Bane Buffs?




For the simple fact base wise with just SOs Reinforcements are up 73% of the time and Mind Link is up 30% of the time. Most times my Bane finishes a paper mish in less than 4 minutes.

3. Looking for other defense sets with passive mez protection to compare it looking in all regular AT sets for passive mez protection...looking...looking...not found. Didn't mean to be an A$$ about it but how can you compare it when there is nothing to compare it to.

[/ QUOTE ]

Mind Link lasts 90 seconds, and assuming you took Mental Training, it recharges in 200 seconds. Which starts as soon as you hit the power, not after it finishes. How is less than 30 percent a simple fact?

What I'm comparing is not to other characters with passive mez protection, but to ANY form of mez protection. That it doesn't use any end is nice...but it's low mag isn't a good thing, and not something that can be ignored with hand-waving, especially before you get serious IO'ed out and get powers from outside the Bane primary and secondary. Fighting some Malta or Tsoo, anything with a melee mez with 22% melee defense and mag 4 mez protection---ouch. I have no idea why the devs set Bane mez protection so low.

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My mistake I surely didn't add in Mental training. That would bring it from 33 up to 45, so it is up just under half the time.

If you are a Bane soloing you really don't have an excuse to mezzed. You are fighting about three enemies at once. Coming out of hide you should be able to take out the first threat, then placate one and battle the other, then finish off your last opponent.

That was without pets with the pets out, they can hold an enemy and help you kill, I even let them take the aggro so I could go back in hide (just for fun sometimes). But you see how I don't even really need the defense.

But honestly if your only sources of defense are TT:M and CD then you will have issues.

I do agree mag 4 is a bit low.

"Yes, winning all the time can be boring."

"It's amazing how well you can put up with endurance issues if you hide them under a large enough pile of bodies."

-Spiritchaser speaking on Dom Revamp



Interesting statements.

But when things start to go bad, Widows start having better resist along with the great defense(unless its defense debuff) and they have an actual T9. Crabs have the Dullpain clone and more pets, and an aggro-taking nuke thing.

Sure they might not be up every spawn, but when bantha poodoo hits the fan, the Banes are at a disadvantage.



Banes don't need a buff.

[/ QUOTE ]

This. Being the least overpowered of the SOA may not be fun, but it's not weak.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Interesting statements.

But when things start to go bad, Widows start having better resist along with the great defense(unless its defense debuff) and they have an actual T9. Crabs have the Dullpain clone and more pets, and an aggro-taking nuke thing.

Sure they might not be up every spawn, but when bantha poodoo hits the fan, the Banes are at a disadvantage.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have to agree with you there Forts get a Nuke, Widows get GOD mode x2, and Crabs get Dull Pain. Funny thing is though, that Banes don't get the heal portion of Serum but we get the base HP value of it perma. True Banes don't get a real tier 9 power, but I haven't needed it and if there was like a GOD mode power I probably wouldn't take it.

My Widow doesn't have Elude and she does not miss it at all.

To eaches own, different strokes for different folks. After playing 3 of the 4 VEATs, I wouldn't put Widows that far ahead of Banes and I would put Crabs below Banes, when it comes to fighting an EB I would rather do it with a Blaster than Crab. Maybe it is the way I play or built mine, but solo they either die or take too long to kill. Never played a Fort but it is probably easier with them.

"Yes, winning all the time can be boring."

"It's amazing how well you can put up with endurance issues if you hide them under a large enough pile of bodies."

-Spiritchaser speaking on Dom Revamp



If that is the case then you need to work on your Bane build, because on an SO level Widows have a total unsuppressed defense of 33.6 and Banes have an unsuppressed defense of 31.6 plus passive mez protection, 12% resist to all, and a 20% hp buff (one of the QoL issues was to let us enhance the hp don't see that as a buff though).

[/ QUOTE ]

My Bane build is fine thanks. I find it funny a guy that wrote a guide about this branch doesn't know the numbers on the powers being discussed. Tactical Training Maneuvers = 15.6% defense to all postions with 3 20% defense buff enhancements. Cloaking Device is 5.86% with the same enhancements. Now, in MIDs when you look at the totals it shows cloaking device fully active for a 11.7% defense buff. Which is where your numbers are wrong. Learn something new everyday.

I'll admit most of my gripes with the Bane are pretty minor issues. I would have liked to see some of the powers arranged differently. The 20 something percent defense values before you add in power pools would be fine with me if the toys came a little earlier. I would have liked to see Web Cocoon earlier as I find I am big fan of using my Bane for offensive control as a defense. The pets are also very handy, but you have to wait until level 38 to unlock them (Vs how early mind link opens for widows. That's a huge defense advantage to them). In normal game play those QoL issues are pretty annoying. Shortening the Placate recharge, and adding defense debuff resistance would be great additions (put that resist on Widows as well!). So, Banes could use some buffs.



If that is the case then you need to work on your Bane build, because on an SO level Widows have a total unsuppressed defense of 33.6 and Banes have an unsuppressed defense of 31.6 plus passive mez protection, 12% resist to all, and a 20% hp buff (one of the QoL issues was to let us enhance the hp don't see that as a buff though).

[/ QUOTE ]

My Bane build is fine thanks. I find it funny a guy that wrote a guide about this branch doesn't know the numbers on the powers being discussed. Tactical Training Maneuvers = 15.6% defense to all postions with 3 20% defense buff enhancements. Cloaking Device is 5.86% with the same enhancements. Now, in MIDs when you look at the totals it shows cloaking device fully active for a 11.7% defense buff. Which is where your numbers are wrong. Learn something new everyday.

[/ QUOTE ]

It is real funny how the person writing can't read, I said earlier

For both the Widow and the Bane I included L:M and CJ if you wanted to go with just what they have available

Bane CD (suppressed) 3.75 and TT:M 10% = 13.75%
Widows have MP (suppressed) 2.5%, TT:M 5%, and Foresight 7.5% 15%

[/ QUOTE ]

Now with 13.75% + CJ 2.5% + L:M 3.5% = 19.75% and I will let you do the enhancment math from there.

I'll admit most of my gripes with the Bane are pretty minor issues. I would have liked to see some of the powers arranged differently. The 20 something percent defense values before you add in power pools would be fine with me if the toys came a little earlier. I would have liked to see Web Cocoon earlier as I find I am big fan of using my Bane for offensive control as a defense. The pets are also very handy, but you have to wait until level 38 to unlock them (Vs how early mind link opens for widows. That's a huge defense advantage to them). In normal game play those QoL issues are pretty annoying. Shortening the Placate recharge, and adding defense debuff resistance would be great additions (put that resist on Widows as well!). So, Banes could use some buffs.

[/ QUOTE ]

QoL issues, minor buffs it doesn't matter what you call it. I do agree though a couple of things like adding some defense debuff resistance and adding healing enhancements to Bane Armor for more HP.

"Yes, winning all the time can be boring."

"It's amazing how well you can put up with endurance issues if you hide them under a large enough pile of bodies."

-Spiritchaser speaking on Dom Revamp



If that is the case then you need to work on your Bane build, because on an SO level Widows have a total unsuppressed defense of 33.6 and Banes have an unsuppressed defense of 31.6 plus passive mez protection, 12% resist to all, and a 20% hp buff (one of the QoL issues was to let us enhance the hp don't see that as a buff though).

[/ QUOTE ]

My Bane build is fine thanks. I find it funny a guy that wrote a guide about this branch doesn't know the numbers on the powers being discussed. Tactical Training Maneuvers = 15.6% defense to all postions with 3 20% defense buff enhancements. Cloaking Device is 5.86% with the same enhancements. Now, in MIDs when you look at the totals it shows cloaking device fully active for a 11.7% defense buff. Which is where your numbers are wrong. Learn something new everyday.

[/ QUOTE ]

**You're right. My numbers were off. Look, I'll rehash some numbers showing Night Widows have an advantage.**

For both the Widow and the Bane I included L:M and CJ if you wanted to go with just what they have available

Bane CD (suppressed) 3.75 and TT:M 10% = 13.75%
Widows have MP (suppressed) 2.5%, TT:M 5%, and Foresight 7.5% 15%

[/ QUOTE ]

**Now I'll add some power pool picks into the mix, and pretend like a Night Widow can't take those to further improve their numbers.**

I'll admit most of my gripes with the Bane are pretty minor issues. I would have liked to see some of the powers arranged differently. The 20 something percent defense values before you add in power pools would be fine with me if the toys came a little earlier. I would have liked to see Web Cocoon earlier as I find I am big fan of using my Bane for offensive control as a defense. The pets are also very handy, but you have to wait until level 38 to unlock them (Vs how early mind link opens for widows. That's a huge defense advantage to them). In normal game play those QoL issues are pretty annoying. Shortening the Placate recharge, and adding defense debuff resistance would be great additions (put that resist on Widows as well!). So, Banes could use some buffs.

[/ QUOTE ]

QoL issues, minor buffs it doesn't matter what you call it. I do agree though a couple of things like adding some defense debuff resistance and adding healing enhancements to Bane Armor for more HP.

[/ QUOTE ]




Now with 13.75% + CJ 2.5% + L:M 3.5% = 19.75% and I will let you do the enhancment math from there.

[/ QUOTE ]
TT:M = 10%
Cloaking Device = 3.75%
Enhancements = * 1.55
Total: ~21%

TT:M = 5%
Foresight = 7.5%
Mask Pressence = 2.5%
Enhancements = * 1.55
Total: ~23%

These are the numbers the two have. Pool powers not included, because BOTH of them can take pool powers, and the numbers are identical, so all that means is the numbers change but Widows are still ahead.

This doesn't include Mind Link which is another +15.5% DEF for Widows which even with SOs and no Hasten is 90/200 for uptime. Widows also have the option of Elude (not that I've ever needed it).

Even if you aren't going for sets, it's pretty trivial to get even level 25-30 DEF/RECH pieces to toss into ML, which gives it a 120s recharge (75% uptime). I did this on my Widow, who had those IOs and no other IOs until 50. They cost her almost nothing. Add Hasten and the uptime grows.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Now with 13.75% + CJ 2.5% + L:M 3.5% = 19.75% and I will let you do the enhancment math from there.

[/ QUOTE ]
TT:M = 10%
Cloaking Device = 3.75%
Enhancements = * 1.55
Total: ~21%

TT:M = 5%
Foresight = 7.5%
Mask Pressence = 2.5%
Enhancements = * 1.55
Total: ~23%

These are the numbers the two have. Pool powers not included, because BOTH of them can take pool powers, and the numbers are identical, so all that means is the numbers change but Widows are still ahead.

This doesn't include Mind Link which is another +15.5% DEF for Widows which even with SOs and no Hasten is 90/200 for uptime. Widows also have the option of Elude (not that I've ever needed it).

Even if you aren't going for sets, it's pretty trivial to get even level 25-30 DEF/RECH pieces to toss into ML, which gives it a 120s recharge (75% uptime). I did this on my Widow, who had those IOs and no other IOs until 50. They cost her almost nothing. Add Hasten and the uptime grows.

[/ QUOTE ]

I can understand an IO'ed Widow has perma Mind Link, however, this was said...

But I'm under the impression that is you get a SOed NW, Crab, or Fort and test it against an SOed Bane, the three mentioned will generally come out on top, both in damage and overall survivability.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is why I don't include IO's, I could include however that Widows take two more powers (Mind Link and Hasten) to get that 10% (15.6% enhanced) So that is five powers to get a total of 25% (unenhanced) and Banes use two to get 13.75% (unenhanced) sounds fair to me.

So a Widows five powers to a Banes two. One would think that it would be fair to atleast give them two more defense powers to even the playing field. But even still five (technically four but one is required to get one perma) they should have higher defense, but that is just my thinking.

Edit: Meant to put five the first time instead of four. But I guess when something sounds good for the Widows that doesn't need to be addressed.

"Yes, winning all the time can be boring."

"It's amazing how well you can put up with endurance issues if you hide them under a large enough pile of bodies."

-Spiritchaser speaking on Dom Revamp



Seems rather unfair that you don't count Mind Link for Widows, yet the pets for Banes.

The pets are rather weak, unless you are fighting your level.



Seems rather unfair that you don't count Mind Link for Widows, yet the pets for Banes.

The pets are rather weak, unless you are fighting your level.

[/ QUOTE ]

Here I state...

This is why I don't include IO's, I could include however that Widows take two more powers (Mind Link and Hasten) to get that 10% (15.6% enhanced) So that is five powers to get a total of 25% (unenhanced) and Banes use two to get 13.75% (unenhanced) sounds fair to me.

[/ QUOTE ]

I didn't even include the pets I compared the five powers needed for a Widows defense to the two powers a Bane gets. Showing the other people how they are using a pool power plus IOs and I just used what a Bane had, Since according to most I am doing nothing but giving Banes the advantage.

Actually even though they are 1 level below they still do decent damage to higher level enemies. With TT:M and L:M plus both pet defense IOs they have about 30% defense to all plus they do take some of the aggro off of you giving you 100% defense as you are not being attacked.

However, so I can be fair even with just TT:M, TT:L, and TT:A they gives the pets more than enough to make a difference. Really with all of that it is almost like the Pets are equal to or +1 of you level, in my new build I have included TT:L and TT:A.

I find it Funny how these same pets are great for Crabs.

"Yes, winning all the time can be boring."

"It's amazing how well you can put up with endurance issues if you hide them under a large enough pile of bodies."

-Spiritchaser speaking on Dom Revamp



Seems rather unfair that you don't count Mind Link for Widows, yet the pets for Banes.

The pets are rather weak, unless you are fighting your level.

[/ QUOTE ]

Here I state...

This is why I don't include IO's, I could include however that Widows take two more powers (Mind Link and Hasten) to get that 10% (15.6% enhanced) So that is five powers to get a total of 25% (unenhanced) and Banes use two to get 13.75% (unenhanced) sounds fair to me.

[/ QUOTE ]

I didn't even include the pets I compared the five powers needed for a Widows defense to the two powers a Bane gets. Showing the other people how they are using a pool power plus IOs and I just used what a Bane had, Since according to most I am doing nothing but giving Banes the advantage.

Actually even though they are 1 level below they still do decent damage to higher level enemies. With TT:M and L:M plus both pet defense IOs they have about 30% defense to all plus they do take some of the aggro off of you giving you 100% defense as you are not being attacked.

However, so I can be fair even with just TT:M, TT:L, and TT:A they gives the pets more than enough to make a difference. Really with all of that it is almost like the Pets are equal to or +1 of you level, in my new build I have included TT:L and TT:A.

I find it Funny how these same pets are great for Crabs.

[/ QUOTE ]

The pets are nice aggro soakers, but with only TT:M, and excluding power pools and IOs, they only have around 15-17% defense, along with 1070 HP at level 50 and with 10% resistance to lethal and smashing, 20% to energy, and 30% to psionic. The resistance to psionic is the same that Mind Link offers. And they are -1 to you, so a boss and his minions or LTs have a even greater chance of destroying them.

They have a base recharge of 15 minutes, and last four. With 3 recharge enhancements, it takes them down to 7 I think, less if you have MT. I'm not good with numbers, so correct me if I'm wrong, which I probably am. That gives you 3 or so minutes to either wait for them, or go on ahead and risk it with your lower defense, rather poor resists, and slow and clunky animations.



Banes defenitely should get some defense debuff resistance

[/ QUOTE ]

That i could agree with. Else than that, Banes are just fine. Just make sure you keep venom grenade in your build and youll destroy everything fast.

Truth be told, every VEAT as of now are towering above most other ATs in game. They are just that good, and that also include Banes. They are so versatile and have so many tools, Banes can do the job just fine.

Edit: But no harm in crying moar for a buff if you think you can manipulate devs. Good luck.

I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.




Seems rather unfair that you don't count Mind Link for Widows, yet the pets for Banes.

The pets are rather weak, unless you are fighting your level.

[/ QUOTE ]

Here I state...

This is why I don't include IO's, I could include however that Widows take two more powers (Mind Link and Hasten) to get that 10% (15.6% enhanced) So that is five powers to get a total of 25% (unenhanced) and Banes use two to get 13.75% (unenhanced) sounds fair to me.

[/ QUOTE ]

I didn't even include the pets I compared the five powers needed for a Widows defense to the two powers a Bane gets. Showing the other people how they are using a pool power plus IOs and I just used what a Bane had, Since according to most I am doing nothing but giving Banes the advantage.

Actually even though they are 1 level below they still do decent damage to higher level enemies. With TT:M and L:M plus both pet defense IOs they have about 30% defense to all plus they do take some of the aggro off of you giving you 100% defense as you are not being attacked.

However, so I can be fair even with just TT:M, TT:L, and TT:A they gives the pets more than enough to make a difference. Really with all of that it is almost like the Pets are equal to or +1 of you level, in my new build I have included TT:L and TT:A.

I find it Funny how these same pets are great for Crabs.

[/ QUOTE ]

The pets are nice aggro soakers, but with only TT:M, and excluding power pools and IOs, they only have around 15-17% defense, along with 1070 HP at level 50 and with 10% resistance to lethal and smashing, 20% to energy, and 30% to psionic. The resistance to psionic is the same that Mind Link offers. And they are -1 to you, so a boss and his minions or LTs have a even greater chance of destroying them.

They have a base recharge of 15 minutes, and last four. With 3 recharge enhancements, it takes them down to 7 I think, less if you have MT. I'm not good with numbers, so correct me if I'm wrong, which I probably am. That gives you 3 or so minutes to either wait for them, or go on ahead and risk it with your lower defense, rather poor resists, and slow and clunky animations.

[/ QUOTE ]

Good points but chances are if you are solo you won't be fighting too many bosses though, when you are fighting a boss most times I don't even need them as I come in with the Survallence --> BU--> Shatter --> Pulverize --> Placate --> Shatter --> CC (if they make it this far)

But as for regular groups there are like two different ways of dealing with it with the pets out.


Well you are in Hide so the first thing the foes see are the pets, go in take out the strongest target (most likely on a regular mish a lt) while the pets are soaking up the aggro from the minions. Now I fight +2 foe and the Disruptors are able to survive when using this method. Most times I am easily able to pick targets off one by one and don't forget these babies have a hold, it may be a 8 sec mag 3 hold but it is good enough to take up to a LT out of the fight. If they are able to coordinate (which isn't often, but not rare either) they can both stack and take a boss out the fight. But really you can just run through while they soak up and mitigate damage you can just pick off targets.

Moderately Slow method

This method isn't quick but it will gaurantee survivablitly. It also requires you taking Web Cacoon, which can be built up to be a great hold lasting 26 sec and recharging in 7. This method kinda turns CD into just a defense tool. First open up by taking the strongest target out with the Web Cacoon then pick off the weak targets then go back to the held target and take them out. In the another method you could pick off a weak target from hide, then WC on the strong target and then just pick off the rest of the weak targets providing a safe run for you and your pets. Again this is not meant to be quick but extremely safe.

"Yes, winning all the time can be boring."

"It's amazing how well you can put up with endurance issues if you hide them under a large enough pile of bodies."

-Spiritchaser speaking on Dom Revamp




Edit: But no harm in crying moar for a buff if you think you can manipulate devs. Good luck.

[/ QUOTE ]

I know right? I'm a crier None of the VEATS NEED a buff, they destroy gobs of enemies as it is, let alone in a group like they are made for. But if one of them needs it, it would be the Bane. At least some defense debuff resistance, and maybe more than the Widows, to compensate for their somewhat lower defense.

As to Captain, that would be extremely safe. Web Cocoon is I think the best single target hold in the game. I had it for a while on mine, but after I started to IO out my Bane, it was rather useless, so I dropped it. I wish I still had it. Very nice.



Banes don't desperately need a buff, but something small to make them more even with the other VEAT types wouldn't be too out of line. I'd like one of two things

1) Some defense debuff resistance.
2) An alternate version of CT in Bane Spider Training offering melee defense. With a toggle saying one CT or the other, but not both.

I don't think the second one is even technically a buff, just a way to customize my defense so it fits how I choose to play the character.



Banes don't need a buff.

[/ QUOTE ]

This. Being the least overpowered of the SOA may not be fun, but it's not weak.

[/ QUOTE ]

My basic thought. I don't think the Bane needs buffs, but I'll take them if they want to hand them out.



After trying out my new semi-melee Crab, I think Bane needs a buff.

They can start by reducing the # of weapon redraws and some activation.

Yes, Bane does a bit more damage than my Crab but my Crab can hit twice as fast and deal more damage in the long run.

My Crab also has much superior resistance/+HP to stay in melee.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



With the new Rouge expansion coming out

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmmm I think this image will see alot of use for the next few months...

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



After trying out my new semi-melee Crab, I think Bane needs a buff.

They can start by reducing the # of weapon redraws and some activation.

but my Crab can hit twice as fast and deal more damage in the long run.

Yes, Bane does a bit more damage than my Crab
My Crab also has much superior resistance/+HP to stay in melee.

[/ QUOTE ]

Trying to really figure out the bold part, when Bash from hide does more damage than any regular Crab power. Or outside of Hide Pulverize and Crowd Control. So as far as melee damage goes I wouldn't even try to compare a Crab to a Bane. Also Banes get build up

As far as resistances Crab has more but if you look at defenses a Bane has more not by a lot but Banes get a hold, so if I wanted to, I can stop the damage from coming in altogether, slows down killing but my chances of living are no longer based on percentages and luck seeing as how the person trying to hit me can't do anything, on top of that they have placate which in the same sense does the same thing but it doesn't really slow down killing and it does increase damage. Looking at other ATs Dom's use Holds as their mitigation to go in/stay in melee and they don't have the defenses or the damage like Banes.

As for the hp boost Banes get a perma 20% added on to the Armor that doesn't cost end or need recharge.

So I would say they have some nice tools to stay in melee.

"Yes, winning all the time can be boring."

"It's amazing how well you can put up with endurance issues if you hide them under a large enough pile of bodies."

-Spiritchaser speaking on Dom Revamp



After trying out my new semi-melee Crab, I think Bane needs a buff.

They can start by reducing the # of weapon redraws and some activation.

but my Crab can hit twice as fast and deal more damage in the long run.

Yes, Bane does a bit more damage than my Crab
My Crab also has much superior resistance/+HP to stay in melee.

[/ QUOTE ]

Trying to really figure out the bold part, when Bash from hide does more damage than any regular Crab power. Or outside of Hide Pulverize and Crowd Control. So as far as melee damage goes I wouldn't even try to compare a Crab to a Bane. Also Banes get build up

[/ QUOTE ]

Except that the battle does not end after the First Strike.

I used to be like you. I thought there is no way Crab can deal more damage at melee range (which includes range attacks as well) but after trying out more last night, I just confirmed my feelings.

I don't have hard math to back it up but if any of you who are interested in semi-melee crab (I use semi-melee because you can still use range at melee range which can be an advantage too), go ahead. You shouldn't be disappointed.

Yes, on paper, Bane does more damage at melee range due to Hide and Build Up but that's also what is holding Bane back IMO. Crab's gameplay is not tied to "hidden". You can open the battle with Venom, jump in, Slice/Longfang/Arm Lash and then hit Frenzy before Aim ends (or, Venom, jump in, Frenzy and Frag Grenade).

Yes, I know you are going to say Bane has Venom too. Believe me, my Bane has both Survilence and Venom and I find the weapon draw slowing me down all the time. I usually start with Build Up Shatter/CC and then Shatter/CC and then Pulerize and if I hit Venom (I wait for another 0.8 some second) and if I use mace attack after that, I wait another 0.5-0.8 second to draw the mace out.

I find Crab's attacks are much more smooth. I don't feel my Crab is doing less damage than Bane. My bro and I were both Bane (we both have Assault and Maneuver) and then we both switched to semi-melee Crab build and we like the Crab build more. We think we kill faster especially on a large team. We both open the battle with Aim + Venom Grenade and then jump in for aoe.

With Bane, you can start with Build Up + Venom but you lose Hidden. So you gotta pick one style or another.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



The Bane does more damage in melee not just because of Hide + Build Up, but because the mace attacks do higher base damage. If you were opening with Build Up - Venom Grenade I can see how you would be disappointed with a Bane. If it's a target that I absolutely want to punish I'll Surveillance - Build Up - Shatter. Most of the time vs large spawns of minions Build Up - Crowd Control is just fine. I didn't keep VG on my Bane, and I still don't miss it. I love it on my range build though. If melee Crab is your bag then more power to you. However, building a melee Crab does nothing to offer suggestions to buff Banes which is the original purpose of the thread.



I have some dangerous quick thoughts.

If I were to tweak banes, and I would, I would give the bane armor additional passive +def all (or alternatively make the +ranged def passive grant +def all when you go bane branch) that cannot be debuffed and perhaps cannot be enhanced. I would also lift the mez protection of the power.

I would also give surveillance -acc and maybe make it a toggle or up the duration.

Then I would give rest of the powers (could be done on other powers than just bane) the redraw feature of Darkest Night.
You know, with Darkest Night when you activate the power you dont have to put your weapon away, but it doesnt draw it for you either.

I have a feeling they refuse to add new powers to the bane secondary, but if they did, banes could use a panic power of some sort.



The Bane does more damage in melee not just because of Hide + Build Up, but because the mace attacks do higher base damage. If you were opening with Build Up - Venom Grenade I can see how you would be disappointed with a Bane. If it's a target that I absolutely want to punish I'll Surveillance - Build Up - Shatter. Most of the time vs large spawns of minions Build Up - Crowd Control is just fine. I didn't keep VG on my Bane, and I still don't miss it. I love it on my range build though. If melee Crab is your bag then more power to you. However, building a melee Crab does nothing to offer suggestions to buff Banes which is the original purpose of the thread.

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I don't agree.

By making a melee Crab, I realize how weaker Bane is. It is all by comparison. Bane VS Fortunata, Bane VS NW, etc. Bane is really not "unplayable". Bane is fine but just not as good.

Yes, I do know Bane's mace attacks hit harder. As I've explained before, Bane's activation is slow especially if you try to throw in other attacks that cause weapon redraw.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.