Friday Flights of Fancy
we can probly head to kings row so your fiancee can join us so i foresee no problems
Yes, no problem WoK. By all means, bring your better half and SK her.
Tonight at the AE building in King's Row 10:00 EST
This week's arcs (robot theme):
- Buckets & Bolts
- How to Survive a Robot Uprising
- A Clockwork Easter
1. @Knight Chill
2. @Shadow Ravenwolf (will bring wire cutters)
3. @Arbiter Morrison (will bring screwdriver)
4. @SinnerSaint (maybe)
5. @Wall of Knight (will bring his better half)
6. @Fiery Panda-moniu (WoK's better half)
Let me know if you'd like to join us - we always manage to have a good time.
Unfortunately I can't get rid of this headache. I'm gonna have to bow out tonight.
Sorry all, game crashed loading into th mission. I'm totally beat though and am heading to bed. Thanks for the missions, I hd a blast.
My Arcs:
Man's Insanity: The Beginning - 93644
Save the City of Heroes Podcast - 103442
It was another stellar FFF. Too bad about that [censored] loading freeze - it really broke up the team.
We ran a couple of short arcs, then hit Wall of Knight's monster. Wow...lots of intense action, with each mission becoming progressively harder. We started it too late, however, and ran out of we did not finish it. I would like to revisit that one another time, for sure.
It was nice seeing some new faces, as well the familiar ones. Too bad about Shadow (feel better bro). I'll start posting the details for 6/12 on Tuesday.
Alright... you're running one of my arcs, and I'm going to be there, dammit!
I actually took the day off so I could come (well, that and make myself a birthday cake- I'm taking one more step towards decrepitude on Sunday, so I'm planning on consoling myself with my Grandmother's infamous so-chocolate-your-tastebuds-implode Feathery Fudge cake. That and I'll take any excuse to make it
Sign me up as @Wall of Knight... and what's your policy on lowbies? My fiancee is interested in tagging along, but her highest toon is level 10-ish; obviously, I could sidekick her (if needed, the MA can be a bit weird about that). If a level 10 is okay, then sign up @Fiery Panda-monium as well.
"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates
MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"