Friday Flights of Fancy




Banned, you never said if there was going to be cookies.

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.



Come on. Stop. One wave of your furry hand and cookies fall from the sky.



well i hate saying it but i dont think im gonna be able to make it tonight my computer has decided to have a CPU usage problem tonight and wont run hardly anything at all

but im gonna try a few things to see if i can get the game up



Well it's 9:15pm Eastern and I've been home an hour. I'm exhausted after a long day. I may or may not be in game later, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to miss FNFoF tonight. I have to go make dinner and get laundry going now, so it's gonna be atleast an hour till I get in game.

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



It was a lovely run. Wardrobe Malfunction was bugged, so it's back in the queu for when it's fixed. Small Fears was excellent and I'd recommend it to others. And the one shot we tried featured socks. These FFFs are fantastic, making good arcs better and bad arcs bearable.

I won't be available next Friday, but I hear it's going without me (as it should!). So make some recommendations of arcs you've tried and loved, and I'll see you all in game in two weeks.



PS- Later in the week I'll post a list here of everything we've tried so far.



The Mission Architect seems to be having difficulty with triggered spawns, so I simply removed the trigger in the second mission for Wardrobe Malfunction.

I only had it in there in the first place because the map is messed up and was spawning things, whether "Front", "Middle", or "Back", anywhere it felt like when I was testing the arc and so you'd run into the boss who's supposed to be in the back before you get to the bank manager in the front. I'm surprised that it never messed up when I was testing it; it only started acting buggy after I published it on live.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



^We can certainly try it again this Friday. So dry your eyes, little girl. :P

FFoF continues, Fri 5/22 at AE building in RWZ.

"Fashion Police" small appetizer
"Wardrobe Malfunction" 1st course
Let's discuss more possibilities...

1. @ Siolfir
2. @ Knight Chill
3. @ Savannah Nightwolf


1. Arbiter_Morrison (if his computer shows him some love)

Please chime in and confirm your availability.



i cant make any promises now cuz of my computer and the fact that it hates me but ill try to be back in game before then

and it sucks that i missed the last one, the first i didnt make it too i think



FFoF continues, Fri 5/22 at AE building in RWZ.

"Fashion Police" small appetizer
"Wardrobe Malfunction" 1st course
Let's discuss more possibilities...

1. @ Siolfir
2. @ Knight Chill
3. @ Savannah Nightwolf


1. Arbiter_Morrison (if his computer shows him some love)

Please chime in and confirm your availability.

Free cookies right outta Ulli's jar for the first 8 members.



I'm hoping that last friday was a fluke on my part. I lost track of what day it was and got way off my normal schedule.

I'm planning on being there this friday, and each friday after that.

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf




I'm planning on being there this friday, and each friday after that.

[/ QUOTE ]

Me too! Except for the 'this Friday' thing.



Shadow - lately you've been more tease than please. Don't toy with our emotions like that.

Text - Just the mere thought of you should get me through the night. But Siol said she will do her best to keep my spirit up, when needed.

FFoF continues, Fri 5/22 at AE building in RWZ.

"Fashion Police" small appetizer
"Wardrobe Malfunction" 1st course
Let's discuss more possibilities...

1. @ Siolfir
2. @ Knight Chill
3. @ Savannah Nightwolf
4. @ Shadow Ravenwolf
5. Arbiter_Morrison


1. Blood_Spectre

Please chime in and confirm your availability.

Free cookies right outta Ulli's jar for the first 8 members.



Say no more, just made the "maybe" list.




Text - Just the mere thought of you should get me through the night. But Siol said she will do her best to keep my spirit up, when needed.

[/ QUOTE ]

Suuuuure she did. Of course, it doesn't suprise me you'd have trouble keeping it up, being so cold and all.



PS- I'll be back next week and the week after that and after that



trouble keeping it up, being so cold and all.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oooo you vicious little thing.

Sorry, but "soft serve" isn't my forte.



k my computer is up and running again and im playing so count me in on friday night



OK, Arb...tell me your handle so I can keep the list all neat and proper like.

Ice cream? Need some nerds?

[/ QUOTE ]



Put me in the maybe column again. I never know what Friday night will bring until about 5 minutes before it happens.



^My pleasure. Just lose the "maybe", OK?

FFoF continues, Fri 5/22 at AE building in RWZ.

"Fashion Police" small appetizer
"Wardrobe Malfunction" 1st course
Let's discuss more possibilities...

1. @Siolfir
2. @Knight Chill
3. @Savannah Nightwolf
4. @Shadow Ravenwolf
5. @ArbiterMorrison
6. @Celtic Coders

1. Blood_Spectre
2. @Toonies

Please chime in and confirm your availability.

Free cookies right outta Ulli's jar for the first 8 members.




Wish I could come, but I've got my once-every-four-months-or-so all-weekend D&D game this coming weekend, and I'll either be travelling or nerding it up this Friday

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



Count me in again!

global handle: @Celtic Coders 1, @Celtic Coders 2