Remove "god" from the AE banned words list.




Quite frankly, I find any sort of content filter to be mildly offensive in and of itself. I understand that they likely had to put something in as a means to show that they are attempting to maintain at least a "Teen"-level game atmosphere, but to me a content filter is a way of saying "Hey, we don't feel you're smart enough or courteous enough to be entrusted with the responsibility of using these words." Frankly, For a distressingly large segment of the population, this is likely true.

However, if in my travels through the MA I find something whose content is offensive to me, then I have the power to simply quit mission, and make note never to play it again.

My story arcs: #2370- Noah Reborn, #18672- The Clockwork War, #31490- Easy Money

Sartre once said, "Hell is other people." What does that make an MMO?



It only teaches people what words offend if you list the words you are blocking because they are labeled offensive.



Not being able to use the word "god" in reference to these limits our ability to write stories that tie into the CoH storyline.

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Too bad?

You do not have the right to offend those who believe that using the word in this situation is blasphemy any more that you have the right to yell "fire" in a crowded theater.

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Lol this reminds me of an Eminem song....

You find me offensive? I find you offensive
For finding me offensive
Hence if I should draw a line on any fences
If so to what extense if
Any, should I go? 'Cause it's getting expensive
Being on the other side of the courtroom on the defensive
They say that I cause extensive
Psychological nerve damage to the brain when I go to lengths this,
Far at other people's expenses
I say your all just too god damn sensitive
It's censorship
And it's down right blasphemous



Not being able to use the word "god" in reference to these limits our ability to write stories that tie into the CoH storyline.

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Too bad?

You do not have the right to offend those who believe that using the word in this situation is blasphemy any more that you have the right to yell "fire" in a crowded theater.

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I find your post offensive, and blasphemous. I demand it be changed to not include 'fire'. I am an elementalist, and you should be more considerate of those who worship Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water.

Thank you.



I would like to suggest that the word "God" be allowed in Architect Missions. This game is very centered around different theologies for some very important parts of the back story.

For example

The Banished Pantheon
Circle of Thorns
Rularuu and all the fragments of him.

To name a few. We also have very strong connections to Roman and Greek theology as part of the primary storyline.

Not being able to use the word "god" in reference to these limits our ability to write stories that tie into the CoH storyline. My example is in writing a story based on the Reflections from the Shadow Shard. I wanted to call them the "Dreams of a god", but was not allowed to for obvious reasons.

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I am a mythology freak and had to modify my arc just because of that. Can you imagine not being able to say God of Thunder in a comic?

[COLOR=darkorchid]Nebulhym's AE Arcs: Try them now![/COLOR]
# 12647: Of feathers and fur...[COLOR=yellow]Winner of [B]The American Legion[/B]'s January 2011 AE Author Contest![/COLOR]
# 292389: From Tartarus with love...
# 459592: Interdimensional Headache



Why not just use the word Deity instead? It works just the same and isn't censored. Instead of a mission with someone who was given the powers of the god of thunder, it was from the deity of electricity. :P



It doesn't limit your ability to write anything beyond the word "god" It's not like they've banned action verbs, they banned a single word of which there are a multitude of replacements for.

The developers are allowed to use the word because there is little doubt that anything that makes it to live or even beta testing is in the best interests of the game/continued financial success, the same cannot be said of the player base. The developers are also presumably free to use words like "ultimate" and "gambit" the players are not, because we don't need to be able to and being able to would only serve to create more work.

As for those of that are using this as a basis for mocking religion in general, it is far more likely that they banned the word on account of the word that people tend to like to follow it with. The recognizability of the word and generally non-censored nature of it make it a key element of many replacements for the G.D curse.

I don't like genuine censorship but this isn't a First Amendment issue, it's a private forum and a private game we pay for the ability to play, they could ban action verbs if they wanted to and it'd be perfectly within their rights, I hope they won't, but y'know.



You could always call your "God" Robert De Niro

Billy Sunday: "My name is Master Chief Billy Sunday and I *am* God!"

eh, kinda long winded



Why not just use the word Deity instead? It works just the same and isn't censored.

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It may *mean* the same thing, but no, it doesn't have the same effect. It's more clinical, and - odd as this may sound - the way the word "Deity" and "God" come off the tongue, the rhythm breaks certain flows and the overall effect.

Go back to, oh, Ghostbusters.

"Are you a god?"
"Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god, you say yes!"

"Deity" is far more cumbersome, and doesn't have the same effect. Now, if we were talking about a lecture about mythologies, there's less worry *about* effect - again, it's clinical.

There's a weight behind the world god, even when not used in the judeo-christian sense. And, just like shades of color, or volume and tone of instrument in music, they are chosen for specific purposes.

For instance, if I'm writing a Banished Pantheon arc, I could have Dr. Sands, an NPC, expounding over the deities that make up the pantheon, of which little is known save for archaic writings before the post-Rikti War era. Now, he could say the "gods" of the Pantheon, but there, it's certainly interchangeable. It's being delivered in a tone and with about as much weight as the reading of a telephone book.

Now you have the shaman preparing a trap in which you'll be sacrificed - as he sees you, he yells that "You shall die so my god shall live!" "Deity" just doesn't work there. In a strict sense, yes, they *mean* the same thing, but the emotional weight is missing with "Deity." You've taken the string section out of the orchestra by telling me I can't use "god" in that case. Yes, woodwinds or horns can play the same notes, but they don't give the same effect.

If "blasphemy" (as someone said earlier) is a worry, then block the accepted 'names' - and make sure to include those of other religions, as well. But a three letter word describing a religious or mythological concept (or being/s depending on your belief) - that should, IMHO, be allowed.



I always find it funny that words like god, christ, christmas, and jesus are filtered anything to do with christianity is filtered yet we don't have a problem with embracing other religions. Not trying to bring my religion to the forums but I think its only fair that other religious terms and names be censored if my own is that offending...

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



I always find it funny that words like god, christ, christmas, and jesus are filtered anything to do with christianity is filtered yet we don't have a problem with embracing other religions. Not trying to bring my religion to the forums but I think its only fair that other religious terms and names be censored if my own is that offending...

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In regards to those relatively specific to Christianity (Jesus exists in all Abrahamic religions, and the ideal of a Christ is also exists in them, just for the record.) those terms are banned not due to being offensive, but because they can be used to offend. You have to be really semantical to get offended by your religion being protected...



Unfortunately, this topic cannot go anywhere good. Locking it.


If you are using Latin in your post you are probably trolling

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