Storm Armor Set, Take Two...




Weather Barrier
You beckon upon the powers of weather to protect yourself from damage and to hinder your foes. Weather Barrier may be able to control crowds better than other armor sets, but it does so at the cost of defense.

<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
|Weather Barrier |Act |Rch |End |Radius |Area |
| | | | | | |
|High Winds |0.5s|4s |0.13 |- |Character |
|Weathered Resolve |10s |- |- |- |Character |
|Downpour |- |30s |14.56|- |Character |
|Atmospheric Discharge|2s |4s |1.56 |8ft |Sphere |
|Cyclone |2s |10s |0.104|20ft |Sphere |
|Cloud Cover |2s |10s |0.26 |8ft |Sphere |
|Cold Front |0.5s|4s |0.13 |8ft |Sphere |
|Hailstones |-* |60s |18.2 |20ft |Character |
|Supercell |- |300s|32.5 |- |Character |

*The summoned Hailstones has an Act of 0.2s
</pre><hr />

High Winds
Toggle: Self +Res(Smash, Lethal, Knockback)

You surround yourself with fast moving air that slows down incoming attacks. These winds also help support you and keep you from falling down.

*RES(Smashing, Lethal) +20% for 0.75s
Effect does not stack from same caster
*RES(Knockback, Knockup) +10000 for 0.75s [Ignores Enhancements &amp; Buffs]
Effect does not stack from same caster
*-10 Knockback, Knockup for 0.75s
Effect does not stack from same caster
*RES(Smashing, Lethal) +20% for 0.75s if in Supercell
Effect does not stack from same caster


Weathered Resolve
Auto: Self +Res(Cold, Fire, End Drain, Recharge Debuff)

From being used to harsh weather conditions, you are more resistant to temperature change and are harder to fatigue.

*RES(Cold, Fire) +10% for 10.25s
Effect does not stack from same caster
*RES(RechargeTime) +17.3% @50 for 10.25s [Non-resistible]
Effect does not stack from same caster
*RES(Recovery, Endurance) +86.5% @50 for 10.25s [Ignores Enhancements &amp; Buffs] [Non-resistible]
Effect does not stack from same caster


Click: Self Heal, +Res(Fire, Toxic, Sleep, Disorient), +Perception

You cause a sudden downpour of rain around you that heals and cleanses wounds as well as protects you from burns. The brisk temperature helps keep you awake and focused.

*+374.814 Heal @50
*RES(Fire) +10% for 45s
Effect does not stack from same caster
*RES(Toxic) +20% for 45s
Effect does not stack from same caster
*-12.975 Sleep, Stun @50 for 45s
Effect does not stack from same caster
*RES(PerceptionRadius) +60% for 45s
Effect does not stack from same caster
*Perception Radius +0.6 for 45s
Effect does not stack from same caster


Atmospheric Discharge
Toggle: Self +Res(Energy, Negative), PBAoE, Minor DoT(Energy), Foe -End

You polarize the air around you causing small lightning bolts to strike foes who wonder too close. The electrical field also helps protect you against energy based attacks.

*RES(Energy, Negative) +20% for 2.25s
Effect does not stack from same caster
*RES(Energy, Negative) +20% for 2.25s if in Supercell
Effect does not stack from same caster
*8.01 Energy damage @50 Not auto-hit if not in Supercell
*Endurance -0.03 if not in Supercell
*+13.5s Taunt (mag 4) @50
*13.76 Energy damage @50 Not auto-hit if in Supercell
*Endurance -0.05 if in Supercell


Toggle: Self +Res(Hold, Immobilize, Slow), PBAoE, Foe -ToHit, Knockback

You create a whirling vortex of wind and water around yourself that blows foes away and greatly lowers their accuracy. The vortex also keeps you from being confined or slowed.

*-12.975 Held, Immobilize @50 for 2.25s
Effect does not stack from same caster
*RES(RunSpeed, FlySpeed, JumpHeight, SpeedJumping) +20% for 2.25s [Ignores Enhancements &amp; Buffs]
Effect does not stack from same caster
*ToHit -9.375% for 10s
Effect does not stack from same caster
*+6.316 Knockback @50 (5% chance) if not in Supercell
*ToHit -4.688% for 10s if in Supercell
Effect does not stack from same caster
*+6.316 Knockback @50 (8% chance) if in Supercell


Cloud Cover
Toggle: Self +DEF(All but Psionics), Foe -ToHit, Disorient

You surround your body with dense clouds that make you harder to see and hit. Foes inside of the cloud cover have their vision obscured and may even become lost and disoriented.

*DEF(All except Psi) +5% for 2.25s
Effect does not stack from same caster
*DEF(All except Psi) +5% for 2.25s if in Supercell
Effect does not stack from same caster
*ToHit -9.375% for 10s
Effect does not stack from same caster
*+5.96s Stun (mag2) @50 (5% chance) if not in Supercell
Effect does not stack from same caster
*ToHit -4.688% for 10s if in Supercell
Effect does not stack from same caster
*+5.96s Stun (mag2) @50 (8% chance) if in Supercell
Effect does not stack from same caster


Cold Front
Toggle: Self +Res(Cold, Fire), PBAoE, Foe -Recharge, -Speed, -DMG

You bring a cold front with you wherever you go that slows enemy attacks as well as reduce the damage they cause. This cold air also helps protect you against cold based attacks and slightly reduces the intensity of fire attacks.

*RES(Cold) +20% for 0.75s
Effect does not stack from same caster
*RES(Fire) +10% for 0.75s
Effect does not stack from same caster
*RES(Cold) +20% for 0.75s if in Supercell
Effect does not stack from same caster
*RES(Fire) +10% for 0.75s if in Supercell
Effect does not stack from same caster
*RunSpeed, FlySpeed, Speed Jumping -0.56 for 5s
Effect does not stack from same caster
*Recharge Time -32% for 5s [Ignores Enhancements &amp; Buffs]
Effect does not stack from same caster
*Max Run Speed -3.5 @50 for 5s [Ignores Enhancements &amp; Buffs]
Effect does not stack from same caster
*Jump Height -56% for 5s [Ignores Enhancements &amp; Buffs]
Effect does not stack from same caster
*DMG(All Types) -14% for 5s [Ignores Enhancements &amp; Buffs]
Effect does not stack from same caster
*RunSpeed, FlySpeed, Speed Jumping -0.28 for 5s if in Supercell
Effect does not stack from same caster


Click: Location (PBAoE), Minor DoT(Smash), Foe -Fly, Knockdown, Stun

You summon a brutal hailstorm that damages foes and can knock them down or even out cold.

*Summon Hailstones (30s) (PL_StaticObject) at Self
*0.801 Smashing damage @50
*-1.6 Fly for 0.75s
Effect does not stack from same caster
*+0.5 Knockback (2% chance) [Ignores Enhancements &amp; Buffs]
*+5.96s Stun (mag3) @50 (1% chance)
Effect does not stack from same caster


Click: Self Fly, +Special, Delayed Self(Weaken, Disorient)

You become a powerful supercell that is the epicenter of severe weather. Supercell greatly boosts the effects of your other Weather Barrier toggle powers and gives you the ability to fly. However, you become weakened and disoriented after the power wears off. Note that Supercell is unaffected by Attack Rate changes.

*+1 Fly for 120s
Effect does not stack from same caster
*FlySpeed +1.365 for 120s
Effect does not stack from same caster
*FlySpeed +0.8 for 120s [Ignores Enhancements &amp; Buffs]
Effect does not stack from same caster
*MovementControl, Movement Friction +8 for 120s
Effect does not stack from same caster
*+100 Stun for 10s (after 120 second delay) [Ignores Enhancements &amp; Buffs] [Non-resistible]
Effect does not stack from same caster
*Defense -0.25 for 10s (after 120 second delay) [Ignores Enhancements &amp; Buffs]
Effect does not stack from same caster


Here is the original version



Could use a bit of stun/disorient protection in there.



hrmmmm....I like it..but why the repost?



Could use a bit of stun/disorient protection in there.

[/ QUOTE ]
/e cough
Click: Self Heal, +Res(Fire, Toxic, Sleep, [u]Disorient[u]), +Perception

[/ QUOTE ]

hrmmmm....I like it..but why the repost?

[/ QUOTE ]
I didn't want to necropost



It's been less then a month you I know I won't blame you for /bumping it.



A knockback aura doesn't mesh well with a Damage aura.

But then again Dark has a fear and damage aura.

"Yes, winning all the time can be boring."

"It's amazing how well you can put up with endurance issues if you hide them under a large enough pile of bodies."

-Spiritchaser speaking on Dom Revamp



I don't see the knockback dammage aura..



PLease don't get upset with me nay-saying you, again... But this won't work...

With 30% Smash/Lethal/Fire/Toxic/Energy/NegEnergy and 15% cold resistance you'll get smooshed. With the 5% (7.5% enhanced) defense you'll STILL get smooshed.

You've updated all the numbers but you're still fighting against the same several issues.

1. Soft-target taking primary aggro as the team Tanker/Scrapper
2. Focusing on PBAoE Debuffs and attacks with a Knockback Aura pushes foes away from the debuff, rendering the tanker/scrapper open for ranged attacks with no debuff.
3. Knockback aura pushes enemies out of melee range with a melee character.

I said it in the last thread and I'll say it again: This is a bad set. The names are awesome. The IDEA is awesome. The implementation needs to be dragged back and reworked fully.

Sorry. =-(



Hehe change cyclone to KnockUp.



Hehe change cyclone to KnockUp.

[/ QUOTE ]
This is funny...and for some reason, I didn't think of it...

but i don't understand all of your complaints about the resistance numbers and KB...

I actually put this in the description...
Weather Barrier may be able to control crowds better than other armor sets, but it does so at the cost of defense.

[/ QUOTE ]
That pretty much says that it's not a set for a lead tank/scrank

More over, my tank can solo missions with ONLY STONE SKIN...that's a whopping 15% smash/lethal res...

And as for KB being bad for melee...Stone Melee, Super Strength, and War Mace all have quite a few powers with KB in them, all of which can be ENHANCED

Now with numbers...

Cyclone has an act. of 2sec and a 5% chance of KB...that's a 2.5%/sec chance, or once every 40sec...that's nothing...and is mostly for the aesthetics.



gaah, man. I wish you'd given us numbers in an easier format to understand than RN. For one thing, I can't figure out what the hell the cycle times (much less the cast times) are for any of these powers.

As far as I can tell, the set is too weak for a Tanker set. Rachel's right -- you're gonna get smooshed. If you're spamming all kinds of AoE control/debuff/damage with Gauntlet running, you are the lead tank, like it or not. It's not a question of what you can solo on Heroic; I could solo many missions on Heroic with a Defender who never took powers after level 1, if I kept my insps stocked. It's a question of what you scale up to.

And this guy would get owned on an 8-man ITF unless he dropped all his AoE toggles. At that point, why play the set in the first place? The offensive mitigation is lovely, but it's not going to help against anything that's actually a threat to tankers in the first place (strong bosses, EBs, AVs).

And as for KB being bad for melee...Stone Melee, Super Strength, and War Mace all have quite a few powers with KB in them, all of which can be ENHANCED

[/ QUOTE ]

The only power in any of those sets that has a KB magnitude high enough to do Knock Back as opposed to Knock Down is Hurl Boulder.

You, on the other hand, are putting an almost magnitude 7 KB in a toggle! Not just any toggle, but the Tanker's primary mez protection! That's psychotic.

And why is "ENHANCED" in caps anyway? Who enhances KB on their Tanker? I mean, really.

Awesome idea, and props for the thorough writeup. Terrible implementation.



Okay, okay, some more practical suggestions:

Don't make Supercell a (strong) crash power. Look at Regen's Moment of Glory; it provides an incredible amount of mitigation without any kind of crash, but it's balanced by being very short lived and having a very low uptime ratio. I like the idea of a crash power people want to take, but what you could do instead of crashing to Stun (which will force almost all your toggles off, because they're almost all offensive) is crashing to -damage/-acc/-speed/-rech, representing exhaustion. Or another way to look at it is as a sort of Power Build Up-Rage.

DO NOT CRASH TO -END/-RECOVERY. Your toggles drop and you're dead. That's why people skip the existing crash powers in the first place.

Make Cyclone chance for knockup, say, Mag 3-4.

Downpour is an awkwardly, although interestingly, designed power. People will need it to be constantly cycling in order to maintain their mez protection, yet it's a click heal. The net effect of a click heal that is constantly cycling is +regen, however, since click heals do not scale to maxhp (just basehp), it's less potent than an equivalent +regen power. Hmm.

So, here's an interesting suggestion I have for you. The powers will need to be rebalanced in general, but this is the quick and dirty version:

<ul type="square">[*]Kill Hailstones. It's out of place in a Tanker set and you're going to need the power slot. Don't worry, I'm going to give you something similar back.[*]Make Downpour a psuedopet power. You summon Downpour, which heals you and leaves behind a large pool of water. The pool is a little like an Oil Slick. If it takes electrical damage, all foes standing within it also take electrical damage (each time it's hit). If it takes ice damage, it freezes, possibly trapping (immobilizing) foes standing in it and doing some cold damage over time to them. It also becomes an Ice Slick at that point (and so the electrical damage effect no longer applies).[*]Add in a mez protection power. I recommend a toggle, but a click is fine too. If it's a toggle, consider a +regen toggle (similar to Rooted or Integration). Since you're mostly worried about a single type of mez, Stun, you could even just make it an auto power; look at Resilience or Grounded for ideas.[/list]
Another thing, which is the last I'm going to add for now but by no means exhausts things that can or should be changed:

Toggle: Self +DEF(All but Psionics), Foe -ToHit, Disorient

[/ QUOTE ]

This does not make sense. Do not put +DEF and Foe -ToHit in the same power. Just increase the +DEF component significantly; it's far more valuable for the Tanker anyway.



I don't see the knockback dammage aura..

[/ QUOTE ]

I meant one aura does knockback and another does Damage. So in theory if both were to be active at the same time the Knockback would know them out of the damage aura.

"Yes, winning all the time can be boring."

"It's amazing how well you can put up with endurance issues if you hide them under a large enough pile of bodies."

-Spiritchaser speaking on Dom Revamp



Could use a bit of stun/disorient protection in there.

[/ QUOTE ]
/e cough
Click: Self Heal, +Res(Fire, Toxic, Sleep, [u]Disorient[u]), +Perception

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]Yeah.... bad idea. Even if you have it flagged to use like a breakfree. Also lacks sleep protection at all.

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



Could use a bit of stun/disorient protection in there.

[/ QUOTE ]
/e cough
Click: Self Heal, +Res(Fire, Toxic, Sleep, [u]Disorient[u]), +Perception

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]Yeah.... bad idea. Even if you have it flagged to use like a breakfree. Also lacks sleep protection at all.

[/ QUOTE ]

In before edit! Hehehehe.

Also, it's not really that different than Active Defense. The problem is more that the Endurance scaling cost from a heal and low duration of effect would probably make it awkward.



Could use a bit of stun/disorient protection in there.

[/ QUOTE ]
/e cough
Click: Self Heal, +Res(Fire, Toxic, Sleep, [u]Disorient[u]), +Perception

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]Yeah.... bad idea. Even if you have it flagged to use like a breakfree. Also lacks sleep protection at all.

[/ QUOTE ]

In before edit! Hehehehe.

Also, it's not really that different than Active Defense. The problem is more that the Endurance scaling cost from a heal and low duration of effect would probably make it awkward.

[/ QUOTE ]Yeah, just saw the sleep in there, but I'm not going to edit since I was already quoted. &gt;.&gt;

However, the problem with that is it starts at 30s recharge, 45s duration. As it stands, this set will be a bigger end-hog than a Spines/Dark scrapper. If you want to do a PB-type mez protection, it should all (or most) be on the one click, have a longer duration, and a better-scaled end cost than this one does.

Although I *love* the idea of having KB protection from level 1. I might suggest putting the sleep/stun protection on the toggle that has hold/immob protection, then altering the heal to be more like Integration on end cost, heal scale, and recharge time, as well as resist duration.

(I do see why you put the sleep/stun protection on Downpour, thematically it's like O2 Boost, but I think it is just not a workable method for a tanker/scrapper/brute/stalker.)

I might also suggest giving storm barrier a more exotic mez protection. Perhaps some Confuse protection, because control of something so chaotic as the weather allows you to shrug off attempts to instill chaos in your mind, or something similar?

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



gaah, man. I wish you'd given us numbers in an easier format to understand than RN.

[/ QUOTE ]
What’s wrong with RN? Red Tomax gives it exactly like this…its actually how I got my numbers

For one thing, I can't figure out what the hell the cycle times (much less the cast times) are for any of these powers

[/ QUOTE ]
They are given in the code at the start of the post

It's not a question of what you can solo on Heroic

[/ QUOTE ]
Um…yes it is…that’s how the Devs balance sets

And this guy would get owned on an 8-man ITF unless he dropped all his AoE toggles.

[/ QUOTE ]
…his AoE toggles are his armors…and again, he wouldn’t lead…much like a fire tank.

It is supposed to have a different feel to it…why would the Devs put time into a set that is identical to something we already have?

The only power in any of those sets that has a KB magnitude high enough to do Knock Back as opposed to Knock Down is Hurl Boulder.

[/ QUOTE ]
True, but they can still be enhanced to do KB…or be used against -1, -2, -anything foes and have them do KB. This happens to me on my stone/stone all of the time, and I can honestly say that it doesn’t bother me in the least because they don’t do damage while they’re down, and I just run 5ft over and kill ‘em.

You, on the other hand, are putting an almost magnitude 7 KB in a toggle! Not just any toggle, but the Tanker's primary mez protection! That's psychotic.

[/ QUOTE ]
It’s based off of Hurricane…which has the same mag…which works all the way up to Lt.s I believe…

And as for it being the primary mez protection? No, the click heal has more mez protection. Cyclone protects against holds and immob, the heal does sleep and stuns. Also, why is it psychotic? My tank has -speed in its mez protection…so I run most missions without it…even against Malta.

Don't make Supercell a (strong) crash power.

[/ QUOTE ]
I have thought of everything with this power, and I liked the stun the most…it drops all of your toggles and keeps you from doing any damage or healing for 10 seconds…it doesn’t kill you like Unstoppable, but it does hinder you…plus, its only 10 seconds…you need to play a Super Strength character, Rage has you do nothing for 10 seconds, it’s effectively the same crash, but you get detoggled.

People will need it to be constantly cycling in order to maintain their mez protection, yet it's a click heal.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, that was my intention, it is based off of O2 Boost, which needs to be reapplied in order to keep the protection up…and it also has a fast recharge with a small heal. Also, the protection lasts for 45 seconds while the power takes 30 seconds (unenhanced mind you) to recharge…that means it could be permad VERY easily…

And again, why is everyone complaining about protection being with a heal? I wish there was a reason for me to use Earth’s Embrace more often than I do…which is maybe once every 2-3 missions, and [u]never[u] if I’m teamed.

Kill Hailstones. It's out of place in a Tanker set and you're going to need the power slot. Don't worry, I'm going to give you something similar back.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, you’re right, Burn is an odd power…also, that power is great for damage mitigation, I don’t think you guys see that…

Its KD has a 5% chance for its 0.2sec act. …that’s a 25%/sec chance
And its stun is mag 3! And has a 1% chance for its 0.2sec act. …that’s a 5%/sec chance and works on Lt.s
So, I’m going to call that 20-30% damage mitigation…then, you have 30% res to all damage, and 8% def, also -20dam, -30% rech, and -30% tohit…that’s plenty of mitigation.

This does not make sense. Do not put +DEF and Foe -ToHit in the same power.

[/ QUOTE ]
Well, even though they are effectively the same thing, they both have their own weakness, so that means that, in most cases, only one could be worked around. The defense is mad useless if your opponent has +tohit, and the -tohit isn’t very effective against AVs.

Also lacks sleep protection at all.

[/ QUOTE ]
/e coughcoughcoughdie
Click: Self Heal, +Res(Fire, Toxic, [u]Sleep[u], Disorient), +Perception

[/ QUOTE ]



They are given in the code at the start of the post

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks, skipped the intro and didn't see 'em.

It's not a question of what you can solo on Heroic

[/ QUOTE ]
Um…yes it is…that’s how the Devs balance sets

[/ QUOTE ]

No, it isn't. That's the absolute minimum standard of competence for a set. As you said, you can solo on heroic with just Stone Skin; if "being able to solo Heroic" was what sets were balanced for, why are there seven more powers there aside from the mez protection?

And this guy would get owned on an 8-man ITF unless he dropped all his AoE toggles.

[/ QUOTE ]
…his AoE toggles are his armors…and again, he wouldn’t lead…much like a fire tank.

[/ QUOTE ]

Tanker taunt scaling and Gauntlet mean that every single AoE toggle he's running would generate substantial aggro. Fire tanks have one offensive aura. This set has four. And unlike DA, it appears it's intended for all of them to run simultaneously.

True, but they can still be enhanced to do KB…

[/ QUOTE ]

And nobody does. Does this not suggest anything to you? Anything at all?

Yes, that was my intention, it is based off of O2 Boost, which needs to be reapplied in order to keep the protection up…

[/ QUOTE ]

And, what, you think it would be a good idea to base Tanker mez protection on Defender heals? Hooboy.

you need to play a Super Strength character, Rage has you do nothing for 10 seconds

[/ QUOTE ]

No, Rage stacks and avoids the crash. It's designed to behave this way.

Well, even though they are effectively the same thing, they both have their own weakness, so that means that, in most cases, only one could be worked around.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, they don't! The weakness of defense is +tohit. The weakness of -tohit is +tohit, but also res(-tohit). This is basic arithmetic:

+50% tohit(res tohit 50%) - 5% def = 45% tohit.
+50% tohit(res tohit 50%) - 5% tohit = 47.5% tohit.

There is no time at which -tohit is better than +def for the character it's being used by, and it's rarely even equal to. Plus being an offensive effect means the toggle is suppressible. Which goes right back to your endurance hog of a click mez protect...

Also, why is it psychotic? My tank has -speed in its mez protection…so I run most missions without it…

[/ QUOTE ]

There's something seriously wrong here. You play a tank solo without mez protection, rarely use Earth's Embrace, and only use Stone Skin to mitigate? Are you sure 'bout that?

even against Malta.

[/ QUOTE ]

...What makes Malta special?


There's something seriously strange about your standards, and I can't figure out where it's coming from. Do you mostly team? Or are you heavily slotted for +Def? Do you use Granite a lot? Or do you just never, ever leave Heroic difficulty?



Also lacks sleep protection at all.

[/ QUOTE ]
/e coughcoughcoughdie
Click: Self Heal, +Res(Fire, Toxic, [u]Sleep[u], Disorient), +Perception

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]Try reading my second post in this thread where I corrected myself.

Anyway, I'm not going to spam a self-heal every 30 seconds just to have mez protection. Also, this set is light on defensiveness, yet will garner more aggro without taking taunt than an ice tank that took taunt.

Finally, mag 7 will KB anything shy of an EB. I like the concept, but the execution needs a lot of work.

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



You only need to spam the self heal if you are sleepy or hurt.



Sleeps and Stuns are two of the more common types of Mez in the game.

If a mob group HAS mez, it's basically guaranteed to have a sleep or a disorient. Even if they don't have true Mez powers, there are many melee attacks that have a stun component.

Particularly at the higher end of the game, you WILL be spamming that power for the protection it offers, instead of the heal, effectively meaning that you wont have a heal.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



rant&lt;as for me playing my tank, i find it far too easy to play with my armors up. he is a stone/stone with 4 IOs...not 4 sets, 4 IOs, Numina +regen/recov, Preform +end, and two Damage procs in Mud Pots, just because i hate running out of end. I play him on heroic because he already hit 50, and i just want to do the content fast, no need to get exp, but still, i herd up 2-3 groups at a time depending on the enemy group, and plow through missions with just Stone Skin, toggling on Rooted for the regen when a spawn gets particularly finicky (which isnt often) or when i dont feel like using rest between spawns. I said Malta because they are a mez group, they spam the stuns, and my 15% res tank can still take em down without insps. now, as for me teaming, i run with rooted and rock armor...not granite...and can still tank 8 man spawns, thats 25%def, 15%res, and 300%regen? i have had people on my teams ask me why i didnt take granite...then i toggle it on to show them, and they dont ask after that, also, they never complain and say that i need to put granite on because im not "tanking"&gt;endrant

you know...the heal is like, 25% of a health bar, and you can click it every 15-20 seconds when slotted...thats a good heal...the heals in Invin, Stone, and Ice are 2/3 a bar with a long recharge, so their heal/sec is very low...almost uselessly so, fires heal is 1/3 and has a fast heal, 25-ish when slotted, and has better heal/sec...25% every 20 seconds is very high...thus the end cost.

And also, you make the game sound very difficult...which is actually the last adjective i would ever use to describe COH/V.

All in all, i really just wish i could make a numbers set (no animations or anything, just combat-stuff) and play it for you just to show how effective this set would be...IMO, i would also put money down

It seems to me like you guys are complaining about this set the same way people complain Trick Arrow doesnt have a heal...


on a side note, why does every post i make, or anyone for that matter, always degenerate to two or more people arguing over whether some insignificant thing is valid or not?

"i think they should make blueberry glazed donuts"
"no, thats stupid, no one likes blueberries"
"Blueberries are good for you and they dont make blue donuts, and they should, theyre all pink"
"i like pink donuts..."
"so do i, but blue would be a nice change"
"no, i dont want blue donuts..."
"yeah, but, i wouldnt mind them"
"too bad, its a stupid idea"



yeah, you just lost all of your validity because of this...
No, Rage stacks and avoids the crash. It's designed to behave this way.

[/ QUOTE ]

im actually dumbfounded...

how does rage avoid the crash exactly?

.........................buff= +80% damage, +20% tohit
....................crash= -9990% damage,.................-20% defense
total when stacked = -9910% damage, +20% tohit, -20% defense

you cant do any damage with that...actually, i think you can do 1damage...ONE...yes, stacking soooo cancels that out



how does rage avoid the crash exactly?

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If rage is stacked when it expires, it does not crash defense. Haven't you ever played the set?

you know...the heal is like, 25% of a health bar

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Fully slotted, yes, it's equal to 25% of the health of a Tanker with no maxhp buffs. That makes it easily the weakest heal available to Tankers.

Edit: To compare, Dark Armor has more mitigation in every way than this set, and its heal is just as fast and offers 5% more base heal unslotted. Per enemy affected.

fires heal is 1/3 and has a fast heal

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Fire's heal is 50% when slotted.

I said Malta because they are a mez group

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No. Carnies, CoT, those are mez groups. Malta almost exclusively uses Disorient and rarely stacks it to any appreciable degree or duration.

And also, you make the game sound very difficult...

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Maybe because I do difficult things in it.

All in all, i really just wish i could make a numbers set (no animations or anything, just combat-stuff) and play it for you just to show how effective this set would be...

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You can do pretty much just that. Get ahold of Arcanaville's spreadsheet and add in a column for your set. Compare the numbers.



You can do pretty much just that. Get ahold of Arcanaville's spreadsheet and add in a column for your set. Compare the numbers.

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this actually made me very excited...

May i ask where to find such a wonderful thing?

Having said spreadsheet would definitely get me out of your hair