OMG I killed him...
Congrats ! He is a tough one.
If you have ever fought him with serious intent you know what his biggest hurdle is.
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Yeah, his 50% res to lethal...
He has an attack that shuts off your recovery totally. A few seconds after it lands your toggles drop, your mitigation tanks and your dead.
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... Oh. Pssch, silly scrappers without end drain protection !
(Hey, come on, one of the few things Invul does better, I couldn't let this pass. )
As for his -recovery move, it's definitely a normal attack with a tohitcheck. He uses it pretty often. On some occasions, I've had 2 of these stacked on me (and, yeah, at that point my end is gone too ).
The good thing is that you can always shieldcharge them if you're overwhlemed by his helpers, which my corr/defender can't do </3
On mine I have to pop demonic, 10 oranges and 10 reds to finish him off before he pwnz0rs my bunz0rs
I can't touch that. Best I've done is survive a few minutes while not really making a dent.
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks
Gratz man! That's freaking awesome!
The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies
Was this the 54 version or the lower version?
Was this the 54 version?
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Oh hale no. Level 50.
Was this the 54 version?
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Oh hale no. Level 50.
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I would love to see that
Ya know Smiling_Joe, lookin' at your sig I just have to ask...
What would Modok do? If his memory got too full?
This makes me want to reroll a DM/Shield.
Proud Member of Fusion Force.
Was this the 54 version?
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Oh hale no. Level 50.
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Was this the 54 version?
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Oh hale no. Level 50.
[/ QUOTE ]
[/ QUOTE ]
OUTSTANDING! I have soled a few AVs and quite a few of the Peatorians as EBs but I have done the STF with a full team and had problems taking down Lord R. Gratz on that one .. I somehow doubt I;ll be trying to copy it LOL
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
This makes me want to reroll a DM/Shield.
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I suggest you do. My latest Scrapper is Angel of Justice a DM/SD Scrapper that is currently about 1 bar from level 43. At 41 I took Body Mastery and picked up Focused Accuracy.. I have created a killing machine. My 46 level Tank tried to Solo Anti-Matter at level 44 and ended in the Hospital twice. Angel took down Anti-M so fast it actually shocked me. WAIT.. He's dead? How'd I do that? Cause I want to do it again and again. LOL
She's my first DM character and I WISH I'd known how good it can be earlier. I'd have 3 or 4 of them by no with different secondaries.
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
Video is up!
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What I find really interesting about that video is how often Recluse actually uses his energy attacks while fighting you. I've fought him soo many times on the STF and he rarely ever uses them in melee with me. In a weird way, the Blue Tower might increase my survivability in that respect... (WP has next to no resistance vs energy, so when it hits, it hurts, not to mention it makes his end drain a non-issue since he doesn't use it.) Yeah, that includes buffs/inspiration use, though.
Nice work!
Wow, having tried to solo LR myself a few times, and never really getting anywhere with it, I know how hard this is. Major congrats on taking him down powerforge.
What I find really interesting about that video is how often Recluse actually uses his energy attacks while fighting you. I've fought him soo many times on the STF and he rarely ever uses them in melee with me.
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Hmm, what makes you think cause this behavior ? STF Recluse keeps using his energy attacks against me. Usually, all I do is stand still in melee and spam Aid Self, using phases as needed.
What I find really interesting about that video is how often Recluse actually uses his energy attacks while fighting you. I've fought him soo many times on the STF and he rarely ever uses them in melee with me.
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Hmm, what makes you think cause this behavior ? STF Recluse keeps using his energy attacks against me. Usually, all I do is stand still in melee and spam Aid Self, using phases as needed.
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What I should have said is "ranged attacks," not just "energy attacks." At any rate, two things I learned doing some research before answering:
1) Recluse still does use his energy attacks, but very, very infrequently. (As in, between 1-5 minutes between uses.)
2) Recluse only has two energy attacks. One that I personally thought was energy (Spider Strike, his pbaoe) is smashing damage. (So I was accidentally correct in my statement above about energy attacks.)
The only two energy attacks he has is Suppression (very very flashy one) and Channelgun (a single leg shooting at you, this is the one with an end drain). Everything else is smash/lethal. The reason STF Recluse isn't using those attacks is because the Blue Tower buffs his recharge to the point he always has a melee attack recharged. Without the Blue Tower, his attack selection is much sparser.
I watched two of my demos while timing his ranged attacks:
*) Me tanking Recluse on my Scrapper. The only thing effecting him was Invincibility and my futile attacks (they kept missing).
*) My first time Tanking Recluse on my WP/Fire Tank. (It's a bad demo, hah!) This time, the only extra in the fight is Rad Infection is on him. Otherwise, pretty much the same as above.
He almost never uses his ranged/energy attacks. Certainly not with the frequency he did in PF's video.
Against me he's always using his ranged attacks, while the Blue Tower is up.
You've used an invul scrapper as well, so I've got no clue what the difference might be. It could be because I'm too slow to engage, making him see me from far away and locking into ranged mode.
Against me he's always using his ranged attacks, while the Blue Tower is up.
You've used an invul scrapper as well, so I've got no clue what the difference might be. It could be because I'm too slow to engage, making him see me from far away and locking into ranged mode.
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Heck, I always pull Recluse away from his starting position, so he gets off ranged attacks on me before engaging, so that's not it.
These are older demos (sadly I don't have any new ones), but I've never noticed any different behavior since then.
[edit: Here is the cohdemo of me tanking him on my Invuln. Note that a couple of his attacks (like Spider Strike) don't play their animation in the demo, but Suppression/Channelgun still animate. (I'd position him a lot differently now, but I think that was pretty much the first time I ever tanked him at all.)]
That was great Powerforge,gratz.
BTW ,love the cape.It looks cool.
Now back to hunting some AVs myself,just keep your eye out at the hospital for me.
Monks of Pal'Sidae
Shockmare Lvl 50 E3
Elektra Knight Lvl 50 Dark/Elec/Psi
Ya know Smiling_Joe, lookin' at your sig I just have to ask...
What would Modok do? If his memory got too full?
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The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies
Ya know Smiling_Joe, lookin' at your sig I just have to ask...
What would Modok do? If his memory got too full?
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You sir, are my new best friend!
Let me start off by saying that I apologize for grandstanding here a bit. I know some folks enjoy hearing the exploits of other scrappers ( I know I really enjoy hearing about other's triumphs ), and frankly I am just bursting with pride over this victory.

I killed Lord Recluse today.
If you have ever fought him with serious intent you know what his biggest hurdle is. He has an attack that shuts off your recovery totally. A few seconds after it lands your toggles drop, your mitigation tanks and your dead. Sometimes he hits me with it early, sometimes I get him to half way and he does it three damn times in 5 minutes, but he has always hit me with it. On the rare occasion where I was in good shape to deal with it, having both Dark Consumption and Conserve Power available, he just does it again later and kills me.
In fact I had really stopped trying to defeat him.
Today I went in rather casually, not really expecting much of anything other than repeated trips to the hospital and I got him on the second try. I don't know if his recovery attack needs to hit and I just managed to stay out of it's way the whole fight or if it's auto-hit and he just didn't use it. Whatever the case when he was under 50% I started to sit up and pay closer attention. I had never had him to 25% so I didn't know what to expect.
I started laughing at the absurdity of it when he spawned so many helpers. I knew I was saturated now but jeebus I couldn't be more than a second or two from face planting.
And then he died.
I'll add a video to this when it's done. Thanks for looking.
Video is up.