Praetorian Super/Villain/Neutral Group Idea




Needless to say there is little known about City of Heroes: Going Rogue. What we do know is that there is going to be another world we will get to visit, Praetoria.

Many things are still to be determined; are you going to switch sides, is there a Praetorian starting zone that will pull you to the red or blue side of things, etc. But it is never too early to start planning.

My main character, Nadya, is an ex-member of Tyrant's army and exile of Praetoria. There is no secret that she is going back, and in full force to kick some butt. Which brings me to retry forming a Praetorian Super/Villain/Neutral Group.

This group is not going to be formed any time soon. Nor will I know if it is going to be red side, blue side, or the unknown gray side. What I am hoping to do is gauge some interest for other Praetorian RPers and their willingness to ban together.

So, if you are interested, contact me at I will be sending out emails with updates to this idea as information is released to the public. So don't expect weekly newsletters. In the mean time, I have no issues meeting/forming alliances with preexisting Praetorians already in game. Just know that no official S/V/N Group will be formed until the expansion is released.

Feedback, thoughts, ideas, opinions?

-Virtue's First Naughty Girl-



Would love to join. My "Praetorian" is originally a "hero" from Praetoria, who battled Tyrant with his own legion of robots/humans, and worked closely with the Carnival of Light.

He did go insane when his best friend was broken in half by Marauder and then also pushed way over the edge when he crossed dimensions unshielded.

He will watch Tyrant burn (literally). And will do anything to get it done!

So... yeah.



I've a blaster who's from Praetoria. Tyrant considers her a villain, tho she calls herself a "freedom fighter". She donned the mask when her father was executed for crimes against the state (he refused to "donate" half his company's proceeds to Tyrant's war efforts).

A friend had gone through from that world to this, and she was holding the portal open from the Praetoria side for him to go back through. Unfortunately, things went pear-shaped and she was forced to duck through to this world. She's been stuck here since, mostly trying to rebuild her tech-based weaponry and armor to a point that would let her go back to Praetoria and not, y'know, get killed the second she stuck her nose through a portal.

She'd definitely go home and kick booty!



I don't think Seraph would switch for going bad. More like fighting deeper into Thorn Territory and/or Banished Pantheon sorts.

It's why his home is in Dark Astoria after all. As for the specifics to his story, can't really say as I said it wouldn't be for the reason of "going evil".

EDIT: But it's interesting. I'd create one the moment I had the idea. Enerjack (Alex Anderson) is probably the one with most potential. Blaster with elec based properties whose intelligence is so high that he's able to manipulate electricity to do plenty of things such as telekineses and more. Curiousity of chemestry leading him to wonder if he's actually able to control electrons and over all matter that gives him his gift.

The reason why he'd be praetorian potential is because my original concept of him is that he was a nerd picked on in school who finally flipped out and blew up a class room. That night he contemplated destroying the city because it pissed him off that people were so afraid of him that they would become hostile so he'd say to himself, "I'll give you something to be afraid of." before vaporizing people. More or less a lot like Dr. Manhatten except unable to change size, he's not naked, doesn't glow, and in person appears like a decked out hacker of some sort with goggles on his forehead blond hair, trench coat, etc. Maxwell Dillon from the Spiderman comics (AKA Electro) is some what where I draw my inspiration.



A couple of years ago when CoV came out, I made a Praetorian/villian version of my main, Pogoman, named Pogoman-X (yeah, original I know. ;P ) He's Lord Tyrant's personal assassin.

-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now



As we discussed, Nadya, I've got my troubled* stalker, Celine Dioscura - who was an experiment in alternative portal technology that went exactly as it should- but not as expected.

I don't think I mentioned this earlier, but there is a scrapper version of her (the pink haired girl Nadya also spoke with) known as Selene Dioscura. Where one goes, the other is bound to follow. Um. Literally.

Celine is planning on going back to Praetoria with an army to bolster the resistance and push things into a full-blown war on Tyrant and pretty much the entire planet. Her secondary objective is the Hero-Killing on Primal Earth that she circuitously discussed.

Both characters are linked on my VV page in the sig.

* Not crazy. At all. She has a medical condition. But she's not crazy

"...his madness keeps him sane.": My Profile on VirtueVerse
Can You WIN the Internet? MA Arc #85544
Inhuman Resources - At Work with IE #298132
Task Force Mutternacht #349522 <-- 1st AE Challenge



Finally my Preatorian main becomes relevant again since issue two.

The biggest Green Lantern fanboy on the Forums



As we discussed, Nadya, I've got my troubled* stalker, Celine Dioscura - who was an experiment in alternative portal technology that went exactly as it should- but not as expected.

I don't think I mentioned this earlier, but there is a scrapper version of her (the pink haired girl Nadya also spoke with) known as Selene Dioscura. Where one goes, the other is bound to follow. Um. Literally.

Celine is planning on going back to Praetoria with an army to bolster the resistance and push things into a full-blown war on Tyrant and pretty much the entire planet. Her secondary objective is the Hero-Killing on Primal Earth that she circuitously discussed.

Both characters are linked on my VV page in the sig.

* Not crazy. At all. She has a medical condition. But she's not crazy

[/ QUOTE ]

No...she's not crazy at all!

-Virtue's First Naughty Girl-



May just have to make Praetorian Fabulous...

Fashion Icon to the heroes of Paragon City!

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May just have to make Praetorian Fabulous...

Fashion Icon to the heroes of Paragon City!

[/ QUOTE ]

Think this is a good time to mention. Just because it's Praetorian, it doesn't have to a polar opposites. Nadya's Prime Earth is still evil... Even if she has gone missing. There can be only one!........

-Virtue's First Naughty Girl-



Naja's Prime counterpart isn't a hero or villain at all. She runs a corporation. I never thought of Praetoria as Bizarro-Earth, more like "What would've happened if Statesman were a tyrant-dictator?"



Naja's Prime counterpart isn't a hero or villain at all. She runs a corporation. I never thought of Praetoria as Bizarro-Earth, more like "What would've happened if Statesman were a tyrant-dictator?"

[/ QUOTE ]

This is the concept that stuck with me as well. I never could reconcile the "destroyed" AP that we saw in the comics with what little we know from the Praetorian stuff in game. Glad to see they didn't go that route (at least from what the trailer shows).