A heartfelt thanks!




I'm just in a good mood and wanted to offer a warm thanks to all the great artists in the CoX community that often offer works of art to us lucky forumites. I've had the pleasure of getting a few free pieces and I wanted to show my appreciation to all of the hard work that goes into them. I really enjoy being a part of this section of the forums, even though I'm not much of an artist myself, I merely try to contribute a little with the occasional screenshot and costume contest/show off/help thread. But it's a really great feeling to see the characters I dreamed up in art form, some as I would have never imagined, but they've all brought a smile to my face and I really do appreciate them all.

So there you have it, hope I'm not coming off as mushy, or weird. But a personal thank you again to Images by Alex, John Printemps, Projectionist, Derek the Awesome, and TechnicDragon (even though I don't think I found him through the CoX boards). As well as Tartyrsauce and Lady Judgment, I appreciate being included in your current projects, and can't wait to see all the results.



Congratulations and it's nice to see such heartfelt thanks. The world needs more people like you, Bub. :3

http://www.virtueverse.net/wiki/Massacre_Melanie -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



The artists here are beyond wonderful. If I was rich, I'd keep them busy for years



The artists here are beyond wonderful. If I was rich, I'd keep them busy for years

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree fully with this statement exactly as written. o.q

It's half the reason I make sure to cruise through here, to see the amazing things people create (or have created for them!), occasionally to interact with funderfully nifty people, and mostly just because lurking is my favorite past-time.

*Smoke grenade!*



heehee.. totally my pleasure bubbawheat ... its nice to know how much others appreciate mine and others work..



The artists here are beyond wonderful. If I was rich, I'd keep them busy for years

[/ QUOTE ]

this. *looks at lottery ticket wishfully*

@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!



The artists here are beyond wonderful. If I was rich, I'd keep them busy for years

[/ QUOTE ]

Ditto Ditto!



And its appreciation like that which ends up producing more free stuff

Waitasecond...I'm in that list....O_O They've found me!!! ~runs and hides~

Originally Posted by Arcanaville
Warning: crazy space limit reached. Please delete some crazy and try again.



I want to also appreciate those that contribute to the art forum, I've actually started to miss you gals and guys from all my other activities. I've been graced by many artists like John, Alex, TickyTacky and some I"m sure I'm forgetting, I just want to make sure you know I enjoy art and the artist who produce it.



Hurry up and get rich, people! I'm eating dirt and bugs here!



Wow, it's really nice to have such a heartfelt thank you.

It's my pleasure.



trying too Foo, I think I speak for msot of us here that we'd all rather be sitting comfortably commissioning art from you guys rather than working jsut to maintain a living *dumps a pile of chocolate covered bugs for Foo to eat in the meantime*

@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!



oooo...chocolate covered bugs! *MUNCH*MUNCH*What*MUNCH*she*said!*MUNCH*MUNCH*~

...the sword is truth...




hey! those were for Foo! lol and it's HE lol

@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!



Heartfelt thanks.