I really need some comforting...




It doesn't hurt for everyone on the team to go to Bloody Bay and pick up a Shivan. That detour is less time than experiencing multiple team wipes.

[/ QUOTE ]

And this is why I'll never do a STF, a LRSF, or Hamidon raid, as you seem to be expected to have a shivan and a nuke or two for those. I haven't been in a PvP zone since Issue 6 went live, and I'm not about to go in one now.

[/ QUOTE ]nukes and shivans.... are nowhere near the norm for Hami raids.

[/ QUOTE ]

Shivans no, we do use Bionukes red side though for the brutes and the yellow assault. Its not necessary but really I think we like it

But plenty of times we've done raids without them, its just sort of an added bonus if people happen to come and have them and are willing to use them.



Also the Supernuked hami video is awesome.



Actually I prefer the STF because to me, that is one of the easiest TFs I have ever done, right after Katie Hannon.

[/ QUOTE ] IMO the STF is the hardest(never done a Strike Force). All the original six, Ernesto Hess, Moonfire, and probably a few others I have forgot about can be soloed. So to me that makes them easier than the STF, which I doubt could be soloed by anybody(though I would love to be proved wrong).



It doesn't hurt for everyone on the team to go to Bloody Bay and pick up a Shivan. That detour is less time than experiencing multiple team wipes.

[/ QUOTE ]

And this is why I'll never do a STF, a LRSF, or Hamidon raid, as you seem to be expected to have a shivan and a nuke or two for those. I haven't been in a PvP zone since Issue 6 went live, and I'm not about to go in one now.

[/ QUOTE ]

I suggested it for the team stuck in a STF. Most good teams don't need it. Most Hamidon raids do without it. I'll give you the LRSF as problematic... it's a broken Strike Force completely unbalanced for this game.

And your aversion to a PvP zone is rather ridiculous at this point. Bloody Bay is almost always a ghost town. If you go with your TF team, no one's going to touch you. The zone has inspiration vendors so that you can pop whatever you need to survive a ganker til your team shows up. And with a team, the Firebase is easily overcome and you all 'create' the Shivan Shard lickety split.

Really, you need to get over this 'forced to zone PvP' nonsense in order to pick up a Shivan power.

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I have all of the basics covered but the one variable you mentioned. The team just did not know how to work together. Well, better luck next time I guess.

[/ QUOTE ] Which is by far the most important part of the equation. You don't need the perfect team to beat it. Just a little strategy at the end and some large purple inspirations can do it. My first time to complete it we took down the to hit buff tower followed by the defense tower(only had kins for healing). It took us several tries but eventually the Invul tank survived long enough for us to win.



Absolutely. Give me eight alert, reasonably competent players who can listen to a simple plan any day over eight solo artists with tricked-out FOTM builds. Amazing (and a bit depressing) how hard it can be to find that sometimes.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Absolutely. Give me eight alert, reasonably competent players who can listen to a simple plan any day over eight solo artists with tricked-out FOTM builds. Amazing (and a bit depressing) how hard it can be to find that sometimes.

[/ QUOTE ] It can be really hard sometimes. If I'm leading the team and the first mission is a giant cluster-[censored] then I have no problem restarting after replacing the people that won't follow directions or work with the team.



.... wait'll you meet Romulus and his Pet Nicti Recluse and his henchpeople are so many small, purring kittens compared to that Triad of Terror.

[/ QUOTE ]

Are you talking about the ITF? Because I've run it several times with several different characters in several very different teams, and each time Romulus hasn't been really that tough. Time consuming, yes. Unbelievably difficult, no.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



It doesn't hurt for everyone on the team to go to Bloody Bay and pick up a Shivan. That detour is less time than experiencing multiple team wipes.

[/ QUOTE ]

And this is why I'll never do a STF, a LRSF, or Hamidon raid, as you seem to be expected to have a shivan and a nuke or two for those. I haven't been in a PvP zone since Issue 6 went live, and I'm not about to go in one now.

[/ QUOTE ]nukes and shivans.... are nowhere near the norm for Hami raids.

[/ QUOTE ]

Shivans no, we do use Bionukes red side though for the brutes and the yellow assault. Its not necessary but really I think we like it

But plenty of times we've done raids without them, its just sort of an added bonus if people happen to come and have them and are willing to use them.

[/ QUOTE ]I forgot about Red-hami-style, but there's only 2 or 3 that bring them. I should remember since I'm one of the only three level 50 /TA masterminds on Virtue.

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



It doesn't hurt for everyone on the team to go to Bloody Bay and pick up a Shivan. That detour is less time than experiencing multiple team wipes.

[/ QUOTE ]

And this is why I'll never do a STF, a LRSF, or Hamidon raid, as you seem to be expected to have a shivan and a nuke or two for those. I haven't been in a PvP zone since Issue 6 went live, and I'm not about to go in one now.

[/ QUOTE ]

Never used Shivans or Nukes on an STF, personally. But we're usually either doing Master runs, where nukes and shivs (or deaths) aren't allowed; or quick runs, where we're done in under an hour and have an optimized team. Only did one PuG STF, and that was... unpleasant.

Victory: @Brimstone Bruce
Brimstone Bruce (lvl50 Stone/Fire Tanker) Broadside Bruce (lvl50 Shield/WM Tanker)
Ultionis (lvl50 Dark/Dark Defender) Cortex Crusher (lvl50 Mind/Kin Controller)
Patronox (lvl50 Kat/Dark Scrapper) Harbinger Mk.7 (lvl50 Bots/FF MM)
NightShift for Life.



.... wait'll you meet Romulus and his Pet Nicti Recluse and his henchpeople are so many small, purring kittens compared to that Triad of Terror.

[/ QUOTE ]

Are you talking about the ITF? Because I've run it several times with several different characters in several very different teams, and each time Romulus hasn't been really that tough. Time consuming, yes. Unbelievably difficult, no.

[/ QUOTE ]

On all characters combined, I'd bet I've run the ITF in the neighborhood of 50 times. I'm really, really burnt out on it. I'd really be fine with never seeing it again, but its lucrative so every now and then, I will accept a friend's invite to run it.

But that to the side, Romulus is not difficult. What is difficult are his pet Nicti, who sometimes defy all proposed strategies.

The ITF is unique - at least to me - in that every time it is run, things go a little differently. I have seen teams that steamrolled everything else in the entire TF brought to a dead halt because of the nicti. I've seen PUGs comprised of people whom I didn't really think that much of them or their playstyles, have no problem with the Triad of Tenaciousness and beat them all down in less than 5 minutes flat.

Just depends on the day. Whereas if you bring a good team to the STF, you're going to beat it, no questions asked. Hannon can be beaten even with a bad PUG.



It doesn't hurt for everyone on the team to go to Bloody Bay and pick up a Shivan. That detour is less time than experiencing multiple team wipes.

[/ QUOTE ]

And this is why I'll never do a STF, a LRSF, or Hamidon raid, as you seem to be expected to have a shivan and a nuke or two for those. I haven't been in a PvP zone since Issue 6 went live, and I'm not about to go in one now.

[/ QUOTE ]

Never used Shivans or Nukes on an STF, personally. But we're usually either doing Master runs, where nukes and shivs (or deaths) aren't allowed; or quick runs, where we're done in under an hour and have an optimized team. Only did one PuG STF, and that was... unpleasant.

[/ QUOTE ]

Used Shivans and Nukes ala a LRSF on a STF once, with a COMPLETELY unbalanced team.

It was fun. >_<

Was like a bunch of Kat scrappers a kin/psi fender a emp troller a energy blaster and a invuln/WM tank.

Good times.