1-50 inside of the MA System (Suggest Arcs!)

Aliana Blue



So, I enjoy the MA system. ALOT. And while I want to play a Brute, I am sick and tired of the villain side story arcs and whatnot. So, I had a quandary. And then it hit me!

Use the MA to go from 1 - 50!

Now, I play Solo, and I made myself a Elec/WP Brute by the name of Vendigroth. I love the Brute mechanics, and if I could get a brute Heroside I would be there in a heartbeat (the closest I can get is a scrapper, which just isn't the same sadly). With the new expansion coming out I will be able to make a Brute turn FACE or Hero, but I don't want to wait.

So, here is my plan. I literally will level EVERY level (outside of the Tutorial Freebie, which I already got) inside the MA system.

Currently I am playing Vendigroth as a Mad Scientist. He will do good or bad, either way, he doesn't care, as long as he gets money to fuel his experiments.

This means I will play ANY arc type with him. The trick here is finding arcs to level up with.

I play Solo firstly, and I play on the lowest difficulty setting. I like story based arcs, but Humor is fine too. Just no farms. I have 2 arcs so far that sound like fun.

Arc #1345 “Jumping In Feet First”
Arc #111022 "Doctor Geist and the Scientific Method"

I will write reviews here, in character no less! They will be as if he is writing a journal, just to add some spice! So if you want your arc reviewed, and played by a half crazy scientist with an electric generating suit, then hit me up!



*Sneaks in, hugs stompy, nuzzles her cubey buddy and ninja vanishes*



Ooooh, in character reviews! Finally...a reviewer who I will submit to...

Search "Chesticles" and you'll find it. Short, fun and filled with green chicks.



First, Happy Birthday!

Second, I have A Little RnR to offer (arc 17523) that is a hero mission with 2 bosses (on the lowest setting) at the end of missions 2 and 3.

And my latest arc called "The Heart of Artemis" (Arc # 162423) which is villainous. This one will have you facing Malta at some point so I suggest keeping it for 22+. But there are no EBs or AVs here so you will only be facing Lieutnants.

Any feedback would be truly appreciated.

Arc: A Little RnR (17523) - Poster
Char Site | My DeviantArt



I've got three lowbie arcs for you that I think you might enjoy (they're hero aligned, but you said that was okay )

They're: #100304, #115935, and #124906


(NOTE: These are *not* the arcs in my sig, which are high level arcs - you probably don't want to tackle those yet.)

M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice! )
Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)



Day 1:

Its been a few hours since I have escaped from the Zig. Blasted prison. I should never have been in there to begin with. Ah well. The man Burke told me he could fix me up with a few contacts, but that is the old fashioned way. The new way of doing things is the Internet!

I am going to need working capital in order to finish my work. Despite the setbacks that...landed me in prison, I am confident that I can finish it. The suit that I built is working well, and my time in prison has toughened me. Perhaps I can hire myself out as a freelancer, to either side.


Well I answered an Ad I saw online from a "Dr. Raven." How cliched if you ask me. Perhaps she should change her name to something else. No matter. Apparently, she told me, as I was a new kid on the block I should show what I could do, so she had me go deal with some Council. Apparently they were working on blending Human and Nictus into some sort of...super being. Why bother with genetic work? I mean really! They should worry more about technological advances! No matter, they are simple fools.

After I returned from that, she told me she wanted me to find the production lab, as apparently she was unprepared with the specifics of what they were doing. I kept a few pieces of the machines they used, sadly however I had to disable them. I also dealt with the leader. He was a fool.

During the process I rescued someone from Longbow. Repeatedly I might add. All in all it was a good warmup. The suit performed admirably, and now I have some capital to upgrade the components. I just need a lab! (Arc #1345 “Jumping In Feet First” 4 Stars)


After I finished dealing with Dr Raven, a man named Geist contacted me. He apparently had heard of my work and thought I would make a good assistant for him. I lowered myself and took the job. I do need the money, and the testing of the suit.

He wanted to get revenge on some other man named Creed. Petty rivalry. They should join forces in pursuit of SCIENCE! First he had me take some stuff from Creeds lab (I kept a few interesting bits), and then kidnap a villain named Comatorium...who apparently fires energy blasts? Shouldn't he call himself CREAMATORIUM? That would make too much sense I think.

Then Geist surprised me with a transdeucic holographic projector of some sort, that would make people think I was Comatorium. It worked against the Longbow I had to beatdown. Thankfully that shouldn't tarnish my reputation with them.

The funniest part in all this was of course having to save Geist from Creed. Apparently the man figured out what was going on and attacked Geist's lab, who then foolishly went in to recover data. Always, ALWAYS, make a backup! I ended up having to beat up both Creed AND Comatorium. I guess Creed freed him.

The suit yet again performed to expectations, and I see plenty of room for improvement. (Arc #111022 "Doctor Geist and the Scientific Method" 4 Stars)



Well, once you hit the 10-14 range, may I offer my arc, "Trollbane" (#106553)? It's heroically-oriented, but there should be enough mayhem to satsify the bad Doctor- there's a gang war brewing between sometime allies, the Trolls and the Skulls, with Superadyne at the root of it... but there's something else, lurking beneath the surface.

And, if nothing else, he can steal some of the Skull's 'dyne lab gear

(standard warning- contains a handful of EB/Bosses)

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



I noticed you are looking for a lab. Labs can be a little hard to run by yourself. I know a fella named Eagor, may be able to help you out.

((Check the arc in my tag, short mission. Haven't tested it under 14, but it's Longbow, so...))



If you're interested in a little side work. I offer you Arc #64142 "Leave it, Badger". A quick little 2 mission arc that scales across all levels and has nothing at all to do with badge hunting.
Looks like Badger's in trouble again. It'll take more than a stern lecture to set this right.

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/~jwbullfrog until I come up with a better solution.



I really like this idea! The first two reviews were really fun too. I've got two arcs that you probably won't be able to play for a while, but I'd like to "reserve my spot", as it were.

When you get to the 30-35 range, I'd definitely like you to try out this arc.....

Title: Soldiers of Fortune
Arc ID: 4431
Creator’s Global Name: @Mekkanos
Difficulty Level: Medium
Synopsis: Battle two ruthless mercenary groups for an ancient item of power alongside some unusual allies!
Number of EB/AVS: 1
Story Type: Serious/Action (Villain Oriented)
Mission Count: 5
Estimated Time to Play: 1-2 hours depending on how fast you go through.

Note: This one may or may not be up this character's alley by the time he gets to this, since you do fight some police during the course of the arc (He seemed to have reservations about this in the Geist arc). Also, it involves a magic item, which he may not be interested in. Regardless, I think it should prove fun for you when you get to it.

And when you get to the 45-50 range, you can run.....

Title: Blitzkrieg
Arc ID: 3416
Creator’s Global Name: @Mekkanos
Difficulty Level: Medium
Synopsis: A simple investigation into Malta Group activity turns into a fight for the freedom of heroes everywhere as you uncover the sinister Project: Blitzkrieg
Number of EB/AVS: 3
Story Type: Serious/Action (Hero oriented)
Mission Count: 5
Estimated Time to Play: 1-2 hours depending on how fast you go through

Note: This one's hero-oriented but the events should be fairly relevant to him regardless. The question would be why the contact would trust him.

As I said before, these are intended for fairly specific level ranges, so I'm willing to wait for you to get to the proper level to play through them. I'm looking forward to seeing more from you, in the meantime!

EDIT: Happy birthday, by the way!

My arcs:

Title: Blitzkrieg
Arc ID: 3416

Title: Soldiers of Fortune
Arc ID: 4431

Title: The Rikti Accession
Arc ID: 278757



If the good doctor (er... evil doctor?) wouldn't mind earning operating cash from the Facemaker, then I would like to recommend the following arc to his attention:

Arc ID 10171 - "Cutthroat Competition" - suggested level range 15-20, and solo friendly. In which a simple collection mission for the Facemaker swiftly escalates into all-out war with a rival faction over harvesting rights to the limited resource pool of innocent victims.



Well, if all the missions have made Vendigroth hungry, perhaps Rider's Ribs Restaurant Rescue (Arc# 163967) could be of interest.

BTW, I had to be creative since I could only find one map with any form of restaurant (the Lucky Six Casino map, the tables are in the back of the establishment).



Try #97358 Shift Awesome!

It has gotten some pretty good reviews. There may be some spelling mistakes but I am working my way through them.




Hey, glad you liked my arc! One thing:

Well I answered an Ad I saw online from a "Dr. Raven." How cliched if you ask me. Perhaps she should change her name to something else.

[/ QUOTE ]

40+ plays and nobody seems to have picked on the reason for that particular name yet!

(Gotta love obscure stuff!).

Going by superscience theme (in a tongue-in-cheek way) you may like the arc in my sig: #61013, levels 5-25 (though after the latest changes to custom critters, the lower range is a bit too much on the hard side).

Players' Choice Awards: Best Dual-Origin Level Range Arc!

It's a new era, the era of the Mission Architect. Can you save the Universe from...

The Invasion of the Bikini-clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space? - Arc ID 61013



Wow thanks! This looks like fun!

Just a note: I am going to only review the arcs that get posted here. Any I find thru other threads or the MA itself will be played and rated, and feedback given thru the normal channels, but no review here.

For an update, Vendigroth is level 6 now.



Ah, levelin' bits.

"Bricked Electronics" (2180) ought to work out of the gate, "Dream Paper" (1874) will work once you get some anti-mez (there's Lost and Tsoo in it), and I've pitched "The Bravuran Jobs" (5073) as workable for 20-30 but it's going to be a bit of a challenge.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



Nuclear in 90 (The Fusionette Task Force) is a nice arc for lowbies/low teens. It's well written and uses the Hellions as villains.

Bring a team, though I suppose you could solo it exemping. I and a friend exemped from 50 to do it.

(Cheap Plug: Mine will do for nearly any character after either SOs, Stamina, or a mez protection power. It can be soloed on a level 1 scrapper or a well slotted emp defender with a few attacks (tested both), but I'd reccommend the Hellion and Skull arcs to hit the teens first. Waiting until the 20s would be better. Really, please, mine can be fun. SKs to 30 and 41 for missions, no AV/EBs.)

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Thanks Magnolia, but I dont want to team on this guy.

I will keep yours (The All Seeing Eye?) in mind for when I hit 20. Which is when I will get Quick Recovery and will have my Mez Protection.

I am going to be posting another update today when I get home. I got 2 more missions to add to the "Journal"



Day 4:

So today proved to be...interesting. Firstly, I had gotten a message yesterday from an "Eagor" stating he had seen my want ad about a cheap lab space. He offered his services as an assistant, and dirt cheap too. I accept. Oh god how I wish I had not!

First, he botched the job of getting the deed, AND cleaning the lab out of Longbow! THEN HE LEFT ALL THE EVIDENCE BEHIND, including a half eaten sandwich! And I spent money on this? ARG!

I ended up going in, and dealing with the Longbow myself. In the end though I decided against taking that lab. It was too... well known by that point. I fired Eagor as well. God, that will teach me. You get what you pay for! (4 Stars!)

After dealing with that...mess, I was hungry and decided to go to the nearby Rib shop for some food. I had heard good things about the place while I was in the Zig. A lot of the inmates actually told me they refused to rob the place because it was THAT good. I had high hopes.

Sadly, I got roped into some rescue job. The daughter of the owner, I forget her name, was outside begging for help. In the Rogue Islands this is not a good idea. She got spit on and laughed at by a lot of the people. I guess while the food is good, helping someone is too much.

I agreed to help her on the condition that I be fed. A man has to eat, and after spending my money on that blasted "Lab" I needed to save every penny. Besides, I needed to work on my combat skills, which as an academic are sorely lacking. I ended up freeing her father from inside a casino, where another of his restaurants was found. I had to beat up some strange characters. My suit once again performed admirably, and I thank god I toughened up in prison.

After I returned the father, I found that in order to get my meal I would have to clean out the storage facility where they kept the food. Turns out, they pull everything fresh. *sigh* Stupid warehouses. Place was light up like a rave for some strange reason. I guess they like fancy lights. And there were more of those blasted odd balls trying to chop me up, set me on fire, and freeze me! Apparently they work for some Colonel or something.

When I got back, the father had been kidnapped AGAIN! ARG! Can't these people STAY rescued?!

I ended up having to rescue him from his own blasted brother, a irradiated man with delusions of grandeur. He actually had a crown on his head and called himself the King of Chicken! Hate to tell you, but PORK IS THE WHITE MEAT OF CHOICE IN THIS HOUSE!

After rescuing him AGAIN, I ended up with an actual FINE meal. Thankfully, they promised me that I could eat there for free from now on. This is good, as I could use the protein!

All in all another fine days work. Save for the fact that I am now out of money! Least I have food. (4 Stars again!)



arc name: Time Loop
Arc ID: 137561
Creator: @Bubbawheat
Level range: 15-25
Group: Wyvern
Morality: Neutral, suitable for contract villains and heroes who don't strictly follow the law.
Synopsis: Foreshadow has contacted you because Wyvern has unknowingly aquired an artifact capable of creating major time distortions. He needs some outside help in order to get it out of their hands before it causes any serious time disruptions.

Note: No AV/EBs, lots of clues, and a couple more subtle easter egg-type hints/clues. Tell me if you catch them. Somewhat in the middle of a story update, but should be fully updated by the weekend.

edit: update complete, play at your own leasure.



Since I don't think you'll be able to get around to my arcs for a while because of their level ranges, I figure I should contribute something to the thread in the meantime. Thus, I have two lowbie arcs that are not mine but I would definitely recommend, since they are my favorite lowbie-oriented MA arcs so far. Both are made by the same author, so I hope he doesn't mind if I at least recommend them to you.

1402 - In the Shadow of the Towers

2260 - The Burning of Hearts

The first one is a hero-oriented arc while the second one is a villain-oriented arc. Both are recommended for the 1-9 range, although I believe the first one goes to 15. The second one has you doing some terrible things to people who probably don't deserve it, so keep that in mind.

My arcs:

Title: Blitzkrieg
Arc ID: 3416

Title: Soldiers of Fortune
Arc ID: 4431

Title: The Rikti Accession
Arc ID: 278757



Vendigroth if now level 8, almost 9.

I played through The Burning of Hearts last night...my god Vendigroth is upset. I have a new entry to write this evening



Day 10:

I did something horrible today, and I had to rectify it. As best I could of course.

I was hired by a man named Payne to get back at his girlfriend. I knew something was up by the way he acted. He kept stating he "loved" her, but was furious that she had dared scorn him. I should have stopped then and there but truth be told I needed the money. My suit was, at that time, having issues, and without it I would barely be able to function.

First I beat up the ladies new boyfriend, Dario the Knuckle. The Mooks are fools, so I didn't mind too much. However, I then stole the girlfriend and the wallet of Dario, and took them back to Payne. This is where things got strange.

I planted the ID of Dario in a snake hole. Then, I went and beat the crap out of Dario again just before the Snakes attacked him...

I was unaware that the snakes could use their venom to transform a person into one of them. Thats something no man should have to endure...and all throughout this Payne kept ranting about how he loved Juliet...

I finally had to beat Dario down again, this time in FRONT of Juliet. He, Dario, loved her so much that he went to her, even in his...snake form. I didn't kill him however, though I told Payne that I did.

After the events, and getting paid, I was angry. I hate being used. So, I trailed Payne home. Then, I beat the ever living hell out of him. He may be rich, but I am a man with a super suit. And I was angry. I then freed Juliet from his clutches, and reunited her with a new Dario. See, I had taken him to a nearby lab that was abandoned and repaired him as best I could. Thankfully I had a minor in genetics. He still had some of the snake parts to him, but thankfully he was mostly human again.

Payne swore he would get back at me. Let him try.

(( The Burning of Hearts 5 Stars! Everything AFTER beating up Dario in Snake Form is what my character WOULD have done after wards hehe))



>> When you get up a bit, I'd love for you to run Competitive Interests (#105556). It can be solo'd fairly well at most levels I've found, but for the most part I really do recommend being at least 20+. Mez-protection helps out a lot, as does having a few extra attacks to beat things into submission.

...Really, I'd just love to read an IC review of it. <.<