Glowies spawn location
Few maps are 100% on this I understand. I've heard only the cargo tanker maps are trustworthy while outside maps are the worst.
I ran into this problem with my second story arc (see below) in my3rd mish and pretty much just let it ride. It would have been nicer if they all showed up where I wanted them to, but not story-breaking. Oddly enough, now that I think of it, the second mission in the same arc has an outside map - a small one - and the glowies drop pretty reliably where I put them.
This has happened to me a few times. Either the glowie placement code is flat-out bugged, or some maps have a very loose definition of 'back'.
Glowie placement is broken on many inside maps. The only way to find out for certain where they will spawn is to actually test it. If it is spawning in the middle of the map when you have it placed at the back, just try placing it to spawn in the middle section. The location is constant, so you just have to find out which of them actually works for where you want the glowie to appear.
Boss spawns are independent of the glowie spawn points, so just because the glowies spawn in the wrong places, that does not meant the bosses will.
Outside maps are WAI. There is no Front, Middle, or Back on outside maps, for anything. It says there is on the UI, but that is wrong. Everything you place will be in a random location. For the few maps that are both inside and outside, you can cause things to spawn consistently inside, but again you may have to experiment to find out what placements to use.
Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy

Through trial and error I found a few inside maps that spawned in the right locations reliably, though one of them is still flaky on rare occasions. All you can do at this point is test, test, and test again.
I've found that Stalkers are great for testing spawn locations, since most (tho not all) mobs cannot detect them, allowing you to quickly run through the entire map.
Ya that's what i figured. Just wanted to see if it was me with the problem or if it was a known issue. ty all.
I have a specific map I have set up with bosses, hostages, wall glowies, and floor glowies. I have three instances of each type, labeled "Front XXX", "Middle XXX", and "Back XXX" (where XXX is the detail type). When I want to explore a map's properties, I load that map into the mission, set the number of each detail to be the maximum the map will support at that position, and then ghost the mission with my stalker to see where everything ends up.
It's tedious to set up, but incredibly enlightening. The definition of front, middle, and back is pretty non-obvious on some maps.
And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines
Hm. I wonder if it would be possible to set up a vidiotmap-like mod to add waypoints for every spawn position using the technique I outlined above. Food for thought.
And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines
that would be insanely helpful
Something to check -- If you have several things that are going to spawn on a map, and some of them are set to Front, some to Middle, and some to Back, it can help if you place them in your build file in the order you want.
I had a mission with two clues, one that was supposed to come early in the mission, one near the end. I tried map after map and could not get the later one to spawn correctly, it kept spawning near the front of the mission.
In my mission file, I had written the item that was supposed to be at the Back *before* the clue that was supposed to be at the front. As an experiment, I made a copy of the Back clue and put it after the Front clue in the editor, then I deleted the original Back clue. It worked. In my tests, at least, the clues now spawn correctly.
So the order that the clues appear in your file may trigger or worsen this problem, if clues designated as "Back" appear in your mission file ahead of clues labeled "Front" or "Middle".
Something to try.
the problem I'm having is setting up the spawn location for glowies. I set them to the end of a mission but on just about every map i test with they always end up spawning some where near the front or middle. I have quadruple checked and it is set to "back". Is this just a problem with some maps not having enough varied spawn locations? or is it a known problem with MA?