Double Random Free Art Commission




5-1/2 days left or so peeps. Whether you're artist or character, just a few days left to volunteer.



I don't know if I am too late or anything, but I would love a scene of my tank and his arch-enemy brute. Let me explain.
InvulnerBull is my SS/inv tank. He is a direct decendant of Talos, which is where he gets his size and powers. He was born and raised down on the farm.
OmegaBull is his half-brother (unbeknownst to them both). They first met in a Mexico meta-human fighting league. The first time they fought, InvulnerBull broke OmegaBull's jaw, and Omega wants revenge.

Or there is my main, SN0WJ0B to consider.

Or you could check out my slideshow in my sig for any alts that strike your fancy.

SN0WJ0B: 50 ice/ice Blaster, InvulnerBull: 50 inv/ss Tanker, Death.Venom: 50 nec/poison MM
Check out my slideshow



Well, since I finished schoolwork for the semester and am moving my queue right along again, I shall volunteer as an artist.

I think I have some very tough competition as the chosen artist with the others that have volunteered thus far, but my site and all my artsness is located at Wassy Art



Thanks for volunteering! And don't worry about competition. It's all up to chance



*re-reads first post*

Oh.... duh... well... I can't be expected to have full reading comprehension all hours of the day!



I'd like to submit Larissa Short bio is on her page and I pick Gray Huntress



Alright everyone, the closing date is coming close. I don't consider it May 10th until I wake up so both character and artist alike have a chance to slip in even if its technically already the 10th.

I'll announce the winners tomorrow. Since it is Mum's Day, I'll be taking a trip out of town to visit the One Above All, and any discussion regarding details will be delayed. Still you'll know the winners.

So far I have 30 character entries and 5 artist entries, which means:

If you entered a character, you have a 3.33% chance of being chosen

If you are an artist, you have a 17% chance of being chosen

Character List
1. Volt Sentinel
2. Vivace
3. Reigndance
4. Forelorn Lust
5. Flame Enchantress
6. Annular Eclipse
7. Bishop of Battle
8. Hericane series
9. Oathbound
10. Eastgate Enforcer
11. Burnt Matchstick
12. Lil Miss Goth Girl
13. VexXxa
14. Savannah Nightwolf
15. Dusk Cameleon
16. Goat Lord
17. Aggelakis
18. Texas Death Toll
19. Sunwind
20. Dr. Presto
21. Crimehawk
22. Jade Blackwind
23. Blackshroud
24. Gata Violeta
25. Ms. Shock
26. Baron Von Gegenzeit
27. Mr. Marks
28. Invulnerbull
29. Larissa
30. Jester

Artist List:
1. Darkjedi
2. John_Printemps
3. The_Foo
4. Electagonist
5. Wassy
6. Lousy_Day

If there are any edits that need to be made to the list, let me know. And commission price is not a problem! I'll pay the artist their standard commission price, regardless of cost.



Certainly!!! And you're not too late until I wake up



Nice slide-in Dark Jester

I am awake and the birds are chirping. I need my coffee... feel free to add a drum roll while I type 'random number generator' in my web browser.




And the winners for the very first Double Random Art Tossup are....!

Flame Enchantress (with Gray Huntress) done by Wassy!

I think I have some time before I need to leave my house, so I'll send a quick pm to both winners.

Thank you for the huge turn-out everyone, and you may have noticed I said 'first.' That's because I'll definitely be hosting another one in the future...maybe next month



Congrats to Enchantress! and Wassy too!

... and now I can't wait to see the end result.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Wooo, neat! I do feel bad because someone COULD have gotten a Doug Shuler piece but... the idea was too neat to pass up (once my reading comprehension kicked in, of course).

I hope I can make up a piece that both of you will really like and will be a good representation of what you can get with D.R.A.T.!



Is this where I squeal?!

I can't wait! Thanks! I never win anything.






Congratulations, I'm looking forward to the results.



gratz to you both!

@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!



Congratulations! ^.^ I know Wassy will do a fabulous job



Gratz can't wait to see how it turns out

Volt Sentinel Reference

Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.



I just noticed your sig, LD.

I love you.



Gratz Flamed!!

I am positive Wassy will do ya justice!