Storm Armor Set, Take Two...




Could use a bit of stun/disorient protection in there.

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/e cough
Click: Self Heal, +Res(Fire, Toxic, Sleep, [u]Disorient[u]), +Perception

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]Yeah.... bad idea. Even if you have it flagged to use like a breakfree. Also lacks sleep protection at all.

[/ QUOTE ]

I saw that was was asked for was protection, and he points to res

for status mezzes,
protection >>>>> res (except in pvp were its all res... now )




Have fun.

[/ QUOTE ]

Unless you're a skilled Excel jockey, I would recommend not *adding* a column, but throwing your numbers into the "sandbox" column near the middle of the sheet. It was put there for that purpose, so formulas and references wouldn't explode when things were moved around.

Also, you'll need to have at least some knowledge of how powers are defined, because the sheet defines things like defense and resistance by scale number. That's so that the sheet can compare the difference between tankers and scrappers, say, by simply flipping the modifiers.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



I saw that was was asked for was protection, and he points to res

for status mezzes,
protection >>>>> res (except in pvp were its all res... now )

[/ QUOTE ]

that is's the difference:

Protection has a magnitude:
"[u]-12.975[u] Stun, Held, Sleep, Terrorized for 0.75s"

Resistance has a percentage:
"RES(Stun, Held, Sleep, Terrorized) [u]+129.75%[u] for 0.75s"



Resistance lowers the duration of the mez, it does not protect the player.

Player X has Mag 8 Stun Protection: they get hit by Mag 3 Stun that lasts 4 seconds, they are not stunned. They get hit by three Mag 3 Stuns that last 4 seconds, it overpowers their protection and they are stunned for 4 seconds.

Player has 100% Stun Resistance: they get hit by a Mag 3 Stun that lasts 4 seconds, they are Stunned for 2 seconds.

-= idspispopd =-

[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]



Alright, I fooled around with the spreadsheet (even with some of the formulas gone...had to do some searching for other cells with them) and it turns out that, as it stands, the set is actually OP...against even enemies.

Since the majority of the protection comes from the tohit debuffs, the higher the enemies, the less protection you have.

Also, I was saddened that there wasnt a place to put stuns, confusion, and kb/d in the calculations...

But seeing as the set outperformed all of the other sets without the other mitigation, I have to say that it would only become more godly...

I didn't even calculate what it would be if Supercell was up...that would definitely be way OP.

So anyway, I guess I win...and lose

it is now confirmed that the set is very survivable
however, its too good...

i need to lower something...thohit debuff is the blaring one...



Sounds good. Its an original and creative power set, and I like it, well other than some of the balance issues. That's what the S&I is good for though, bouncing ideas and concepts, getting feedback and tweaking the idea. I'll be looking for Take Three, unless you just update this thread.

-= idspispopd =-

[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]



Also, I was saddened that there wasnt a place to put stuns, confusion, and kb/d in the calculations...

[/ QUOTE ]

That would be ... non-trivial to add. I was derailed just trying to add endurance drain in a meaningful way. If and when I return to that spreadsheet, its endurance drain that I would want to incorporate next. Stuns and KB would be a bit more difficult.

Confusion - that would be very difficult to incorporate.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Okay, here are some changes that I have thought of...I would like to hear what you guys have to say about them...

*High Winds: no changes, unless I up the resistances of the set as a from 20% to 25%...but no higher

*Weathered Resolve: was thinking of adding confusion and/or terrorize resistance (not protection)

*Downpour: no change

*Atmospheric Discharge: no change, possibly up resistance

*Cyclone: change KB to KU, remove -tohit, change it to 10% defense for all but Psi

*Cloud Cover: change it to a PBAoE summon click power that only lowers tohit and has a mag2 disorient-
---30 second recharge
---10 second durration
---10%/sec chance of a 5.96s mag2 disorient
---9.375% tohit debuff
---18.2 end cost (same as Hailstones)

*Cold Front: no change unless resistance is increased

*Hailstones: no change

*Supercell: Leave flags for +res in the armors, remove the others, add +50% Dam, and make it a +50% special for everything. The result is a weaker Power Build Up+Fly with a crash (makes me think of Fiery Embrace)



Cyclone Ku cracks me up because I never got to see the only tier 4 Speed power.