The 600 Club!




Originally Posted by Angry_Angel View Post
-Three- new pages since I posted last. Hot ******* dog! Welcome new faces and congratulations! There's a bit 'o warm and fuzzy seeing more people in this part of the forums.
Kinda figured there'd be a new surge of posts here, since i17 added... what? 75 badges? I figure the 700 club thread will see some more activity, too. And it's only going to get crazier once GR hits! 6-and-700 badges are going to be on the low end, all of a sudden!

Like a Runaway Train!
SS's Crey Profile
SS's Virtue Handbook Page
Liberty League: Leave the Justice to Us!



I didn't feel like it was appropriate to necro this thread to announce this, but after consulting one of my main peeps in this community (you know who you are), I decided to announce that Pink Lioness is now a part of the 600 club



I don't think P.L. is going to make it that far. I have no intention of turning her heel for the sake of badging. A to-the-core hero she is.



Originally Posted by Angryellow View Post
I don't think P.L. is going to make it that far. I have no intention of turning her heel for the sake of badging. A to-the-core hero she is.
Well then you'll just have to wait for Issue 19 then. With the Praetorian and Incarnate badges, you should be able to get to 750.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Angryellow View Post
I don't think P.L. is going to make it that far. I have no intention of turning her heel for the sake of badging. A to-the-core hero she is.
not even for a 6 month deep cover operation? ... C'mon to be a great hero you need to know how a great villain thinks ... and badges are pretty.

Card Carrying DeFulmenstrator--Member Crazy 88s
We burn more Influence before 8am than you make all day.



Originally Posted by _23X_ View Post
not even for a 6 month deep cover operation? ... C'mon to be a great hero you need to know how a great villain thinks ... and badges are pretty.
That's what Manticore did. And what my main hero badger is doing. He's so deep undercover, he's on another bed!

Now, as for my main villain badger, he's trying out how the other side lives. That and trying to corrupt some goody-two-shoes into villainy.
Muah ahahahah ahahahahhahah!!!!

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



A week ago my main was at 450 odd badges, as of today he is at 652. Kinda proud of near 200 badges in a week.

Thanks to all those who keep helping me out with them too.



My Praetorian Mind/Elec is at 608 atm