to the last min. Aim for at least 10 min early.

10: Who exactly are the raid leaders?
@Valdy, @Celerity and myself(@The Spear), with generous heaps of help by the wonderful folks from our private SG global channel.



I'm not bringing Vorpal Wolf this time. His costume is finished, so i'll be bringing my main: Black Emporer. Ninjas/FF Mastermind!



Np hun bring whoever you want stuff for ^.^



At least my MM is level 50!

I think I fixed my crash problem too. I'll host a team this time.



I've missed the last two raids and therefore might make an appearance this time to turn the tides of*

*note:this style refers to the act of being late to the raid, not being able to enter into the zone while the raid is going on for 25 mins, deciding to log on a stealthed char on another acct when you finally make it in, park your sleather in a used bomb grate and TP/hospital with an overload of red/purple inspiration buffs and go crazy on a completely opposite side of the ship away from the actual raid. This post does not condone interference/griefing/bomb-stealing from raiding parties. All posters should do their best to get in the zone in a timely fashion and remain for the entire duration of the raid.

**yes, i did just reveal my secret!

***why haven't i made a toon called "bomb-ninja" yet?

Main Server:Victory

***"When you surround an enemy, leave an outlet free [...] to make him believe there is a road to safety, and thus prevent his fighting with the courage of despair." Sun Tzu ***



LMAO. It's all good hun. We tend to 'fill' a little earlier than normal because of the AE teams now.. but more people get in as they zone into their missions. It's still an adjustment XD



Just reminding everyone about the raid! Hope to see you all there! ^.^



Great raid, even though I missed 1/2 of it. ><

RMAing my RAM tomorrow!



As Vamp Angel, a level 44 scrapper, I got into the action once again over on RWZ 2, and scored over 400 merits. Enough to get most of the Vanguard costume items I wanted.

Towards the end of the raid, I made another trip to the hospital following an overrun by newly-arrived Rikti headmen and Bosses/EBs, and loaded up on nearly a full tray of purples. Upon returning I jumped back into the fight and was soon the lone remaining fighter in my portion of the bowl. I got dogpiled by a group of 6 Rikti Magus', and 5 Headmen, and survived far longer than I should have by using my purples and MoG. My team-leader saw it and was pretty impressed.

I'll be sure to toss up a few screencaps later



Great run for RWZ2 group. We did not get to plant the 2nd set of bombs but we had a great time tearing the Rikti spawns apart.

Only one Magus spawn of death that resulted in a near team wipe but overall it was a good run.

And I got my 20 hour mentoring badge. Woohoo for me



As Vamp Angel, a level 44 scrapper, I got into the action once again over on RWZ 2, and scored over 400 merits. Enough to get most of the Vanguard costume items I wanted.

Towards the end of the raid, I made another trip to the hospital following an overrun by newly-arrived Rikti headmen and Bosses/EBs, and loaded up on nearly a full tray of purples. Upon returning I jumped back into the fight and was soon the lone remaining fighter in my portion of the bowl. I got dogpiled by a group of 6 Rikti Magus', and 5 Headmen, and survived far longer than I should have by using my purples and MoG. My team-leader saw it and was pretty impressed.

I'll be sure to toss up a few screencaps later

[/ QUOTE ]

Noo...! My secrets have been exposed!

I no longer can fake the uber.

Main Server:Victory

***"When you surround an enemy, leave an outlet free [...] to make him believe there is a road to safety, and thus prevent his fighting with the courage of despair." Sun Tzu ***



I'm glad the RWZ2 Raid went well! We had some unusual timing issues on RWZ1 that put second plants very very close to shields up.. and that hasn't happened before using this method.. so we're looking into why it happened.

We hope everyone had a good time! We'll see you for the next raid on the 14th!



As Vamp Angel, a level 44 scrapper, I got into the action once again over on RWZ 2, and scored over 400 merits. Enough to get most of the Vanguard costume items I wanted.

Towards the end of the raid, I made another trip to the hospital following an overrun by newly-arrived Rikti headmen and Bosses/EBs, and loaded up on nearly a full tray of purples. Upon returning I jumped back into the fight and was soon the lone remaining fighter in my portion of the bowl. I got dogpiled by a group of 6 Rikti Magus', and 5 Headmen, and survived far longer than I should have by using my purples and MoG. My team-leader saw it and was pretty impressed.

I'll be sure to toss up a few screencaps later

[/ QUOTE ]

Noo...! My secrets have been exposed!

I no longer can fake the uber.

[/ QUOTE ]

As long as Gargus is better than my stone broot, I'll pretend you're uber.

And since Standing Stone is about as uber as a paper crane in a monsoon, you'll be fake-uber for a while. :P
