Where oh where has Noire been?
I hated that I used junk food as a stump when I quit smoking and gained weight, now all I gotta do is take it off!
[/ QUOTE ]Speaking of which. I might be a little more or less sane for the next couple of weeks while I get the junk out of my system. Even more so since I smoked more while playing.
*Tries very hard to stay away from Team Fortress 2.* oo
Toons found here.
Gamer cards found here.
Proud member of Angels of Wrath and South of Heaven.
MA#: 65131 Play it today.
cookies and stuff too the things I can't have anymore!
[/ QUOTE ]
Ulli help! Ulli eat cookies for Noire!

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.
I hated that I used junk food as a stump when I quit smoking and gained weight, now all I gotta do is take it off!
[/ QUOTE ]Speaking of which. I might be a little more or less sane for the next couple of weeks while I get the junk out of my system. Even more so since I smoked more while playing.
*Tries very hard to stay away from Team Fortress 2.* oo
[/ QUOTE ]
Hubby been drinking OJ and chewing the Hyvee brand nicotene (sp?) gum. After 8 months hes down to 4 peices of gum a day and don't crave smokes anymore. OJ will strip the junk from ur system faster, I used to chew alot of mint gum or eat mints.... (stay away from the junk food tho don't do what i did ) and having support from friends helps too, i have a quitting smoking book here La if u wanna take a look at it on Saturday, ill find it just incase
cookies and stuff too the things I can't have anymore!
[/ QUOTE ]
Ulli help! Ulli eat cookies for Noire!
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks Ulli !!
Ill keep making them you eat them
cookies and stuff too the things I can't have anymore!
[/ QUOTE ]
Ulli help! Ulli eat cookies for Noire!
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks Ulli !!
Ill keep making them you eat them
[/ QUOTE ]
Ulli humanitarian is!

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.
cookies and stuff too the things I can't have anymore!
[/ QUOTE ]
Ulli help! Ulli eat cookies for Noire!
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks Ulli !!
Ill keep making them you eat them
[/ QUOTE ]
Ulli humanitarian is!
[/ QUOTE ]
Hmm, vegetarian.....
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes
cookies and stuff too the things I can't have anymore!
[/ QUOTE ]
Ulli help! Ulli eat cookies for Noire!
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks Ulli !!
Ill keep making them you eat them
[/ QUOTE ]
Ulli humanitarian is!
[/ QUOTE ]
Hmm, vegetarian.....
[/ QUOTE ]
Mmmmmmm, humans

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.
Keep up the good work, Noire! I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a couple years ago because I really let myself go, eating like I used to when I was in high school. At nearly 40 years old, I can't do that anymore and my body let me know that in no uncertain terms.
I'm not on as strict a diet as you appear to be, but I've still got to watch it. You'll really thank yourself in another 13 years when you get to my age, providing you stick with it. I tend to lapse ... bad Broadback!
Keep it up, cookie mistress. Maybe I can learn from your example.
you can do it BB, im fighting to keep at it diabeaties does run in my family (type 2 as well) so far its been in all the males im gonna fight not to bring it to the females, I don't want too and I don't want it myself I hate needles so im gonna keep going. I have great friends here on guardian and they been helping keep my in line as well as well as friends in rl and a amazing hubby If you need BB msg me anytime so u know that
Edit - Biggest loser cadio max and Jillain Micheals cardio kick box is alot of fun, expecally when Jillain tells you to get your [beep] moving she can be a [beep] but it works!
Where's Metabolism Man when you need him? G'luck, Noire!
Nerf told me a little bitabout this while on a drive to get together with everyoen else last Friday nite, good luck with it Noire
@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!
Sounds like your new diet might have some positive side effects.
Keep up the good work. And listen to your doctor.
I have a high blood pressure problem. My doctor put on this medication
and recommended a change in my diet. I started eating more
greens and cut back on moderate to high fat foods. I've lost some
weight and my bp is at a managable level. My numbers are better,
but my doctor said they could get a lot better.
Just hang in there, and keep going on with the changes. I know
what it's like to force one's self to make the changes.
Home server: Guardian
My 50s: 3 scrappers, 2 tankers, 1 blaster, 1 defender, 1 controller, 1 warshade, 1 stalker, 1 brute, 1 corruptor, 1 widow, 1 dominator, 1 mastermind (on Liberty)

Current project
*eat noire*
I play all my toons like a blaster: I die a lot.

global handle: @Pepsiman
Wii Code: 5292 9629 8964 1440
XBL: IndyBanzai
*heimlich Pepsi*
Best of luck with getting this sorted, Noire- if you can find a Chiriascuro restaurant in your area (Brazilian BBQ), you might be able to treat yourself (not sure on spices and whatnot) while this is going on- most of what's on the menu is meat. Lots and lots of it
Delicious, though.
"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates
MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"
*Has his own Stop Smoking book.* It's funny, but it's not trying to be. I'll add OJ to stuff to buy. Maybe Cranberry once and awhile. It's got to be better then drinking soda all the time.
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Proud member of Angels of Wrath and South of Heaven.
MA#: 65131 Play it today.
Now Being on a 20 carb a day thing (unlimited meats, eggs and cheese and staying away from pasta, taters, rice etc) and getting used to the meds the doc gave me (Insulin reducers) since my body was over producing Insulin and just storing everything and not burning it off like your body suppose too... reason I lost 8 sizes but only 2lbs of weight, crazy eh?
[/ QUOTE ]
Not crazy at all. Calories in, calories out. What they forgot to mention is metabolism is a mega calories out. All my friends out eat me, are lazier, yet rail thin.
thyroid can also do a wonker on you.
I am not diabetic we are gonna prevent that. It's such a pain! But as the doc said hopefully its only temp with the meds, Ive already lost 5 inches in my waist since Saturday (the 21st) when I started taking the meds for the first time. Thing that amazes me is im slowly getting my body used to the meds instead of taking the full dose right away.
[/ QUOTE ]
Congrats and glad your not diabetic. Insulin resistance isnt your friend (I dont have it ... yet)
If I may offer one piece of advice, I've lost 50 (yes, 50 lbs) doing what you do. I have more energy and feel better. My thin friends tell me I'm going ot have a heart attack, yet (at the lower weight), I have lower cholesterol (the bad kind and total), and lower blood pressure than them (in fact, I still do, even overweight, unless they are taking medication for it. i dont.).
But the BIGGEST problem you will encounter is fiber (yes, poopy stuff). If I may recommend, take a LOT of insoluble fiber (I dont like mixing it in water, it sticks to my teeth). I used psyllium seed husks. Side effects include regularity AND reduced cholesterol. Take it constantly.
I avoid juice (no fiber, mostly sugar. MUCH better to eat the actual fruit itself). Your hubbie might be better of just eating the oranges.
If you want to increase your range of foods, look at the glycemic index, its a better way to see what foods are good for you, as compared to raw carb count (20 carbs of pure sugar will mess you up, 20 carbs of strawberries or brocolli wont even dent you)
I LOVE milk, but I have some trouble digesting it. HOOD makes a dairy drink (cream based), so its near zero carbs.
I just finished physical therapy (torn meniscus), and two previous injuries (hasnt been a good prior year), so I gained all mine back.
Drink LOTS of water. There is a 'potential' problem of kidney stones, if not enough water (my doctor warned me, never got it).
Wishing you the best!
50 Tanks: Invul/ss, Fire/ice/fire, Ice/em, Stone/fire
WP/Stone, dark/dark, shld/mace
50 Other: WS, SS/dark/sc brute, BS/Regen/WM scrpr, fire/fire/force blaster, rad/kin corr, mind/rad ctrl, ill/storm cntrl
Thanks everyone, I can't drink milk to many carbs. I was told heavy cream (ICK!)
All my other levels are normal in my body the doc said.. with fat and sugar all of that is normal just insulin is messed up.
For breakfast today I had pork chops and eggs, yeah weird but what I could eat and it was less then 1 carb.
She told me:
Breakfast - Meats, eggs, cheese. Water coffee or tea. Crystal light is OK.
Protein snacks (every 3-4hrs) between meals.. like: Macadamia nuts, almonds, beef jerkey, hard boiled eggs or cheese.
Lunch/Dinner: Unlimited meat, fish or chicken.
1 cup of green salad with regular ranch, bleu cheese, oil/vinegar.... (no low fat or sweet dressings)
1 1/2 cups of broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, cabbage, green beans or spinach.
Dessert: Sugar free jello and heavy cream whipped with splenda
Condiments: mustard, real mayo, soy sauce, tabasco, butter, heavy cream and artificial sweeteners.
2 diet sodas per day if wanted
1 bouillon cube in 1 cup of water for headaches...
**NO SWEET SAUCES, candy cookies cakes breads potatoes pasta or rice**
Was was I was told >_>
Im sure things are gonna be alright though and hopefully I can get things in order. I hope the best for everyone else too!
Ive already lost 5 inches since saturday, its gotta be working
well time to eat again I feel that sicky feeling coming again....
That sicky feeling is about the ONLY thing i hate about this right now, everything else im fine with
EDIT - As far as fruit, only time i can have it is BEFORE I work out cause if i work out im allowed a yougert or whatever before hand as long as I burn it off during that workout, I am taking extra Calcium with vitimin D to keep my Calcimum up because I used to drink ALOT of milk, sometimes a half a gallion in a day because i love milk that much, im also taking one a day womens with bone and breast health added, iron but I think i am going to stop taking those as soon as there gone I don't need them anymore.
But so yeah
Thanks again all!
well sorry i took so long in posting on here Noire, glad to hear you're doing alright i was hoping so
and as ive told ya before i need to get my [censored] back in gear cuz i been so lazy lately im not even sure if my TKD uniform fits me anymore but ill be trying to match ya in what i do as well but work does leave me tired alot so im not always up for stuff like that
oh and btw i thought you had been over on Test too
oh and btw i thought you had been over on Test too
[/ QUOTE ]
accually nope today was the first day i was over there in over a week, shocking I know! I played Ulli's arc to serve cookie, had me giggling
One thing my doc said too was the reason i was tired all the time was also cause of my insulin levels and having no motavation. Funny you say that cause on the doctors tv show I was watching today said thats the number one excuse people use NOT to work out, once you get going and even if you have to get up earily you will notice your energy level start to pick up. I have so much half the time I need to feed some of it to hubby
Hes lucky though hes always been in shape expecally when he was in the army RAWR !
Oh claps hands! Im glad everything is working for you Noire I know you was worried.
I havent been on much lately cause I myself have started some self improvement stuff. Quitting smoking is one thats been tough as heck. But we are getting there( I use jolly ranchers lol and i get pissed when i run out of watermelon). Im not in need of losing weight but I was in desperate need of just getting excerise. So I joined marital arts with my sons and let me tell you I hurt hurt hurt. But it does feel good to be out and getting excerise.
*stands behind Noire*
You know.. I think Huggy should go on a sympathy diet instead of dreanching burgers in ketchup.
And La.. It's all in your head after 72 hours if you don't go with the patches and gums and just quit. You won't let your mind beat you will you?
The Kickers base.
Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.
-Groucho Marx
And La.. It's all in your head after 72 hours if you don't go with the patches and gums and just quit. You won't let your mind beat you will you?
[/ QUOTE ]*Stares at Jack with a lighter.* oo You look good enough to smoke. I'm sure once I get pass the body aches, being tried all the time, legs twitching around at night, and headaches, I'll much more healthy... as compare to when I was smoking and didn't have all that. *Shrug*
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Proud member of Angels of Wrath and South of Heaven.
MA#: 65131 Play it today.
They say smoking is bad for you. I submit people quitting smoking is bad for everyone else and for the security of all others should continue smoking.
Oh.. Did I mention I quit smoking five years ago? After 15 years of smoking I just quit. Yes like that. You can do it La. If Shadow_Ravenwolf could you can.
The Kickers base.
Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.
-Groucho Marx
True indeed. But we are a a culture of substance abusers. Almost everyone has a substance or some THING they depend upon for support. Quitting smoking, dieting, whatever it is you wish to change cannot simply be a shell-game of trading one thing for another. Substitution does not solve the underlying problem of discontentment. One must learn how to be content, to be at peace, independently of anyone or anything.
On Guardian!
Mike Halo
& a few dozen others.
Our SG: Stars of Paragon
Fiction: Training Day
Guess some of you are wondering eh?

Thing that amazes me is im slowly getting my body used to the meds instead of taking the full dose right away.

cause im like in game alot and have not been for awhile
I know I ment to update quite a few of you too and I figured this is the best way to do it
I been busy this week hubbys working mornings and im getting into a new routine I didn't think it was gonna hit this hard but it is.
As most of you are aware I had a docs app recently...
Now Being on a 20 carb a day thing (unlimited meats, eggs and cheese and staying away from pasta, taters, rice etc) and getting used to the meds the doc gave me (Insulin reducers) since my body was over producing Insulin and just storing everything and not burning it off like your body suppose too... reason I lost 8 sizes but only 2lbs of weight, crazy eh?
I am not diabetic we are gonna prevent that. It's such a pain! But as the doc said hopefully its only temp with the meds, Ive already lost 5 inches in my waist since Saturday (the 21st) when I started taking the meds for the first time.
Another Pain is i have to eat every 2hrs or I feel sick, but I am a meat person so this works perfectly lol.
Now the hardest is D&D day and Saturday when everyone comes for comicon.. all the junk food we are going to be eating lol. cookies and stuff too the things I can't have anymore!
I can do it though, speaking of which I need to make cookies soon and NOT lick the spoon, I had to do that the other day when I made mashed taters for hubby it was so hard cause I am so used to tasting the food before i serve it to be sure everythings seasoned right! or when I made burgers yesterday but I couldn't add the bread crumbs to mine and had to cook hubbys and I's burgers seprate and while he smothered ketchup and a bun with his I had mine on a plate with pickles and mustard lol. It's taking some getting used too
So all in all everything is fine, just need to get my body to produce Insulin properly and get used to this new routine, though I am feeling alot better. Ill keep you updated with the progress, and hopefully I can be back to my size 6 I was in highschool in no time
I hated that I used junk food as a stump when I quit smoking and gained weight, now all I gotta do is take it off!
EDIT - I have also taken a step back from PERC for a bit as well as once in awhile writing for the scoop again on recipes