Allow Mission Computers in bases to host MA arcs




I know that many SGs are creating SG-specific MA arcs, but for the arcs to earn tickets for people playing them they must be published on an individual's account. This uses up one of that person's arcs, and makes the arc visible to anyone, including non-SG members.

Instead, how about allowing designated SG members to post SG-specific MA arcs on the Mission Computer and Oracle items in their bases? That way the arc would not use up one of an individual's arc slots, and would only be usable by SG-members.




On a more serious note, I don't give a flying [censored] about this topic one way or another. But I could have sworn someone made that very same suggestion just yesterday. Search before you [censored].

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
Winston Churchill



I know that many SGs are creating SG-specific MA arcs, but for the arcs to earn tickets for people playing them they must be published on an individual's account. This uses up one of that person's arcs, and makes the arc visible to anyone, including non-SG members.

Instead, how about allowing designated SG members to post SG-specific MA arcs on the Mission Computer and Oracle items in their bases? That way the arc would not use up one of an individual's arc slots, and would only be usable by SG-members.

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It would be nice for the SG computer to be used for something. I think this is a great idea.
This is a bug, nothing more. Please put away the tin-foil hats, there's nothing sinister going on here.-Protea



I know that many SGs are creating SG-specific MA arcs, but for the arcs to earn tickets for people playing them they must be published on an individual's account. This uses up one of that person's arcs, and makes the arc visible to anyone, including non-SG members.

Instead, how about allowing designated SG members to post SG-specific MA arcs on the Mission Computer and Oracle items in their bases? That way the arc would not use up one of an individual's arc slots, and would only be usable by SG-members.

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I'm not opposed to the idea of running arcs in the SG base. However, as someone not in a SG, the idea of you getting extra slots when I'm limited to 3 .... sorry, I can't support that idea. It has to count against whomever publishes the arc.

131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )




On a more serious note, I don't give a flying [censored] about this topic one way or another. But I could have sworn someone made that very same suggestion just yesterday. Search before you [censored].

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I did search, but my search-fu is weak. For example, sometimes I can't even find my own arcs in MA...



I know that many SGs are creating SG-specific MA arcs, but for the arcs to earn tickets for people playing them they must be published on an individual's account. This uses up one of that person's arcs, and makes the arc visible to anyone, including non-SG members.

Instead, how about allowing designated SG members to post SG-specific MA arcs on the Mission Computer and Oracle items in their bases? That way the arc would not use up one of an individual's arc slots, and would only be usable by SG-members.

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I'm not opposed to the idea of running arcs in the SG base. However, as someone not in a SG, the idea of you getting extra slots when I'm limited to 3 .... sorry, I can't support that idea. It has to count against whomever publishes the arc.

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Oh, quit QQing. SGs already have a storage and transport advantage over non-SG'd folks. One more advantage (a thematic one, to boot) wouldn't hurt.

If it really stings that bad, don't let the SG arc show up in the main MA system. Have it JUST be through the base. That way, it's not like an individual is getting any more slots.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



If it really stings that bad, don't let the SG arc show up in the main MA system. Have it JUST be through the base. That way, it's not like an individual is getting any more slots.

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That's what I meant - arcs hosted on a Mission Computer would only be available from that Mission Computer.



Then what if a player in a SG found a way to exploit the system (like the MEOW missions)? And what if the other players in the SG kept it quiet so that their SG could farm the crap out the mission without fear of it ever being reported and banned since it doesn't appear in the MA missions the public can test and report?

Sorry, that's a no go for me.

Yes, the SG mission computer should be used for something. No, this is not it.



I support this idea.

And Blackavaar isn't that kind of "Doooooom!"-ish? I mean, it's not like the Devs could check their own game for such instances and it's definitely not like if it was discovered an SG was doing this the ability couldn't be suspended...Oh wait...



Then what if a player in a SG found a way to exploit the system (like the MEOW missions)?

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Since I envision SG-missions as being primarily for role-playing, testing potential recruits, etc., I would not be adverse to greatly reduced rewards, possibly even no rewards at all.



I think its a decent idea. My suggestion is limit the rewards, and instead of making it an MA interface, make it a "danger room" interface, so you gain prestige for the SG but not actual XP, or reduced XP, etc? Its more for SG training/bonding/toon testing, etc. than for running missions.